One-click Recovery Since I was a Special Soldier

Chapter 2209 Sophia gets special medicine

Qin Yuan was originally very angry about this matter, and he also had some concerns in his heart.

However, seeing that the other party had agreed to help him, he could still breathe a sigh of relief.

"Du Bingbing, I must apologize for my bad attitude towards you today.

No matter what, I hope you can forgive me. I won’t say more about what happened today. I didn’t take the initiative to talk to you with this attitude.

Most importantly, I hope you can understand that I am actually under a lot of pressure myself.

If this matter cannot be resolved, I am afraid it will be a big loss for us, and no one will change anything because of this.

Therefore, I hope you can understand that there is still a problem with my attitude just now.

But what I hope even more is that there won’t be any other influence between us, especially since everyone has their own ideas in this regard, so there is no need for us to embarrass each other.

These things are all caused by myself and have nothing to do with you. Thank you for your wholehearted help. I am very touched by this. "

It is very rare for Qin Yuan to say such soft words.

Du Bingbing, after all, is a girl, and he still has some affection for Qin Yuan.

The reason why he faced An Ran with this attitude just now was simply that he was dissatisfied with Qin Yuan's desire to hide these things about him.

"Okay, you just saw that I promised to help you, that's why you said these things to me.

Qin Yuan, this is what you call using people to face the front and not using people to face the back. "

After Qin Yuan heard this, he also smiled beside him.

"Du Bingbing, I won't argue with you too much about other things. I promise you to eat spicy hotpot. I will definitely keep it in mind. When I go back, I will treat you to a spicy hotpot."

"I think you are truly suitable for the position of commander, and you are quite good at drawing pictures."

"How can I make you believe that I am not deceiving you at all, and that everything I tell you is the truth."

"I've always been a person who values ​​actions. It's meaningless to talk about everything without taking action. Just prepare to come back quickly. I'm still waiting for you to treat me to spicy hotpot."

"So how should things be arranged at the embassy?"

"You don't need to take care of this. There is a person named Wang Xin in the Pakistani embassy. He is the manager of our H embassy in Pakistan. He and I are college classmates. As long as I tell him, I should Not a problem.”

"It seems that you already have this relationship. In the final analysis, you are just waiting for me to come and help you."

"Qin Yuan, I don't want you and An Ran to bow their heads in front of me to be satisfied.

I just want to teach you a lesson through this incident and tell you that the relationship between us is a true comrade-in-arms. You should not mix other emotions, let alone reject and avoid me, which will affect the efficiency of our mission. . "

Only at this moment did Qin Yuan understand what a sober person Du Bingbing was.

It seemed that they had indeed had many misunderstandings about this girl in the past, and they should indeed apologize to him.

Chen Jixiang, who was standing nearby, couldn't stand listening.

"Sister An Ran, I really didn't expect Brother Qin Yuan to be such a narcissistic person. He must have always thought that Chief of Staff Du Bingbing had a good impression of him."

"This is a matter between the two of them, we can't explain it clearly.

People say that it is difficult for an upright official to deal with family affairs. How can we explain it clearly when it involves emotional issues? There is no distinction between who is right and who is wrong. "

An Ran, obviously feeling this when he said this, felt a little disappointed, but at the same time, they could not continue talking.

"Qin Yuan, after I tell you these things, I hope you can understand how to deal with the relationship between us next.

It's getting late and it's almost time to go to work.

Professor Fang De is still lying in the hospital. His physical condition has improved after taking special medicine recently.

I believe that soon after you come back with these two students, they will be able to get back to work normally. "

"Professor Fangde, has his health improved?"

“This kind of special medicine requires a lot of money to get.

After using such a good thing, he will definitely get better. As long as no one attacks him again and he puts himself into normal work, it shouldn't be a problem to help us for a few years. "

Qin Yuan felt very excited after hearing Du Bingbing's words. As long as Professor Fang De can live safely, it only makes sense for him to take these two people back.

“Let me tell you the truth, in fact, I think Mr. Norman Karim’s target may not be these two students of Professor Fangde at all.

The reason why he has not been released or told us his specific location is because he himself should still be making some plans.

You have to trust me, I have contacted someone I can trust.

He will definitely help us rescue these two people. You just need to help me contact the channels back.

The safety of these two people is entrusted to me. If anything goes wrong, feel free to hold me accountable. "

"You are indeed a very well-planned person. Since you have said so, I can rest assured. Leave it to me to make arrangements at the embassy. I will take the initiative to inform you after the results are available. of."

"Du Bingbing, thank you so much. Not only do you want to ensure the safety of Professor Fang De, but you also need to consider how we go back."

"I told you just now that this matter is our common task.

There is no need for you to be so polite. This is what I should do and has nothing to do with anything else. I also hope you can understand that no matter what happens, I will consider the problem from your side.

This has nothing to do with other people. As long as we can solve these things ourselves, no matter what others say, it will be in vain.

I just hope you can be clear about this. "

"Yeah, I understand. It's really hard on you."

After Qin Yuan finished talking about these things, Du Bingbing hung up the phone directly, and Qin Yuan could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"An Ran, you two should have heard it. This guy has agreed to our next plan. He will not come back to embarrass us again."

He Chenguang, obviously did not feel very happy when he heard the good news. Instead, he was a little worried.

"He Chenguang, what's wrong with you?

You should feel very happy to hear this good news.

We will be able to return to the army soon, and then we no longer need to worry about this matter. Instead, it is possible that all of us will receive awards from the army, and maybe our military ranks will be raised one level. "

"Qin Yuan, I hope you can understand that I have never particularly cared about this aspect.

I was just thinking about how you could let these two students of Professor Fang De come to us safely in a short period of time and embark on the journey back.

Don't forget that Jason has betrayed you.

We no longer have a way to go back. Even if Du Bingbing arranges for you to visit the embassy, ​​if we don’t find someone, it doesn’t mean we have completed the task. Are you happy so early, are there some..."

Chen Jixiang directly interrupted what He Chenguang said.

"Brother Chen Guang, I think you are too pessimistic sometimes.

Brother Qin Yuan has just said that you can just leave this matter to him. Don't you still understand his ability?

Let's not ask so much about how to do it specifically. We just need to wait. I'm just waiting to go back and receive the reward from my superiors. I can't care about so much other things.

By the way, if Brother Qin Yuan wants to eat spicy hotpot, can you take me with you? "

When Chen Jixiang saw that the spy was about to find out the details of their operation, he immediately changed the subject without giving the other party any chance.

An Ran smiled and said beside him.

"Chen Jixiang, this matter is between Qin Yuan and Du Bingbing, so don't get involved so much. If you want to eat spicy hotpot, I'll just ask you to stop.

I hope I can give the two of them a space to be alone together. "

"An Ran, please don't get me wrong. When I asked him to eat spicy hotpot, it was indeed a matter of personal emotion and nothing else."

“I didn’t misunderstand, let’s not mention this matter again.

Since he is relatively reassured about us and is willing to contact us to the embassy, ​​let’s take the next step quickly. "

At this moment, He Chenguang was simply confused after hearing these words. He had already missed many of Qin Yuan's plans, and now he couldn't even catch up with anything.

"Qin Yuan, you always blame me for being difficult to get along with and acting weird in front of you.

This is indeed because you don’t give me so much sense of security. It seems that I have missed a lot of important things. Why can’t I understand what you are saying now? "

"He Chenguang, don't doubt yourself.

We haven't done anything outrageous without hiding it from you. What's happening now is to be expected, and you will know about it when the opportunity arises in the future.

Besides, Chen Jixiang and An Ran didn’t know many things, and they were arranged by me alone.

After all, there are some secrets in a foreign country that are known to one less person, which means one less risk. I hope you can understand them more. "

When He Chenguang heard this, he could clearly feel that Qin Yuan didn't seem to trust him.

"I hope you can explain to me clearly what it means that one less person knows and one less risk is involved. Is it possible that in your heart, after I know these secrets, I might leak them?"

"He Chenguang, I think sometimes you are too sensitive to me. I didn't say anything, but you think too much.

You'd better go back and rest quickly. We have to rest for a while before Mr. Norman Karim comes.

Otherwise, I really wouldn't be able to spare so much energy to play tricks with him in front of him. "

He Chenguang himself is also very anxious now. He has not completed the tasks assigned to him by his superiors. Instead, he has been struggling here, which really makes them at a loss.

"Qin Yuan, I know that this period of time has put a lot of pressure on you, and I hope you can understand a little bit."

"I really don't have any pressure. He Chenguang, don't think too much, just go and rest quickly."

At this moment, Sophia opened the door anxiously and rushed in.

"What's happening here?

It really seems like the early bird catches the worm, you all got up pretty early. "

When He Chenguang saw Sophia here, he felt a little shocked, which further confirmed that Qin Yuan and the others had many things they were hiding from him.


I am indeed a little surprised that you can appear in this room. Aren't you Mr. Norman Karim's person? Why does he look so familiar with Qin Yuan? "

"After all, you have lived in the club for so many days, so it is necessary to become familiar with it.

I came in in a panic and didn't have anything else to do. I just wanted to tell you that breakfast is ready. Let's go get something to eat first.

In case, Mr. Norman Karim comes to take you to other places later, you must have energy. "

He Chenguang knew that Sophia must have something important to tell Qin Yuan if she came in in such a panic.

If he were here, he would definitely say nothing and change the subject. It would be better for him to go out quickly and create a space for them, so that he could find a chance to learn these secrets.

"Okay, breakfast is already prepared. There's no need for me to wait here. I'm going out to have breakfast first, and I have to wash my face first."

He Chenguang just said a word and went out directly.

Chen Jixiang couldn't help but ask next to him when he saw Sophia's excited look.

"Is there any news about the special medicine?

Since you came in so happily, we knew there must be results in this regard. "

"Chen Jixiang, you are really a very smart boy, you can guess everything accurately.

Yes, there is indeed news about the specific medicine, and you all have hope. "

"Is it Jas's special medicine?"

"Yes, Harry from the private hospital in the United States has already given me a reply. He told me about the special medicine. As long as we have the money, they can get it."

"Such high-tech stuff is definitely not cheap, and it's probably worth a lot of money. You have to give us a mental estimate in advance of how much it will cost."

After An Ran said these things, Sophia felt a little embarrassed next to her.

"It takes about two million. I know this number is quite scary to you. It can be regarded as an astronomical figure.

However, it's time for you to think of some ways to make money. Even if it's not for the special medicine, you still need a lot of money just for the journey back. "

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