The meeting finally reached a resolution on future hidden dangers. The five ghost emperor families guarded the southeast, northwest, and middle of the mountain city according to their location, and must not leave any chance to the Wang family.

On April 14th, more ghost spirit masters gathered from all over the country. In broad daylight, there were many people walking along Lishui, as if they could see something different about this big river at any time. Flowers come.

Liu Mang and the other three drove the van slowly along Linjiang Avenue, occasionally stopping to look around and take a few photos.

Generally speaking, if you don't have to worry about Lishui Ghost Town, it would actually be quite good to spend a few days in the mountain town, eat the delicious food here, and relax.

The day passed calmly, and then entered the night.

The three of them found a restaurant in the resort and had a full meal.

They found that the same was true for other colleagues. Everyone had eaten and drank early, and then they all stayed in the resort, as if waiting for something.

Time slips away minute by minute.

Late at night, Luofu Mountain, Taozhi Mountain, Jizhong Mountain... the peaks where the five ghost emperor families are located, all suddenly became so depressing that it made people panic.

Since the meeting last night, the five heads of the family have sent people to conduct a network search in the mountain city today, but they can't find the Wang family. It seems that these sworn enemies have never appeared at all.

But the strange thing is that instead of relaxing, the five masters feel heavy in their hearts.

It was already past 11 o'clock in the evening, and there was still less than half an hour before April 15th. The five masters planned to leave for Li Shui to check the situation.

Although their original plan was to sit inside the curtain, they still feel uncomfortable now, so it would be safer to go there and have a look.

At this moment, where the five major families were, a faint sound sounded at the same time.

The sound had a distinct rhythm, as if someone was whispering, but hearing it was inexplicably disturbing.

At the top of Luofu Mountain, Du Ziteng came out and saw a bright figure in the air at a glance. She was dressed in white, sitting on a lotus throne, holding a jade purification bottle in one hand. Under her body was a red spiritual light array, nine gold The ring is shining brightly, and the words in the mouth are eloquent.

"Guanyin!" Du Ziteng's eyelids couldn't help but twitch when he saw this scene. He raised his head and shouted loudly in the air: "What are you doing here!"

Avalokitesvara opened his mouth slightly, and his voice was like thunder: "Recite sutras to save ghosts and restore peace to the world!"

Du Ziteng suddenly felt that it was extremely ridiculous, and just as he was about to choke back, his cell phone rang one after another.

Through understanding, she realized that Manjushri Bodhisattva had gone to Taozhi Mountain, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva was at Jizhong Mountain, Zhunti Bodhisattva had arrived at Luofeng Mountain, and Vajrapani Bodhisattva was at Baodu Mountain.

Including here, there are a total of five Bodhisattvas with high status and extraordinary strength from the Buddhist clan, each visiting a peak.

Until this moment, Du Ziteng finally understood the source of his worries. It turned out that this was Wang Ling's trump card.

The Wang family invited five major foreign aids from the Buddhist clan, hoping to directly hold back the five major ghost emperor families. In this way, no one would be their opponent when the entire Wang family was deployed in Lishui Ghost City.

"Bald donkey! You guys are so good at planning!"

Du Ziteng was anxious and angry, but Guanyin was here, and she would never abandon her people and go to Lishui. It seemed that she could only compete with him.

As soon as midnight arrived, the wind suddenly started blowing over Lishui.

The ghost spirit masters in the resort could no longer restrain themselves and all rushed to the river.

At this time, the light on the water surface is dim, making it difficult to see clearly or far.

Someone shined a flashlight or mobile phone on the water surface and found that in addition to the wind, there were also whirlpools forming on the water surface, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

As the vortex stirred, objects began to emerge from underneath. The light in everyone's hands naturally converged, and exclamations came one after another.

After a while, a strange building appeared on the water.

It was obvious that it was a tall door.

This door looks hazy and smoky, and a road extends from the door leaf, just above the water, all the way to the shore of Lishui.

Someone seemed to recognize the origin of this door and shouted: "Gate of Hell! This is the Gate of Hell!"

Meng Zijin and Li Hao looked at Liu Mang instinctively. They suddenly felt that the gate of the ghost seemed to be almost exactly the same as the gate that Liu Mang released when he summoned the ghost master.

To be honest, Liu Mang thought so too. And he has always felt that the so-called gate of hell is actually the gate of hell itself.

"Assuming this is really the gate of hell, then wouldn't this road be the road to hell?"

While Liu Mang was speculating, he saw that the overall outline of the Gate of Hell became clearer.

Inside the door, there were many figures floating around, attracting more people's attention.

"Look! Wild ghosts! So many wild ghosts!"

"They're waving to us!"

"Come on! Come on! The ghost town has appeared!"

A group of ghost spirit masters could no longer hold back. They rushed onto the Huangquan Road that extended to the shore one by one, and rushed towards Guimen Pass, intending to catch wild ghosts as quickly as possible and explore the ghost city in Guimen Pass.

When Li Hao saw this, he wanted to catch up quickly, but was stopped by Liu Mang and Meng Zijin.

Meng Zijin gave Li Hao a hard look: "Why are you so anxious! Are there so many people rushing to reincarnate?"

"But~" Li Hao saw that everyone was afraid of running slower than others, and he hesitated and defended: "It's too late and maybe others will get the benefits."

"That's not necessarily true. What if there is any danger ahead?" Liu Mang comforted: "With our little strength, it's better to be steady."

This was a strategy that Liu Mang and Meng Zijin had discussed beforehand. In a mountain city where they were unfamiliar with the place, their strength was not outstanding, and they did not have an advantage in numbers, there was no need to be the first to take the lead.

It’s good to have the opportunity to benefit from it, but if you don’t have it, you can’t force it. You should just increase your knowledge.

It should be noted that this time is different from catching ghosts in cemeteries and mass graves before. After all, the only ones we faced were dead ghosts, so we didn’t have to worry about being attacked from behind.

And in a ghost town, even if you are lucky enough to pick up some treasure, it is not impossible for someone to accidentally steal the treasure and even hurt someone if you are jealous of it.

Money has always moved people's hearts, but people's hearts are the most unpredictable.

At this time, most of the spirit masters had already passed the gate of hell, and their figures were almost invisible.

The few remaining companions seemed to have similar thoughts to Liu Mang and the other three, and slowly set foot on the Road to Hell, heading towards the Gate of Hell.

"It's time to go."

Liu Mang and the others finally took action, but to be on the safe side, they asked Li Hao to call out the coward. After all, this guy was a natural biological radar. If there was any danger, the coward would sense it faster than anyone else.

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