My Stepmother is Soft and Charming

Chapter 163 Come back again

Such a scene made Mrs. Gu and Aunt Qin extremely emotional.

"I stay in Jinling City every day and don't want to go out, but I didn't expect Sui An City to change so much!"

"Who says it's not the case? Since you are here this time, the old lady will stay here longer so that the young general can have the opportunity to honor you!"

Hearing what Nanny Qin said, Mrs. Gu couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

My Shaoyu is a good boy, Mrs. Gu knows this better than anyone else.

On the other hand, Gu Xiaolang, who kept talking all the way, was much quieter now, and looked at the excitement outside with little interest.

Mrs. Gu and Nanny Qin looked at each other, mostly worried.

It's just that they couldn't clarify some things before they were said clearly, so they pretended not to know and continued to talk.

The last time Mrs. Gu came to Sui'ancheng, she went to Beijing with her husband to report on her work.

After staying for less than a month, he set off back to Cezhou.

But as soon as he left, Marshal Gu wrapped his body in horse leather.

Then Mrs. Gu took the bodies of her husband and children and grandchildren, carried the coffin back to Jinling City, and never left again.

Thinking of the days in Sui'an City, it seems like it was a lifetime ago.

The carriage and horse drove slowly to the gate of the General's Mansion before stopping.



Nanny Qin and Gu Xiaolang supported Mrs. Gu from left to right before getting off the carriage.

She is now in her seventies, but it is rare to see her with such a cheerful spirit.

When she saw the three characters "General's Mansion", Mrs. Gu seemed to have returned to the past in a trance.

It seemed that those playful and lively grandchildren would still come out of the door, but she was still in her prime.

"Grandma? What's wrong with you?"

Gu Xiaolang looked at Mrs. Gu with a frown, worry in his eyes.

Everyone knows where Mrs. Gu is concerned, so even when they were in the Gu family in Jinling City, they would always pay attention to it.

When coming to Sui'an City, every little thing can bring back Mrs. Gu's memories.

So they were also worried about whether it would affect her body.

Shang Ji got off his horse and walked over quickly.

Seeing that the old man didn't move, and only looked at the plaque intently, she felt worried in her heart.

He wanted to take his grandmother north to Sui'an City because he wanted her to enjoy her old age in peace instead of being trapped in the painful memories of the past.

In that case, it is better to stay in Jinling City.

So he said in a calm voice.

"Go in, grandma, it's quite spacious inside."

Mrs. Gu's thoughts were interrupted by her grandson. When she looked at him from the side, she saw that his eyes were full of worry.

So she patted his hand and comforted Shang Ji.

"Shao Yu, don't think too much. People always like to reminisce. I've managed to survive these years. Nothing will happen."

Shang Ji took over from Nanny Qin and supported Mrs. Gu, and he and Gu Xiaolang led Mrs. Gu in the door.

Right now, the people around her are her closest children and grandchildren, so no one will say anything.

Instead, Du Jingyi walked behind, her face looking calm.

Mrs. Xing walked beside her, thought for a while and added something.

"My eldest aunt has a strong heart that no one can match. You and your wife don't have to be careful about everything, just treat her like an ordinary grandmother."

"Thank you, aunt, for reminding me. I understand."

Although Mrs. Xing did not get along with Du Jingyi for a long time, she liked her nephew-in-law very much, so she always wanted to remind her.

And her actions naturally attracted the attention of her two aunts.

The third aunt is wearing a green cloak and has a calm air. The fourth aunt is wearing a goose yellow cloak and is graceful.

Age has left some traces on the two of them, but it has also settled their moods.

Therefore, neither of them looked like talkative people.

It's just that I'm not familiar with it yet, so I'm a little cautious.

Entering the gate of the General's Mansion, the Gu family were a little surprised.

The original marshal's mansion was mostly decorated with solemn and resolute decorations, showing a strong and solid style, which made people know that they were military generals at a glance.

But the current General's Mansion gives people a sense of peace and luxury, more like a noble mansion that has been there for many years, but without the extravagance and exaggeration, and the accumulation of time can be seen from top to bottom.

Isn't it Xinfu?

Why do you still feel like this?

For a moment, Mrs. Gu asked curiously.

"Your wife is majoring in this mansion?"

"Well, after getting the key to the General's Mansion, my grandson gave it to her. It probably took two or three months to get it, but it looked completely new."

"Not bad, the repair is good."

Mrs. Gu rarely praised others, so when Shang Ji heard this, he smiled and said it.

"It's a pity that Dongyuan has been burned down. Otherwise, grandma would have visited the yard where she lived for three years and made it more exquisite."

While talking, Shang Ji's eyes showed some appreciation and praise.

Such an attitude made Mrs. Gu take a second look and she had already made a conclusion in her mind.

It seems that the young couple has a good relationship.

The fingers of Gu Xiaolang, who had been supporting her, were slightly cold, but it was not too sudden in the snowy weather.

"Grandma is tired from traveling, so my grandson won't take you around here. The days are long and we have plenty of time. Let's send you and your aunts back to rest first."


After saying that, the group of people walked around the front hall and headed straight to the west courtyard.

The houses in this area were renovated before.

The furniture was all newly purchased and made of clear huanghuali wood, so it was very suitable for Mrs. Gu and the others to live in.

After knowing that they were going north, Du Jingyi asked Aunt Dou to build greenhouses for each yard.

It's just not as big as Xitang Courtyard, but it has enough room for people.

Walking down the verandah, although there was wind and snow outside, no one's shoes and socks were wet.

The west cross courtyard is divided into one main house and two main houses.

The main courtyard is Xu Lai Courtyard, and the left and right are Huanyun Courtyard and Mengyu Courtyard.

Mrs. Xing and her son live in Huanyun Courtyard, and Mengyu Courtyard has also been cleared out and planned to be used by the Gu family's aunts.

Everyone walked slowly to the door of Xu Laiyuan and saw two red sandalwood trees standing in full bloom.

From a distance, it looks like a wall painting.

Paired with red plums on a snowy day, it’s perfect for the occasion.

Moreover, Mrs. Xing had already told Du Jingyi that these red plums were Mrs. Gu's favorite.

Therefore, when she saw these two red sandalwood trees, Mrs. Gu had a lot of smiles on her face.

"It's hard to believe that you have put a lot of effort into finding such a good one to plant."

"I don't know about this grandson, let Mrs. Du tell you."

Then Shang Ji looked back at Du Jingyi and said.

"Madam, come and talk to grandma."


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