Zhao Feiyang didn't continue to make rounds. He asked Xu Chunliang to follow up and resolve the property rights issue of Weishan Island Hospital.

Xu Chunliang was a little strange, there was Jin Yonghao, the dean of the branch, and now Yan Huiyi, the vice dean of Changxing, was also there. Why did Zhao Feiyang bypass the two of them and choose him?

Zhao Feiyang told Xu Chunliang that he couldn't trust the abilities of both of them, and he was the only one who could trust them.

This confession is more or less meant to encourage Xu Chunliang. In fact, Zhao Feiyang has already heard the rumors. Yan Huiyi has already had a second heart and will leave Changxing soon. How can such a person expect him to do things with all his heart and responsibility for Changxing? ?

As for that Jin Yonghao, if he had the ability, the branch would not be as it is now.

Zhao Feiyang felt that there was a destiny in the dark. When he needed a sharp knife, fate just arranged Xu Chunliang to Weishan Island, and he had no reason not to use it.

He also believed that Xu Chunliang's ability would definitely help him find a way out of the messy situation.

Since he wanted to use Xu Chunliang, Zhao Feiyang gave him enough trust, and he told all about his future plans for Weishan Island, which he didn't even disclose to Yan Huiyi.

Earlier, Zhao Feiyang promised Yan Huiyi that he would pay the arrears of wages within two days, mainly because he wanted to stabilize the situation in the branch and prevent the staff from making a big fuss.

But this matter has not yet been implemented, and the staff of the branch hospital have already begun to make trouble in an organized manner.

The attitude of the Hushan town government made Zhao Feiyang start to re-examine Gu Houyi's move to stop paying wages.

The target of the branch staff's protest was Changxing, but the Hushan Town government was the one who had a headache. They had to face this so-called historical problem right away.

Zhao Feiyang believes that this is also a problem left over from the history of Changxing. Gu Houyi should have clarified the property rights when he took over the Weishan Island branch. It was his ambiguity that led to the dilemma today.

Blaming the predecessor for the problem is a common practice for the current incumbent, and it is the best time to blame the troubles on the legacy of history just after taking over.

The national-level resort is currently limited to planning. Before the official announcement, Changxing still has a chance.

Zhao Feiyang asked Xu Chunliang to take control of the situation, and it was up to him to decide when to pay wages.

Once Xu Chunliang thinks that the situation on Weishan Island has become uncontrollable, he will arrange finances to pay wages immediately.

Xu Chunliang decided to accept this task, but he also had a condition, hoping that Zhao Feiyang would provide as much detailed information as possible.

It is necessary to understand the past and present of the branch in order to choose the most suitable countermeasure. Of course, there is no problem with Zhao Feiyang.

By the way, Xu Chunliang reported the current chaos in the branch, and Zhao Feiyang told him to just let go of his hands and feet.

Taking the surrounding facades as an example, if Xu Chunliang can get back the arrears of rent, the hospital can reward him with 10%.

Yan Huiyi is most concerned about when the salary will arrive in the account. Li Jinxia, ​​the chief financial officer, came to him just now. She has already contacted Changxing’s finance department.

Yan Huiyi told Li Jinxia not to worry, the dean would not lie to him about such a big matter, and the salary would definitely arrive within two days.

Li Jinxia was skeptical, but as a finance chief of a small branch, all she could do was keep an eye on the account.

Yan Huiyi's condition is not good today, hiccups started after breakfast, at first he didn't take it seriously, thinking that a few sips of hot tea would be enough, but it's almost noon and it still hasn't stopped.

He didn't go to the town government for this reason today, and this state is definitely not negotiable.

Yan Huiyi felt something was wrong with his body, so he went to the expert Miao Xiujuan.

Miao Xiujuan worked in the Gastroenterology Department of Changxing Hospital before she retired. This condition is called diaphragm spasm in Western medicine, and hiccup in Chinese medicine.

Miao Xiujuan believes that hiccups are usually caused by stomach diseases. Yan Huiyi had chronic gastritis in the past, and just arrived in a new place, and he drank a lot of alcohol, so he may not be acclimatized, so he decided to start with treating the gastrointestinal tract.

He was prescribed omeprazole to suppress gastric acid, aluminum phosphate gel to protect the gastric mucosa, and amoxicillin capsules for anti-inflammation.

It is recommended that Yan Huiyi drink more hot water after returning home and try to hold his breath to relieve symptoms.

Yan Huiyi understood these basic methods. After taking the medicine, he went to the dormitory to rest, and Jin Yonghao presided over the quality control meeting in the afternoon.

In fact, the chaotic status quo of Weishan Island Branch Hospital is not a quality control work at all. It is quite good to maintain the normal operation of the hospital. The so-called quality control meeting is just a formality, so as to communicate with the superiors.

Xu Chunliang didn't go to the meeting in the afternoon. Zhao Feiyang had already clarified the tasks assigned to him. The quality control work was handed over to other people. His focus was to secure the property rights of the branch.

Zhao Feiyang was in charge of coordinating the upper-level aspects of Weishan County, and he was in charge of coordinating the grass-roots level in Hushan Township. He also gave Xu Chunliang the status of special assistant to the president of Changxing Hospital, and the official post will be made tomorrow.

This is not only for winning people's hearts, but also for the convenience of Xu Chunliang's work. If he is not given a suitable identity, how can he negotiate with the local government?

Before starting work, Xu Chunliang must understand the ins and outs of this matter.

He spent the whole afternoon in his room studying this material.

Xu Chunliang's style of doing things is to do nothing, as long as he accepts, he must do it to the end.

After Xu Daqing's symptoms eased, he returned home first. On behalf of the hospital, Jin Yonghao made a formal decision to suspend him. Considering the possible fierce retaliation, he planned to announce the expulsion in a few days.

The result of the police station's handling has also come out, and he was detained for seven days and fined 500 yuan.

There is Malou Detention Center in the north of Weishan Island. Xu Daqing can go to the detention center after he recovers from his injuries and has a physical examination.

Zhang Haibin came to the hospital in the afternoon and also participated in the quality control meeting. His overall performance was normal.

After the meeting, Jin Yonghao and Tang Mingmei went to report to Yan Huiyi together, and heard hiccups in the room before entering the door.

Yan Huiyi didn't get better after taking the medicine, and he tried every possible solution. From hiccup in the morning to now, his mood has become extremely irritable.

Seeing him like this, the two felt embarrassed to report to him. Tang Mingmei suggested that Yan Huiyi could go to see a Chinese medicine doctor.

Jin Yonghao knew that there was a traditional Chinese medicine clinic in Shiliang Village nearby. The doctor who sat in the clinic was surnamed Liu, and his level was not bad.

Yan Huiyi shook his head like a rattle. As the vice president of Changxing, he actually went to the village to seek medical treatment from a village doctor. , In this way, the hiccups are all tricky, uh, uh, uh...

Listening to his hiccups, Tang Mingmei remembered a Tang poem, Qu Xiang Xiang Tiange, and couldn't hold back her laughter for a moment.

She quickly stopped laughing, realizing that it was too late, Yan Huiyi looked at her with resentment, uh, uh, uh... thinking that Tang Mingmei was gloating.

Tang Mingmei suggested: "Isn't Xiao Xu from a family of Chinese medicine? Maybe he has a way."

Jin Yonghao said: "A family of Chinese medicine does not necessarily understand Chinese medicine."

"He...uh...he...uh...not...uh...it's a doctor...student...uh...uh..." He stammered and hiccupped, most people couldn't hear it, and rapped like.

Not to mention that Tang Mingmei wanted to laugh, Jin Yonghao also wanted to laugh, but he could still hold back, and Tang Mingmei's smile became lower.

At this time Xu Chunliang also heard the movement: "Yan Yuan, what's the matter? Is the hiccup still not healed?"

Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... Yan Huiyi hiccupped and trembled, hoping that the three of them would leave quickly, and experience this sour feeling silently by themselves.

Big and small, we are also leaders, I don't want face? I don't want an image?

Tang Mingmei said: "Xiao Xu, you came at a good time. Your Huichuntang is a time-honored brand in Dongzhou. Do you have any secret recipes for hiccups?"

Xu Chunliang said: "Have you read it? What do experts say?"

Jin Yonghao said: "Director Miao has seen it, and the diaphragm has spasm."

Xu Chunliang said: "No, no, I think it's a hiccup, the disease is located in the diaphragm, the stomach is under the diaphragm, and the stomach qi moves upwards to move the diaphragm."

Jin Yonghao said in his heart that it sounds reasonable, but isn't hiccup just a spasm of the diaphragm? Why are you still dragging ancient prose, what's wrong with being young, you have to pretend to be aggressive, don't you know that everyone is from the medical system?

Tang Mingmei said: "You must have a way to cure it, right?"

Xu Chunliang smiled and said that he could try it, and came to Yan Huiyi and asked him to sit on a chair and massage him.

Yan Huiyi doesn't care whether Xu Chunliang is a doctor or not, as long as he can cure his hiccups. Western medicine has already been tried, but I hope Xu Chunliang can learn some real skills from his grandfather.

For the treatment of hiccups, massage the Yifeng point is the first choice.

Yi means abandonment, and wind means wind evil. This point can treat stroke, so it is named Yi Feng.

Yifeng acupoint is one of the commonly used acupoints of the Sanjiao Meridian of Hand-Shaoyang. It is located on the face, the back and lower part of the auricle, and the depression behind the root of the earlobe.

The Sanjiao Meridian of Hand Shaoyang and the Gallbladder Meridian of Foot Shaoyang converge here. Pressing this point can dispel wind and dredge collaterals, open ears and resuscitate.

The cause of hiccups is the disorder of Qi. The Sanjiao is the path of water, fire and Qi. The Sanjiao meridian governs diseases caused by Qi. Pressing Yifeng Point can help unblock the Sanjiao Qi.

An expert knows if there is one as soon as he makes a move. Xu Chunliang is very accurate in identifying the acupoints. He pressed Yan Huiyi's Yifeng acupoint, and with a little force, Yan Huiyi's cheeks suddenly became sore. This feeling is like swallowing a lemon. , as if a large amount of hydrogen peroxide was injected into his parotid gland in an instant.

Yan Huiyi's tongue was flowing, and as Xu Chunliang pressed the Yifeng acupoint, the interval between his hiccups became obviously longer.

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