Military Technology

Chapter 614 Expensive Bait

Wu Hao thought for a while, and then said: "No matter what the purpose of this woman is, we must strengthen the monitoring of our key departments and key people in the past few days. I have a hunch that the other party should have lost patience."

Li Wenming nodded and said: "The other party may have noticed that we have stepped up our guard, but it is not clear whether we are on guard against other people or them.

Generally, in such a situation, it is necessary to suspend action or give up directly, but after operating for so long and seeing that it is about to succeed, I think it is impossible for this X to give up so easily.

Even if it was a little risky, she wanted to try it. "

Wu Hao nodded and said: "So, we must prevent her from jumping over the wall in a hurry and doing some extreme things."

"I'll strengthen the security forces for you and Ms. Lin when I turn back. This test may not be a smoke bomb, but a real test of the security forces around you." Li Wenming said to Wu Hao.

Wu Hao nodded slightly, then sighed and said, "Well, recently, I'll try to reduce the chance of showing up during the schedule as much as possible."

"Thank you for your cooperation." Li Wenming smiled.

Wu Hao waved his hands with a smile and said: "Okay, don't be nervous, the soldiers will cover the water and earth, it's nothing."

Li Wenming nodded, but did not speak. Although Wu Hao was comforting him, he felt a heavy responsibility on his shoulders. This is not just the relationship between employers and employees, but also involves other aspects, even national security, so he feels more pressure on his shoulders.

Wu Hao stood up and greeted Li Wenming, "Let's go, dinner is ready, let's have some food together."

Hearing this, Li Wenming quickly stood up and declined, "No, I've already eaten. Mr. Wu, I have nothing to do and I'm leaving first."

"Let's have something together, you're welcome." Wu Hao asked to stay again.

"No, no, I have to go back and arrange work." Li Wenming walked towards the door after speaking. Even Lin Wei's persuasion to stay didn't stop him from leaving quickly.

Seeing Li Wenming leave, Lin Wei greeted Wu Hao, "Okay, wash your hands and eat."

Wu Hao nodded, and then walked to the bathroom.

After leaving Wu Hao's house, Li Wenming breathed a sigh of relief. Although he has been with Wu Hao for a long time, he still can't relax when facing Wu Hao.

It seems a little restrained.

Of course, it's better now than it was at the beginning. Moreover, Wu Hao treats those around them better and more easy-going. The reason why he couldn't let go was mainly due to his respect and his regard of Wu Hao as his leader.

"Head, where are we going now?" Cao Wei said to him in the car.

"Boss is inseparable from people here, has everything been arranged?" Li Wenming asked with a tired look on his face.

"It's already been arranged. The brothers of the two teams will alternate to make sure nothing goes wrong." Cao Wei responded.

Li Wenming nodded, then got into the car and said, "Let's go, let's find a place to eat first."

"Did the boss not keep you for dinner?" Cao Wei asked curiously.

Li Wenming said angrily about this: "I will stay, but the candlelight dinner for the two of them, what do I look like there, a big 250-watt light bulb?"

Hehehehe... Cao Wei laughed and started the car and drove out.

On the other side, in a command center of the security department, Xu Hui and Wang Gaofeng were watching various surveillance images on the big screen.

"Do you know how the other party monitors Wu Hao's whereabouts?" Xu Hui asked.

A technician wearing glasses sitting next to the computer nodded and said: "I figured it out, the other party has implanted a backdoor program in our traffic command system in Anxi, which can call up the surveillance images of each intersection in real time, and thus It is not difficult to determine the whereabouts of Wu Hao's vehicle."

"It's really getting more and more rampant." Xu Hui said angrily.

On the other side, Wang Gaofeng squinted his eyes and said: "Isn't this exactly what we hoped for? Pushing Wu Hao out is to attract the other party's attention. This is like a bait, and it depends on when the other party bites the bait. "

"This bait is not cheap. The two of us have assured the superiors that Wu Hao's personal safety is absolutely safe. If there is a problem, you and I really can't afford it." Xu Hui smiled wryly.

Wang Gaofeng sighed and said: "Using Wu Hao as bait is a last resort, if the bait is not delicious, how can the other party bite the bait.

Of course, Wu Hao's personal safety is also of paramount importance. He is in control of such a large company and many important projects, so he must not make any mistakes.

So, old man, we're literally betting on our future and the rest of our lives. "

"No, this is not a gamble. We will win this battle."

Xu Hui said firmly: "From the current point of view, it seems that everything is related to this woman named Yali.

We checked the database, and there are more than 200,000 women named Yali in the whole country, but only more than 2,000 are eligible. It is difficult to check from this aspect, and we don't know whether the name is real or not, maybe it is just a pseudonym made up by the other party.

I have been wondering whether we have overlooked something, as if our eyes were all attracted by this elegant girl, while ignoring the others. "

"You're saying that this Yali might be a target for our attention drawn by X who is hiding in the dark." Wang Gaofeng said with a solemn expression.

Xu Hui nodded: "We arrested her several times, but she escaped. Why, can she really predict our actions in advance?"

Xu Hui shook his head: "No, it's understandable once or twice. So many times, I think the other party must have made a very detailed plan in terms of escaping and evacuating. This will make her escape so calm every time. , and we are always one step behind.

So my intuition tells me that this Yali is probably a target.

When we went to catch this Yali, it was tantamount to touching the safety insurance set up by the other party, and the other party was bound to receive the news and escape before we arrived. "

"You mean that we don't want to put all our attention and experience on this Yali now, but to find out and pay more attention to some people and things around this Liya."

Xu Hui nodded and said: "Yes, I think we need to re-analyze the whole case, the network of people around this Yali, and the clues we have.

First identify a few key suspects, and then check and eliminate them one by one. Regardless of whether we find this Liya or not, these key suspects must never leave our field of vision. "

"Okay, let's start sorting it out now and try to finish it before tomorrow morning. Bring this X to justice as soon as possible, and comfort our sacrificed comrades as soon as possible."

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