Terran Guardian

Chapter 78 Invitation

The news Xun Qu brought this time made Shen Changqing re-examine the world again.

If the existence of the original ancient ruins can still be understood.

Then the existence of heaven.

It's a bit mysterious.

From the other party's words, he knew the importance of the Heaven Realm. For any guardian or powerful person in the world, entering the Heaven Realm would bring great benefits.


What troubled the guardian envoy was the longevity problem.

If you can get something that increases your longevity in the heavenly realm, it will be worth a thousand pieces of gold.


Shen Changqing asked: "Since the Heaven Realm is so important, why don't the guards of Poshan City go in?"

According to Xun Qu’s statement.

Heaven appears.

Every guardian envoy should flock to him.

Xun Qu looked like he knew you would ask this question for a long time, and then explained: "Every time the Heaven Realm appears, the entrance to the Heaven Realm will only be open for one day. After one day, the entrance to the Heaven Realm will be closed.

Before the heavenly realm appears, there will be no visions.

Only when the entrance is opened will there be visions of heaven.

In addition, every time the entrance to the heaven is closed, it will be opened a second time every seven days. Every time a heaven appears, it will be opened four times in total. After four times, the heaven will disappear and wait for the next appearance. opportunity. "

Open once every seven days.

Start one day at a time.

Shen Changqing fell into deep thought: "If we follow Xun Zhenshou's statement, doesn't it mean that in four days, the heaven will be opened again?"

The first time the Heaven Realm appeared was ten days ago, that was the time when it was first opened.

Then extrapolate seven days forward.

Three days ago, it was the time for the Heaven Realm to open for the second time.

Then four days later, it will be the third opening of the heaven realm.

"Yes, the Heaven Realm will be opened for the third time in four days. I originally planned to enter the Heaven Realm when it opened for the second time, but it was delayed because of the incident in Luyang City."

Xun Qu nodded.

He originally planned to enter the heavenly realm when it opened for the second time.

who knows.

But something went wrong in Luyang City.

As a guardian envoy.

Even though there are abundant opportunities in the heavenly realm, one has to take the lead in dealing with evil things.


The old horse stumbles.

After entering Luyang City, not only did he kill the evil spirits, he was also trapped by them for several days, and once again missed the opportunity to open the heavenly realm.

"Every time the Heaven Realm appears, it represents a great opportunity. Therefore, in order to ensure the opportunity, there is an unwritten rule in Great Qin. That is, wherever the Heaven Realm appears, it is an opportunity. People from other governments cannot interfere. .

Just like this time, the Heaven Realm appears in Nanyou Mansion, so people who are not in Nanyou Mansion cannot enter the Heaven Realm, otherwise they will be attacked by the group. "

When Xun Qu said this, the topic changed.

Then he looked at Shen Changqing's face with a slight smile.

"But there is one difference. If a heaven realm appears in any of the nine palaces of the Great Qin, people from the capital are eligible to participate. However, because the opening time of the heaven realm is limited and news spreads back and forth, the capital rarely sends people to compete for the heaven realm.

I owe Elder Shen a favor this time, so I will tell you the news about the Heaven Realm. By the way, I also want to invite you to enter the Heaven Realm together. If you and I join forces, we will have the opportunity to get more opportunities in the Heaven Realm. "

Finally, Xunqu's expression became serious.

This time he told the news about heaven.

One is to repay Shen Changqing's favor, and the other is to take a fancy to Shen Changqing's strength.

Every time the heaven realm opens, there will be fierce competition.

Although the Guardian Envoy is strong, there are not many people who can threaten the Guardian Envoy.


Entering the Heaven Realm, other guardians of the Demon Suppressing Division are also a threat.

If a treasure that increases life expectancy is placed in front of you, no one will give in and give in. It is inevitable to distinguish between high and low.

Xun Qu believed that his strength was not weak, but if he faced other guardians, he was not very sure.

It would be much safer if we could join forces with Shen Changqing.

The other party is not the guardian envoy.

But his strength is better than that of a guardian envoy.

Hear the words.

Shen Changqing lowered his head and pondered, but did not give an answer immediately.

He completely understood Xun Qu's purpose of coming.

Reveal the news about the Heaven Realm, sell yourself a favor, and then invite yourself into the Heaven Realm to compete for opportunities.

in short.

Everything is based on the premise that one's own strength is strong enough.

During the battle of Luyang City.

His own strength was considered favored by Xun Qu, so he invited him to enter the heavenly realm now.

If the strength is not enough.

Shen Changqing believed that even if the other party wanted to return the favor, he would probably not give out any news about the Heaven Realm, let alone invite him into the Heaven Realm.

In fact.

He doesn't pay much attention to any chance of ruins.

After all, no matter how great the opportunity is.

Is it possible to harvest the kill value yourself and then use the panel to increase it?

As long as there is killing value.

Then your own strength can steadily increase.


Strength can be improved, but Shen Changqing is not sure whether his longevity can also be improved accordingly.

From the time I came to this world to now.

It seems that except for the evil spirits and the evil people who have taken refuge in the evil spirits.

No one can live long.

Whether he is a powerful master or a guardian, Shouyuan has his own end.

Compare to previous lives.

Among the people in this world, Shouyuan does not have any advantage.

A hundred years is neither long nor short.

If he could live a long time, Shen Changqing would not be reconciled. It would only take a mere hundred years for everything to turn into dust.

He didn't want it even more.

One day, he will be reduced to taking refuge in evil spirits in exchange for a longer life.


Shen Changqing was so hesitant after Xun Qu mentioned that there might be something in the heaven that could increase longevity.

It's normal time to change it.

He had already spoken and refused calmly.

Just like rejecting Yi Ning before, there was no hesitation at all.

Issues involving Shouyuan.

But you have to treat it carefully.

Looking at Shen Changqing who was deep in thought, Xun Qu did not disturb him. At the same time, he silently praised Shen Changqing's character.


Unmoved by external objects.

If it were anyone else, after hearing the news about Tianjing, they would have nodded in agreement without even thinking about it.


Although the temptation of heaven is great, Shen Changqing's character is stronger.

Be able to stabilize your mind in the face of huge temptations, and then consider the pros and cons.

That kind of people.

They often live longer and travel further than the average person.

About two quarters of an hour passed.

Shen Changqing came back from his thoughts: "I wonder where the heaven appears this time. If it starts from Poshan City, how long will it take?"

Hear the words.

A smile suddenly appeared on Xun Qu's face.

"The distance between the heavens is not too far. With the strength of your feet and mine, if we travel with all our strength, we can reach it in two or three days at most."

he knows.

When Shen Changqing asked this question, he basically agreed to his proposal.

There is help from the other side.

The probability of obtaining the treasure in the heaven realm will be greatly increased.

Two or three days.

Shen Changqing nodded secretly, and then he asked his last question.

"I'm very curious, why doesn't Zhenshou Xun come with Zhenshou Ji, or will Zhenshou Ji go with him this time to the Heaven Realm?"

Heaven matters.

Rather than finding an outsider, it would be much safer to find a colleague who is also a magician from Broken Mountain Town.

Xunqu laughed and said: "Elder Shen doesn't know something. Not all the guardians in one place can leave. It is necessary for some guardians to stay to stabilize the situation. If all the guardians enter the heavenly realm, then the evil spirits will attack in large numbers, and there will be many evil spirits. Who can resist.

This time I entered the heavenly realm, while Ji Tianlu stayed in the Demon Suppressing Division to guard it.

The same is true for several other guardian envoys.

Whatever I get from it, I have to give them a share after I come out. "

I see!

Shen Changqing's inner doubts were finally relieved.

Xun Qu and the others had already made arrangements for whoever entered the Heaven Realm. If there were no guardians who entered the Heaven Realm, they would have to stabilize the situation in Nanyou Mansion.


Those who enter the heavenly realm must give a share of whatever they gain after coming out of the heavenly realm and distribute it to other guardians.


There will be no uneven distribution, or a situation where everyone is scrambling to enter the heavenly realm.

"Among the several demon-suppressing divisions in Nanyou Mansion, the strength of Poshan City is relatively weak, so I am the only one who can enter this time, but for other demon-suppressing divisions, it is possible that more than just one guardian envoy can enter.

In addition, there are some top Jianghu sects. Although they do not have guardians, it is not impossible to bring out one or two strong men at the peak of their masters.

In comparison, Broken Mountain City is very likely to be the weakest among the forces that have entered the Heaven Realm, but that is only possible if I enter alone.

If we include Elder Shen, my strength in breaking the mountain city will not be weak. "

Xun Qu explained again.

After Shen Changqing agreed, he felt reassured.

Kill the evil spirits in Luyang City with one punch.

Even now.

That scene is still deeply engraved in Xun Qu's mind.

"When will Commander Xun prepare to set off?"

Having decided to go, Shen Changqing did not intend to waste time.

The time when the Heaven Realm will appear is not certain, it is all about luck. If you miss this time, you will be a little uncertain the next time you want to enter the Heaven Realm.

Issues involving Shouyuan.

He didn't dare to be careless.

Xun Qu said: "If there are no problems with Elder Shen, you and I can set off now."

"I want half an hour to buffer. Half an hour later, I will be waiting for Xun Zhen at the gate of Zhenmo Division."

"No problem, see you in half an hour."

Xun Qu nodded, then turned around and left.

They all decided to go, and he didn't miss half an hour.

Compared with the next opening time of the Heaven Realm, let alone half an hour, even if it is delayed for half a day, it is still completely in time.

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