Star Odyssey

Chapter 2851: The heavy burden put down

If someone else said this, Lu Yin would never believe it. As one of the Sifang Tianping, the Wang family has more than one ancestral realm, so why should they take away the Huangquan water?

But this is what Wei Rong said, and he can trust it five points. Sometimes a smart mind is more reliable than strong strength.

Lu Yin stood up: "Anyway, you gave me a surprise by revealing the whereabouts of Wang Jian and his group. Otherwise, they would have run away, so I will count you as meritorious."

Wei Rong hurriedly stood up and saluted: "This matter is attributed to Wang Wen. If he hadn't controlled the coordinates of those heading to the Six-Party Meeting, they would still be able to leave even if their location was revealed. My subordinates dare not take credit."

"It's the same, both you and him have contributed." Lu Yin appreciated.

Recovering Wang Wen and Wei Rong was the most correct thing he did. One of these two people is good at overall planning and has a long-term vision, and the other is good at conspiracy and can give the enemy a fatal blow. Their joining made Lu Yin It saves too much worry.

"How are the chess pieces?" Lu Yin suddenly asked.

Wei Rong straightened up and said, "Let it go."

Lu Yin nodded, his eyes flickering: "Then let's wait for the end."

In the following time, the six parties will become calm, and the boundless battlefield will be the same as before. The Eternals will neither increase nor decrease their offensive intensity.

The captain of the True God Guard was gradually known by Shi Space.

Ancestor Lu Yuan has been trying to revive Ku Zu, while Lu Tianyi is sitting in the starry sky of the tree to prevent the Eternals from suddenly attacking the battlefield behind.

The Lu family returned to the Starry Sky of the Tree, and the Tianshang Sect guarded the Fifth Continent. They all seemed harmonious.

But Lu Yin knew that this was coming.

For countless years, the one who fought the most with the Eternals was actually Ancestor Lu Tianyi. He warned Lu Yin that the Eternals have always maintained a certain balance. This balance may be a balance of strength, or it may be a balance they recognize. Now, the sudden return of the Lu family has obviously broken a certain balance, so the Eternals must take action.

They will definitely find a way to maintain the balance. If they cannot deal with the Lu family, they will start elsewhere.

Lu Tianyi asked Lu Yin to be careful and also asked Lu Yin to remind the Liufanghui.

Lu Yin reminded that Xu Zhu and others all recognized the words of Ancestor Lu Tianyi, and they had been fighting the Eternals for a long time.

Everyone is waiting for the Eternals' actions.

After Lu Yin warned the Void Lord and the others, he had a strange feeling that the Eternal Clan might be making some moves, and the Six Directions Association might not be doing it.

As the Lord of the Beginning Space, he would definitely be informed if the Six Directions took action, but he did not receive any notification, which made him uneasy. Whether it was the Eternals or the Six Directions Society, their actions would definitely affect the Beginning Space.

For this reason, he went to ask Xu Zhu, Great Elder Shan Gu and others. He asked clear questions and received clear answers. The Six-Party Council would indeed take action, but only for those who are strong in sequence rules. Those who have not reached this level The strong cannot participate.

Lu Yin understood. Ancestor Lu Yuan and Ancestor Lu Tianyi must know, but they didn't tell him.

Although he is the Lord of the Beginning Space, in the eyes of the Lords of the Six Directions Society, the one who can really control the Beginning Space is Ancestor Lu Yuan.

This is normal. Lu Yin really can't participate in that level of battle now.

Ancestor Lu Yuan and the others didn't tell him because they didn't want him to intervene rashly. It would be too dangerous.

Lu Yin finally felt the feeling of being protected.

When the sky falls, Ancestor Lu Yuan and the others are holding it up. No matter what happens in the outside world, no matter how serious it is, he may not need to know about it, because it is not what he needs to bear.

After Lu Yin returned to Tianshang Sect, he thought about it and went to Lu Tian Realm and met Lu Tianyi. He wanted to make sure that the actions of the Six Directions Association would not affect his plan.

"The Eternals planned an attack on the Great Heavenly Lord Tea Party and our Tianshang Sect. Naturally, we should return the favor." Lu Tian said together.

Lu Yin was shocked: "Killing the Eternals?"

Lu Tianyi's eyes were deep: "How deep the water of the Eternals is, I haven't been able to figure it out for so many years. If you rashly attack the Eternals, you may be in bad luck. But even if you don't attack the Eternals, you can still defeat the Eternals." Remove the external claws.”

He looked at Lu Yin: "As the Lord of the Beginning Space, I should tell you this matter, but my ancestor said that you are both the Lord of the Beginning Space and a child of my Lu family. You are still young and don't have to bear these burdens. Go Do what you want to do, in the words of the ancestor, even if you don’t like the Great Heavenly Lord and call her a crazy woman, it will still be supported by the ancestor.”

"Xiao Xuan, enjoy your life. Before we die, the Lu family doesn't need you to resist. Do what you have to do. If the sky falls, we will bear it. After so many years, you are tired."

Lu Yin stared at Lu Tianyi blankly. He knew his family's feelings for him and had always wanted to make up for himself. But over the years, he had stepped forward step by step and reached his current position. His nerves were so tight that it made him relax all of a sudden. Difficult to do.

In his dreams, he hoped that someone would take care of everything for him, so that he could become the carefree Lu Xiaoxuan who only loved food. But when this day came, he was not used to it.

How many people have plotted against him? How many people have bullied him?

He came through it all on his own strength.

In the early days, the power of the White Night Clan impressed him deeply. Now, the threats from strong men such as Elder Mo, Shaoyin Shenzun, Qishentian and others are always on his side, but it seems that he does not need to bear all these.

For a moment, he was actually a little confused and didn't know what to do.

Do what you want to do?

Lu Yin sat on the Tianshang Zonghou Mountain and looked into the distance. What did he want to do now? Practice quietly and reach the ancestral state? Or do you travel around the Six Directions Society and teach those who have grievances against you? It seems that this idea is quite tempting, but who doesn’t like it? Yuan Sheng was killed by himself, the identity of the Shaoyin God was revealed, and he ran away. Who else is there?

By the way, the beads of fate.

Lu Yin remembered that he forgot to ask if the bead given by fate was in the Lu family.

Anyway, there is one in the Sixth Continent, so I should bring it back. I may not be able to do it on my own. There are many ancestral realms in the Tianshang Sect. If I take a few of them there, but I am afraid of being surrounded by the Eternals and starting a war, then I’ll find Mr. Lu Tian. Ancestor.

Lu Yin contacted Lu Tianyi, only to learn that Lu Tianyi and Patriarch Lu Yuan tried to save Ku Zu and had just entered.

He could only wait.

A month later, a young man from outside the Tianshang Sect arrived. He looked anxious and knelt down to worship his master.

This scene is very ordinary. Every day, countless people request to be apprentices to Lu Yin, talking about how talented they are, who is an old friend of Lu Yin, etc. These people can't even enter the Tianshang Sect.

There are indeed many talented practitioners outside the Tianshang Sect. Most of them find ways to join the Tianshang Sect, step by step, and want to become Lu Yin's disciples directly. Lu Yin does not know the existence of these people at all. They want to reach heaven in one step. impossible.

Tianshang Sect has never been a place lacking material, especially for a person like Wu Da, who likes to interview around Tianshang Sect and obtain valuable news through the accounts of these people.

Wu Daxiu has not made much progress since graduating from the Starry Sky War Academy, but the media he founded is huge. Because he and Lu Yin are both students at the Starry Sky War Academy, it can be said that few people in the Fifth Continent will refuse interviews with him.

He even interviewed Chen Le.

"Excuse me, why do you think you can be accepted as a disciple by Master Lu?" Wu Da asked. In front of him was an excited child, waving his arms: "Because I have talent, and my talent is very powerful."

"Oh? What talent?"

"The gift of making people obey."

Wu Da's eyes lit up, and he quickly asked the people around him to take close-up shots. All the cameras were focused on the children: "You said you have the talent to make people obey? It's unheard of. Is it really that great? Can you demonstrate it?"

The child's head was raised high: "Simple." He took out a pile of star energy crystal marrow from the Ningkong Ring and threw it to a passerby next to him: "Here, hold it high."

Passers-by were confused.

Wu Da was confused.

Everyone who saw it was stunned.

The child glared at the passerby: "Hold it high."

The passerby looked at the Star Energy Crystal Essence, greed flashed in his eyes, and he obediently picked up the child and lifted it high.

The child laughed proudly: "You see, please be obedient. How is my talent? Will Master Lu accept me as his disciple?"

Wu Da was so embarrassed. After interviewing so many people, he was nailed on the pillar of shame today.

Many people were holding back their laughter. That was just a child, a rich child.

Soon after, Wu Da interviewed other people.

"Excuse me, why do you think you will be accepted as a disciple by Master Lu?"

"I graduated from the Star Wars Academy."

Wu Da's eyes lit up: "Continue."

"In the Star Battle Academy competition, I entered the top ten. I am already a member of the Youth Council and a candidate for the strongest of the younger generation."

"Not bad." Wu Da praised: "You have a good chance."


"Excuse me, why do you think you will be accepted as a disciple by Master Lu?"

"I'm cute."

Wu Da was speechless.

"Excuse me, why do you think you will be accepted as a disciple by Master Lu?"

"My name is Tuolin, and I come from the time and space of reincarnation."

Wu Da was stunned for a moment, then his eyes were intense: "Reincarnation in time and space?"

Many people looked at it.

Shi Space has already intersected with the Six Parties Association. Some people from the Six Parties Association who specialize in business have tried their best to come to Shi Space. Shi Space is also actively communicating with the Six Parties Association. There are already people who can travel between the two sides.

But after all, he was still young. Everyone was naturally surprised when a reincarnation of time and space suddenly appeared, and this person actually wanted to become a disciple of the Tianshang Sect.

Wu Da keenly felt that this was big news, and all the cameras were focused on the young man: "Tuolin, right? Hey, you don't seem to have any cultivation."

Everyone also saw that this young man acted as if he had not practiced. No, he just did not practice.

The young man's face turned red. Being watched by so many people, he lowered his head silently: "Yes, I don't practice."

Everyone lost interest. Why should a young man who has no practice become a disciple of Master Lu? Not to mention Dao Master Lu, no sect in the fifth continent would accept him.

Wu Da had a different idea. This young man didn't practice. How did he get here? Why are you here outside the Tianshang Sect? This is the Tianshang Sect, even though the young man is now in a spaceship.

"Excuse me, why do you think you will be accepted as a disciple by Master Lu?" Wu Da asked again.

Tuo Lin raised his head and looked firmly at the huge Tianshang Sect: "I must become a disciple of Master Lu."

"Excuse me, why?" Wu Da asked.

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