Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 1125: Guarding and stealing

Yangshan Cemetery, which has been undergoing internal renovations recently, suddenly came to many police cars and took away more than a dozen security guards headed by Yang Jincai.

This incident happened very suddenly. Yang Honggen, the party secretary of Yangshan Village, was still in a meeting in the county when he learned about it. He quickly left the meeting and contacted the local police station first. The people at the police station did not know the specific situation. They only knew that it was Dong The state and city directly dispatched the police. They had not received any information before. Based on what they learned so far, it seemed to be related to the theft of an ancient tomb.

Yang Honggen suddenly panicked. How could there be any ancient tombs in Yangshan Cemetery? But the police will not arrest people for no reason. The people sent to the city to inquire about the situation also received news. It is said that the crime was prisoner's theft. Yang Jincai and his gang found an ancient tomb in Yangshan Cemetery and somehow it was moved. They wanted to go in and take a look first, but as soon as they started digging, the police launched an operation and everyone involved was stolen.

The group of security guards, including Yang Jincai, all said that they were out of curiosity, and that there were several robber holes in the ancient tomb. It was unknown how many times it had been robbed, and there was nothing valuable inside. As the saying goes, those who steal cattle are caught, but the police who handle the case don't care whether they are out of curiosity or not. Their behavior of robbing ancient tombs and guarding them is extremely bad, so they should arrest them first.

Yang Honggen was angry and scared at the same time. He was so angry that he beat his chest. This son is really disappointing. Not to mention whether there are treasures in that ancient tomb, you can't touch even the treasures that are priceless. I will leave Yangshan Cemetery to you. , so many villagers from Yangshan Village and even Guquan Town are buried in it. What you have done will make me have no face to face my fellow villagers in the future.

Not to mention violating national laws, if these folks knew that you were committing theft, who would believe you? Who dares to hand over the graves of their relatives to you? According to the normal thinking, since you can rob ancient tombs, you can also dare to attack other tombs.

Facts have proved that Yang Honggen's worries were not unnecessary. Some people have already gone to his home to make trouble, demanding that those managers get out of Yangshan Cemetery, requesting them to return management fees and compensate for losses.

Yang Honggen sat in the car and walked around the entrance of Yangshan Village without daring to go in. Having been a party secretary for so many years, he was very aware of the horror of public opinion.

Yang Honggen asked the driver to take him to the town, and first went to Jiang Qiyong, the leader of Guquan Town. Naturally, Jiang Qiyong did not give him a good look. During this period, he spoke a lot for Yangshan Cemetery. Finally, the storm was almost calmed down. As a result, internal Making such a fuss was like a slap in the face. How could he explain this to his superiors?

Yang Honggen first reviewed his inability to teach his son. After Jiang Qiyong's anger subsided a little, Yang Honggen shamelessly asked Jiang Qiyong to come forward to help. According to his understanding, the ancient tomb was simply empty and of no value. It has been stolen eight hundred times.

Jiang Qiyong immediately became angry again when he heard what he said. He pointed out unceremoniously that this matter was not about the value of the ancient tomb. Fundamentally, the behavior of Yang Jincai and others was self-defense and self-stealing, which was a crime. You, Yang Honggen, must recognize this fact.

Yang Honggen's attitude was very humble. He said he admitted his mistake and would make every effort to make amends. However, there was something fishy about this matter. According to Yang Jincai, he was bewitched. He had a friend named Cui Changyi who fed him an unknown amount. The ecstasy soup made him go hunting for treasures in ancient tombs like a ghost. Now everyone has been arrested, but Cui Changyi has disappeared.

Now it seems that the whole thing must have been set up by someone. How could it be such a coincidence that the police arrived just as they started taking action.

Jiang Qiyong laughed angrily at Yang Honggen. He said it as if someone was trying to frame his son. You guys have nothing wrong with you and the police can't arrest you for no reason. Even if someone sets you up, they can only blame your son for being stupid and greedy. Otherwise, why would you fall into other people's traps so easily?

Under the current situation, it was impossible for Jiang Qiyong to speak for Yang Jincai. There were some things he could help with, and some things he absolutely couldn't do. However, Jiang Qiyong reminded Yang Honggen that the person who tied the bell must untie it.

Yang Honggen failed to get help from Jiang Qiyong, so he had to go to Zhai Pingqing. In his opinion, Zhai Pingqing was inseparable from the trouble at Yangshan Cemetery.

What made Yang Honggen depressed was that Zhai Pingqing didn't want to see him at all. He didn't answer his phone calls. When he went to the office, he was told that Mr. Zhai was not there.

Yang Honggen stood at the door of Kangjian Nursing Home, with light rain falling outside. At this moment, he was in a state like an abandoned old dog. Yang Honggen looked at the signboard of Kangjian Group and wished he could smash it into pieces.

At this time, his cell phone rang, but it was Xu Chunliang who called, asking him to come to the Civil Affairs Bureau office to explain what happened at Yangshan Cemetery.

After the incident, Yang Honggen thought about the cause of the incident. The biggest doubt was Xu Chunliang. He suspected that he might have been tricked by Xu Chunliang, but he could not provide any evidence. He thought that Xu Chunliang's call at this time was most likely to add insult to injury.

Yang Honggen was prepared for the worst. In the worst case, he would quit Yangshan Cemetery completely. He would quit. As long as he could keep his son, it would be okay to sacrifice some profits.

When Yang Honggen walked into Xu Chunliang's office, he looked somewhat embarrassed, his body was wet, and his face was a little blue.

Xu Chunliang said: "Secretary Yang, you've been caught in the rain. At your age, you should pay attention to your health." He thoughtfully handed over a box of tissues.

Yang Honggen didn't answer: "I come from a farming background and have a strong body... Ah Zhi!"

Xu Chunliang handed over the tissue again. This time Yang Honggen did not refuse. He took it, blew his nose, and threw it into the wastebasket.

Xu Chunliang asked someone to pour him a cup of hot tea.

Yang Honggen sat down on the sofa: "Director Xu, what do you want me to do?"

Xu Chunliang said: "I heard about your son."

Yang Honggen said: "Director Xu is really well-informed. When did you hear about it? You didn't know it in advance, did you?" I'm so angry. Look at the mischievous smile on your face. It's you who did not protect everything. .

Xu Chunliang said: "Actually, I've seen it a long time ago. Yang Jincai's temper will cause trouble sooner or later. They say a son is better than a father. You don't know what your own son is like? You still have to put him in such a sensitive place. Now something happens. Alright?"

Yang Honggen said: "Director Xu asked me to come here just to see my joke."

Xu Chunliang said: "Watching your jokes, I might as well listen to the cross talk. I don't have the habit of gloating over misfortunes. Lao Yang, is it because the Civil Affairs Bureau didn't give you a chance? Or do you think the previous lessons were not profound enough? Internal rectification has led to such a moth. , I heard that the ancient tomb has been stolen eight hundred times, and there are no treasures in it. Is your son so short of money?"

Yang Honggen was so angry that he wanted to beat his head, and sighed: "He is not short of money, but short of heart, and let someone plot against him."

Xu Chunliang said: "Don't always look for external reasons. You don't think about your own problems."

He raised a document on the table: "I'm not looking for you about the Yangshan Cemetery. Today I received a document from my superiors, saying that there are several so-called martyrs in your village who went to the capital to file a complaint. Not only did they sue me, but they also We also sued Secretary Qin, you know, right?"

Yang Honggen blinked and stared at the document in Xu Chunliang's hand. He didn't expect it to be implemented so quickly? How did he know that the document in Xu Chunliang's hand had nothing to do with the complaint.

Yang Honggen secretly thought to himself and found the reason. He must have heard that our village sent a representative to sue him, so he thought of a dirty trick to attack my son. Xu Chunliang, Xu Chunliang, you are so damaged.

Yang Honggen denied it flatly: "It's nothing."

Xu Chunliang smiled and said: "It's best if you don't. Lao Yang, you have done revolutionary work for decades. It's not that you can't raise your opinions if you have opinions, but what impact will a leap-frogging complaint have? Just sue me, Secretary Lian Qin Also file a lawsuit together, have you considered the consequences? Do you know what kind of impact this will have on Secretary Wang?"

Yang Honggen said: "I didn't."

Xu Chunliang said: "Don't argue with me here. If you correct something, you will be encouraged. Don't think that going to the capital to complain will solve the problem. The superiors must also distinguish right from wrong. By the way, you should understand the basic procedures in this regard." Well, you go to the capital to file a complaint, and the superiors will return the issue to the province for investigation and handling. The relevant provincial departments will usually return it to the city for a clear investigation and serious handling."

Yang Honggen stopped talking. He picked up the teacup and took a sip of hot tea. The water was too hot and made him grin.

Xu Chunliang said: "The person who gave you advice may be helping you or hurting you. Now that something has happened to your son, are the people who gave you advice in the past still willing to help you?"

Yang Honggen's head drooped, and he had nothing to say when asked by Xu Chunliang. He cursed in his heart, Zhai Pingqing, you bastard, I have been tricked by you.

Xu Chunliang said: "I have been a party secretary for most of my life, but it's a pity that you don't have enough ideological awareness."

Yang Honggen actually didn't retort: ​​"Director Xu, what do you think we should do? My son was just confused for a while, and he didn't steal anything." I

Xu Chunliang said: "Lao Yang, you still don't understand your own mistakes deeply enough. Attempted murder is not a crime? It doesn't mean that you didn't steal. It can only be said to be a matter of the severity of the circumstances. What is temporary confusion? Adults have to take responsibility for their own actions. If you had learned from what happened last time, the current situation would not have happened."

Yang Honggen said dejectedly: "Director Xu, I will go back and investigate carefully, and I will definitely give you an explanation."

Xu Chunliang said: "You are not giving an explanation to me, but you are giving an explanation to yourselves. I heard that someone reported it to the Dongzhou Cultural Relics Department, so this arrest was launched."

Yang Honggen said: "Director Xu, I hope you won't be like us. I promise you won't make the same mistake again in the future." He remembered Jiang Qiyong's words, to untie the bell, you must tie the bell. This person is actually not Zhai Pingqing, but Xu Chunliang.

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