Military Technology

Chapter 167 More anxious than anyone else

Entering the second floor, this is a normal office. However, compared with the traditional cubicles, the layout here is more humane. Five or six office seats are spliced ​​together, and then scattered in groups in the office area.

In addition to the large and transparent comprehensive office area, there are also some small glass partitions and offices on the entire second floor, which are used for the work of some grassroots cadres.

Of course, the second floor also has the largest multifunctional hall in the company, which can accommodate 150 people. And here will also be used as a lecture hall for various departments of the company to hold departmental meetings and to conduct training and learning for new employees.

Walking around in a circle, the biggest impression of the entire office area is that there are more green plants. Basically every area has it, and it looks lush and green under bright lights.

"According to your request, we attach great importance to the layout of the office and try our best to create a comfortable working environment for the employees." Shen Xiaoxian introduced to Wu Hao and the others while walking.

"Is the whole second, third, fourth and fifth floors like this?" Zhang Jun asked Shen Xiaoxian while looking at the surrounding environment.

Shen Xiaoxian shook her head and said: "The second floor is mainly prepared for the human resources department, so the color scheme is more jumpy. This is also to create a positive and sunny environment for new employees to help them adapt to the company's environment as soon as possible."

After Wu Hao heard her words, he nodded slightly. It seems that Shen Xiaoxian also put a lot of thought into it. Arrange the human resources department on the second floor, mainly close to the multi-function hall, so that it is convenient to train new employees.

All fresh graduates currently recruited by the company must undergo relevant vocational and related skill training during the internship trial stage to help them adapt to work as soon as possible.

Once the place is put into use, the human resources department will also start the trainee training program immediately. Select excellent juniors, juniors and related graduate students, and use the summer vacation and winter vacation time to conduct internship training in the company.

During the period, the human resources department will conduct relevant assessments and assessments based on each individual's performance, and will give priority to signing contracts with interns who have performed well during the internship, so as to reserve employees for the company in advance.

Instead of spending money and energy digging around to find headhunters, it is better to train yourself from scratch. We must know that this kind of talents cultivated by ourselves has more prospects for cultivation, more sense of belonging, and higher loyalty than those who are dug or job-hopping.

Only in this way can they continuously obtain relevant high-quality talents and lay the foundation for the company's development.

What does a company's development depend on, marketing, products, markets, these may be but not comprehensive.

For a company to grow, talent must come first. As long as there are talents, marketing products and markets will come.

Therefore, Wu Hao attaches great importance to this part, otherwise Lin Jianliang, the director of human resources, would not be the first to recruit.

"The overall office environment on the third, fourth and fifth floors is similar to here, but the layout is a little tighter. After all, our current company's office space is very limited, and the company is developing so fast. If we don't save some, I'm afraid it will soon be over. We will face the embarrassing situation of too many people and few seats.”

Hearing Shen Xiaoxian's words, Wu Hao shook his head. "This can only temporarily treat the symptoms, but not the root cause.

After the two buildings are put into use, you have to start the rental and decoration work of the new office immediately to ensure that it can be put into use as soon as it is needed. "

Shen Xiaoxian nodded and said: "In fact, we have already contacted the property management companies of those high-level buildings.

Since July this year, the top ten floors of the 26-story office building next to it have stopped renewing their contracts with the internal occupancy company.

It is estimated that by the end of this year at the latest, the clean-up work of the tenants on the ten floors above will be completed, and then we can start to decorate and arrange. "

"Have you rented half at once?" Looking at the high-rise building not far from the window, Zhang Jun couldn't help asking: "In this case, why not just rent it together?"

"There's no need for that at the moment." Wu Hao waved his hand and said, "Take your time, we won't be able to use so much at once, so just leave it there and waste it."

"It's like this. For the new office building, we decided to take three steps." Shen Xiaoxian followed Wu Hao's words and explained: "The first step is to rent the upper ten floors first, which is mainly to vacate the floors and office areas of this building. Organized together, convenient for our use and management.

As for the companies above the tenth floor, the lease will not be renewed after the lease expires. For those who have not yet expired, they will be coordinated to move to the vacant floor below, and appropriate compensation will be given.

The second step is to gradually clean up the users on the 16th floor below. Most of the contracts of these companies expire within one or two years, and there will be no renewal after that.

In the third step, according to our actual needs, we can carry out compensatory cleaning for those residents who have not expired at any time until the entire office building is finally taken down. "

After hearing Shen Xiaoxian's explanation, Zhang Jun nodded, then continued to look at the tall buildings not far away and sighed: "After all, they are rented from others. When can we have our own office building?"

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile: "Don't worry about this matter, there will be someone more anxious than us."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Jun was a little puzzled.

Wu Hao glanced at Shen Xiaoxian with a chuckle and said, "Think about it, our annual turnover of nearly 10 billion will be an important source of tax revenue for the local government. Do you think they will be willing to let us go?

As our products continue to sell well, the company's influence is also expanding. Just wait and see, there will be some places to pull us to soon.

We don't have our own office building, which means we haven't completely taken root here, and it's easy to move.

This can be seen in other places, but do you think the management committee of the development zone and the leaders of the city government can't see it? "

"You mean to say that soon the leaders of the management committee will come to urge us to buy land and build a building." Zhang Jun suddenly said.

"Buying land is impossible. You have seen those big companies buy land and build buildings by themselves." Wu Hao shook his head with a smile.

"You mean they will take the initiative to give us land!" Zhang Jun's eyes lit up.

Wu Hao nodded and smiled slightly: "Compared to the huge tax revenue created by the company every year, how much is this land worth?"

"Haha, then I will have to choose carefully, and I must find a good location. How about the Northern Cross of the Development Zone, that is the most prosperous place in the Development Zone." Zhang Jun was excited when he heard the words.

Regarding this, Wu Hao shook his head and said: "What we want is a comfortable office environment, what are we doing in such a noisy place.

Besides, how much land can be acquired and how many buildings can be built even if the city government comes forward? "

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