Steel steam and flame

Chapter 455 Moving forward (3)

At this time, the other people in the team stood up silently in the slowly falling light snow. While taking pictures of the snow stuck to their bodies, they looked at the mountains in front of them that were mostly covered with heavy snow, and only half of the mountainside could be seen in the distance. Xuefeng, led by Major Barron, began marching for several days.

The captain also carried the communication machine and returned to the back of the team. He needed to observe the team's situation at all times to prevent any team members from unknowingly leaving the team in such a snowy season and falling in the snow and having difficulty getting up. Then he looked at the sky, which was a gloomy dark gray.

"Night is coming earlier and earlier." He murmured, recalling what Major Barron had just said, and sighed, "What an empire in chaos."


Cassia woke up from thirst, her throat seemed to be burning, and the air naturally exchanged by her lungs was filled with amazing heat, and you could see the air was slightly distorted.

When I woke up, my mouth was completely dry and cracked, there was no saliva at all, and my eyes seemed to be blurry. The skin on his face and body also seemed to be wrinkled, dry and as cold as frozen iron in the snow. After Cassia woke up, various functions in the body began to gradually return to normal. The body temperature has risen, and the heartbeat and breathing have become more powerful.

I feel that my body has become much more relaxed. Probably during the time when I fell asleep, those chemical toxic substances have been completely discharged from the body. While Cassia was thinking, she glanced around. It was exactly the same as when she fell asleep. There was no change at all. Everything remained in its original state, except for the complete blood that was frozen into dark red ice. The corpses shrank somewhat in the cold temperature, and the color of their skin turned into a cold light gray. Moisture seeped out of the corpses, forming a thin layer of frost on the skin.

"No one has chased him to this place yet." As he spoke, he glanced at his mechanical watch and realized that a whole day had passed. This time, he fell asleep for a long time.

Kasia now just wants to drink water and eat a lot of food. There was nothing in his stomach pouch except extremely acidic stomach acid.

There was still bright light in front of my eyes. When I woke up from my drowsiness and opened my eyes, I felt it was very dazzling. The flashlight's battery life exceeded his estimate.

After sitting on the ground for a while, Cassia finally stood up and moved around on the spot until her physical strength basically recovered, regaining her body's flexibility. After sleeping for a whole day, the various parts of the body are like rusty machines. Every time they move, they emit a mournful scream that is about to fall apart.

The bones made a "crackling" sound, and the muscles on his hands and feet also felt soreness that had not yet been eliminated. The bite wound on his arm has not healed and is still healing. He will not be able to perform any substantial movements for a short time. At that time, he finally killed the hibernating brown bear in the cave, and his body became stiffer and stiffer after that. Cassia had lost the ability to use her hands at that time. Cassia couldn't cut her body with a tactical knife to bleed, so she could only bite her with her mouth.

The event was finally over. After Cassia recovered, she took the time to move the corpses, opened their backpacks, and started looking for things that were useful to her.

Weapons and ammunition need to be added. Most of the weapons used by the enemy are printed with the Empire's manufacturing logo. Cassia can also know the power and performance data of these things through the labels on them. He ate all the food and water on the spot. He was very hungry now, and these high-energy foods could just fill his stomach. The fat that was finally stored in the body has been used up. Because the blood is replaced in a short period of time, it may be that the production speed is faster. The quality of the blood has not kept up. It only meets the maximum requirement for life maintenance. and basic activities of the body.

Cassia felt that in the blood, certain substance components were missing, and the energy storage was not as good as before.

When we came out of the cave, it was still night. There was a heavy snowstorm outside, even more severe than the weather the day before. The branches of the ancient trees rubbed against each other, making a huge sound, which mixed with the sound of the strong wind, echoed in the surrounding mountains.

The snow on the tree crown fell a lot at this time, and the thickness of the snow that fell increased again.

A lot of the snow had formed into lumps, and the bottom layer of snow was packed very tightly in a day or two, making it feel solid when you step on it. Cassia originally planned to rest in the cave for a while before moving on to find other teams, or to head directly towards the snow peak. The current state is only around the usual six or seven levels. Rushing in a harsh environment will also have a negative impact on the body's subsequent recovery.

But considering the sniper's team, Cassia finally decided to leave here as soon as possible. The captain's surgical stage is higher than mine, and his strength and physical resistance are definitely better than mine. But the effect of that chemical poison is fatal to anyone. Without finding an effective method or injecting an antidote, Cassia believes that the captain's situation will not be much better than his own.

Within an hour or two, the heavy snowstorm completely buried the traces left by Cassia. Without the person who studies potions, it would be impossible for the enemy to catch up with him. In order not to leave clues to the enemy, when he came out of the cave, Cassia deliberately moved all the enemy corpses together, and then pulled the tabs of all the steel-cased bombs on the enemy, and removed the weapons that might help the enemy. Everything was destroyed.

Now, Cassia is moving forward in the wind and snow with the help of weak flashlight light. Not long ago, based on weather conditions, snow depth, and time factors, he recalculated the areas where other teams were most likely to be based on the map and marked them on the map. Now he is preparing to check them one by one.

"Probably before dark tomorrow, we should be able to meet a team." Looking at the dark surroundings, Cassia gasped. His body was covered with frost, and the wind carried snow and mist. From time to time, large clumps of snow would fall from the tree crowns, which could easily bury him. The strong wind became a resistance and the speed of travel became slower.


Under the dark gray clouds, a team was walking on a gentle slope despite a heavy snowstorm. There were only a dozen people wearing warm hats and masks with respirators. Not far ahead, on one side, a blur of dark green appeared in the white wind and snow. The person walking at the front of the team stopped and took off his mask, revealing a fair and beautiful face. But I didn't know how to appreciate the heavy snow, and the snowflakes hit me hard. But the woman was not affected by the wind and snow. She opened her eyes wide and looked over without squinting slightly.

"It's there, if my intuition is correct." The woman murmured to the people walking behind her, "The bodies of Gabri and several others."

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