Three Kingdoms

Chapter 302 Whose fault is it?

Liu Xie found out that it was a mistake for him to come into this world.

I heard Empress Dowager Dong say that because Queen He was jealous, her mother, Beauty Wang, was ready to have an abortion, but he seemed to feel something in his belly and moved. Beauty Wang felt the fetal movement, so she decided to abort him no matter what. born to.

But his mother was killed by Queen He right after he was born. His father, Emperor Han Ling, was very angry at first, but when he saw a lot of money given by the eunuch, he forgot about it and forgot about that poor and weak woman. woman.

Despite this, looking at the crying and struggling little life, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty gave him to his mother, the Queen Mother Dong, to raise him just in case.

Later, his father, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, only visited him a few times a year, until his father's death.

After his brother Liu Bian came to the throne, Liu Xie himself was named King of Bohai. He originally thought that his future life would be like a pool of stagnant water with no waves, but he didn't expect that He Jin's death and Dong Zhuo's entry into Beijing would seem to be like falling into a pool of water. Several huge rocks stirred up huge waves.

What he experienced in the previous nine years seemed to be only a fraction of what he experienced in less than a year.

The first time he left the palace, the first time he stepped out of Luoyang City, he was under a sharp sword, walking on a bloody road and escaping like a bereaved wild dog!

The familiar faces that had accompanied him and cared for him had turned into pale corpses, mixed with the mud on the roadside.

Together with his brother and himself, the clothes that represented the royal family fell into the yellow mud, being covered in dust, polluted, and trampled...

On the way back to Luoyang, he met Dong Zhuo who was leading the army. His brother was so nervous that he could not speak. At that time, he could not bear his brother being bullied, so he stood up and scolded Dong Zhuo...

Sometimes he even thinks that if he hadn't been so troublesome, his brother might not have been crippled or killed, and he wouldn't have to endure such endless pain.

Every time I sit on this chair, it's like a torture.

The shadow cast by Dong Zhuo's broad body in front almost drowned him.

Sometimes he had an illusion, as if the court was covered with dust, and there were spider threads floating everywhere on the walls of the hall. Under the court, people were kneeling and sitting at the table, like a paragraph. The statues made by Duan out of rotten wood look like beasts wearing clothes and hats...

And he just comes here to sit, wipe off the dust on this chair with his own body, come quietly, leave quietly, and maybe even shout "Everyone is harmonious"...

He was in pain. The pain was not that he was alive, but that he could not become a statue of rotten wood, nor could he become a beast that could live without food.

He hated Dong Zhuo, because it was Dong Zhuo who single-handedly knocked his original life to pieces. As if overnight, those so-called joyful emotions were completely deprived of him, leaving only endless sadness and sadness. Pain and fear, these negative emotions were like fertilizer mixed with poison. While corroding his soul, they also quickly promoted his maturity.

He was also a little grateful to Dong Zhuo. If Dong Zhuo hadn't burst the colorful bubble, perhaps he still thought that these important ministers under the steps were all loyal and devoted their lives to the Han Dynasty. No matter what...

He still remembered that when his brother was being helped up, it was Yuan Wei, the Tutor of the Yuan family who had been favored by the Han Dynasty, who was at the bottom of the steps. He personally stepped forward and took off the emperor's seal ribbon from Liu Bian's brother, and then tied the seal ribbon on himself.

He still remembered the complex emotions that were difficult to describe in words on his brother's face at that time, as well as the expressionless face of the Yuan family master Yuan Wei - as if he was taking it off and attaching it to a living person. It’s like dealing with something dead, or facing a dead body...

He still remembered that in the Ancestral Temple, the dim candlelight, the silent spiritual tablets, the words that directly pierced into the soul, and the sharp blade that cut deeply on the table and the words that still echoed in his mind. Crazy laughter...

In all this, who is right and who is wrong?

Who is responsible for all this?

Is it me?

Is it my father?

Is it the brutal Dong Zhuo?

Or are these important ministers kneeling at the foot of the steps like wooden sculptures?

The glory of the great man is now in my hands, but it is already so damaged, like a candle in the wind, it may be extinguished at any time.

This majestic and majestic palace was originally like the heart of the entire Han Dynasty. Countless government decrees in the past were discussed and implemented one by one here. But now this heart has to be abandoned. It was as if he wanted to dig this heart out of the big man's body.

Although the heart is still beating, it seems to be dead.

Liu Xie felt that the blood on his body was still flowing, but it could not bring any warmth. Although the clothes on his body were soft and fit, they could not resist the coldness inside.

Looking at the figure bathing in the sun at the entrance of the hall, Liu Xie seemed to feel a little warmth, just like the only remaining trace of warmth he got in that bitterly cold night of blood and iron. …

"...Come in, come in!"

Liu Xie, who had always been a puppet, suddenly spoke out of nowhere.

Dong Zhuo, who was sitting aside, slowly turned his head and glanced over with his blood-red eyes.

Liu Xie shrank back, then stood upright again, explaining: "'s too far away to see clearly..."

Deyang Hall is seven to eight feet wide from east to west and about thirty feet long. The distance from the emperor's throne to the entrance of the hall is indeed quite far.

Dong Zhuo rolled his eyes, perhaps thinking that such a trivial matter was not worth fussing about, so he nodded slightly.

When the eunuch standing aside saw this, he raised his voice and shouted in a sharp voice: "I am giving the title of Captain Zhang to the Cavalry Commander, and Fei, the Minister of the Left Department, is approaching!"

Then four eunuchs ran over in small steps, lifted up the two mats originally prepared for Zhang Liao and Fei Qian at the entrance of Deyang Hall, walked about ten feet into the hall, and then put them down again.

Zhang Liao and Fei Qian quickly thanked each other loudly, then lowered their heads and entered the main hall. They walked to their respective mats, bowed again, and knelt down on them uprightly...

Everyone's eyes came together. The light inside the hall was not as good as outside. In addition, there were fewer people in the hall at this time. For some reason, Fei Qian had a gloomy feeling. The hair on my head stood up.

For a moment, no one spoke in the hall, and there was a brief silence...

Xu Shu suddenly turned around and turned around.

Xuande was overjoyed and said, "When Yuan Zhi comes back, is it possible that he has no intention of leaving?"

Xu Shu said: "I am feeling numb and have forgotten something important. There is a strange man here, hiding in Longzhong. Why don't you ask for him?"

Xuande said: "How can I get it?"

Xu Shu said: "It only takes five points - Pan Donkey and Deng Xiaoxian!"


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