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Chapter 1947 A generous gift to Elune

Sharlayan proposed to give the Sky Seat to the Republic of Darkness, not because he wanted to please Malfurion and Tyrande, but because he hoped to use this gift to further bring Azeroth and Elune... or even The relationship between the life-side forces behind Elune.

As Azshara herself said, the Sky Seat was originally built to win over Elune, and there is nothing wrong with returning this temple city that has been missing for many years to its original owner.

In the ancient times ten thousand years ago, the floating city was still a very rare and new creation.

With the development of the times, anti-gravity technology has gradually been made public with the psychic floating city that Sarlayan brought back from the Shadow Realm a few years ago, and it is no longer a top secret belonging exclusively to the Kingdom of Dalaran.

By the way, all the psychic floating cities given to Sarlayan by the war masters were handed over to the undead organization Free Will for use. They are now suspended above the Frostfire Ridge in the ice and snow.

The Heavenly Throne has reappeared after thousands of years. The cutting-edge technologies that once made the Dark Night Empire proud have nothing to show off today. They only have collection value. Sarlayan has no interest in this outdated gadget. Any interest.

If he has that idea, he can mobilize the resources of the dragon clan to build a lot of brand new floating cities at any time.

The Celestial Seat is of little use to the Sharlayan family, but considering its function as a temple city, the Sisters of Elune, headed by Tyrande, should be very interested in the city.

Since the Republic of Dark Night still follows the basic national policy of rejecting arcane magic, the floating city, which is no longer new to the Magic Kingdoms such as Quel'Thalas and Dalaran, cannot be built even by scratching Tyrande's head. .

Because the basis of anti-gravity technology is achieved through arcane magic, it is hard for a clever woman to make a meal without straw... Moreover, Tyrande is not a clever woman.

A floating temple city of Elune is undoubtedly very attractive to the Sisters of Elune, not to mention that this thing is also one of the cultural heritage left by the old Dark Night Empire.

Even if it is just for political considerations, the Republic of Dark Night, which claims to be the orthodox successor of the Dark Night Empire, will find a way to acquire the Heavenly Seat.

...Of course, as Azshara rebuilt the new Dark Night Empire, the so-called claims of Malfurion, Tyrande and others have been questioned a lot.

But no matter how the people discuss this matter, at least the official attitude still needs to be expressed... Even if they are killed, they cannot be recognized as usurpers who have gained the throne improperly.

Azshara's political sensitivity is far greater than that of Sharlayan, and she will certainly not ignore anything that Sharlayan can think of.

"It's up to you." Azshara shrugged nonchalantly: "The wider world has opened a crack to us, and I am not in the mood to continue arguing with Malfurion and the others about the orthodox regime of the night elves. It's a boring question, you can handle it yourself."

After all, it had been exposed to the sun and rain for more than ten thousand years in the sky. Although Chromie used the power of time to review the status of the temple area, in order to avoid conflict with the power system of the floating city, she did not use the power of time. On the Titan core that Azshara installed for the city.

In other words, before giving the Heavenly Seat to the Dark Night Republic, Sarlayan also needs to arrange for the blue dragon who is proficient in arcane arts to enter the core power room for inspection to avoid any trouble after handing over the city to the Dark Night Republic. Yao Mozi.

There are no arcane masters in the Republic of Dark Night. It’s not that he looks down on them, but Sarlayan really can’t trust the maintenance ability of arcane equipment by technicians from the Republic of Dark Night who have never had relevant experience.

The size of the Sky Seat, which is the only core city left, is indeed not that big compared to other cities, but it is still a genuine city. The size of the Great Moon Temple that has been preserved to this day is even larger than what Suramar City once had. The world-famous Temple of the Moon - Saldanas.

Sarlayan didn't want to bet that the Heaven's Seat power system, which had not been maintained for tens of thousands of years, could maintain high power output to transport himself to the target location.

Therefore, he chose to gather people on the spot.

Under Stellagosa's arrangement, Spellweaver Malygos quickly arrived in person with a group of elite blue dragons.

In fact, this kind of maintenance work does not require Malygos to do it himself. He just comes to watch the fun.

After the blue dragon Queen Sindragosa was resurrected, Malygos's last knot was dispelled.

In the words of old dragon kings such as Alexstrasza and Ysera, Malygos, who once had a bitter hatred, has turned back into the blue dragon king they know, cheerful, optimistic, good at making friends... and curious. He is serious and likes to join in the fun everywhere.

Sharlayan was not too surprised by the arrival of Malygos and Sindragosa together. He allowed Malygos to examine the titan core that was still barely running for a long time with a curious face.

"Let me tell you something." Malygos said with some amazement: "This thing that the Titan Guardians knocked out with their own hands is really durable. It has not been laid down even after ten thousand years... but its service life is about to reach its limit. In the end, it would have been difficult to find this city if we had found it a few years later.”

You can guess without asking in detail that this power core was designed by Mimiron and made by Azadas himself. The quality is indeed excellent.

Sarlayan asked thoughtfully: "It's almost reaching the end of its service life? Does that mean we have to replace it?"

"No, no, no." Malygos waved his hand hurriedly: "You underestimate the Titan creation too much. The service life limit I am talking about refers to the maximum time it can operate for a long time without shutting down for maintenance."

"Leave it to me. After a period of inspection and maintenance, this core can be restored to factory condition."

"Hmm..." Sarlayan frowned and asked, "How long will it take? The meeting of the elven races is coming soon. I hope to personally give this gift to the Dark Night Republic at the meeting."

Malygos smiled confidently: "It won't take many games. Give me a week and I will give you an 80% new power core."

"Okay." Sharlayan also smiled and expressed his trust in Malygos: "Then I'll leave it to you."

Sindragosa, who was watching the whole process, had a rather nostalgic smile on his face: "Although I can't remember many details clearly, I still have a vague impression that Malygos is always so enthusiastic about new things."

"This is a good thing." Sarlayan echoed: "The lifespan of dragons is too long. If you can't find some hobbies to maintain your passion for life, a long life will just be a long torture."

Sindragosa nodded in agreement: "So, just let him go. Since he promised to produce results within a week, I believe Malygos will not break his promise."

"Let's not talk about this for now."

Sarlayan asked about Sindragosa's condition with concern: "Is your body okay? How is the integration of soul and body?"

"Very good, there is no problem." Sindragosa sighed with emotion: "I never thought that I would have the opportunity to return to this beautiful world. It's all thanks to your help, Sa Leanne.”

Sarlayan smiled and shook his head: "My family, why bother saying thank you? This is what I should do."

Nowadays, Sarlayan is the leader of the Dragon Clan. As the head of the Dragon Clan, it is natural to seek the welfare of his own people.


Sindragosa suddenly changed the topic and asked seriously: "Is there any new news from the Pantheon? Recently, I have read a lot of documents saved by the Blue Dragon Clan, and I always feel that the Void King's secret plan is not that simple. ." (End of chapter)

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