My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 2256: Good Ingredients (Two Chapters in One)

Somewhere at the edge of the endless horizon, a figure appeared out of thin air in the sky.

Lin Fei stayed at home for a while after breakfast, and then came to the spirit world.

It has been a few days since the last time he came to the spirit world to explore. Lin Fei came to the spirit world today and planned to improve his exploration efficiency.

There are some clouds floating in the blue sky, and occasionally some ferocious-looking beasts fly below the clouds.

After Lin Fei appeared, a strange beast in the distance smelled the smell and immediately looked towards where Lin Fei was. Then his eyes lit up and he flapped his wings and flew over quickly.

"This guy is targeting me!"

When Lin Fei saw the alien beast flying towards him quickly, he knew that the other party was going to attack him, so he decisively raised his left hand and swung a thunderbolt at the flying alien beast.


Silver-white lightning burst out, and terrifying thunder and lightning quickly cut through the air with lightning speed, hitting the alien beast's head.

There was a loud bang, and the frightened beast had no way to avoid it. After being hit by lightning, its head disappeared in the blink of an eye, and then its whole body fell to the ground quickly like a kite with a broken string.


Noisy beast roars sounded in all directions. Lin Fei looked around and found many black spots appearing in the distance. As time passed, these black spots were clearly visible in just a few seconds of work clothes.

They were alien beasts that looked exactly like the alien beast Lin Fei killed a few seconds ago, except that they were larger.

Obviously, just before the alien beast that attacked Lin Fei was killed, it must have used some method to ask for help from its companions, and now they all rushed over to surround and kill Lin Fei.


As the distance between them got closer and closer, one after another the roars of beasts hit them head-on.

If it is a weak practitioner, facing the menacing impact of so many strange beasts, there is a high probability that he will die on the spot.

Lin Fei looked calmly at the strange beasts surrounding him. He raised his right hand, clasped his middle finger with his thumb, and flicked his fingers.

"call out."

A small flame the size of a fingernail flew out, expanded rapidly in the air, and then split.

In just a few breaths, Lin Fei's body was surrounded by countless fireballs.

These fireballs are very large, at least six or seven meters in diameter.

The alien beasts that were originally aggressive and wanted to kill Lin Fei were stunned when they saw the scene in front of them. They immediately stopped charging forward, then turned around and ran away.

"Now that you're here, let's stay!" Lin Fei said coldly, and then countless fireballs around his body shot out like cannonballs, quickly chasing the fleeing beasts.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Earth-shaking explosions sounded one after another, and one after another the strange beasts were killed before they even had time to scream.

Temperatures over large areas rose rapidly as the heat waves generated by the fireball explosions increased.

There were only some clouds floating in the originally clear sky. After a series of explosions, a large amount of water vapor was affected by the high temperature and quickly gathered together to form clouds that could not be seen to the end.

Lin Fei saw the killed alien beasts falling to the ground, and did not think about picking them up, because most of the bodies of these alien beasts were burned black.

When I first arrived in the spirit world, I was besieged by so many strange beasts. It was quite bad luck.

Lin Fei looked at the sun in the sky, and after identifying the direction, he quickly flew forward.

The sound generated by supersonic flight was very loud. Some strange beasts moving on the ground looked up after hearing the noise, and saw a small black dot moving quickly in the sky, and then quickly disappeared into the horizon.

Some strange beasts wanted to catch up to see what was flying so fast, but they gave up after a while because the target's flying speed was too fast and they couldn't catch up.


Time passed. After more than two hours, the endless grassland disappeared and many tall trees appeared.

Lin Fei entered the forest and flew for another ten minutes when he saw some high mountains in front of him.

In the spiritual world, mountains of 10,000 meters high can be said to be very common, and one will appear within a range of hundreds of kilometers.

Lin Fei flew quickly. When approaching a high mountain in front, he planned to avoid the mountain and go around it.

Just as he was about to change the direction of his flight, something caught his attention and made him give up the idea of ​​flying around.

"what is that?"

Lin Fei found some white things at the foot of the mountain. These things looked very familiar, but their size was a bit exaggerated.

The flight speed slowed down, and Lin Fei leaned down and flew downwards, stopping more than two hundred meters above the ground.

The foothills of the mountains are very flat, with few trees and scattered dots on this flat land.

Most of the area is now filled with a kind of white mushroom. Yes, it is a white mushroom. It looks very similar to the mushrooms on Blue Star, but these mushrooms are at least four or five meters tall, like small houses. .

"Can these mushrooms be eaten?" Lin Fei saw these white mushrooms and immediately thought that they could be used to make soup.

But then I thought about it, mushrooms are very dangerous. If you don’t know them, it’s best not to try them for cooking, because you may die after eating them.


There was a roar of a beast in the distance. Lin Fei was watching the white mushroom carefully. After hearing the noise, he thought for a moment and immediately flew over to check.

Some wild beasts were munching on white mushrooms, and they made happy cries after they had eaten and drank enough.

Lin Fei used his mental perception to investigate and determined that these creatures were just ordinary beasts.

Now that he saw these beasts eating white mushrooms, there was nothing unusual about them, and the idea of ​​cooking white mushrooms emerged uncontrollably.

"Don't be impulsive about this kind of thing. Observe for a while. If these beasts are indeed okay, I will pick some white mushrooms for cooking."

Lin Fei suppressed his thoughts and decided that it would be better to be more prudent, so he continued to observe the beast that ate the white mushrooms.

Time passed, and more than half an hour passed. The beast with a full stomach rested, got up from the ground, and then left the place full of white mushrooms.

After observing for so long, there was nothing wrong with these beasts. Lin Fei was relieved at this moment.

It happened to be time to have lunch, so Lin Fei decided to have lunch here before setting off.

Landing from the sky, Lin Fei stepped on a relatively open grassland.

There are giant white mushrooms growing all around, and after landing, you can smell a very pleasant fragrance wafting in the air.

Lin flew close to the nearest white mushroom, then he opened the dimensional space, took out a kitchen knife and chopped forward, digging out a large piece of white mushroom.

"It smells so good." Lin Fei looked at the white mushroom in his hand and smelled a stronger fragrance.


His stomach growled uncontrollably, and Lin Fei quickly took out the camping tools one by one, and then made a fire on the spot to prepare lunch.

More than twenty minutes later, three dishes and one soup were placed on the square dining table.

Stir-fried water spinach, sweet and sour pork ribs, braised prawns and a large portion of mushroom soup.

Lin Fei filled a bowl of rice. Before eating, he took a spoon and scooped some mushroom soup.

"It's so fresh and sweet." Lin Fei's eyes suddenly lit up after tasting the mushroom soup. This mushroom soup was simply seasoned with some salt, and it was so fresh and sweet without any MSG. It can be seen that this big white mushroom What a great ingredient.

Enjoying lunch happily, Lin Fei swept away all the three dishes and one soup on the table.


Lin Fei, who had eaten and drank enough, burped. At this time, the sun in the sky was obscured by some dark clouds floating in the distance, and large shadows appeared on the ground.

Feeling a little sleepy after the meal, Lin Fei planned to take a nap before setting off.

So he packed up his things, took out a tent and set it up on the spot. In a few moments, a spacious and large tent was set up.

After walking into the tent, Lin Fei lay down on the spot. After a while, he fell asleep.

A little further away, there was a snow-white alien swimming in the water. This was a large lake. The alien swam in the water for a while and then came ashore.

I wanted to use the sun's rays to dry the hair on my body, but at this time, dark clouds flying in the distance blocked the sun, prolonging the time to dry the wet hair.


The alien beast barked a few times in dissatisfaction and looked up at the mushroom forest in the distance.

After thinking for a while, it decided to dry the wet hair on its body before filling its stomach.



With a loud noise, dense cracks appeared on the surface of the boulder blocking the valley. These cracks spread all over the boulder like spider webs, causing great damage to the boulder.

"The boulder is about to explode. Don't get close, everyone, and retreat quickly." A pig-headed warrior shouted to his companions around him.

The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain punched the boulder that was mostly destroyed by his men, and then retreated quickly.

Everyone stayed away from the boulder and stared at it intently.

"Click, click, click..."

As expected, the boulder hit by the handsome pig-headed logistics captain's punch did not last long before it completely exploded.

Countless pieces of gravel fell and rolled around after falling to the ground.

The blocked valley exit is now open. Next, everyone only needs to clean up the gravel on the ground, and they can enter and exit the valley normally as before.

"Captain is mighty." The pig-headed warriors cheered in unison.

The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain smiled, and then motioned for everyone to quickly clear the gravel on the ground.

After more than two hours of work, some of the gravel on the ground was transported to the camp, and the rest was cleared out of the valley.

"This boulder is finally done."

"I didn't expect that it only took us one afternoon to remove this huge boulder and restore normal traffic to the valley."

"Thanks to the captain. If he hadn't completely shattered the boulder with that blow just now, we might have to wait until tomorrow to complete this task."

The pig-headed warriors chatted with smiles on their faces, and the valley echoed with laughter and laughter.

The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain looked up at the sky and found that the sun would disappear in more than an hour, so he greeted his subordinates.

"Everyone, pack your tools and let's go back and rest."

"Yes." The pig-headed warriors stood up to respond, then packed up their tools and returned to the camp.

The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain returned to the dormitory. He first came to the table, picked up the kettle, poured himself a glass of water, and drank it all.

After drinking a glass of water, his thirst subsided a lot, but just a glass of water could not completely quench his thirst. He drank several glasses in a row.

Just now, due to the obstruction of the boulders, the wind from outside the valley could not blow in. The scene was very hot and stuffy, which made the handsome pig-headed logistics captain so thirsty.


After quenching his thirst, the handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain took a deep breath. At this time, he went to the cabinet in the corner of the room, opened it, and took out the notepad.

The sudden earthquake earlier made the handsome pig-headed logistics captain feel a little unusual. Now that the matter at hand was solved, he wanted to record the matter.

After a while, the handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain put the notepad back into the cabinet, then walked out of the dormitory, stood under the eaves and looked into the distance.

In order to clear the huge rocks blocking the valley, the pig-headed warriors worked very hard all afternoon. Now they returned to the dormitory. After everyone drank water, they went to bed immediately.

The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain stood under the eaves and looked into the distance, and his ears could hear the snoring coming from some dormitories.

"It will get dark soon, so he should be on his way back!"

The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain thought about his friends, then walked out from under the eaves and began to patrol the camp.

As long as there is nothing to do now, the handsome pig-headed logistics captain will patrol the camp.

Mainly to check for deficiencies. Although he knew in his heart that it was unnecessary to patrol the camp so frequently, he had nothing to do and could only do such things as patrolling the camp.


"I've been busy all day. Let's call it a day. Let's stop for a while and get ready for dinner..." an excavator master shouted to his colleagues.

The roaring excavators stopped one after another, and then the excavator masters got off the excavators one by one and walked to the resting place.

On the top of the hill in the distance, a figure lying in the grass raised his head and looked up to the sky.

"They have begun to rest. Let's end the surveillance for today! We will continue until tomorrow."

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead looked at the sun setting in the sky and muttered to himself, and then he quietly got up and went down the mountain.

Since coming to this place to monitor the Blue Star people, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead has not found any strange beasts nearby.

After some speculation, it may be that the Blue Star people cleaned up the surrounding area.

All the dangerous beasts were dealt with. Otherwise, there would not be a single beast in this area near the water source.

…………(End of chapter)

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