Struggle in Russia

Chapter 323 Bargaining (Part 2)

Balyakov felt his temples thumping, and even felt a fire in his chest. The bear man in front of him is really annoying. Do you know what you are doing?

If someone else dared to talk to Balyakov like that, he would definitely let the other party know why the flowers are so popular. But who let it be Boris in front of him!

Balyakov could only hold back his anger, and replied in a low voice: "Lieutenant, let me remind you one last time, your job is to lead your troops well, and you don't need to worry about other things! The matter of the case is our military police. job! If you want to work in the Gendarmerie, I might consider talking to your superiors!"

This is actually very polite. If other people who don’t know how to advance or retreat may be thrown out by the guards ordered by Balyakov, they can’t stop chattering, how can there be so many questions! Don't you know that the bounden duty of a soldier is to obey orders?

But Boris's skin is really thicker than the city wall. He just froze and kept buzzing there: "Colonel, I'm just making a suggestion. You should really check out those who have reported on Cremo The baron of the husband, this guy seems to be deliberately framed, how can they let them frame the former battle hero indiscriminately! This is so chilling!"

Balyakov held his forehead. He felt his head hurting more and more, as if a polar bear was wreaking havoc inside.

So he looked at Boris with more and more unkind eyes. He felt speechless and helpless towards such a living treasure. He didn't understand how such a stunned young man would make Kornilov look good, let alone understand the previous behavior of this guy. How the superior put up with him, anyway, he couldn't bear it.

Now Balyakov has only one thought—to get rid of this guy quickly, it is too annoying. So he simply stopped talking, and just watched Boris perform alone. What he meant was to make yourself boring, and if you were tired, you would automatically go away!

It's just that Boris's energy is really good, and the master who can single out a platoon in hand-to-hand combat has poor physical strength? What's more, moving his mouth is much easier than moving his arms and legs. He can talk all morning without drinking water!

So this guy has been babbling around Balyakov, it is more powerful than a repeater, it is much more ruthless than Tang Sanzang, anyway, Balyakov feels that his head is two big, and finally insisted After fifteen minutes, he couldn't help shouting angrily:

"Lieutenant, what do you want to do!"

At this time, Boris' courage was completely different from when he first entered Balyakov's office. When he first came in, he was indeed a little apprehensive and worried, because he didn't know what kind of temper Baryakov was, and he didn't know how Baryakov would fix him. So he was cautiously probing.

And now he has basically tested it out!


Don't look stupid like Boris, but he's really not stupid, on the contrary, he's a bit wise and foolish. Anyway, after such a test, he knew very well that Balyakov should be on Kornilov's side, and he should not deal with Mikheevich.

Otherwise, the military police colonel could not be so patient and tolerate his repeated provocations, and other military police colonels would arrest him or drive him out without saying a word. This guy has been enduring his outrage, which means that this guy must be on their side, otherwise he wouldn't be able to do this.

Especially as Boris became more and more nagging and nagging, and this one has been silently enduring, Boris became more and more aware that this colonel was one of his own, and it should be Kornilov who stayed behind. Against Mikjevic and his gang.

With this knowledge, what else do you think Boris is worried about? Naturally, he wasn't worried about anything. He suspected that Balyakov was pretending to be confused and knew what was going on with Baron Klimov, but he couldn't make it clear for some unavoidable reasons.

Although Boris's guess is not entirely correct, but most of it is correct, that is, as long as he does not go out of line and does not destroy Kornilov's plan, no matter what he does, Baryakov will turn a blind eye. one eye.

Naturally, Boris became more and more unscrupulous. He didn't know why Baryakov didn't investigate Baron Klimov's case thoroughly, but that didn't stop him from doing it himself, so he used tricks with Baryakov to find out what happened. Who reported Baron Klimov.

In fact, after Balyakov was grinded over and over again, he also discovered Boris's little abacus. At the beginning, Balyakov didn't intend to let Boris mess around, because he was afraid that he would affect the overall situation. But then he was really annoyed by someone, and after thinking about it, even if he told Boris about Miakov's dog legs, it wouldn't be a big problem for Boris to investigate.

Because the focus of Miyakov's attention now must be how to clean up Lukaf, and that side is his Achilles' heel. And it's not a big deal even if all the dog legs who reported Baron Klimov fell into it.

What's more, as Miyakov is about to turn his back on Lukaf completely, the matter that he helped Lukaf frame it seems even more insignificant. Once dead, all dirty water can greet that body.

After figuring this out, Balyakov has no objection to handing over those insignificant pawns to Boris. Anyway, there won't be any big waves, so let the polar bear be happy. up. And it can also keep your ears clean, so why not do it?

"There are local workers and patrolmen who reported Baron Klimov. If you think there is something wrong with these people, you can check it yourself!"

Balyakov scribbled a few names on the paper and threw it to Boris casually, just like throwing a hot potato.

Naturally, Boris also had a happy smile on his face. Of course he knew that the other party had betrayed his favor, so he nodded and bowed in a respectful dog-legged manner to accompany him with a smile:

"Okay, Colonel, I'll go check it out, and if I find anything, I'll notify you as soon as possible to arrest people!"

Hearing these words, Balyakov felt tight in his chest, and he flatly refused: "Then there is no need! If you like to check, you can check it yourself. If you find anything, let me know in writing, and no one will come!"

Suddenly, Borist's face burned, and he knew that he had done a little too much today. But he can't help it! Whoever has an aunt who looks like a little pepper in his family is forced to be helpless, okay?

Suddenly Boris showed an aggrieved expression, wanting to defend himself. But Balyakov decisively pointed at the door and ordered viciously: "Now, please get out of here immediately!"

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