Steel steam and flame

Chapter 2363 Training and unexpected information (Part 2)

"I happened to be passing by, so I conducted a small experiment." Ovelia sat down and said, "One of the infected subjects that performed better showed some characteristics of the surgeon very early. Punos and Adina I think she has corresponding value. Earlier, I carried out external transportation of energy and materials to avoid being directly consumed to death by the reactions in the body due to the weak constitution of ordinary people. After that, didn't the two of them go to the roots and conduct experiments? "

"Extraction of tree root substances and blood reaction experiments?" Carla immediately had an impression. After all, it had only been a few days ago. "The time Miss Shanerna went to protect her, I had an impression. When I passed by , the experiment was coming to an end, and I saw Punos carrying many samples in metal boxes and leaving."

"The experiment worked?" Kara thought.

Ovelia shook his head, "This is not my field of expertise. For the patient named 'Telanya', there are extracted substances from tree roots implanted in her body, and the activity has been weakened in advance. Punos said inspiration From the suppression tube, he also did the same thing, took the suppression tube from the dead operator, removed the dead dragon nerve tissue, and refilled it with the weakened tree root material."

"By the way, the number is four, and the installation position is in accordance with the standard procedure of the surgery. In the early stage of implantation, the effect was very good, Prolos said, looking very happy. It's just that the delay was not long, and when I came By the time they get here, the patient's condition has returned to what it was before. They have increased the amount of external energy substances delivered, but it has no effect. The essence of pollution is to devour living bodies, using flesh and blood as the target of erosion. They don't seem to like sending The energy substance that comes to your mouth.”

"If you don't like energy substances, this should be good news." Carla smiled and sighed, "The treatment will be more difficult because of this, but it fundamentally avoids the option of contamination that can directly trigger the 'withering reaction'. Contaminated surgery Some of them died of the 'withering reaction' in the end. Have you read this report that has been circulated within the alliance? By the way, one of the authors is Punos and Adena."

"Not liking energy substances means that the operation can be delayed for a long time depending on the strong physique of the operator. This can leave enough possibilities for subsequent treatment."

"It seems that you and Punos have discussed similar issues." Ovelia looked at Kara.

"His report needs to be passed through my authority if it wants to be transmitted to the alliance." Kara explained the reason, "The contact network is affected by the climate and is no longer smooth. Once it has a time attribute, it will be delayed due to different regions. , information will become another battlefield. When it comes to pollution, we must act cautiously."

Ovelia applauded at this time, "She is indeed the Miss Carla that Mr. Cassia often mentioned."


"I just want to show that your views and actions on your own life are commendable. Mr. Cassia said that he died once in the southern forest. The feeling of death is indescribable. Even he was afraid and absolutely did not want to experience it again." times, so let us cherish our lives." Ovelia explained, seeing the disbelief on Carla's face, she immediately changed the topic.

"The suppression tube made of tree root extract works, at least in the patient Trinya. The delay is not long, only a few days, but it is still an improvement. What happened next is what happened not long ago . I was passing by here and wanted to see you, but my condition worsened. Punos said, 'If you don't do the test, you will definitely die. If you do, there may be a miracle,' so he asked me for blood."

"What's the effect?" Kara naturally ignored the conversation just now and asked with interest.

"Well..." Ovelia looked embarrassed, "How should I explain it? It's not so much the effect of my blood, but the special characteristics of Cassia. As a purifier, I actually didn't do anything. Suddenly There is such an identity between them. But I have to admit that after the blood was injected, the patient's graying was quickly cured, and his condition was stable. At the same time, he followed the patient's words when he woke up a few minutes ago...

The blood did help her end the dream. Of course, the patient's own efforts must be involved. After all, in the process of pollution treatment at several nodes, there are always many people affected by pollution. Just discussing it based on the situation of ordinary people, the probability of one in tens of thousands is not random.

In addition, there is an interesting phenomenon. The blood has a good compatibility with this patient. The result requires a longer period of observation, but this is also good news. "

As he said that, Ovelua turned his head and looked in the direction of the door of the conference room, then took out a small metal box with a magazine and opened it. A faint silvery white light is released from it, adding a layer of artistic beauty to the cold light in the conference room.

"My main job is this." Ovelia took out two thumb-sized glass bottles from the small metal box and pushed them to Kara and Shanerna. "Passing by is both an excuse and a fact. In the mission , I have said that I will bring them to the two of you when time and route permit."

Kara and Shanerna took the small glass bottle and both picked it up and looked at it. They also felt the weight that was disproportionate to its size - the bottle contained more like a solid piece with its own fluorescent properties, which could be felt in the hand. The cold feeling is much lower than the cold wind under heavy rain.

"The root network of the world tree in ancient history produced a lot of pollution. After seeing the contents of the glass bottle, I would not hesitate to believe that the contents were purified and concentrated substances of pollution. The viscous state and silver color are also grey-white. Advanced version, right?”

When they heard approaching footsteps in the heavy rain outside, the two then put away their things.

"Isn't it fluorescent green? Is there a new change?"

"It changes all the time. Not long ago, I came into contact with the bright red version, and there are also fluorescent green ones, but the corrosive and radiation germs have not been eliminated, so it will not be of any help to you." Ovelia sighed helplessly, "I am exposed to these things at any time, but I am always in danger."

"But, back to the topic, because it is different from the purification node, the decision on how to use it is in your hands. Whether to dilute it and distribute it to others as a kind of insurance, or keep it as it is, is your own business. .But remember, it is not only an absolute special effect weapon against pollution, but also a silver-white mercury bomb that is different from solid red mercury.

Theoretically, its power will be more than twenty times that of common imitation solid red mercury bombs. Among the current three-stage surgeries, except for the members of the successor list of the Theocracy and the Natural Society, no one can survive under it. The detonating device will be transported here along with the supplies, so you must, must use it with caution! "

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