Three Kingdoms

Chapter 487 The inheritance of criticism

Any dynasty will try to discredit the previous dynasty as much as possible, regardless of whether those things were actually more beneficial to China at the time. Just like the Qing Dynasty in later generations, some historical facts of the Ming Dynasty were also deleted and deleted to a certain extent. distort. The revision of Sikuquanshu was a political matter that Qianlong felt proud of, but in fact it had another name, called "Siku Destroyed Books".

The Han Dynasty was no exception. It basically completely denied some things in the former Qin Dynasty.

However, now for Fei Qian, it has considerable benefits.

To the southwest of Shangjun, there is Qinchuan, the ancient state of Qin, which is eight hundred miles away...

On that land, the great and delicious mutton steamed buns, cold skin buns and roujiamo were born...


In fact, when thinking of the Qin Dynasty, a scene always flashes in Fei Qian's mind:

A group of men in black gathered around and shouted: "Your Majesty, are you going to shoot? Are you going to shoot? Are you going to shoot?"

Then he ejaculated...

In the Qin Dynasty, the most representative, or the most insane, was the Qin Dynasty's crossbow soldiers. The Qin army's "strong crossbow is in front and the sword is behind." The Qin army did not directly swing the sword before engaging in hand-to-hand combat. Instead, they fired a few rounds first, shooting until the opponent was out of formation, and then raised the knife to kill.

According to some information that Fei Qian read, the scientific shooting method of three-row rotation system had been in existence as early as the Qin Dynasty, which made many mysterious time-travelers who used the "three-stage attack" feel embarrassed...

The arrows of the Qin Dynasty were basically triangular, and the three arcs were almost shaped like bullets, which greatly reduced air resistance. There is also evidence that the Qin arrows contained lead and deliberately allowed them to rust. , when such a crossbow became the standard equipment of the Qin army, it had high damage and long range, greatly enhancing the individual combat capability.

The Qin Dynasty can be regarded as the only country known to Fei Qian that used advanced production technology to make up for backward production materials, and defeated the six countries in this way.

In the late Warring States period, various countries began to master the smelting of iron tools. Perhaps due to the lack of raw material iron ore, Qin State was still lagging behind. It mainly relied on bronze weapons and was lagging behind by a whole development cycle.

Moreover, the Qin Dynasty has been regarded as a barbaric foreign land by the princes of the Central Plains since ancient times. It does not have so much culture and technology inheritance, and is often despised by the scholars of the six countries. Therefore, facing the dual difficulties of backward metal smelting technology and poor resources, it can only work hard to Only by doing less but being more precise, achieving the ultimate, and pushing limited things to the limit, can we have the right to run on the same track.

The craftsmanship of the Qin Dynasty was so meticulous that each weapon was engraved with the name of the craftsman, ensuring quality with traceability. Standardized weapons can not only save materials, but also have components such as crossbows that can be replaced with each other, making it easier for soldiers to use and repair. This ensures that in long-term and fierce battles, combat effectiveness will not be reduced due to equipment.

In addition, Fei Qian originally wanted to talk to Huang Cheng about the issue of soldier ranks, which was the Qin Dynasty's twenty-level military merit title system, with clear rewards for each level. Using this as a reward is a very good incentive.

However, in the Han Dynasty, purely military merit titles were changed into titles bestowed on civilians and officials. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty even opened a market and sold them on a large scale, which led to the proliferation of titles and their despise. There were many revisions, and even some names were changed. Finally, now, it has basically become a stinky street, and no one takes this 20-digit title seriously.

Industrialized standardized assembly line operations and the military merit title system, these two projects are the two sets of templates that Feiqian is currently absolutely leading. Let’s not talk about the Junjue series. Standardized assembly operations alone can reduce a lot of burdens, making it possible for long-distance crossbowmen to return to the battlefield.

Yes, according to what Fei Qian now knows, the crossbowmen of the Han Dynasty were far inferior to those of the Qin Dynasty, and even the Eastern Han Dynasty was not as good as the Western Han Dynasty...

Rhubarb crossbow, an excellent crossbow in the Han Dynasty, although some can still be seen, it is basically not equipped with the army now.

In Fei Qian's impression, it seems that the group of troops under Yuan Shao who were very good at Jieqiao had great achievements for a period of time. Of course, there were some terrain factors and the reason why Gongsun's IQ fell offline for a while, but no matter what It is said that there was only this army in the entire Three Kingdoms that was famous for its crossbows, and it was dispersed after Ju Yi.

Although the Han Dynasty focused on the development of cavalry due to the Huns, and reduced the development of crossbows under national conditions, on the other hand, although crossbows are simple to operate, the soldiers are not as demanding as archers. A lot of training, but parts will often be lost in war. If suitable parts cannot be found to replace them, maintenance on the battlefield will be inconvenient. Often one part is broken, resulting in the entire crossbow being scrapped. This loss cost and bow Compared with the loss, the difference is really too big.

After all, most bows have damaged bow strings, and just reinstalling a new string will solve the problem.

When the Three Kingdoms started a chaotic war, even the supply of food could not be guaranteed, let alone this relatively expensive weapon?

Coupled with the wars everywhere and the displacement of the people, the nobles as officials did not have the awareness to protect the craftsmen, resulting in the loss and regression of the crossbow technology of the entire Chinese nation...

The big yellow crossbow used by Li Guang to snipe the Xiongnu generals had a range of 400 steps. However, hundreds of years later in the Song Dynasty, a dynasty that used crossbows extensively, an individual crossbow could only shoot 340 steps...

Therefore, Fei Qian was prepared to follow the path of the Qin Dynasty, at least in terms of the military merit system and weapons and equipment. However, this matter could only be done secretly and there was no way to talk about it.

Only in the Qin Dynasty, all the soldiers were happy to hear the battle, as excited as if they had taken medicine, because what they saw were not enemies, but golden heads. Their morale and fighting spirit were far better than ordinary people. , "How can I say that I have no clothes? I share the same robe with you. When the king raised an army, I repaired my spear. I share the same hatred with you!" The lethality and resistance of this kind of army are the ideal army model in Fei Qian's heart.

At the same time, the military and government are separated. Soldiers become pure soldiers, and politicians become pure politicians. The biggest reason is to win the war. Everything is centered on the national interest. There are no trivial things to hold back, let alone cold arrows from the court, tigers and wolves, and discipline. Strict and strict, everyone has their own duties, and the material dispatch is at their fingertips. The generals only need to focus on the war, and the politicians manage local governance and ensure good logistics supplies. Why worry about defeating the enemy?

Such a united and united system is the most terrifying state machine, but to restore it...

Bah, bah, these are some of the fine things inherited from the Qin Dynasty. You have to be careful, otherwise, you may be attacked by a group!

Fei Qian had been sitting in the hall deep in thought, and the guards and maids did not dare to disturb him easily. Just sitting like this, thinking, until Fei Qian felt that the darkness in front of him had turned dark, and then he realized that night had fallen unknowingly.

Fei Qian held the table and rubbed his already numb legs. The two little maids who had been watching carefully outside the hall hurriedly stepped forward and helped Fei Qian to recline. One lit the candle first, then knelt behind Fei Qian and gently rubbed Fei Qian's shoulders, while the other Then he put Fei Qian's legs in his arms and started tapping them, and asked softly if he wanted to have sex...

Fei Qian felt that under the soothing caress of his warm little hands, it seemed that the fatigue of the day had disappeared a lot, ah, this evil feudal society...

Well, whether it is the Han Dynasty or later generations, do we still need the inheritance of criticism...

There are records of Li Guang using crossbows in the Western Han Dynasty, but by the Eastern Han Dynasty, there are really no records...

The importance that the nobles attach to craftsmen is actually very low...

For example, if a worker first tells Party A: Give me some funds, I can make a tool that can save some manpower...

Party A: ...where is the construction manager? Why is everything coming out...Pull it back and close it!

That’s pretty much it…

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