The War of Resistance

Chapter 1624 Enemies

A grenade completed its parabolic trajectory in the air. The starting point was behind a Fangba and the end point was also behind a Fangba.

So when the grenade exploded, several Japanese soldiers fell down, while the injured hugged their legs and screamed on the ground.

By chance, Li Xikui saw the grenade flying from beginning to end, even though it was a little far away.

If Li Xikui is the "high" character in you, then the flight path of the grenade is the horizontal line in the character "high"!

When Li Xikui saw this, he opened his mouth in astonishment and forgot to close it. Is this okay?

He could clearly see that the grenade flew over three houses and landed exactly under the house where the Japanese troops were.

This is very difficult. It flies over three houses over a distance of more than 60 meters. Most people cannot throw grenades that far.

You must know that the grenade is not a grenade with a wooden handle after all. Although the weight is similar, it has a natural disadvantage in terms of throwing distance.

The difficulty lies not only in this, but also in the fact that the thrower cannot see the Japanese army at all, which also involves grasping the spatial distance.

How could the grenade be thrown out from that angle just right, and then accurately inserted into the gap between the two houses?

No, I still have to follow Battalion Commander Shang to fight the Japs, and have fun fighting Japs with the Battalion Commander Shang! At this moment Li Xikui made a decision.

He took his rifle and started running close to the root of the house. He decided to go around to the opposite side so that he could follow Shang Zhen.

But just as he passed the back door of this house, he suddenly stopped.

He heard a man yelling loudly: "You immoral and harmful person, look at what you are wearing. You have brought shame on our family! Do girls have the nerve to wear pants?"

That voice sounded familiar to Li Xikui. It was the voice of the third uncle of the woman who had been fucked by him.

"Dad, please stop yelling, or let the Japanese hear it again." Another woman's voice sounded, and I guess it was the young woman's third aunt.

At this moment, Li Xikui, who was feeling a little cold even wearing underpants, suddenly felt a rush of blood rushing to his forehead.

This passionate impulse was so intense that he forgot to look for Shang Zhen, and broke in through the back door with a rifle.

After a while, Li Xikui came out of the back door of the yard, and behind him was a woman, that young woman.

Li Xikui was still wearing the big pants that exposed his flesh, but the woman had already put on a pair of cotton pants.

Although the cotton trousers were a little baggy, they kept him warm and covered up his shame.

A few minutes later, Shang Zhen got into the entrance of an alley. Coincidentally, this time Shang Zhen was seen by Li Xikui again, because Li Xikui was at the entrance of the alley opposite Shang Zhen.

"Shang——" Li Xikui just yelled one word and then shut his mouth, because as soon as he looked out, he found a Japanese soldier running towards him with a gun in the alley where Shang Zhen ran.

Li Xikui quickly retracted his head, but at the same time he did not forget to reach out to stop the young woman who had been following him.

The woman's expression has always been uncertain since she followed him back, but this time due to the sudden incident, doubts appeared on her face.

"Don't make any noise, there is little Japan behind you." Li Xikui said.

"Ah?" The woman was stunned for a moment, then blurted out, "That's a dead end there! That person got into a dead end!"

The person the woman mentioned was of course Shang Zhen.

Li Xikui became a little anxious, completely forgetting that this was the first thing he heard from this woman since he had some kind of relationship with her.

But then Li Xikui smiled again.

"Pull to the side and I'll shoot." Li Xikui said to the woman.

Why is Li Xikui laughing? That was because he wanted to join Shang Zhen's battalion. Now he thought that if he saved Shang Zhen, the battalion commander, how could Shang Zhen not want him?

The woman stepped back, and Li Xikui pushed the gun and leaned out from the alley, shooting her in the back.

Then he retracted and pulled the woman and said, "Run!" As soon as he started running, he didn't forget to tell the woman, "Don't take me to a dead end!"

After saying this, he naturally ran away, but he didn't know that these words made the woman think deeply.

The result was that Li Xikui ran forward and grabbed the woman's hand, only to pull the woman back to stagger!

Li Xikui pulled the woman and ran away. In order to prevent the Japanese soldiers from pursuing her too close, he would turn back and shoot her from time to time.

When Li Xikui thought about it, this woman was from the village. Although the village was crisscrossed with alleys, it wouldn't be easy for her to run away with him because she was so familiar with the road?

But who would have thought that just after running for a while, the woman said "ouch" and fell to the ground.

"What's wrong?" Li Xikui was anxious.

The woman remained silent this time, but pointed at her ankles.

"Why is this ankle sprained?" Li Xikui was anxious, thinking of it, but he could hear the footsteps of the Japanese soldiers chasing after him.

In a hurry, he could only put his rifle belt around his neck and hang it on his chest, then he pulled the woman up, carried it on his back, and ran forward.

While he was running, he didn't forget to say: "Can you show us the right way!"

He was such a person who took things for granted, and he didn't take it seriously when the woman didn't answer.

But under the guidance of the woman, he turned around and ran for a while, then got into an alley again.

And when he carried the woman on his back and ran to the end of the alley, he was dumbfounded. This time the two of them really entered a dead end!

Li Xikui couldn't climb the two high walls on his own. There was a door opposite them, but the door had been blocked with bricks!

It can be seen that it was once a door. This is because the bricks of this house were built further in, and the remaining original door opening can still accommodate two people.

But what's the use? Are they trying to escape instead of running to this doorway to hide from the rain?

The only way to survive was the alleyway where the two of them ran in, but if they ran back now, they would definitely collide with the Japanese army behind them!

"How can we fix this? How can we fix this?" Li Xikui looked at the bricked door in front of him, and he was so confused!

But at this time, the woman said: "Is your harm to me all in vain?"

"What? What did you say?" At this point, Li Xikui suddenly realized.

I was actually plotted by this woman!

Li Xikui raised his hand out of habit, but that hand couldn't hit him no matter what.

He could only look at the woman blankly.

According to Northeastern dialect, this woman is really not unattractive, even quite handsome.

Of course, this woman is not shorter than other women, but compared with Li Xikui, she is half a head shorter.

Therefore, this woman can be classified as a little girl.

But don't underestimate such a weak woman. She was looking up at him stubbornly, her breasts rising and falling due to running and excitement.

At this moment, Li Xikui, who had originally wanted to hit the woman, suddenly felt that he was in the wrong.

But before he could react, the sound of Japanese soldiers running out of large leather shoes could be heard in the alley.

"Pull her away!" Li Xihui stretched out his hand and pushed the woman. This time, the blow was not heavy, but it was not light either.

The woman was pushed to the doorway by him and pressed against the wall.

As soon as Li Xikui turned around, he put his rifle on his shoulder, and then he pulled the trigger.

After a gunshot, Li Xikui fiddled with the gun bolt quickly and muttered: "This one is for my backing, and killing another one is for your backing."

But before he could pull the trigger again, the sound of box cannon shooting suddenly came from diagonally above him.

Looking up from Li Xikui's position, he could see a box cannon sticking out of the eaves.

This time, the box cannon fired a burst, the kind of burst that cleared the box instantly!

Bullets were flying in the narrow alleys, just like the wind blowing in the alleys. The wind was very strong, so which invader could stand in the wind?

After the sound of box artillery, the Japanese soldiers who came to chase Li Xikui were no longer standing, but they all fell to the ground.

At this time, a man's head poked out from the eaves. When Li Xikui made eye contact with the man, he shouted: "Commander Shang!"

Isn't that person none other than Shang Zhen?

Shang Zhen looked at Li Xikui and the young woman who had entered the dead end with some curiosity, and then with his exquisite heart, he seemed to understand something, and then a smile that was not easy to be noticed appeared on his face. .

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