Steel steam and flame

Chapter 458 Moving forward (6)

"The most important thing is that there has been no follow-up action from the volcano base." This is a situation that many people are worried about.

It was impossible for them to face the airship. The two have never been on the same level. Their musket bullets cannot even penetrate the armor of the enemy's airship, but can only splash a bunch of shining but powerless sparks on it.

The team moved forward again for most of the day. The blizzard continued to get stronger, and the wind refused to let up and began to howl again. The wind was so strong that it was no longer suitable to travel, and it was getting dark quickly. Everyone felt that they were not walking in a mountain range, but on a completely frozen glacier.

"There are many places like this on the Endless Sea. The climate there was originally very cold. A large area was covered with frozen soil. Heavy snow and strong winds are common. Now the situation in this mountain range is almost the same as there." Someone said. The person who opened the mouth was a veteran who had stayed in the military base on the other side of the Endless Sea. "The equipment there is specially designed to withstand the cold. It is difficult enough to go out to perform tasks and patrol, let alone Talk about what we are doing now."

The others sighed after hearing this. They hid in a slightly spacious depression, leaning against a few straight and strong trees. The snow in the pit has been cleared, and they are now burning solid fuel and using the iron pot made of bullet casings to boil hot water for drinking.

Cassia and the other two captains were busy pushing a few larger stones outside and built a simple windbreak wall on the wind head of the pit. But the main function is not to prevent wind, but to prevent a large amount of snow from being carried into the pit by the wind. The place to stay is not big, and if we don't take some precautions, it can easily be buried by a strong wind and snow in the middle of the night.

"It's probably a strong wind of level 7 or 8." The captain of the third team said, and the temporary windbreak wall was completed. The snow blown by the wind separated here like running water and piled up on both sides.

Under the snow and fog flying all over the sky, only a few meters away, the faces of the other two captains were already blurry.

"Winds of this level will affect our movements. Without walking close to the ground, those veterans can't walk at all. Wait until the wind stops. Major Barron and the others probably encountered the same problem. According to the agreement It's time to get to the meeting point. It's probably not possible in this weather." The three of them walked towards the pit, where a group of soldiers were drinking hot water.

Several large trees nearby were also swayed by the strong wind, and their branches were bent a lot, but they were flexible and none of them was broken. On the contrary, the original evergreen leaves have been frozen by cold temperatures and under severe friction, and now they have become broken, leaving only a few branches in many places.

"It's probably the cold current that crossed the sea from the Youxiang Continent. Otherwise, we wouldn't have thought of the cause of this kind of weather." There were three piles of blazing flames burning in the pit, and several people were sitting beside the fire. Except for the sentry, everyone was resting with their eyes closed.

No one seemed to really sleep. Snow would visit the shallow pit from time to time. The fire was kept, but the soldiers had to wipe their faces from time to time. Before long, there was either a layer of snow or a layer of frost on top.

This situation continued until the next day, and the strong wind did not stop until almost noon. The heavy snowstorm also became smaller at the same time, and many people discovered that the light became brighter after that. It seems that the snow clouds in the sky are slowly consuming.

At this time, they finally poked their heads out of the pit. The outside was as soft and white as cotton. Only the breeze stirred up a little bit of snow mist from time to time, filling the surface of the snow.

Windbreaks play a big role. When Cassia and the others looked outside the pit, in their eyes, there were two high walls made of snow.

"Thankfully I had this preparation yesterday." Others sighed. Because of the windbreak wall, the snow accumulated on both sides was more than two meters high, slowly descending in a trapezoid shape, like a small mountain model, placed not far from the pit.

Snow of this thickness is no longer suitable for traveling. Even if there is no wind, Cassia and the three of them can open a path in front and use their bodies and super endurance to forcibly walk out of a feasible snow passage, but the difficulty of rushing is still beyond the endurance limit of others.

Everyone looked at the snow in front of them and shook their heads. Cassia remembered her original idea of ​​making snowboards again. I saw a few straight trees next to me. Although I didn't know the type of trees, their flexibility should meet the requirements after being tested by strong winds.

Then everyone got angry. There was a veteran from the Endless Sea in the team who was very good at skiing. He also said so later. Don’t worry about technical issues, now it’s just about making the skis. I used a gun to bring down those big trees. I couldn't deal with the main trunks, but the other branches could be used. And rope is one of the necessities that everyone carries, so the idea works.

After stopping at the same spot for a while, the problem of traveling in the snow was finally completely solved.

The effect is not as good as everyone imagined, and the speed and physical consumption are only about one or two levels lower than before. But it is enough, at least the numerous equipment can replace the human burden with a simple sled.

In the end, the other seventeen people successfully walked on the snow surface, but Cassia and the other two captains could only rely on their bodies in the thick snow, rushing through the snow like flowing through a river. The weight of the surgeon is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Even though Cassia thought of this when making the skis and deliberately made the area of ​​the skis as large as possible, there was still no effect.

The speed of the journey increased a lot at this time, and Cassia and the other two lieutenants were also full of energy. The three of them took turns to take the lead in clearing the way in the snow, saving a lot of energy and even faster than ordinary veterans who used simple skis to travel.

At this moment, Xuefeng was officially standing in front of them. You can no longer see the whole picture below the snow clouds with your eyes. You need to raise your head to see the white mountainside. The layers of snow are like rushing waves.

A huge mountain peak completely blocked the view directly in front of it, leaving only the mountain that towered like a wall. The majestic momentum naturally exudes, pressing down from the top of the head, making people's hearts beat slightly faster. Cassia and the others stopped and looked over, sighing for a long time before getting into the white snow again. The combat uniforms they wore also turned them white, and soon they couldn't tell the difference between the snow and themselves.

We found a secluded spot to rest at night. Because we were already very close to the snowy peaks, we also burned solid fuel for heating at different times in the evening to avoid exposing our position as much as possible.

The next day, the wind was light and the snow was a little light, and the heavy snowstorm turned into a normal blizzard pattern. After one night, the snow also dropped one layer and became firmer. The skis had been improved overnight by Cassia and a few other handy people, making them more suitable for today's conditions.

At dawn, they left the resting place. After judging their location based on the map and compass, they accelerated towards the meeting point set by Major Barron.

It's not far from them, it will take about three hours to get there.

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