Steel steam and flame

Chapter 443 Gathering (7)

There was a bright light in his eyes, and the world around him instantly lost their color, leaving only a dazzling white. In other words, the light reflected by these scenery is too weak, and compared with the brightness of the signal flare, it is completely covered up.

I had made preparations in advance, and there was a high degree of light in the center of the solid fuel burning flame. I stared at it carefully for a long time a few seconds before taking action. Cassia completely let go of the protective mechanism of her eyes at that time, so that her eyes could adapt as soon as possible in a short period of time. But at this moment, I still felt severe pain around my eyes, as well as swelling and pain in various parts of my eyeballs. It was as if the eyes would explode completely in the next moment, and the countless small blood vessels around the eye sockets suddenly swelled up at this moment. The intense light caused the extremely sensitive eyes to generate a large amount of electrical signals in an instant, and only the nerves rushed in. into the white matter layer of the brain. The electrical signal volume that the neural pathways can bear seems to be overflowing, and the impact is spreading only to the orbit and to all surrounding tissues.

Pain occurred in her head at the same time, and Cassia closed her eyes tightly when the light was the strongest. But the signal flare is like a solid light, which can easily penetrate the thin layer of defense of the eyelids. Even though Cassia kept her head lowered from beginning to end, she did not look directly at the light source in mid-air. But the light was so intense that it reached a limit, and the thick layer of snow accumulated on the ground became an omnidirectional mirror. There was no place to hide at this moment.

There is also an amazing amount of heat inside, which can be clearly felt on the back of the neck and ears, which are completely exposed to the light. The simple modification mentioned by the captain was probably just a joke that Cassia did not understand at the time. This is one of the captain's trump cards.

Cassia endured the uncomfortable feeling that his eyeballs were about to pop out of his sockets. The moment he was swallowed up by the light, he used the method about giant whales that Lina learned from him. When the rejection reaction is fully activated, the dragon's tissues are not much inhibited by the inhibitory tube. At this moment, they completely rioted. Under Cassia's less sophisticated control, at the speed of the last fuse, riots quickly began to multiply in small areas throughout his body.

The clothes clinging to the body bulged a little at the same time, and the muscle fibers were as tough as steel cables twisted and tightened by a pressure machine. As long as the switch in the body is flipped down and turned on, amazing power and speed can burst out in an instant.

"Bang bang!" Under the explosion of the heavy machine gun that was still firing, the crisp sound of two rocks cracking suddenly appeared.

Cassia and the captain acted at almost the same moment, and gathered strength in their bodies at the same moment. The snow in front of us was more than half a meter thick, and huge flakes continued to fall, showing no signs of stopping. The clouds that have settled in the sky are incredibly thick, and it is almost impossible to consume them all in a short period of time.

At this moment, a ferocious mark suddenly appeared on the flat, slightly smooth and soft snow surface, like a raised mountain rock, instantly embedded in the snow.

Cassia and the captain, one on the left and one on the right, took advantage of this rare time to sprint out in different directions. The flare lasts for more than ten seconds, but it only really serves as a cover for the few seconds it burns completely. And based on the surgeon's ability to adapt, even if it is outside of their consciousness, it will take less than ten seconds to fully react. It's just that there will still be a dazzling white light in their eyes at that time.

The speed of 100 meters is now compressed into one or two seconds by Cassia and the captain. I feel like my body has become lighter, and the abnormal weight seems to have disappeared in a sense. Cassia just squinted her eyes to pay attention to the general direction, and then ran over with all her strength.

Military detachable heavy machine guns have several adapted bullet chains with different functions. The enemy is now using bullets that sacrifice the rate of fire in exchange for hugely powerful bullets. The firing range is longer than rapid-fire bullets, and the effective distance is about four to five hundred meters. At this distance, if you are unlucky and get hit by flying bullets, you can still make a huge hole in your body. It's just that the chance is very small.

Cassia and the captain now want to escape from this area as soon as possible. The firepower of the heavy machine gun can block their movements in a large range, and there are other people and snipers waiting for them to reveal their fatal flaws. If you are slow and targeted, the risk will increase a lot.

There was no time to think about other things. When the light decreased, Cassia had already ran more than two hundred meters away. Now he could take a breath. He turned his head and looked behind him, just at the moment when several bombs exploded. Not far from the two pieces of rubble, the steel-cased bomb set off several clusters of rising flames. The waves of hot air collided with each other, instantly melting a lot of snow, heating it and turning it into steam mixed with gray smoke. As the cyclone rolled up there rushed to the surroundings, the flying snowflakes scattered in an expanding shape around.

It was the captain, and Cassia kept walking. He spent a lot of energy just to fight against and alleviate the side effects of white light on his eyes. With his current surgical level, he could not spare the time like the captain to take out a steel-cased bomb while running, and then throw it accurately around the enemy.

The heavy machine gun bullets chased the captain's footsteps with bright light. The snow exploded under the bullets, and the soil mixed with rock fragments rose up like a fountain more than one meter high. Countless musket bullets were also fired at them, forming an intertwined line in the snow.

At this time, most of the enemy had recovered from the influence of the flare light and had basic combat strength. But it was still extremely unstable, and a small group of people pointed their guns at Cassia. But judging from the impact point of the bullet, there was chaos and a feeling of lightness.

The bright light gave them a dazzling feeling, and the effect has not disappeared yet. And from a bright environment to this darkness in an instant, even the surgeon's eyes have to adapt for a period of time. This is a process that no one can omit. The only difference is the length of adaptation time.

They were shooting randomly. They didn't have their eyes locked on me at all. They just roughly guessed which direction I would flee to and wanted to try their luck. Cassia knew this very well. But in a real battle, Cassia is more willing to believe in experience and strength, as well as the thinking that comes from the rapid rotation in his head. Something called luck was not worthy of his trust.

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