Steel steam and flame

Chapter 2346 The precursor of the heavy rain (13)

Grote looked into the distance, observed the situation, and then nodded, "It seems to be slightly spread out. There is very little information I can detect. After all, the evolutionary path is not the head. Mental perception has never been my strong point. It is barely above the horizontal line. It’s just the standard.”

He put away the second-generation holy sword and put it into a gray-black scabbard made of horny body around his waist. "Stealth is what I am best at. It has been so long, but in the past in the military The feeling of receiving orders and going out to carry out numerous tasks is still very clearly imprinted in my memory. This body has been optimized by the Avalon Institution, and I actually prefer to regard it as a more perfect machine."

As he spoke, he seemed to flip a switch in his body, and all the breath disappeared instantly. In Perkinz's perception, Grote is still in sight, but based on the analysis of the information obtained, he has become a stone humanoid statue that can move freely and cannot have anything to do with life.

Through Grote's explanation based on actual facts, Perkinz immediately understood what "a more perfect machine" meant. "The technology of the Avalon Mechanism is indeed terrifying. It has indeed become a complete machine. But at any time You can't change it according to your thoughts without paying any price, right? It should take more time to transform back into a living body."

Grote nodded, "Of course, the body is still this body, but there must be enough time to reactivate the energy optical flow network and establish the necessary connections. In addition, let's call it the current state of 'mechanization mode', and It cannot last for a long time. Its principle is still based on the high standard strength of this skeleton to forcefully memorize the energy optical flow network and various details, which is similar to freezing and saving the state of the body, and then quickly calling it at the required time point. . There will be side effects, after all, it’s not my original body.”

"It can freeze the state for ten hours, which is a long period of time. It is enough for use." Grote stretched his body, "Let's go over and take advantage of this time to choose a suitable target. With the cooperation of the two of us, we will have a good result." There is a high probability that the set mission objectives will be accomplished in the first attack.”

"Give the enemy a bit of a shock."

"It should be a huge shock. After all, neither you nor I, nor the popes of all ages, have ever been killed directly after meeting the enemy. You can use this mentality—— The enemy will be wary of our attacks from the dark, but they will certainly not think about the situation that they will die in the first attack. They are all people of the Knight King class, and everyone is full of confidence in themselves. If it were not for themselves I’ve already died once, and I won’t think about the situation in which I will die.”

"It's a pity that I can't convey similar feelings to you." Grote regretted, but it was more of a subtle show off.

"No need, Ms. New World Tree often makes me have similar feelings. It's not as profound as you, but it's enough to make me extremely humble." Perkins smiled, "This kind of feeling is something I can recommend to you. Yes, if you have time later, you can give it a try, and maybe you can find your former self, at least the self at the moment of death."

Everything about the two people left and completely disappeared into the night.

As the next morning approached, Barman Vestal and Clothiers Scheff slowed down and gradually approached the area that had already been controlled. The surrounding area has been cleared of people, and it is quieter here than elsewhere.

The two of them went to the center of the battle area and looked around at the traces soaked by rain and snow flakes.

"Is there anyone among us who deliberately concealed information in his era?" Barman spoke first and guessed, "The forgery is so sophisticated that it can easily fool the eyes of a group of five-stage surgeons and make them think it is an extreme field. Caused by powerful people within. Even if they are members of the extreme field, if it is not the evolutionary path of the perception direction, the probability of detecting the clues is very small. However, for us..."

"There are also resuscitated members among the enemy. This is the first information we can confirm." Clotiers agreed with Barman's words, withdrew his gaze and focused on the sword marks beside him, "The recovery situation does not seem to be the same. Good, but we cannot rule out that its status will continue to improve in recent times. This is the second piece of information."

"As for the third one." He hummed and confirmed what he was thinking, "In that battle involving extreme field surgeons in a small country, the enemy wanted to hide themselves, but also actively attracted us to come over in advance. in."

"This is a trap. It has been confirmed for a long time." Barman looked over and said, "The emergence of warning intuition indicates that they are around us, maybe they are watching us at this moment, just waiting for a suitable opportunity." After the words Halfway through, his voice became slightly louder and he said, "Shall we be more proactive?"

“Getting in touch with two other people first and making a decision together is the best option.”

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Mr. Clotiers." Barman smiled, "It's a good thing to take the initiative. Although our own will is difficult to be worn away by warning intuition, we are always sensing it and issuing reminders from time to time. It will be uncomfortable. Continue to explore the traces, we should be able to infer some information about the enemy, which may be helpful for us to lock his identity."

Clotiers just nodded and sent out signals in a specific way in his perception. He and Barman separated, each walked to one side and observed the traces of battle on the ground. There is no need for the two of them to deliberately perform anything, this is already an ability integrated into the spirit. If necessary, it is completely feasible to use strong mental power to confuse the enemy by fabricating another version of yourself in a short period of time, regardless of consumption.

The area where the battle traces spread was not small. The two stayed here for several hours, relying on their feet to complete it step by step before meeting on a street at the edge. There you can still see the ruins of buildings that were affected by the battle and collapsed after being destroyed by strong winds.

"It is a temporary simulation that converts freezing air energy. The enemy does not have the status of a land envoy of the giant whale group, but a standard dragon tissue surgeon. But when he killed our extreme field surgeon, he did not use it Mental power only relies on the manipulation and conversion of energy, otherwise you can get more clues."

"What's the result of the discussion?" Baman asked after finishing the result he had already obtained.

"We all want to test how far the body goes after resuscitation. This would be a good opportunity to test it."

"Then you and I need to be prepared." Barman replied, and Clotiers followed the road and began the return journey toward the port. "Do you think pollution is a good thing or a bad thing for us?"

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