Xu Chunliang knew that he was on a different level than Mr. Qiao. Leaders represented by Mr. Qiao should plan for the longer term. Judging from Mr. Qiao's attitude, it was impossible to introduce too radical policies in the short term.

Mr. Qiao said: "There are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom. This sentence cannot be viewed from a negative perspective. The policies formulated by the top management need to be implemented and verified by the grassroots. The inappropriate parts must be adjusted in a timely manner and provided with upward feedback. Only by maintaining Only when communication channels are open can our work be carried out more efficiently and correctly.”

Xu Chunliang understood clearly. What Mr. Qiao meant was that grassroots cadres should not wait for the superiors to issue policies. They should analyze specific matters in detail and use their own subjective initiative. When problems are discovered, they are fed back to the leaders, who formulate policies, and finally pass them down to the grassroots for resolution.

Any decision-making at the national level requires comprehensive consideration. As Xu Chunliang reflected, it is not that the top management did not notice it, but that this kind of issue is not suitable to be put on the table.

Xu Chunliang said: "Listening to your old words is better than ten years of reading. I understand."

Mr. Qiao couldn't help but laugh: "You understand? Then tell me, what exactly do you understand?"

Xu Chunliang said: "We young people must be more responsible. From now on, I can do whatever I have to do. Anyway, I am still young and I have the opportunity to correct my mistakes."

Mr. Qiao said meaningfully: "That's right. It is inevitable for young people to make mistakes. If a person is afraid of falling, he will never learn to walk. Just move forward boldly and confidently. I will remind you when you go the wrong way. ." This is equivalent to clearly telling Xu Chunliang that he will support him if something happens.

Mr. Qiao chatted with Xu Chunliang for a while, and Qiao Yuanhong came over to remind him that it was time to take medicine.

Mr. Qiao's recent physical examination showed high cholesterol, so the doctor prescribed some medicine for him.

Qiao Yuanlan came over and handed her father a box of deep-sea fish oil, which she brought back from abroad: "Dad, if you eat this, it is very good for lowering cholesterol and softening blood vessels."

Mr. Qiao took it and took a look at it, then said to Xu Chunliang: "You are a doctor, please give me some advice."

Xu Chunliang said: "It's because the medicine is three parts poisonous. Eat less if you can."

Qiao Yuanlan said: "This is not medicine, but a health product."

Qiao Yuanhong said: "Health products should not be taken indiscriminately. If they have curative effect, they would have applied for a drug brand name."

Mr. Qiao nodded and said, "I think what Yuan Hong said makes sense, and what Xiao Xu said also makes sense."

Qiao Yuanlan said: "You might as well just say it's me who said it, it doesn't make sense. I came all the way from Europe to carry so many health products for you. I have no credit but hard work, and you still dislike me."

Mr. Qiao smiled and said: "You are all filial, I am very pleased."

Qiao Yuanhong reminded: "Don't be too busy rejoicing and take the medicine quickly."

Mr. Qiao took the medicine and the deep-sea fish oil, and his two daughters left with satisfaction.

Xu Chunliang said: "You are always blessed."

Mr. Qiao sighed: "It would be great if Xiaoxue's father was here." After saying this, he fell silent. Qiao Yuanshan was an eternal pain in his heart.

Xu Chunliang noticed the change in Mr. Qiao's mood and took the initiative to change the topic: "My grandfather has an effective fitness method. Let me share it with you."

Mr. Qiao said: "Okay!"

Xu Chunliang said: "My grandfather often said that human aging begins with blocked meridians: the source of all diseases is blood, and the cause of all diseases is Qi. When the meridians are unblocked, all diseases will be eliminated, the blood will be clear, and the face will be like jade. The philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine is: if Qi is insufficient, then If the blood is not flowing smoothly, the water will not flow, and if the water is not flowing, the poison will not be discharged.”

Mr. Qiao said: "It makes sense to hear what you say."

Xu Chunliang smiled and said: "I'm just a porter. Just think it makes sense. As long as our body's meridians are unimpeded, the human body's functions will maintain its proper health and eliminate toxins and free radicals from the body. The moisture, turbidity, coldness, and evil inside open up the meridians and purify the blood. Your problem of excessive cholesterol is also caused by the decline in the function of the meridians. The set of kung fu I teach you is evolved from the "Yi Jin Jing"."

Mr. Qiao said: "I have heard of the Yi Jin Jing. It seems to be the Kung Fu of the Shaolin School." The old man likes to read martial arts novels and is very familiar with the martial arts schools.

Xu Chunliang said: "You are right, but I said that the "Yi Jin Jing" is definitely not as powerful as the Shaolin School. Even if you learn it, you will not become a martial arts master. The main thing is to clear the meridians and strengthen the body."

Mr. Qiao smiled and said, "This is enough for me."

Xu Chunliang first diagnosed Mr. Qiao's pulse and then gave a lecture. In fact, the method he taught Mr. Qiao was similar to that of Mr. Ye, but he adjusted it according to the conditions of the meridians of the two people. Taking into account the acceptance ability of the old man, he simplified it as much as possible, mainly Let them master the method of clearing menstruation and regenerating marrow.

Sister Qiao Yuanhong looked at the old and the young with some curiosity. Qiao Yuanlan couldn't help but whispered: "What are they doing?"

Qiao Yuanhong said: "How did I know?"

Just as Ye Qingya came over, Qiao Yuanlan asked her again.

Ye Qingya said: "Xiao Xu is teaching grandpa how to exercise."

Qiao Yuanlan said: "Can his old arms and legs still keep fit?"

Ye Qingya couldn't help laughing and asked them to go upstairs to chat so that Mr. Qiao wouldn't hear them.

Returning to Ye Qingya's room, Qiao Yuanlan said: "This little Xu is really good-looking and pleasant in speech, but it's a pity that his family background is not so good."

Qiao Yuanhong said: "In what age are you still paying attention to being well-matched?"

Ye Qingya said: "Let people handle their emotional matters by themselves. Grandpa is now more enlightened."

Qiao Yuanlan said: "It's strange. He poured some ecstasy soup into the old man. The old man has never been so tolerant to others in the past."

The three of them looked at each other, and no one said anything further, but they all knew in their hearts that their marriages were arranged by their families. If they found someone like Xu Chunliang instead, they don't know how much resistance they would encounter. .

When Xu Chunliang left, Mr. Qiao arranged for a driver to take him off. The old man was very considerate. It was not appropriate for his grandson-in-law to take his future grandson-in-law off at such a late hour.

When Xu Chunliang was about to arrive at Dongzhou Hotel, Mei Ruxue called and asked him how he was doing. Did the two aunts cross-examine him? Xu Chunliang said that everything was fine, because the driver was driving in front and it was inconvenient to speak. Xu Chunliang asked the driver to stop next to him and he walked a few steps.

After watching the driver leave, Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "You have so many family members. It would be quite a big scene if they were all here."

Mei Ruxue said: "Actually, I have very little contact with them."

Xu Chunliang thought of Mei Ruxue's life experience and knew that she was also an anomaly in the Qiao family. The fact that she had not recognized her ancestors yet was proof of this. Although everyone loved her, it was hard to say how she truly felt about her.

Xu Chunliang said: "You will probably stay in Dongzhou in the future."

Mei Ruxue asked clearly, "Why?"

“Never heard of marrying a chicken and following the chicken, marrying a dog and following the dog, or marrying a monkey and running all over the mountain?”

Mei Ruxue chuckled: "You are just a big monkey."

Xu Chunliang said: "From now on, I will take this female monkey like you and run around the mountain, and raise a group of little monkeys."

Mei Ruxue spat: "Are you planning to let me live with you in the Water Curtain Cave in Huaguo Mountain?"

Xu Chunliang said: "Sentiment is full of water. As long as we are together, wherever we go will be a paradise."

Mei Ruxue felt warm in her heart. She knew clearly that what he said was not good, but she felt comfortable. After a moment of silence, she whispered, "I miss you."

Xu Chunliang said: "I'll make a video for you to watch."

Mei Ruxue smiled and said: "It's better to maintain a sense of mystery. It will take some time for my study here to end. By the way, we will have a closed study for the next week. I can't attend Lu Qi and Yu Li's wedding. You'll see me later. Bring me the gift money."

Xu Chunliang knew that Mei Ruxue did not have a close relationship with them. Lu Qi and his wife invited Mei Ruxue mainly for their own reasons. Xu Chunliang agreed and allowed her to study in peace.

When Xu Chunliang passed the street behind Dongzhou Hotel, he found that the barbecue restaurant was closed and the owner was locking the door. He turned around and saw Xu Chunliang, thinking he was here to eat. He sighed and said, "Don't come here in the near future. Yes, we will suspend operations for one month.”

Xu Chunliang said: "You have such a good business, you will lose a lot if you close down, right?"

The shop owner said: "There is nothing I can do. I have something to do at home and I have to go back to deal with it. Brother, are you from Dongzhou too?"

Xu Chunliang pointed to the Beijing Office in front, and the store owner understood: "We are fellow villagers who come to the capital for business. I will treat you next time I come over." He handed Xu Chunliang his business card.

Xu Chunliang saw that the name on it was Li Quangui, smiled at him, scanned the QR code and added his WeChat ID.

When Xu Chunliang came to the door of Dongzhou Hotel, Fu Guomin called and asked if he was back?

Xu Chunliang thought that Fu Guomin was urging him to go back to work, and immediately said that he had bought a train ticket for tomorrow. If he could get to Dongzhou tomorrow, he could go to work the day after tomorrow.

Fu Guomin said: "Don't rush back, can you help me with something?"

Xu Chunliang said: "That's great, just tell me."

Fu Guomin was a little embarrassed. Here's what happened. His son was beaten at school. The last time he hurried back to Beijing from Taiming Lake was to deal with this matter. The couple went to the school leaders, and the school called the parents of both parties involved. They all called him over, and the other party apologized, and the school also criticized the violent student. However, within a few days of his return to Dongzhou, his son was beaten again.

This time the beating was even worse, and it didn't happen inside the school, but was done by a group of kids outside the school. Although he was not seriously injured, it caused a great psychological shadow. He said he didn't want to go to school, and his wife urged him to go back. The work here in Dongzhou has just started, and there are important things to report to the superior leaders tomorrow, so it is impossible to just walk away.

His wife made harsh words and asked him to be transferred back to the capital to work immediately. If he refused to come back, she would wait to receive the divorce notice.

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