Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 306 Descendants of the Mo family

Fortunately, this set of "Tian Yang Pian" is engraved on the dragon bone in the form of oracle bone inscriptions. Even an ancient writing expert like Bai Mushan cannot translate it in a short time. It is estimated that Bai Mushan spent more than 20 years on it. It took time to decipher most of "Tianyang Chapter".

But it is one thing to decipher the oracle bone inscriptions, and it is another thing to practice according to the deciphered words. If you are not a warrior with deep attainments in internal skills, it will be difficult to understand the true meaning of these words. Could it be that Bai Mushan himself is a Qi practitioner? Master?

Xu Chunliang and Bai Mushan have met more than once. Bai Mushan does not seem to have any martial arts skills. If Bai Mushan does not know martial arts, then he must find a collaborator to study together. Could it be Luan Yuchuan?

But Xu Chunliang once rescued Luan Yuchuan and took his pulse twice. Luan Yuchuan had no internal strength. Is there a third person?

Xu Chunliang looked at Xue Anliang, who was frightened by his gaze and said in a trembling voice: "Don't look at me like that, I'm driving."

"Am I preventing you from driving?"

"I feel terrible."

Xu Chunliang was amused by this guy and started laughing. Xue Anliang didn't want to laugh at all. He almost wanted to cry when he thought about his life being held in the hands of this person next to him.

Xu Chunliang said: "Who does Bai Mushan usually interact with more?"

Xue Anliang shook his head and said, "He always thinks very highly of himself. He really doesn't have many friends. Even Liang Baixian he doesn't take seriously."

"Have you helped me count the oracle bone inscriptions that Bai Mushan has deciphered over the years?"

Xue Anliang nodded repeatedly and said: "We have statistics. It's just that Professor Bai has been researching for decades. It will take time to complete this statistical work. There is still a lot of information that has not been released by Longgu Culture. I will go over and sort it out recently."

Xu Chunliang said: "You just need to give me the statistics of the texts he has deciphered in the past twenty-five years."

In Xu Chunliang's opinion, the text deciphered by Bai Mushan in the past 25 years is most likely to come from the dragon bones donated by the Xu family. The purpose of collecting this information is to add evidence to the truth inquiry and to see how accurate Bai Mushan's deciphering is. However, Xu Chunliang did not believe that Bai Mushan could decipher all the words on the dragon bone donated by his grandfather.

Xue Anliang said: "That one has been calculated." He handed Xu Chunliang a USB flash drive.

Xu Chunliang took it and said with a smile, "You are a sensible person."

Xue Anliang couldn't laugh or cry. It wasn't that he understood it, but that he had to do it as a last resort. He briefly introduced that Bai Mushan is the person who has deciphered the most oracle bone inscriptions in China. He has deciphered a total of 372 oracle bone inscriptions. This number is not surprising at first glance. , but there are only more than a thousand oracle bone inscriptions that have been deciphered in China. Take the great scholar Guo Moruo, for example, he has only deciphered more than a hundred oracle bone inscriptions in his life, and the accuracy rate is only 30%.

The deciphering of oracle bone inscriptions has become a hot topic in the study of ancient characters. In 2016, the Chinese Characters Museum issued an announcement on the “Reward Program for Outstanding Achievements in Oracle Bone Inscription Interpretation”. He promised to decipher an unsolved oracle bone inscription and receive a reward of 100,000 yuan; to provide a new interpretation of a controversial oracle bone inscription, a single character reward of 50,000 yuan would be awarded.

Bai Mushan has received more than 3 million in bonuses based on his academic achievements in the past few years. In other words, he has deciphered more than 30 oracle bone inscriptions since 2016.

Xu Chunliang asked Xue Anliang to take him to Longgu Culture. He wanted to see Bai Mushan's working environment with his own eyes.

Xue Anliang did not dare to refute and could only obey.

The heavy snowfall last night made the Nam Van Lake Cultural and Creative Park look a little more elegant. The stream in the Cultural and Creative Park turned into a vivid black and blue against the backdrop of white snow.

Xue Anliang drove into the underground garage. He got out of the car and turned off the monitor in the studio, and then invited Xu Chunliang inside.

Xue Anliang is cautious and considers things very thoughtfully, and he is very skilled. Xu Chunliang knows that he did not join Bai Mushan's disciples simply for learning, and he should also have learned the secret of the dragon bone.

Entering the basement of Longgu Culture, Xue Anliang had already turned on the lights in advance. Unlike the usual storage of wine in the basement, the basement of Dragon Bone Culture is also made like a small museum.

There are mechanical models one by one in the glass display cabinets.

There is the Gan chariot, which is a siege chariot covered with rawhide. It can carry ten people inside and push it up to the city wall. It can dig and destroy the wall. It can be called an ancient tank.

There is a repeating crossbow cart with an extremely complex structure. It can fire dozens of arrows at a time and has a huge reaction force. It requires ten people to operate.

There is also a chariot, which is entirely made of pure iron and is partially buried underground. It is operated by multiple people and can throw charcoal, stones, etc. This vehicle is the ancient cannon-trebuchet.

A picture hanging on the wall attracted Xu Chunliang's attention - love each other and benefit each other.

Xu Chunliang secretly thought that this was the benevolence of Mohists. Looking at the exquisite models, could Bai Mushan be a believer of Mohism?

In the late Warring States period, the Mohists divided into two groups. One group became the Jianghu Rangers, and the other group focused on the study of epistemology, logic, geometry, geometric optics, statics and other subjects. It is called the Mohist school, which reflects the social and ethical propositions of the early Mohist school. Many of them have inheritance and have made great achievements in epistemology and logic.

Xu Chunliang asked: "Bai Mushan still studies Mohism?"

Xue Anliang nodded and said: "Professor Bai highly praised Mohism. He often said that in the pre-Qin period, both Confucianism and Mohism were named after Mohism and Confucianism. The "Mo Jing" is China's first scientific classic in the true sense. If it were not Han Dynasty, Wu only respected Confucianism, and the influence of Mohism today is by no means inferior to that of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism."

Xu Chunliang asked: "He made all these models?"

Xue Anliang said: "That's not true, it was given by one of his friends."

Xu Chunliang stopped in front of the model of the ladder. He saw that the ladder was exquisitely made and was by no means just a replica. Every detail was restored very realistically. The people who made these models were not only ingenious but also had a deep understanding of mechanical structures. know.

Follow Xue Anliang to Bai Mushan's studio. Because Bai Mushan's main office location was moved to the museum, the place is now very empty, and there are very few materials left on the bookshelves.

On the wall behind the office chair, there is a calligraphy hanging - What is based on the ancient saint king's affairs is based on the people's ears and eyes.

Xu Chunliang paid attention to the inscription. The author, Mo Wuya, completed the calligraphy thirty years ago.

Xu Chunliang asked: "Who is Mo Wuya?"

Xue Anliang shook his head and said that he didn't know it. This calligraphy had been hanging here for a long time. He had never paid attention to the author. He just knew that this calligraphy came from Mozi's Three Tables, and it was also the Mohist standard for testing cognition. In fact, there is another sentence - abolish it as a criminal government and consider the interests of the country and the people. It means based on whether the results of political practice are in the interests of the country and the people. This was also the earliest proposition about the standard of truth put forward in the history of Chinese philosophy, and it had an extremely important impact on later generations.

At this time, Xu Chunliang could basically judge that Bai Mushan believed in Mohism. This Mo Wuya was probably a descendant of the Mohist family. Therefore, he thought of Mo Han again. Could it be that Mo Han was really a descendant of the Mohist family, or maybe she was related to this Mo Wuya. Relationship, after all, there are not many people named Mo.

This trip was really not in vain.

Xue Anliang said: "Basically all the important things have been moved away." What he meant was that there was nothing worth seeing. He hated and feared Xu Chunliang and didn't want to stay with him from the bottom of his heart. In his heart, this guy He is just a god of plague, I wish he could be sent away as soon as possible.

Xu Chunliang was not impatient and carefully visited Longgu Culture inside and out, staying for nearly an hour before leaving.

Returning to the party school dormitory, he turned on the computer and looked at Bai Mushan's results over the years. Xue Anliang made a comparison table to compare the original ancient characters with the characters deciphered by Bai Mushan.

After reading it, Xu Chunliang found that Bai Mushan's accuracy rate was less than half, or about 30%.

Xu Chunliang sighed secretly, this is a bullshit expert, how can he become a university doctoral supervisor with his level? It's simply misleading. Xu Chunliang didn't know that in the professional field, anyone who could reach Bai Mushan's level was already a leader.

What made him wonder was, how could Bai Mushan, who was half-hearted, decipher the "Tian Yang Chapter"?

Judging from Bai Mushan's results, the "Tian Yang Pian" deciphered by Bai Mushan must be full of errors and omissions, and it is beyond recognition. However, this guy not only deciphered it, but also probably used the "Tian Yang Pian" to cure himself and Luan Yuchuan. The disease is really unbelievable.

Xu Chunliang believes that there are two possibilities for this matter. One is that Bai Mushan did it on purpose. He could obviously make a correct decipherment, but deliberately lowered the accuracy in order to confuse others. The other is that he deciphered "Tianyang Chapter" 》There are other people.

Luan Yuchuan respectfully presented the rubbings to Mo Han.

Mo Han took the rubbing, looked at it and said, "Are you sure there are no omissions?"

Luan Yuchuan said: "I saw Bai Mushan's rubbing with my own eyes. There was a hole in the defective area. It was where the bookmark was tied to the rope, which just destroyed the word."

Mo Han smiled disdainfully and said, "What a coincidence. The place where the holes are punched is specifically chosen where there are words."

Luan Yuchuan said: "Are you saying that Xu Chunliang deliberately punched holes in the keel and destroyed the integrity of the keel?"

Mo Han said: "With his brains, he may not be able to do it." He felt his teeth itching. If Xu Chunliang were here, he would have wanted to bite him hard. Is this what he meant by keeping his promise?

"Do you want to find a way to force him to take it out?"

Mo Han shook his head: "Go down!"

Luan Yuchuan lowered his head and saluted, took a step back before turning around and leaving.

Mo Han walked to the book shelf in front, opened the secret compartment, pressed his finger on the place where fingerprints were identified, and then performed pupil recognition.

The book shelf was separated from the middle, revealing the hidden glass background wall behind it. When the lights were turned on, the glass background wall showed the projection of pieces of keels. There was a missing piece in the center of the rows of keel projections. Mo Han pasted rubbings on the missing area. , a secretive smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and he whispered to himself: "Do you really think I can't deduce this word?"

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