My Stepmother is Soft and Charming

Chapter 643 Troublemaker

After saying a few polite words, Mrs. Shao said to the people next to her. ♧♚

"I'm a little thirsty. Go find me two cups of tea."

After hearing such an obvious dismissal of the servants, Du Jingyi had an idea, so he glanced at Yingtao. Soon, there were only two people in the side hall.

Seeing this, Mrs. Shao didn't say much and directly told the situation about the land in the east of the city.

"The old lady has already told my family what she said a few days ago. What Shengming means is that Cezhou relies on the gathering of merchants to achieve its current prosperity, so if more merchants can be summoned, it will definitely be a good thing. One thing, and the Han and Du families also took the lead in a fundraiser a few days ago, and the merchants also responded. Of course, we should be grateful. Therefore, in this place in the east of the city, your friends just go ahead and do it. On a certain day, the prefect will issue a recruitment order, and when the time comes, those who are able will take the position, which is reasonable and reasonable."

As expected, smart people do things without trouble. Mrs. Shao's words relieved Du Jingyi's worries.

She never mentioned the General's Mansion. Instead, she put the relationship between Cezhou and the merchants first. Therefore, Du Jingyi knew that there would be no resistance to this matter, so he nodded with a smile and said.

"It is also the credit of Governor Shao that Cezhou can be governed so well. After the construction of the land east of the city is completed, it will definitely become a contribution to his achievements!"

For officials, merit is very important.

Du Jingyi believed that Governor Shao would not stay in Cezhou for the rest of his life. He might take this opportunity to move up the ranks, and then Haolai would be an official in the capital.

Mrs. Shao was obedient and understood what Du Jingyi meant by her words, so she stood up and nodded in greeting.

"Then I'll take my wife's blessing."

"you are welcome."

Today's banquet was a happy one in their backyard. After settling the matter in the east of the city, Du Jingyi's mood became better and better. Everyone was greeted with a smile. However, such happiness was soon replaced by uninvited guests. Interrupted.

Outside the General's Mansion, people from the Xiong family and the Kuang family gathered at the door carrying heavy gifts, and then people shouted loudly.

"Xiong Dali and Kuang Wusheng heard that Gu Jiuye had come back to life and returned to the Gu family. They came here with heavy gifts to congratulate him. They also asked the General's Mansion to remember their past kindness and let me wait in to say a few words!"

They were all well-known figures in Cezhou, but no message came to their door during the two meetings at the General's Mansion, which made them a little unwilling.

Originally, they thought that the water in the well would not offend the river, and they would just tolerate it. Who knew that they actually found Gu Jiulang back? The two families couldn't sit still, so no matter what, they had to take the initiative to come and have a chat. That's it.

In the front hall, Gu Shaoyu heard Butler He say that the Xiong Kuang family, who had come specially to "congratulate him", were shouting loudly outside, looking very rude.

The two of them had indeed been kind to the Gu family, but this kindness had been repaid long ago, so the Gu family had never had any contact with them, and they had never been invited to such a dinner.

Unexpectedly, they would bite their noses and insist on joining in the fun. Gu Shaoyu was not someone to be trifled with. He glanced at the front hall where the guests were enjoying themselves and said to Brother Tai.

"Go and deal with it, make sure they come back defeated!"

"Yes, father."

Seeing this, Brother Tai left alone with Butler He. When he left, he didn't attract many people's attention. Instead, Gu Jiulang looked at Brother Tai's leaving figure with a worried expression, and then wrote on the paper.

"Brother Tai, can you?"

Gu Shaoyu raised the corner of his mouth and replied with pride in his eyes.

"He is a child grown up under the care of his eldest aunt and fourth aunt. Do you think he will suffer?"

After hearing this, Gu Jiulang was no longer anxious.

In terms of eloquence and eccentricity, his eldest aunt and his mother are the best. Now he hates that he has inconvenient legs and feet and cannot go out to see them, otherwise he will join in the fun.

As a result, Brother Wen's eyes met "accidentally". Although the two did not say a word, they hit it off immediately. Brother Wen knew what Uncle Jiu meant, so he only saw a flash of his shadow and quickly disappeared in front of him. hall.

There was some excitement in Gu Jiulang's eyes, but he quickly covered it up.

The entrance to the General's Mansion.

At this moment, many people gathered, some of them were servants brought by the Xiong Kuang family, all of them were arrogant, as if they were afraid that others would not know their faces clearly, while some were just watching the fun and had no idea what was going on in the General's Mansion. He would have conflicts with these two families, so the place was surrounded by water.

When Brother Tai came out, he looked around. Everyone was attracted by the temperament of this young man. He was naturally handsome, and now he has been training in the army for several months, and he looks even more courageous. Quite a few, so when they went out, the people all knew that there was a successor to the General's Mansion.

However, Brother Tai did not take this kind of praise to heart, but quickly fixed his eyes on the two old men in the middle.

Judging from their age, they are about sixty or seventy years old. In appearance, one is fat and the other is thin, and there is a feeling of being strong on the outside but weak on the inside. What Tai brother doesn't like the most is that the eyes of the two of them are very greedy and arrogant, so even Hua Hua Fu Jiashen is not the kind of person that people respect.

Brother Tai was very unhappy, so it was no wonder that his mother didn't leave a message for them. If such a person entered the General's Mansion, wouldn't it cause trouble for them?

So he spoke with a smile on his face.

"Who are you two?"

Both Xiong Kuang and Xiong Kuang didn't expect that they would send a young boy out. The purpose of sending them away was obvious, so they were a little angry, but for today's purpose, they had to endure it and said.

"We were the former lieutenants of the eldest and second masters of the Gu family. We heard that the ninth master of the Gu family was back, so we came here to congratulate us. But I don't know why the Gu family didn't miss the old relationship so much that they didn't even send a message, so we could only He shamelessly came to the door in person, and asked the young master to be accommodating and let us go in before we talk."

Hearing this, Brother Tai's eyes immediately became fierce. He already looked like Marshal Gu, so he was even more so when he had a cold face.

Even though he is still young, he is very powerful.

"Excuse me, I have never heard of my great-grandfather in my life. What kind of lieutenant does my second grandfather have? Who knows if there are some deceitful people who use the name of the Gu family to fool people outside?"

"It's a joke. Of course you, a child with a yellow mouth, don't know this. At that time, your father's surname was Shang, and he was the grandson of the general's mansion. How did you know?"

Xiong Dali was not polite at all when he spoke, and quickly shook off Gu Shaoyu's past.

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