Steel steam and flame

Chapter 271 Bai Hui

The feeling of a hole being opened in the chest of the body was an extremely new experience for Joserei. His legs bent and his body sank rapidly. He wanted to use his hands to grab something to keep himself from lying down, but his fingers had completely lost the power to bend, and the nerves inside were beating. It was a subconscious twitch caused by fear.

The rapier pierced his heart and twisted several times in an instant, completely smashing the tissue there into pieces, and then the rapier was withdrawn smoothly. Only then did blood flow out in large streams. There may be wind blowing through the hole about two centimeters in diameter. Now Joserei has truly experienced what it means to feel cold coming from deep within his heart.

I'm dying. When this realization appeared in Josere's head, his body lay on the edge of the cold street, completely dead.

In less than two or three seconds, Josere's men behind him still didn't understand what happened. There was an all-night celebration last night and the excitement continued until this morning. Their nerves and thoughts were numbed by a large amount of alcohol and tobacco. During this time, they watched their boss being stabbed through the heart and falling to the ground to die.

Then, like fireworks bursting into the sky at a festival, their slow brain circuits finally completed the calculation of this complicated matter. Everyone chose to draw their guns at the same time.

But in their eyes, the man who was as handsome as a plastic injection molded mannequin in a clothing store turned to look at them, and in the next moment, his shadow disappeared from their own eyes.

It seemed as if a gust of wind was blowing against their cheeks, and they could smell the rich but not cloying smell of perfume inside.

Several wrists holding guns fell to the ground one after another, and the pistols were smashed down hard. Several of them had painful looks on their faces, and moans were brewing in their throats. But the hole that was pierced in the chest was like that of Josere, so this moan could never reach the ears of the person who had passed by them.

The night continues to deepen, and the light of the street lights sometimes flickers several times due to wiring problems, and then returns to normal. There are no pedestrians passing here, and fewer and fewer vehicles are driving here. Occasionally, the light of the motorcycle can illuminate the bodies of Joserei and his group on the street. But the black shadow was too strong, and the people in the car regarded them as rubbish that had been randomly discarded. They left here without taking a few glances.

To wait until someone discovers him, he may have to wait until that time in the morning. When the man put away his sharp blade that had not been stained with any blood, he thought, and then this thought was thrown out of his mind.

He tapped the mechanical watch on his wrist. The dial lit up with a faint and gentle fluorescence under the tap of his fingers, illuminating all the information on the dial. This is a perpetual calendar mechanical watch. In addition to the hour hand, minute hand and second hand, there are many other small hands divided into small pieces that are shaking slightly, which represent different directions and general astrological information obscured by cirrus clouds. .

He remembered exactly where he was going, but the elegant habits in life still made him look at his watch before going to a certain place.

He continued to walk towards the place where there was a large light shining in front, which was the area he wanted to investigate next. The intuition that had always relied on him to survive told him that there was something of interest to him in the light in his eyes.

The strides are evenly spaced, and the speed may look too slow in other people's eyes, but in reality it is extremely fast. The camouflage movements made by his body subconsciously can easily fool most people's eyes. In less than half an hour, he had entered the light in front of him.

The scene seen from a distance was different from the real scene seen in front of him. It still looked dimmer than he imagined. Without showing any regret on his face, he looked around. Behind him was a lonely hotel. Some small shops nearby were not closed yet. They were doing business in the evening, and most of the tables in the shop were occupied.

There was a buzzing sound from the simple luggage he was carrying. He took out the communicator inside and walked towards the hotel behind him.

"Hello, what's the matter? Now is not the time to contact me." The voice that passed by was as gloomy as the weather.

"I know, but everything has its own special circumstances. I think you will be interested in the true appearance of that batch of smuggled items." There was a female voice on the other side of the communicator. I couldn't hear the specialness in the voice. The kind of sound that goes through your head once and is forgotten the next moment.

"Thank you very much. You have completed half of the agreed terms, but I have only completed two-sevenths of the quantity. I am really sorry. Please accept my sincere apology."

"No need to be so pretentious. Save your elegance for the dance two days later. The venue is inside the Black Castle. The party and the nominal trade fair that day are just a cover. Their purpose is still I want to hand over the batch of smuggled goods to get what they want from the people in the gray area. I have prepared the party invitation for you, so you don’t have to worry about it." The other party was very casual. Said, "The content of the transaction between us must also be suspended for a while. There are some discrepancies in the plan. Those people may still be of some use. They are all of high standard of combat effectiveness. You don't have to rely on your hands to clean them out yet. And it seems that We don’t need your hands, someone will come to help us do these things in the future, and that Francois has already helped you deal with someone."

"Then I should thank him." He said here, stepping on the ground with his hard-soled leather shoes, and walked towards the small hotel in front of him.

"You will find a chance to thank him in the future. But now you just need to find out where the people in the gray area who arrived early are hiding and what they exchanged with that batch of goods. Which batch of items is the best in the end? If there is value, we will start with which batch of goods.”

"What a good plan. I wonder what your teammates will think if they know about our conversation?"

"You don't have to worry about this matter. I will make them move in the ideal direction." A chuckle came from the other side, "By the way, during the investigation, remember to pay attention to the movements of the eighth person. He is now He should have come to Brino, but we still don’t know who it is, and I don’t want him to ruin our plans when the time comes.”



Thor had just returned from chatting with the receptionist at the counter. He was sitting in a corner of the hotel as usual, staring outside the lobby door in a daze. There were many people going out today, but very few people hired protection guides. I originally wanted to do business with that honest man Kasia, but after Kasia went out this afternoon, she has not come back until now. I wonder if something has happened outside.

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