Yan Fangming finally understood what his uncle meant when he said he couldn't bear the blame. The Ecological Environment Construction Investment Group fired him before the incident at Hanyuan Hot Spring Resort.

Yan Fangming recalled everything that had happened recently. In the final analysis, it all started at the Weishan Island Winery Hot Spring. They had offended people they shouldn't have provoked. Before the winery workers made trouble, there was a chance to escape unscathed, but now, not They can end it if they want.

Yan Fangming felt anxious and frightened inside. He became even more frightened when he heard that even his uncle had been dismissed.

Just when he didn't know where to go, Xu Chunliang called.

Yan Fangming looked at Xu Chunliang's number and hesitated for a long time, but finally answered the call. His voice was trembling: "Hello..."

Xu Chunliang said: "Manager Yan?"

Yan Fangming now hates and fears Xu Chunliang: "Why are you looking for me?"

Xu Chunliang said: "I'm very wary. I wanted to talk to you about life and the future. Maybe we can have a chance to cooperate. It's a pity that you're not interested, so forget it. Goodbye!"

"Don't... wait..." Yan Fangming really wanted to slap himself, but he actually used your honorific. The situation determines his mentality. He is like a drowning man now. When he was desperate, someone handed him a hand. He would firmly grasp a branch, let alone a branch, even a straw.

Xu Chunliang said: "I know that the trouble caused by the winery workers has nothing to do with you. You are being taken advantage of."

Yan Fangming really couldn't believe that such reasonable words could come out of Xu Chunliang's mouth. In his impression, this guy was an unreasonable and ruthless guy who hit people in the mouth at every turn.

Xu Chunliang said: "Let's talk in person. Come to Hushan Town, I'll prepare the food and drinks, and we'll chat while we drink."

Yan Fangming was a little hesitant. This guy wouldn't set up a trap for him to fall into, would he? Hushan Town is his home ground. Wouldn't it be a bad thing to go to the meeting alone?

Xu Chunliang had already figured out his psychology quite thoroughly: "Every injustice has its own owner, and every debt has its own owner. I rarely hurt innocent people in my actions. You can think about it yourself."

Yan Fangming hung up the phone, feeling confused inside.

Xu Chunliang arranged a meal at the floating restaurant on Xianhong Farm and was just waiting for Yan Fangming to arrive. He believed that Yan Fangming would definitely come because this guy had no choice.

Sure enough, Yan Fangming arrived at Weishan Island at 5:30 in the afternoon, a place that he could not avoid. He originally decided that he would never set foot on this island again in his life, but he did not expect to come so soon. Only this time he Different from the previous purpose, which was for possession, this time it was for redemption.

After Yan Fangming got off the boat, an Audi Q7 was waiting for him. Zhang Haitao drove him to Xianhong Farm, but the two had no communication during the journey.

Zhang Haitao couldn't understand Xu Chunliang's plan. Is it necessary to treat a bereaved dog like Yan Fangming so kindly? However, he also knew that Xu Chunliang's pattern was beyond his ability to see clearly. In short, he would just follow Mayor Xu's arrangements.

Xu Chunliang chose to receive Yan Fangming alone. Although Yan Fangming took a bath and changed clothes to make himself look energetic, he still couldn't hide the desolation in his eyes.

He had been thinking about how to deal with Xu Chunliang along the way, but the more he thought about it, the more he lacked the confidence to face Xu Chunliang.

As soon as he entered the floating restaurant, Xu Chunliang greeted him with a smile and extended his hand: "Mr. Yan, welcome."

Yan Fangming shook hands with him and realized that Xu Chunliang's palm was warm, which also meant that his own palm was cold. He became more and more guilty, revealing his current state of mind from the beginning.

Xu Chunliang asked him to sit down, and the waiter came in to pour tea.

Xu Chunliang asked the waiter to turn on the TV. At this time, the news was playing on the TV, which happened to be about Hanyuan Hot Spring Resort.

General Manager Chen Yiru is responding to several recent hot issues.

When a reporter asked about the excessive bacterial flora in the water quality of Hanyuan Hot Spring Resort, this is her response.

"We are seriously conducting self-examination and rectification regarding this matter. We have held the relevant managers accountable and have fired Yan Fangming, the deputy general manager of the group who was responsible for specific management work..."

Yan Fangming's head is buzzing! That's great. These two people are really careless. One pot after another is thrown at themselves. What does Hanyuan Hot Spring Resort have to do with me? Wasn't it you, Chen Yiru, who was in charge all along?

Xu Chunliang asked the waiter to turn off the TV news. In fact, it was their recording.

Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "Don't let these boring news spoil your mood."

Yan Fangming forced out a smile. He guessed that Xu Chunliang did it intentionally, but he could not deny the fact that He Xingjian and his wife were shirking responsibility from him.

The waiter began to serve the dishes, which were the specialties of Weishan Lake. The wine was Moutai, the zodiac sign of the Year of the Pig, which happened to be Yan Fangming's zodiac sign.

Xu Chunliang said: "Mr. Yan, I asked about your zodiac sign."

Yan Fangming said: "Mayor Xu has taken the trouble."

Xu Chunliang poured him wine himself. Yan Fangming was a little scared: "I'll do it, I'll do it!"

Xu Chunliang said: "Just sit back and relax. You are older than me. Based on your age, I have to call you Brother Sheng."

Yan Fangming was frightened by this sudden respect: "Mayor Xu, you are too polite."

Xu Chunliang picked up the wine glass and said: "Although there have been unpleasantnesses between us in the past, it was because of our different stances. I am for the public and you are for the company. Now that you have been fired by Eco Environment Investment, we no longer have conflicts. If there is anything I did wrong to you in the past, please don’t remember it.”

Yan Fangming said: "I act impulsively, and I have offended many people in the past. Mayor Xu, please don't argue with me."

The two drank three glasses of wine in a row. Yan Fangming felt warm in his heart. It was due to the alcohol and Xu Chunliang's words. Today's meeting was more harmonious than expected.

Xu Chunliang helped Yan Fangming fill it up again: "The matter of the winery hot spring has come to an end, and He Xingjian said that he will not interfere anymore."

Yan Fangming said: "I have resigned from Ecological Environment Investment, and his affairs have nothing to do with me."

Xu Chunliang said: "I'm afraid it's not that simple. As far as I know, He Xingjian put all the responsibility for the brewery workers' riots on you. Coupled with the incident at Hanyuan Hot Spring Resort, do you really plan to take care of these two pots yourself?" Carry them all?"

Yan Fangming fell silent.

Xu Chunliang said: "If you really did it, there is nothing to say about taking responsibility, but if not, wouldn't it be unfair for you to take the blame for others?"

Yan Fangming picked up the wine glass and drank a glass himself. Xu Chunliang helped him fill it up: "Exceeding the standard of water quality bacteria in Hanyuan Hot Spring Resort is not a trivial matter. You may have to bear legal responsibility. This matter has affected the overall tourism in Dongzhou. Image, you should be aware of the city’s recent series of actions.”

Yan Fangming pursed his lips, obviously nervous.

Xu Chunliang said: "Even if you are lucky enough to escape this disaster, you will not have any development in Dongzhou in the future. In fact, with your ability, you can stand on your own for a long time. If He Xingjian truly treats you as a friend, he will not encounter any trouble." I was the first one to push you out after that, and I know very clearly that you played a big role in why he was able to obtain the hot spring franchise development license, but what happened after something happened?"

After a pause, he said with emotion: "You are really a kind and righteous person, but benevolence and righteousness have to be divided into objects. Some people are not worthy of your devotion to them."

Yan Fangming still didn't speak. Xu Chunliang clinked his wine glass with him and drank it down in one gulp.

"The test results of the winery's hot spring water have come out. The content of high-quality minerals is outstanding in Dongzhou and even in the entire Jianghai area. As long as it is properly developed, the daily water output can reach 3,000 cubic meters."

Yan Fangming's heart moved. He has been engaged in hot spring development projects for many years. He knew when he heard that this hot spring should be the best quality found in Dongzhou area. Unfortunately, he no longer has anything to do with them. He whispered: "Congratulations."

Xu Chunliang smiled and said: "Congratulations to me? As I said just now, we are for the public good. I opposed the development of the Ecological Environmental Investment Group before, not only because others contracted it first, but also because I think your strength is Not enough. Weishan Island is building a national-level tourist resort. Our attitude towards hot spring development has been very clear from the beginning. We want to find the top hot spring development team in China to design and develop it. Now we have reached a preliminary agreement with Mutian Group. "

Yan Fangming pursed his lips. Mutian Group is the leading company in the domestic hot spring industry. There is no comparability between Ecological Environment Construction Investment Group and Mutian Group.

Xu Chunliang said: "You have always been responsible for the hot spring development and construction of the Ecological Environmental Investment Group, and the current construction team was established by you."

His words obviously touched Yan Fangming's pain point, and Yan Fangming sighed.

Xu Chunliang said: "If I leave the hot spring development and construction here to you, can you do a good job in it?"

Yan Fangming raised his head and looked at Xu Chunliang in disbelief. He had been kicked out by He Xingjian, and now he was alone. Xu Chunliang obviously did not mean to let him be responsible for this project alone. He wanted him to divert his past people from the ecological environment. Pull me over here and take the heat out of the cauldron!

Yan Fangming's heart was pounding. He had to say that the bait offered by Xu Chunliang was hard to refuse. The engineering department there were all his old team members. As long as he wanted to, he could definitely accomplish this. But his own troubles were not over yet. He was responsible for Yan Zhongmin leading the workers to cause trouble.

Yan Fangming whispered: "I should be held responsible for the winery workers causing trouble."

Xu Chunliang said: "There is indeed someone who needs to take responsibility, but it may not be you. Of course, no one can stop you from taking the blame."

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