Human Shackles

Chapter 102 Lunar Eclipse

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Luo Kai had another dream, in which he seemed to be back in Nanya Island Prison again, with only one word in his head, hungry!

He searched for food everywhere in a gray and gloomy world, including snakes, insects, rats, and ants. He didn't know how long it took, but he felt full and woke up in an instant.

It was already daybreak, and he was holding a half-eaten goat carcass in his hands. He smelled the strong smell of blood with the tip of his nose, and suddenly lowered his head and began to suck up the blood. The salty blood quickly reached his belly. It turned into energy, nourishing his somewhat dry cell tissue.

After a long time, Luo Kai dropped the empty bones in his hands, his face gloomy, because everything his body did just now was not controlled by consciousness. He watched his body eat the goat like a bystander. !

I carefully recalled the dream last night. It was not a dream, but my body was looking for living things everywhere like a zombie, no matter it was a ferocious beast or an ordinary animal.

The violent evil energy completely changed his genetic structure. The human body is the same as the heaven and the earth. If the consciousness is the sky, then the physical body is the earth. The two together build their own small universe. But just now, his body is no longer controlled by the consciousness and is completely Controlled by the energy-hungry instinct of cells in the body.

Luo Kai was a little confused for a moment. The reason why people are called people is because they have rational brains. If their brains can't control their bodies, wouldn't it be no different from being dead!

Then a bigger crisis was discovered. His mental power showed no sign of recovery. The whirlpool energy flow in his abdomen not only disappeared and lost energy, but also absorbed the mental power bit by bit. The little mental power he finally recovered was Eighty percent of it was sucked away by this thing.

As his anger rose, he scratched his abdomen hard with his black and hard nails, and traces of purple and black blood flowed out. This was not the blood of a living person at all!

The blood only flowed a little, and the cell tissue of the wound quickly divided, and after a while it was intact as before. This kind of recovery power could not be achieved even when he used the power of the elements.

He truly became a zombie. According to legend, zombies do not belong to the Five Elements or the Six Paths. They are abandoned by both humans and gods. They are so similar to those who resonate with the evil power.

After a long time, Luo Kai took a long breath and forced his mood to relax again. All things are interdependent and there is absolutely no unsolvable thing in this world.

He got up and walked towards the small lake in the distance. There were corpses with only skeletons everywhere along the way, many of them were ferocious beasts he had seen during the day.

The scenery here is beautiful, far away from the hustle and bustle of the world, and it is a good place for self-cultivation. After Luo Kai lived here, his mental strength recovered a little, and he no longer had the previous situation of being unable to control his body.

After a while, animals appeared again in twos and threes by the small lake. The man-bear would occasionally come and make bows to Luo Kai as if begging for food.

Luo Kai can no longer survive by absorbing external energy as before, and he also needs to hunt animals. He already has a large appetite, and there is a big-bellied man-bear beside him. Unknowingly, the large fish with spiny scales in the entire Qingshui Lake They are almost eating them up to extinction.

During the rest of the time, he worked hard on ways to restore his body. His mind was not only filled with the memories of the Book of Universe, but he also read through the Buddhist classics of Tianlei Palace. It can be said that he was familiar with the strengths of both Buddhism and Taoism, plus his own spiritual cultivation. Because you have reached a certain level, a door to a higher level of life has been opened.

The first thing that comes to mind is how to help Thirteen. There are not many Buddhist scriptures about physical skills. There are more Buddhist scriptures, which contain the way of the soul. Regular chanting of scriptures will make people feel calmer and more sensitive. Frequency of all things.

Thirteen's situation is because he is focused on practicing physical skills and has no knowledge of Buddhism, so it is difficult to control the inherited memory in the Bodhi relics.

The solution is to chant sutras with thunderbolts every day and try to use Buddhist essence to cause frequency resonance. This method is good. Although Thirteen shows no signs of waking up, the frequency of his consciousness is obviously much more active.

The sky-breaking bird never appeared, but the human bear came more and more often, and stayed here without leaving, squatting at the door of the wooden house every day with a flattering look on his face, waiting for Luo Kai to make food.

This is a valley surrounded by mountains, with a very large area. The surrounding tall snow-capped mountains separate the cold current, making it like spring all year round, and home to many kinds of ferocious beasts.

There is a huge difference between the ferocious beasts. They are also ferocious beasts in the growth stage, and some are particularly powerful. For example, the man-bear next to him can be said to be the overlord of this forest.

One day a real giant bear came to the lake to drink water. The two bears roared at each other a few times and then jumped together and started fighting. It was a complete battle of strength and strength. In the end, the human bear won. Although it was not as powerful as a real giant bear, it knew how to fight. Using tools, he finally pulled out a big tree and violently fought off the giant bear.

There is a huge golden eagle living in the Snowy Mountains. The golden eagle's wings are spread out as big as a small plane, and it has awakened a powerful magical power of light. Its pair of eagle eyes can shoot out powerful golden light, which can emit powerful golden light at all. No less than an ordinary machine gun.

And this golden eagle hates humans very much. Once when Luo Kai went out to hunt, he was discovered. The golden eagle chased him in the sky like a dexterous bomber, spraying golden light, looking for Shuyuan www. Luo Kai had no way to deal with it, and finally escaped pursuit by jumping into a river.

In today's new food chain in the wild, ferocious beasts are undoubtedly at the top. Each mature ferocious beast has its own territory, and they will spontaneously maintain the ecological balance in their territory. This golden eagle is the overlord here.

Two months later, Luo Kai's mental power has barely recovered by 20%, but he is still unable to detect the vortex energy flow in his abdomen from a microscopic level, because even contact with his mental power will be sucked away by the infinitely flowing vortex. It may be due to excessive chanting of Buddhist scriptures. Now, his mood is getting calmer and calmer, and he doesn't care too much, focusing on studying ways to help Thirteen.

That night, Luo Kai calmly knocked on the wooden fish in the cabin and recited Buddhist scriptures. As the soft sound of the wooden fish sounded, the golden light flowing around Thirteen's body began to fluctuate slightly.

Late at night, he suddenly felt anxious and uneasy. He stopped chanting, got up and walked outside.

A full moon was suspended in the starry sky. It was very round and very close. It seemed that it was within reach. A small crescent moon appeared, gradually getting bigger and bigger, and soon engulfed the entire full moon. Is there a lunar eclipse?

Whenever a solar or lunar eclipse occurs, the earth's magnetic field will change drastically, and it will also affect the operating system of each life. The sun, yang, and moon are yin. A lunar eclipse represents the prosperity of the yin power, which is probably not a good sign.

Just when Luo Kai's thoughts flashed across his mind, the cells in his body seemed to sense something, constantly sending him hunger messages.

He frowned, not expecting that the lunar eclipse could actually affect him.

There was no response for a long time, and the cell tissue became more turbulent. Several important organs even went on strike. The lungs began to contract, making him unable to breathe. His heartbeat became faster and faster, and other organs and muscles also began to twitch.

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