Steel steam and flame

Chapter 2337 The precursor of a heavy rain (4)

"I rushed back in a hurry just because of your words." There was a smile on his face, which only became stronger now. Kasia put the selected books on the desk aside, pulled a pile of expired documents from under it, and used it as a temporary chair. She sat aside with a look like "I am completely ready, just waiting for you." The way he opened his mouth.

Perkinz looked at the half-opened book in his hand and sighed, "Let's start from here. It's just a supplement. Miss Lisa Man has told you everything she should have told you. My job will be relatively simple." Quite a few, it won’t take long.”

Hillary put aside her work of gathering and analyzing intelligence, and Li Suman placed a lounge chair by the door, chose a comfortable position to lie down, and with tacit silence, prepared the stage for Perkinz. The two of them were very interested in this, because they knew very well that when Perkinz was talking about supplementary information, he would suddenly think of other information and add it in passing. And the supplementary content added to the supplement will definitely be the part they don't know about.

The brief pause ended in the room. Perkins sorted out the order and content, and from a targeted perspective, systematically explained to Cassia all the information he knew and that Cassia could currently know.


",,,Of course, the latest generation of uranium-gold bomb detonating devices of the Theocratic State, Nature Association and Saint Dorag Empire must be driven by the mold material in your mouth as the core. As your analysis of the mold material deepens , after the evolutionary route reaches a sufficient depth, artificially controlling its activity level and using it to instantly activate uranium gold is a natural result. The detonating device is not important to you. The basis for my judgment is based on this situation. .

In addition, it is no longer possible to verify what standard names mold substances had in ancient history. Every surviving race, every second type of life, and every continent in the continental group has no name in the ancient ruins they have preserved. Not unified, completely different.

Here, just name it according to the name of the current era. The person who named it is a person you already know-Mr. Komilosi Kaloska. In the information he left behind, "astrophage" is used to refer to fungal substances. This name is also consistent with the currently observed phenomenon. One of the main reasons for the red light of the Red Star is the light emitted by the burning of dead gods by the asteroid bacteria.

Please also remember that the presence of Astrophage in your body is one of the Alliance's top secrets, ranking higher than the knowledge that you are alive. Although the reasons for this result are your connection with the root network of the World Tree, the red star pattern, and the ability to reduce the astrophage bacteria over a long period of time, all of which are caused by the combination of these three factors. But after all, the astrophage appears to burn dead gods. Even if those who know it know the reason, they can never suppress their desire to dissect you for study.

Including the Avalon Agency! "

During the introduction and answering questions, Perkinz had to remind, "It's surprising that you are still alive. Add in the astrophage bacteria, and then if we also know that you are also developing the ability to develop red star patterns..."

Perkins is silent here, searching for a suitable metaphor to describe the danger these messages represent.

"Well, if this information is known, even I will not be willing to stay by your side. At that time, the only person who will take the initiative to protect you is Miss Elinor. It is too dangerous. And this danger does not come from the fact that you yourself will cause any substantial danger to the third general and the others, at least not now.

What it represents is that the aggregation of information gives you a possibility - in history, this possibility was called an 'artificial red star' or a 'terrestrial red star'. In the advanced stage of surgery, surgeons who develop the red star pattern ability and add it to their own evolutionary path will have their ultimate evolutionary guess for this path.

The maximum expression of power, environmental influence, and restraint rules, this is the image of Red Star in the eyes of most people. Of course, from the time the conjecture was proposed until now, no one has realized it. Even relying on the evolutionary route of the red star pattern to reach the extreme realm where Li Suman is, no one has ever done it.

But that is the situation of others. For those of you who are not dead, you should know that you have this possibility, and time has come to the stage of the resurrection of the popes. The last incident in the southern forest was a bunch of five-stage operators to hunt. you. Now,,,"

Perkinz spread his hands, "I can deal with one; with two or three, I can hold you back as much as possible so that you can escape safely; with four, five, six, I will turn around and kill you first to prevent you from He was tortured as a research object, and then escaped on his own. The very unfortunate news is that if the Theocracy and the Natural Society knew about it, the number would not be five or six, but would only be a team of nine or ten or more people. With a large number of stage five surgeons, even airships, carriers and troops.”

"In the current situation, at least in the eyes of the third general, the Alliance is not an enemy, only an obstacle. Most of its attention is focused on the giant whale group. So we try not to attract its attention as much as possible. .

That’s it for the expansion of astrophages. The next question to add and answer, I remember, is about the underground world and underground creatures. "


Pekinz's explanations and additions ended in the morning of the next day. Cassia and others needed time to digest the recorded information, and they all left the room to Pekinz in a tacit agreement. They stayed in the living room and small room of the villa. Walk around the garden, organize and think about what you have written down.

"Has the list of candidates for the giant whale group's land envoys come out?" At one o'clock in the afternoon, Cassia, who was observing the clouds in the small garden, was called back by Hilary Lee's voice.

"There will be results tomorrow morning. After the candidates are confirmed, the itinerary will be arranged together, and it will take time to coordinate." Cassia said with thanks, "The freezing air from the giant whale group has spread here, although there are not many, But as a kind of help, it can indeed change the established results in a small number of cases." He pointed to the thick lead-gray clouds above his head, where the material and energy of heavy rain, snow and hail were silently gestating, just waiting. A signal and it will start instantly.

"You seem to be expecting something, I don't know if it's my imagination." Hilary looked up and said nothing more.

"It's probably not an illusion." After thinking about it, Cassia answered directly, "Maybe it's because I know that many things are inevitable and will definitely happen, so I expect to be involved. And it's not passively or compulsorily handled by others. Pull it in by yourself, but take the initiative and rush in at an extremely fast speed."

"The initiative Ye Jielin taught you?"

Cassia shook his head, "It's not initiative, it's just that I have the ability to change. Knowing that in the future, maybe the surrounding environment can become better according to my own ideas - at least better in my imagination - then I think that's what we should do. To explain with inappropriate metaphors... I used to often think that I didn't go to a military school, but studied at the Imperial Heavy Industry School, and after graduation I became a machinist or a priest. What kind of life would it be like if the Holy Messenger said it. But now, I no longer think about similar things."

"Entering a military school and becoming a surgeon was the right choice for me."

"In the future, you will still think about studying at the Imperial Heavy Industry School until graduation and so on." Hillary smiled, "Have a good rest, there is not much time left. For your training, First it's me, then Miss Lissoman, and finally Mr. Perkins. Once you start, you won't have time to rest, so get ready."

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