Military Technology

Chapter 333 Exchange of Opinions

On the 22nd, the day before the press conference, Wu Hao led the relevant team members of the company to Shenzhen City.

There were more than 30 team members traveling with him this time. In addition to relevant members of the marketing department, production department, and the company's legal affairs and publicity departments, Wu Hao's secretary and personal security team were also accompanied by all members.

There were some other people, but he cut them down. It's just a normal crisis event, there's no need to go to war like this.

As soon as the plane landed at Shenzhen Airport, Wu Hao and the others got the news. It is said that nearly a hundred reporters have been waiting outside the airport for a day, wanting to take pictures of him leaving the airport and take the opportunity to interview him.

Wu Hao couldn't help frowning when he heard the words, these people really don't think it's a big deal. He's not afraid of these people, but the results haven't come out yet, and it's hard to answer in front of these media, so let's put it at the press conference.

So he immediately decided to come out from the special passageway at the airport instead, and then hurriedly boarded the waiting vehicle and left.

Even so, it still did not escape the supernatural reporters. When Wu Hao was still in the car, some media released a set of photo reports.

"Wu Hao arrived in Shenzhen City in a low-key manner, avoided reporters, and left in a hurry with a dignified face"

In the photo, surrounded by a crowd, Wu Hao walked quickly out of the aisle with his head bowed, and then got into the car. Combined with such a title, people can't help but think about it.

For such a report, Wu Hao couldn't laugh or cry. But the press conference will be launched tomorrow, and he doesn't bother to respond anymore.

After arriving at the hotel, Wu Hao went straight to the headquarters of H to visit Tao Zhengyang after a little rest. Anyway, this time it was also because of the turmoil caused by their batteries, so we should have an attitude, so Wu Hao took the lead in visiting.

Tao Zhengyang was very enthusiastic about Wu Hao's visit, and had already waited in the hall before he came. Seeing Wu Hao, he first stretched out his hand and smiled.

"Mr. Wu, you have worked hard along the way."

Wu Hao strode forward and held Tao Zhengyang's hand with an apologetic expression on his face, "Boss Tao, I have caused you trouble."

Tao Zhengyang shook his head and smiled, "Where, the result hasn't come out yet. If there's anything wrong, let's find a solution together."

Before the results come out, it is indeed not a time to shirk responsibility from each other.

At present, the first thing they have to do is to calm down the incident as soon as possible and eliminate the negative impact of this incident.

At present, the sales of the pro version of H has been seriously affected, and even suffered a lot of shocks. For Wu Hao and the others, the new product equipped with this super battery will also be released in the promotional festival.

Therefore, calming down the incident and eliminating the influence is their most important job, and other things are nothing compared to these.

After exchanging pleasantries, Wu Hao and Tao Zhengyang came down to a medium-sized conference room on the eleventh floor, surrounded by people from both sides.

After sitting down, the two sides started talking immediately. First of all, the two sides must reach a consensus on some incidents of this matter. Only in this way, at tomorrow's press conference, both of them can speak in unison.

"In terms of batteries, we not only conducted another safety failure test in the laboratory, but also re-inspected the reserved samples of this part of the battery batch supplied to you, and there were no problems. Therefore, I can confidently say You can assure us that our batteries are fine."

Hearing Wu Hao's confident assurance, Tao Zhengyang shook his head and said: "The results of the joint test have not yet come out, so it's too early to say.

In reality, there are too many reasons for the failure of batteries and mobile phones, which cannot be simulated in the laboratory.

So let's wait patiently for the results to come out. Whose responsibility should be is his responsibility. "

Wu Hao nodded and said: "You are right, now is not the time to shirk responsibility, and I am just expressing an attitude.

If there is really a safety and quality problem with our products, we will bear all the responsibilities.

The press conference will be held tomorrow morning, and the most important thing for us now is to wait for the report submitted by the Joint Incident Investigation Team. "

Tao Zhengyang nodded and said: "I have urged them to speed up in this regard, and the user of the second faulty mobile phone has been found and the mobile phone has been obtained.

The user of the third mobile phone is also actively looking for it, and the latest news from there already has clues. At present, our crisis public relations team and the local public security department have already set off, and results are expected soon.

After getting the mobile phone, they will take the fastest flight back to Shenzhen City and hand it over to the Joint Incident Failure Investigation Team. The members of the failure investigation team worked overtime overnight, and it is expected that preliminary results should be available by tomorrow morning. "

"Is time a little tight?" Wu Hao frowned.

Tao Zhengyang shook his head and smiled bitterly: "The main reason is that it took too much time to find someone, but one night should be enough. With so many technical experts, we can basically understand what caused the failure.

If it really doesn't work, the time for the press conference can only be postponed. "

Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words, then looked at Tao Zhengyang and said, "I heard that the user involved in this second incident has been detained by the public security organs."

Tao Zhengyang nodded and said: "Yes, he has been detained. This person has a big problem. If we hadn't issued the reward announcement in time, this person might have escaped long ago.

In the end we found it at the high-speed rail station, and we also found the mobile phone after fishing in the river for a long time.

At present, we have asked this person from the public security organ to conduct an overnight surprise interrogation, and strive to obtain the relevant interrogation results before the press conference. "

"What is the initial cause of the failure?" Wu Hao asked.

Tao Zhengyang shook his head: "I don't know yet. The mobile phone has been sent to the Joint Incident Investigation Team and is currently being researched and investigated."

Seeing this, Wu Hao frowned and said, "What about this person, he didn't say anything."

"No, I have been silent since I found it. We asked the public security department if we couldn't find out." Tao Zhengyang shook his head.

"As long as the phone is fine, everything is fine." Wu Hao nodded.

After chatting about something about tomorrow's press conference, Wu Hao got up to leave immediately. At present, they can't do anything, they can only quietly wait for the relevant investigation results.

Through Fang Zhiyuan's report, Wu Hao also got a general idea. At present, the second mobile phone has been disassembled and analyzed. It's just that this mobile phone was thrown into the river, and a lot of sand was poured in. In addition to the previous spontaneous combustion explosion and subsequent blisters, the interior was already in a mess, and it was more troublesome to analyze.

However, they are already speeding up, and preliminary results are expected to be available tonight.

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