Mo Han showed Xu Chunliang the few photos he had just taken, and Xu Chunliang browsed through them. Anyway, none of them looked good, so he complained, "What kind of skill are you doing? I can be photographed by you even with my looks. It has to be like a horse monkey."

Mo Han couldn't help but want to laugh: "Because of the angle, shoot from above. Besides, I don't usually take pictures of people."

Xu Chunliang waved his hand, he found a location, and asked Mo Han to retake two photos for him, but Mo Han was speechless, thinking he wanted to greet him.

Mo Han helped him take a few photos. At this time, Yan Huiyi and Jin Yonghao also climbed up, and Xu Chunliang invited them to come and take a group photo.

Mo Han was completely speechless, Xu Chunliang really didn't regard himself as an outsider, but regarded her as a professional photographer.

Yan Huiyi is also a photography enthusiast. When she saw the equipment Mo Han used, her eyes were straightened. She used a customized version of the Leica M10R, and the stand-alone camera and the lens cost more than 100,000 yuan.

Xu Chunliang didn't introduce him either. Yan Huiyi and Jin Yonghao thought that Xu Chunliang was a social cow, and they could strike up a conversation with anyone they met. They didn't know that these two had known each other for a long time.

Yan Huiyi and Jin Yonghao didn't intend to disturb others, and went to the side to see the scenery after taking the photos. Mo Han showed the photos to Xu Chunliang, and Xu Chunliang said that she took them well.

"If you are not satisfied, I can delete it immediately."

"Don't, I'm better than me anyway. By the way, what are you doing here alone? There are snakes on the mountain."

Mo Han said, "You don't care about me!"

"You will have no friends with this attitude."

"I don't need it." Mo Han looked up at the sky, and at this moment the sky actually started to turn cloudy.

Yan Huiyi's voice came from a distance: "Xiao Xu, it seems to be raining, let's go down the mountain quickly."

Jin Yonghao suggested that they go down the mountain from the east slope, where the mountain is relatively gentle, and it is also the most commonly used road. Mo Han climbed up that road just now.

The four of them went down the mountain together, and before halfway there, a heavy rain came unexpectedly.

Mo Han brought professional equipment, not to mention the waterproof coat, and a raincoat in his backpack.

Compared with her, Xu Chunliang and the others were too embarrassed. They were unprepared, and they were drenched in water in a blink of an eye. Mo Han gave them a waterproof bag and asked them to put their mobile phones in it.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and even the mountain road could not be seen clearly. Jin Yonghao pointed to the stone house in front and suggested to take shelter inside, because it was too dangerous to go down the mountain in the rain.

When they came to the yard, Jin Yonghao said loudly, "Is anyone there?"

An old man came out with an oilcloth umbrella. He had a gloomy face at first, but when he saw Xu Chunliang, he immediately smiled and said, "Director Xu, it's you!" This old man is He Shouren, He Tiantian's father. Always lived in the mountains.

Two days ago, I accompanied my daughter and granddaughter to live on the boat for a few days, mainly because I was worried that my granddaughter's illness would recur again. Seeing that she was in normal condition, he came back immediately. He was used to living alone.

He Shouren hurriedly invited them into the stone house.

The two stone huts were not very big, and He Shouren didn't feel it when he lived alone, but now that there were four more adults, it suddenly seemed cramped.

He Shouren found a brazier, lit some charcoal, and asked them to sit beside them to dry their clothes.

Mo Han is fully equipped and not wet at all.

Yan Huiyi sneezed a few times, and squatted beside the brazier to warm up the fire. It was really cold, and Jin Yonghao was not much better than him.

Xu Chunliang has a strong physique and is fine. He wiped his head with a dry towel.

He Shouren went to the kitchen next door to make some ginger soup for them to sweat to prevent them from catching cold.

Mo Han raised her wrist to check the time. It was twelve o'clock at noon. She didn't know when the rain would stop, so she got up to help.

Yan Huiyi asked curiously: "Xiao Xu, you two have known each other for a long time?"

Xu Chunliang said: "Who are you talking about?"

Yan replied, "The girl who took the photo."

Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "I just met you."

Jin Yonghao glanced out of the window, the rain was not only not small, but it was getting bigger, he sighed and said: "How can it be raining when it was still sunny just now?"

He Shouren came in with two bowls of ginger soup, and they hurried over to pick them up. Mo Han also brought out a bowl and handed it to Xu Chunliang, who said he didn't need it.

He Shouren said: "The rain will last for at least two hours, let's wait until the rain stops before leaving. I'll get some food, and you can make do with it."

Yan Huiyi's stomach was already growling: "Then please trouble Mr. He."

Mo Han took the initiative to help He Shouren.

Jin Yonghao called the hospital and told them that he would not go back until later.

Not long after, the smell of food came from the next door. He Shouren stewed an old rooster and put some noodles on it, which is called Diguotie in the local area. I also stewed a ground three delicacies with eggplant, potatoes, and beans, and also put palm-sized pancakes on it.

Holding the iron pan, he directly went to the table, and said to them: "There is nothing delicious on this mountain, so you can eat whatever you want, and please forgive me if you don't greet well."

Yan Huiyi said: "This is already very rich, Mr. He, thank you very much, you are our great savior, if you didn't take us in, we would have to freeze to death on the mountain."

Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "How could it be that exaggerated?"

He Shouren found a bare bottle of Yanghe Daqu: "Are you drinking?" He usually doesn't drink, so it's unknown when a relative left this bottle of wine.

Xu Chunliang said: "Don't drink anymore, we will leave after the rain is over after we are full."

He Shouren asked them to eat first, and if they didn't have enough cakes, they could post them again.

It may be because of the cold and hunger, several people ate extra deliciously sweet, Yan Huiyi's meal rediscovered the feeling of his youth, and he hadn't eaten such authentic ground pot dishes for many years.

He Shouren told him that the main reason is that the ingredients are pollution-free vegetarian dishes and free-range pheasants, and the firewood is chopped, and mountain spring water is used, which cannot be cooked in the city.

Several people expressed their feelings again. Although life is getting better and better now, the food they eat is becoming more and more unhealthy.

Mo Han said: "Teacher He must know the situation of Shiliang Mountain very well?"

He Shouren nodded. Due to the altitude of Shiliang Mountain, there are no particularly rich products on the mountain. The biggest specialty is mountain spring water, except for mushrooms. It turns out that mountain spring water can be sold for money, but now even the locals come to fetch water from the mountains.

He Shouren originally chose to live on the mountain in order to be clean, because more and more people went up the mountain, and the clean life was also disrupted.

Xu Chunliang said that with the development of Weishan Island, it will be more difficult for him to get peace.

He got up and went to the wooden table on the side, on which were the Four Treasures of the Study, where He Shouren usually wrote.

On the wooden case, He Shouren copied half of the "Diamond Sutra", which was not finished because of their visit. The whole article is written in thin gold script, Xu Chunliang praised: "Teacher He's handwriting skills are very deep!"

He Shouren said modestly, "It's just an imitation."

Yan Huiyi and Jin Yonghao also came together. Intellectuals are very interested in calligraphy and painting, especially Yan Huiyi. He usually likes to dance and ink. He is also a director of the Municipal Book Association.

Yan Huiyi also began to criticize. He has limited eyesight, but he can also see that He Shouren's handwriting is good. As for how good it is, it's beyond the point.

Jin Yonghao is more amateurish than Yan Huiyi. When encountering this kind of situation, his subordinates habitually praise the leader. He introduced Yan Huiyi to everyone as a calligraphy master and a director of Dongzhou Calligraphy Association.

As soon as he praised it, Yan Huiyi naturally had a bright face, and asked He Shouren if he had joined the Calligraphy Association, and if he hadn't, he could introduce him.

He Shouren is more modest, saying that his level is not good enough to join the Book Association.

Yan Huiyi smiled and said: "Mr. He is modest. I think your writing level is not low. You can join the Municipal Book Association. I can introduce you."

He Shouren shook his head again and again. In fact, he looked down on organizations like book associations from the bottom of his heart. His writing was purely a hobby, and he didn't think about proving anything.

Jin Yonghao said: "Yanyuan, I think there are pens, inks, papers and inkstones here, why don't you show them, let us open our eyes."

He wanted to flatter Yan Huiyi out of good intentions, but it was a bit too much, they were guests, and the host didn't speak, so it was inappropriate for him to say that.

In fact, Yan Huiyi was also eager to try it in his heart, and said hypocritically: "No need."

He Shouren said: "President Yan, you're welcome, it's good for everyone to discuss with each other."

Yan Huiyi pretended to be reluctant, but still picked up the brush, and Jin Yonghao hurriedly helped him grind the ink.

Yan Huiyi said: "I usually write cursive script mostly, so I will write a cursive script and give it to Mr. He."

Seeing this, Xu Chunliang secretly wanted to laugh, what does it mean to be an axe? Although He Shouren's thin golden body did not escape the scope of imitation, his cursive script already had the style of a master.

You Yan Huiyi not only want to write cursive script, but also give it to others, you really don't know how much you are.

Jin Yonghao is even more ridiculous, probably flattering has become a habit, Yan Huiyi is about to leave, you still shoot so hard, figure out the situation and then shoot, okay?

Yan Huiyi picked up the pen, closed his eyes, and concentrated his energy. Although he didn't know how his handwriting was, he had a good posture.

Yan Huiyi wrote a "Humble Room Inscription". The characteristic of cursive script is that the whole text is almost connected with each other and completed in one go.

Xu Chunliang glanced at it, and saw that Yan Huiyi had worked hard on cursive script, but the writing was so-so, to be precise, he got the shape but not the spirit.

After Yan Huiyi finished writing, Jin Yonghao praised: "Good calligraphy! Yan Yuan, your calligraphy already has the charm of Wang Xizhi."

Xu Chunliang sighed secretly, you have to master the scale when flattering, it's too much, it's shameless to shoot, Wang Xizhi is indeed a master of a generation, but Wang Xizhi is not a grass saint.

Yan Huiyi's handwriting is obviously a copy of Zhang Zhi's. The biggest feature of Zhang Zhi's cursive script is to abandon the tail of geese, strengthen the continuous strokes, and reduce the number of strokes.

Yan Huiyi's writing is a bit deliberate, and the words are connected from beginning to end, and some of the simplified words are not recognized by parents.

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