Human Shackles

Chapter 360 Sealing Demon Xingxuan

Latest website: "Life begins by chance and dies by necessity. Everything begins and ends in the heart."

This debate lasted for about half an hour. The things discussed by the two god-like Buddha-like beings were naturally extremely profound, involving the origin of wisdom, the origin and end of life...and of course evolution.

Because the amount of information was so large, Luo Kai felt that it was a bit difficult to digest even with his own knowledge.

The biggest difference between humans and other creatures is that they have highly developed brains, which are always in a state of development and never seem to end.

The average person's brain is only developed at about 10%, while some smarter people have about 15%, and the highest reaches 20%, which is the limit.

If it exceeds 20%, it will require a lot of thinking rotation every day, even all the time. In this way, a lot of sleeping time will be backlogged, a lot of exercise time will be taken up, and even the time to communicate with others will become very little.

Humanity will become a "thinking" computer.

At that time, in order to develop their own brains and solve unresolved difficulties, human beings began to sit in front of the window all day long and think hard, who am I? Where do I come from? Where will I go?

As the degree of brain development increases, people's thinking is also sublimating, and they lose their humanity more and more. They gradually lose the ability to feel pain, fear, and desire, making it easier and easier to see through the essence of all things, that is, they have divinity. .

Because the brain is abnormally developed, various organs of the body begin to be affected uncontrollably. In the end, the brain takes up all the energy in the body, just like the computer's CPU is very powerful, but the motherboard cannot support such a powerful CPU at all. As soon as the motherboard is turned on, Burned, so even if humans can develop the brain to 100%, the body cannot bear it. Only when the body evolves to be strong enough can it support the brain to operate 100%.

Luo Kai himself estimates that his brain has been developed by more than 50%, so it can exist in a form similar to brain waves, that is, the soul remains separated from the body, and can be used to control the movement of matter with thoughts.

He can now recombine particles, create various objects, sense time and space, and obtain information from his past self.

Strictly speaking, he has transcended the gods of the three-dimensional universe, but he is still far from omniscient and omnipotent.

The two represent the supreme existence of "mind" and "matter", and finally mention the origin and end of life.

The formation of the earliest primitive forms of life may have benefited from the accidental combination of atoms. These accidental combinations formed some large structures called macromolecules. As a result, this development method gradually advanced, leading to more and more complex selves. The development of replicating organisms.

There are not many organisms as complex as humans in the universe. The top beings will not be content with the status quo, but must learn to question everything, even the existence of the universe. This is the principle of human existence. To explain it in one sentence: we see The reason why the universe is like this is because of our existence, which is also the reason why civilization was born.

Human beings in this era have expanded 50% of the known universe. The territory is vast, and various civilizations and ideas collide fiercely. Only in this way can a civilization system beyond imagination collapse. However, things will inevitably turn against each other, and the peak of anything also heralds decline and even death. Start.

Finally, the old monk left a sigh and drifted away: "Human nature is greedy, exhausted, and brutally plundered. The paradise will eventually turn into purgatory, bloody and endless killing."

This passage appeared in the ruins. It was obvious that the Nightmare Demon God had heard this discussion, and this passage also foreshadowed a certain outcome.

The old monk was impressive when he arrived, but left silently, as if he had never appeared before.

After the old monk left, the Taixuan Dojo was still on alert. Instead, it became even tighter. Countless people wielding flying swords kept coming and going, and a steady stream of elite troops continued to gather. Starships, large mechas, and certain... A large space teleportation device, with a sense of tension about an impending war.

In a mysterious place in Taixuan Dojo, a shadowy man wearing a tall hat appeared and asked a woman wearing colorful clothes and sitting cross-legged: "Yingrong, how is the situation of Feng Mo Xingxuan?" ?”

The woman stood up hurriedly and replied respectfully: "Don't worry, Archbishop, some low-level demons ran out, and they were all trapped by the great star formation and could not affect the Milky Way."

The man in the top hat consulted: "I'm going to let go of the formation and let a group of elite believers go and get to know the demons outside the territory to prepare for the future. What do you think?"

The woman in colorful clothes was startled and asked in confusion: "Archbishop, what did the Arhat with two ears say today?"

The archbishop sighed softly: "Zhi'er personally came to Taixuan Dojo as an Arhat, just to remind hundreds of millions of people in the galaxy that the catastrophe is unstoppable, and we can only do what God has done."

The face of the woman in colorful clothes changed greatly. The gods in the four-dimensional universe are still facing five catastrophes of decline, and the mortals in the three-dimensional world will naturally be annihilated. This is the rule of the heaven, earth and universe. Nothing can be avoided, but I didn't expect it to be so soon.

She took a deep breath and said: "There are several saints in the Temple of Numbers and the Temple of Reason who are very qualified, but they lack combat experience. The extraterrestrial demons are cunning and cruel, and I'm afraid there will be casualties."

"If you don't carve jade, you can't make it into a weapon. How can you fight with aliens without going through a battle? In addition, this time it is not limited to saints. All believers in Taixuan Dojo must learn about monsters."

The woman in colorful clothes bowed and said, "Yes, I will talk to the two bishops."

"The extraterrestrial demons are one of the ancestors of monsters. It is said that they were not born in our world, but came from outside the universe. They are extremely powerful and like to sow demon seeds. They once flooded the universe and were later eliminated by the universe. Wheel Ming Buddha used his own body to seal it in the Star Swirl... This is the information I asked for."

Luo Kai's face darkened and he asked: "How strong are these extraterrestrial demons?"

After the old monk left, he went to Shuyuan The next day, Taixuan Dojo issued a notice that everyone would go to Feng Mo Xingxuan in batches for the trial, including these new disciples.

The memory route has been made clear, and Luo Kai and other outsiders know that the time has finally come when the answer is about to be revealed, and the ether particles and the body of the nightmare demon will definitely appear in the Demonic Star.

Nanfeng shook his head and said: "That is a legendary creature. No one knows how powerful it is. It may be a true god that has entered the fourth dimension, or it may only be equivalent to some complete ferocious beasts. I have inquired that any existence does not have external energy. Even if they are not dead, they will be very weak if supplied. Those extraterrestrial demons have been sealed for countless years and should not be too powerful. However, it is said that they can absorb the soul power of life. The more people there are, the stronger they will be, and they can also spread. Parasitic demon species.”

"What is the difference between this extraterrestrial demon and the demon gods in the Pantheon?"

Nanfeng said solemnly: "There is only one way for monsters to be born, and that is the obsession with powerful life, which is the embodiment of will and spiritual power. Therefore, these extraterrestrial demons should also have a highly condensed spiritual will. I suspect they are Asura life form..."


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