I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 80 I don't want to talk to you (2)

Chapter 80 I don't want to talk to you (2)

Seeing his attitude, Mrs. Yan didn't bother to talk to him any more, she turned her back to Yan Hui, and treated him indifferently.

Yan Hui sighed helplessly: "Look at you, don't be in a hurry, tomorrow is the grand court meeting, I will go to see Ban Shuiqing." Parents always want their children to be happy, not to mention that Ban's family is a bit ridiculous. , but not too bad a marriage partner.

At least...better than the Shi family.

The sky had just turned pale, and Du Jiu stood at the gate, and saw Uncle walking out energetically, stepped forward and bowed to him, "Uncle, the horses are ready."

"En." Rong Xia nodded to Du Jiu, straightened the cloak on her body, and walked outside. Du Jiu noticed that Uncle seemed to be in a good mood, raised his eyebrows curiously, and hurriedly followed.

All the doors on the Golden Luan Hall were wide open, and the courtiers entered the hall through the side door, each maintaining a subtle smile, but it was impossible to see any grievances in private. However, there seems to be a natural sense of distance between the civil servants and the generals.

Ban Huai's status is quite embarrassing, he is the father of a military general, but the idle job he takes is idle, and has nothing to do with military generals, so his circle is different from that of civil servants and military generals, but the third group in the court. A small group of dandy nobles.

The civil servants have mixed feelings about this small group, and they look down on them a bit, but they don't dare to offend them, because this group of people are thick-skinned because they are related to the royal family, and they have nothing to do with them.

"Jingtinghou," Yan Hui found Ban Huai's figure among the courtiers, and took the initiative to talk to him, "How are you doing recently?"

Ban Huai, who was telling his colleagues whose bonsai was quite wild, was stunned, and looked at Yan Hui in disbelief. Something big was about to happen, and the dignified Zuoxiang Yan took the initiative to talk to him.

Seeing this, the other dandies and idlers all moved a few steps aside. They didn't want to talk too much to a serious minister like Yan Hui, for fear of showing cowardice.

Ban Huai's side suddenly became empty, and he cupped his hands at Yan Hui: "Master Yan, what's the matter?"

Don't ask me if I'm okay, just tell me what's your purpose, I'm a dude who doesn't understand the way you civil servants speak.

Yan Hui didn't expect that the atmosphere of the chat would become awkward as soon as he opened his mouth. He straightened his clothes uncomfortably: "I don't know if Lord Hou will be free after he comes down to court. Yan invites Lord Hou to have a cup of light tea."

Ban Huai: ...

I always feel a bad feeling.

"You don't need to drink tea," Ban Huai waved his hands bluntly, "You can just say what Yan Xiangye has to say. Ban is not particular about people, nor about those vain etiquette."

No, you are not particular, I am.

Yan Hui was speechless, he didn't want to say in front of other people, my son is obsessed with your daughter, what exactly do you want to do to marry your daughter to my son, this is really too immodest and rude up!

The two looked at each other, and Ban Huai seemed to see the struggle and persistence in the other's eyes, so the suspicion in his heart deepened. How big of a deal would it take for Dang Chaozuo to say so many nice words to him, a dude.

Hey, it's scary just thinking about it.

Rong Xia walked into the hall, glanced over everyone, and saw Yan Hui and Ban Huai standing in the corner.

When did Yan Hui and Ban Huai become friends?

He frowned slightly, suddenly thought of something, paused, and unconsciously walked towards Ban Huai.

"Master Hou," Rong Xia walked in front of Ban Huai with a smile on his face, and gave a junior salute, "Thank you Lord Hou for giving this junior the dim sum recipe, it is really delicious."

When Ban Huai saw Rong Xia, a lovely young man, coming over, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "Uncle Rong is polite, but it's just a trivial matter."

Rong Xia smiled, then bent down and bowed to Yan Hui: "I've seen Prime Minister Yan."

"Uncle Rong," Yan Hui returned a salute, turned his head and said to Ban Huai, "After the court is over, I will discuss it with Lord Hou slowly."

Ban Huai smiled stiffly on his face, but he resisted in his heart: No, I don't want to talk to you!

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