Steel steam and flame

Chapter 2347 The precursor of a heavy rain (14)

Clotiers looked at Barman, saw the serious expression on his face, and fell into thinking. The two walked slowly on this road, which was the main street, and entered a group of deserted buildings affected by the battle, where the cold wind howled.

"I have always believed that there are many aspects and cannot be judged by good or bad alone. After being awakened, I learned that I need to enter the root system network again for recovery. Not only you and me, but even the group of people from the Nature Association must have been told The details were given. The lack of rejection at that time meant that a decision had been made. Why do we need to ask again about matters that have already been decided at this time?"

"Of course, if you need an answer, the answer is to answer it from two aspects." Clotiers looked around at the damaged buildings, and the thoughts in his head gradually turned into words, "On the good side, our recovery is very good. Yes, it is definitely not as good as our own selves in our respective eras of existence, but the current situation is completely acceptable. In addition, I don’t know that I have a little relationship with the root network, and I have a deeper understanding and exploration of it. Can this be considered a good aspect? In short, re-entering the root network as a second type of life form, with strong spiritual power, at least lets us know what the roots of the trees below the ground look like and what they are like. ”

He sighed here, "The time from the ancient historical period to the present is too long. We have only gone through hundreds of years, and we already feel like we are lingering. The situation of the ancient historical root network will only get worse. The new world tree The supplement is too weak, and it only affects a small area like the Three-Phase Continent. If the distance is further extended, its supplement cannot be transported at all, and it will be completely consumed on the way."

"All we can do is admire from the sidelines - it is indeed a world tree that can rival the gods in terms of its own strength. It has been able to support it from the ancient historical period to the present, and it has not completely decayed. It is all relying on the indispensable power of its prosperous period. Imagination is powerful. If you said that our world is completely supported by the World Tree, I would not doubt it now."

Baman smiled and said with the same seriousness on his face: "You can add one more thing. The third general chose to let us enter the root network for recovery. In fact, he also had the intention of letting us personally confirm that the continent group world does exist. Indeed. It has indeed been confirmed on the ground, and it is also more clearly understood that the continental world has taken away a lot of things. In addition, as the third general said, the opportunity to become a god does exist, and there is far more than one opportunity!"

"I think this is the best thing. Compared with feeling confused, setting goals and clarifying the path is indeed feasible, which is the most important thing for people like me."

"Whatever the cost?" Clotiers asked Barman, "even the bad aspects of recovery?"

Baman shrugged his shoulders, "As long as you can become a god, will these bad aspects be a problem? Even if the pollution infiltrates the spiritual world and makes us change towards the life form of underground creatures, it cannot be a problem. But, I don't would deny that this is indeed a bad situation.”

"Clotius, did you discover anything while the root network was recovering?" The voice was lowered. The conversation between the two was restricted to a small area, and their voices could not be heard at all.

"As expected, you have discovered it, so it's not just you and me who have the same feelings. Most people have already discovered it and included it in their thinking list." This is not surprising, Clotier Si naturally answered, "With the root network as a connecting object, things from the so-called continental world have also spread here. Is that what interests you?"

"I do feel that although this can definitely be done intentionally by the third general, or Novisas and Letitia are also involved, the purpose is to make us interested and convinced of it. But like you, even if In this way, this can make us believe that the opportunity to become a god is actually not far away from us. The only reason why we couldn't reach it in the past is that the time node has not been reached, not that we are not qualified."

"At this point, we're the same."

The answer made Barman somewhat relaxed and very satisfied: "Whether it was intentional by the third general or a natural phenomenon, this is an exciting enough phenomenon. In addition, I think there is a high probability that the things that are spreading are... Speculating on the will of dead gods.”

"The world of the continental group should not be able to support it any longer. After this red star, it will gradually show its traces, right?"

"Definitely, I think." Clotiers was confident about this.

The two stopped talking at this time, and the conversation during the walk turned into an occasional exchange while rushing quickly. We didn't exactly follow the original route back to the port. The route changed at any time, but the general direction was not much different from when we came.

Around 8 a.m., they were far away from the traces of the battle.

Baman, who was running at an even speed, suddenly paused in his running figure. He squinted his eyes and looked at Clotils, who was already hundreds of meters away from him. "The moment before, my warning intuition once again issued a danger warning."

"Wait a minute." Clotiers picked up half a minute later, "Mr. Salk said he had the same feeling. Did the enemy take the bait, or was this their plan? In short, everyone should remain vigilant. You all have fought your way up from the low-level operator stage, and finally become the second type of life. Even though the length of sleep varies, many memories should not be so blurred that they cannot be recalled. What should I do in this situation? I shouldn’t be qualified to remind you.”

"Continue to maintain the current status. We do not lack patience, but the enemy lacks time." He added, still looking like nothing happened.

"I have some expectations." Baman said, a little excited, "In our respective eras, most of us lack such opportunities."

"Although this should not be a situation to be excited about, the statement is indeed correct."

"Thank you for agreeing." Barman said, maintaining his speed and physical condition, and continued towards the port.

Time passed without any change until around nine o'clock, a huge bell-like roar suddenly sounded in his head. Without any hesitation, his body even instinctively made a pre-judgment. The suitcase in his hand Evaporating in an instant, a white-gray trident was exposed to the air. At the same time, whether it was himself, Clotius, or the other two people hidden around him, the radius of the whole body was close to a circular range of one kilometer. Inside, a piece of gray-white decaying material has appeared out of thin air, spreading out like a carpet of fungi, giving it a visual smell of decay.

At the same time, Barman turned sideways, and Pekinz's words simultaneously sounded in Grote's mental perception: "Ha! Don't worry, Cassia likes these pollutions very much, and the extent of infecting the second type of life is only so much. He just spent more time cleaning it up! He is even using his own body to cultivate this kind of thing when the quantity is not enough. If you bring this gift, maybe the second-generation holy sword will be loaned to you for a while longer."


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