Star Odyssey

Chapter 115 Decomposition

"It turns out to be Mr. Lu, please, let me show you around." Manager Aker was very enthusiastic. Although he was surprised when he heard Lu Yin's name, he quickly covered it up. In the universe, the surname Lu is rare.

Lu Yin looked up and saw that the planet's sky was dark yellow, without the sun covering it, and there were thick yellow clouds above it, giving people a depressing feeling.

"No need, Manager Ake, take me to the place where the mission is complete," Lu Yin said directly.

Ake nodded, "Okay, please take the aircraft."

Lu Yin and Ake boarded a large aircraft. Soon, the aircraft left the space station and flew towards the distance.

"Student Lu, this planet is full of irritating gases and is not suitable for survival, so our Irtuo Company bought it to store abandoned machinery. You see, there are abandoned mechanical products everywhere, including abandoned spaceships. Aircraft, even weapons, armor, etc..." Ake introduced.

Lu Yin's eyes were calm. This was a planet that was close to death. A civilization similar to Earth may have been born in the past, but now it is on the verge of destruction due to various reasons and can only be used as a garbage dump.

Perhaps in a few hundred thousand years, this planet will no longer exist.

The land is dry and there is no basic water resource.

Many people in space suits are looking for something. These people are slaves brought by the Irtuo Company from the wild planets to find slightly useful things for them. There are too many such people. If the earth were not for Lu Yin, For protection, the evolvers above will be sent to the battlefield, and ordinary people may be like these people, living on this abandoned planet all day long as garbage bugs until they die.

"What type of decomposer does Mr. Lu usually use?" Manager Ake asked.

There is too much garbage in the universe, and a considerable part of it is man-made products. Although these products are discarded, many companies will separate useful materials from these discarded garbage and re-create them. This method can save costs and effectively clean up cosmic garbage. The instrument that separates materials is called a decomposer.

Lu Yin has checked in the past two days. Practitioners use star energy to peel off different substances through the decomposer. Generally speaking, the better the star energy is controlled, the more substances can be stripped away. This is why the Tenth Institute accepted this task. One, you can exercise star energy.

"I don't need a decomposer," Lu Yin said calmly.

Manager Ake was stunned and stared at Lu Yin, "Classmate Lu, what did you say?".

Lu Yin frowned, "Prepare a quieter place for me, I don't need a decomposer."

Manager Aker's eyes flashed, nodded, and ordered the aircraft to turn.

Half an hour later, the aircraft stopped next to a hill, "Classmate Lu, there is no one here, and there are many abandoned machines around. You can use it to your heart's content. Don't worry, no one will be watching you."

Lu Yin stepped off the aircraft and breathed in the pungent gas. This gas is no different from poisonous gas to ordinary people, but it is not harmful to a practitioner like him, but it is a bit unpleasant.

"I'll have someone prepare an air freshener for you," Manager Ake said quickly.

Lu Yin waved his hand and said, "No, you can go. I'll call you when you're done."

Manager Ake didn't show any courtesy anymore and got on the aircraft to leave.

As soon as he left, he clicked on his personal terminal and said, "General Manager, the students from the Tenth Institute don't need a decomposer. They either rely on star power or talent."

"It should be based on talent. If you can decompose materials just by star power, you can pass the test of being a interpreter. I won't take this kind of task. Don't worry about him. We will wait until the results come out." A pleasant female voice came out.

Manager Ake responded quickly.

The hill was not high. Lu Yin rose into the sky and looked around. Countless towering abandoned machines were thrown on the ground, some were large and some were small. The largest one spread into the distance, and it should be a large spaceship.

Dark yellow clouds were floating in the sky. Lu Yin moved his limbs and said, "It's time to start. I hope I can draw two points." After saying that, he took out the dice.

At this moment, the dice is emitting hazy starlight, and there is no need to supplement it with star energy crystals. After so many days, it should be restored.

After swallowing, Lu Yin felt nervous every time he rolled the dice.

Pointing out the dice, the dice rotated rapidly, and finally reached one point. With a snap, a sword fell. Lu Yin picked it up and looked at it. He applied a little force and it was not bad. It was suitable for Fusion, but it was useless to him.

He took out a cubic star energy crystal from the Ning Kong Ring and crushed it. The dice recovered again, and Lu Yin continued to point out.

With good luck, I hit two points directly, and the decomposition vortex appeared.

Lu Yin was overjoyed. This was it. He immediately crushed eighteen cubic star energy crystals without even thinking about it. This kind of decomposition vortex can use star energy to increase time just like the timeless space. One cubic star energy crystal can add one hundred and sixty minutes. , which is twice the size of the timeless space. Eighteen cubic star energy crystals are enough to make this vortex last for a whole day.

"It's just a little small," Lu Yin murmured to himself. He picked up the discarded instruments nearby and threw them into the vortex. The moment he passed through the vortex, some unknown materials fell down very quickly.

Lu Yin took a deep breath and "start working". After saying that, he pushed the mountain of garbage into the decomposition vortex. Although the decomposition vortex was small, it would be decomposed through its range. Lu Yin could only push back and forth, and the mountain of garbage was enough. It took him two hours to decompose it, and there was already a lot of materials piled up on the ground, including all kinds of materials that he didn't recognize anyway.

Recalling the previous situation of decomposing the Ning Kong Ring, Lu Yin guessed that these materials could be decomposed to obtain more precious things, but he thought for a while and did not do so. The speed of his own decomposition was already amazing enough. If he decomposes those materials again, Precious material, who knows what will happen.

A day passed like this. Lu Yin spent a day decomposing quite a lot of abandoned machinery. The surrounding hills were a little empty, and the decomposed materials were piled up like mountains.

"I don't know how much income these can bring." Lu Yin thought for a while, then crushed the eighteen cubic crystals again, "One more day."

Two days later, Manager Ake was notified and quickly took an aircraft to Lu Yinna.

When he saw two hills of decomposed materials, Manager Ake rubbed his eyes vigorously. Really, is it true, so much was decomposed in two days? Even if a cultivator in the extreme realm uses the most effective decomposition device and spends a month, he still can't decompose that much! This efficiency is too high!

For a moment, Manager Ake looked at Lu Yin as if he were looking at God.

Lu Yin coughed and said, "What, Manager Ake, is that enough?".

Manager Ake said quickly, "That's enough, that's enough. Your task has been completed and exceeded. Student Lu, um, you did all of this alone?"

He had to suspect that in the past, there were students who brought a lot of materials privately in order to complete college tasks and said they were obtained by decomposing them. In fact, they didn't care. They just bought those materials and made some money for mutual benefit. But in front of him, There are too many of these. How many Ning Kong Rings do you bring? real or fake? Can it be decomposed so quickly?

Lu Yin said calmly, "Please help me calculate the reward."

Manager Ake responded quickly and asked someone to settle the remuneration for Lu Yin. At the same time, he contacted the general manager, who was the person in charge of Canglan Territory Iltuo Company.

"Impossible, a student cannot separate so quickly, unless he is a interpreter," Mou Ding, a pleasant female voice said.

Manager Ake said, "Let me ask."

"No need to ask, it's probably a lie. The interpreter doesn't care about the reward and won't waste time doing this kind of thing. Let the student go."

"So, mission progress?".


"Yes." Manager Ake hung up the light curtain. On the other side, Lu Yin had already received his reward. He spent two days decomposing a mountain of materials. Most of them were worthless, just ordinary hard metals, but there were also valuable special materials among them. Sold by the gram, these materials add up to several tons, worth tens of billions of cosmic coins, so his final reward is more than three billion cosmic coins.

Lu Yin did some calculations. If the discarded machinery he decomposed in the past two days was intact, the total price would not be less than 100 billion cosmic coins. Irtuo Company would recycle it at a very low price, and then ask cultivators like them to decompose it and get They can make tens of billions of dollars by remaking the finished products. Even excluding the money paid to them, they can still make more than tens of billions, which is an absolute huge profit.

And those mechanical repairs, maintenance, training, etc. all require money, and this money will also be paid to Ertuo Company. They make an endless stream of money, no wonder they have money to buy planets to use as garbage dumps.

Lu Yin felt like he was jealous. How rich was this company? However, this company was just a company in the outer universe. It was nothing compared with other big forces, let alone Mabis Bank.

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