Three Kingdoms

Chapter 452 Killing to establish authority

Drink, drink, kill.

But killing is never a pleasant thing.

At least that's how Fei Qian feels.

After drinking with Wang Yi, he started killing people the next day.

In fact, when killing people, it's like standing in a slaughterhouse. No matter how clean the floor is, how white the walls are, and how neat the workers' clothes are, the thick, greasy, disgusting feeling will be as strong as glue. It sticks to all the senses in the body.

It was like the sound of water leaking from the cracks of a thick leather water bag, and the sound of blood splashing out from the abdominal cavity and chest...

It was like the wind blowing through the treetops and the subtle whistling sound across the leaves. It was sprayed out after the artery in the neck was cut off...

The blade struck the human body, breaking the skin and breaking the bones, just like a meat seller cutting a pig leg into sections at the vegetable market, making a clanging sound.

One knife.

Another knife.

It was Bai Bo who was killed.

There were many people watching, including the rescued people, Fei Qian's troops, Xihe County troops, and even some Huns, all watching.

It's like a big gathering.

All Baibo soldiers above the team leader level, those so-called commanders, commanders, and those who served as evangelists among Baibo were all to be killed.

Only soldiers are left, the most basic soldiers.

At Hangu Pass, Zhang Liao's eleven kills were one out of ten of all the soldiers. Although Fei Qian's ratio this time was not that high, the method of operation was the same.

The one who took action was the captured Bai Bobing himself.

What is needed is a certificate of submission.

There were wooden stakes on the ground, and the original Baibo commanders were tied to the wooden stakes. The rest of Baibo formed a queue. When it was their turn, they put a knife in their hands and went up to chop them.

You must see blood, if you don’t see blood it doesn’t count.

If there is no blood the second time, or if the attack fails, it will not be the person tied to the stake who dies, but the ordinary soldier.

When the person on the wooden pile was hacked to death by a random blade, the body would be untied, and then the head would be chopped off with a knife, and then taken slightly to the north and piled up to form the Jingguan.

Among these Baibo soldiers, the strongest will be selected to become professional soldiers, mixed and organized into groups, while those who are young, old or weak will become the first batch of field soldiers in Pingyang County. And these people who were used to being careless and stained with blood, although they are old and weak, who can ensure that these guys will not have any inappropriate thoughts?

Therefore, setting up a Jingguan means establishing a rule.

After all, most of the people staying in Pingyang are illiterate. It is useless to tell these people about the laws of the country and the country, and the promulgation of proclamations. No matter how much you talk, these people may not be able to remember it. Therefore, this Beijing view is the most intuitive warning.

The heads were like bloody fruits, piled up one by one, and soon formed a hill. Because they were all chopped off after death, there was not much blood on the broken neck, but dark red. It's like sauce, and it's like red and black jelly, dripping tremblingly on the white tracheal bones.

Further north of Rentou Jingguan, there is a wooden platform. On the wooden platform, Fei Qian and Wang Yi stand. Under the wooden platform, there were soldiers guarding the black-robed old man of the Hedong Wei family and his personal guards who were sent over by Yu Fuluo.

When it comes to murder, someone needs to be a witness.

Moreover, if you just kill someone and no one sees or knows about it, the meaning of killing will be lost.

Fei Qian apologized to Wang Yi who was standing aside, then got off the wooden platform and walked slowly to the old man in black robe. He looked up and down at the old man who was pretending to be crazy. His hair was disheveled, his face was covered with dirt, and his body was covered with dirt. Standing a little closer, a sour smell hit your nose.

The old man in black robe had dull eyes and stared straight ahead with a silly smile on his face, pretending to be the same as when Fei Qian went to see him last time.

For the Wei family, this old man worked hard enough.

Fei Qian stared, staring at the lines on the old man's face, staring at the exposed neck, and then turned to look at the old man's tied hands...

A person who practices martial arts.

It turned out that Fei Qian wanted to tie this old guy to a wooden stake and scare him. Now he saw the scars on the old man's face, his old but still thick neck, and the calluses on his hands...

Those who practice martial arts must have seen a lot of blood, and their minds will be relatively firm, but they can't really kill, so they can only switch to another mode.

"Come here!" Fei Qian ordered, "Bring those people up."

It turned out that the old man had brought twenty bodyguards, but several of them were lost. Now only about ten were left alive. They were all tied up and escorted to the old man, standing face to face.

Fei Qian stared into the old man's eyes and said: "Being crazy is not the most terrifying thing, and dying is not the final destination. The two armies are facing each other, each relying on their own means. It doesn't matter whether they win or lose, but if you can't afford to lose, you will act like a rogue." , It’s just a problem with a person’s character, or a problem with a family’s family education!”

Fei Qian deliberately used more straightforward words, just to let more people understand these words. "Am I right? Mr. Wei?"

When troubled times are about to come, what kind of talents are more likely to make people feel awe in their hearts, and who are more in line with the customs of the North?

Is he a gentle scholar who cares about things all day long, or a cruel man with iron-blooded wrists?

This is an image change that Fei Qian must make in front of others. At least he must leave the impression that he is not easy to mess with. Otherwise, in this area that advocates force and has strong folk customs, he will inevitably become a softie who can be manipulated by others at will.

Fei Qian stared into the eyes of the old man Wei and said, "If you figure it out, you can stop at any time..." After saying that, he turned around and walked away, returning to the wooden platform.

Huang Cheng, who had been guarding Fei Qian all the time, made a gesture. Immediately, the soldiers under the wooden platform kicked the old man's guard on the far left in the knees, kneeling him down in front of the old man, and then raised the ring. The first sword clicked, like cutting off a carrot, and the old man's bodyguard was suddenly dead.

The blood in his chest was like a fire hydrant that suddenly broke. With a "pop" sound, the high pressure in the chest caused most of the blood to spurt out instantly, splashing all over the face and body of the old Wei family.

The old man didn't expect that Fei Qian didn't say a few words at all. He just started to do it. He was hit hard by the spurting hot blood. The blood flowed down from his head and face, with a silly smile on his face. Maintaining it with difficulty...

The execution soldiers did not stop at all, and immediately kicked down the second old man's guard. The severed head jumped on the mud floor, like a ball filled with sand. It barely bounced twice before rolling in front of the old man.

And then the third one…

the fourth……

Before the old man could fully react, it was like chopping melons and vegetables. Five people had been killed. The blood spurted out by the dead dyed the old man's body red.

Someone among the old man's personal guards finally couldn't bear it anymore and started to make a commotion, but they were held tightly by the soldiers and there was nothing they could do...

When a younger guard saw that everyone in front of him was dead and it was his turn in a blink of an eye, he couldn't hold it in anymore and shouted with a slight cry: "Big Father!"

The old man's face felt as if he had been slapped hard by this voice. The eyebrows that had been standing up straightened down and trembled. Along with the young guard, he was also kicked to the ground. Finally he could no longer pretend. , and shouted: "Stop!"

Fei Qian chuckled, turned to Wang Yi and cupped his hands and said, "If people are not crazy, they can negotiate. This will bother the prince..." After all, he wanted to beat the Wei family in Hedong, and he and Wang Yi were both. There are things to do, so inviting Wang Yi to participate is also the right thing to do. After all, if he had done it all, Wang Yi might not be grateful, but he would feel that Fei Qian was too arrogant and domineering, which would not be conducive to future cooperation.

Wang Yi laughed and said: "Fei Shijun is really good at it! Shan, let me take care of the rest!" Fei showed some tricks and pulled him to watch the killing. He may not have the intention to establish his authority... Haha, Still a young man...

Every time when Mr. Cao and someone's wife went into the tent, it was always the happiest time for me and the soldiers...

Because at least it can do that...

Listen and wink...

Most of Duke Cao's personal guards are laughing and joking at this moment. As long as we are not too close, they probably won't care...

But this time...

Everyone will see military advisors offering wine, drinking alone and silently...

Sitting in the tent, in a daze for a long time...

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