From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 777 Big Harvest

The moment the jade jade token was put into the universal tool box, ripples like water began to form around the small space that was only about 4 cubic meters.

The black jade tray suffered a bizarre 'bombardment', and then quickly shattered into particles invisible to the naked eye. Then Qiao Jia saw that the space inside the universal tool box began to increase.

Qiao Jia realized at this time that this black meteorite is to the universal tool box what uranium raw materials are to a nuclear power plant.

With just such a small amount, the energy system of the universal toolbox has changed from the early decomposition, digestion, and reuse, a relatively complex energy extraction mode, to a brand new 'nuclear energy' mode.

Not only has the efficiency of energy generation become higher, but also the efficiency of ‘production’ has increased.

In the past, it took about 3 hours to 'produce' an individual thermobaric bomb, but now it only takes an hour, or even less.

And what satisfied Qiao Jia the most was that the internal space increased not by one-third as he initially thought, but doubled, and finally increased to the size of a garage.

This is extremely beneficial to Boss Qiao!

Because as long as there is transportation, Boss Qiao can go anywhere in the world.

Generally speaking, the improvement of the universal toolbox is not decisive for today's boss Qiao.

But as long as the internal space of this thing can be increased again, allowing Boss Qiao to 'produce' similar tanks, infantry armored vehicles, fighter jets and even maritime ships, then the situation will be completely different.

There is no need to exaggerate. It is possible to build a patrol boat with a length of about 40 meters, equipped with powerful tactical missiles such as anti-ship missiles. It doesn’t matter how powerful they are. Just the fact that it is a business without a business can make Boss Qiao tremble. Woke up.

If these are just the performance improvements of the universal toolbox itself, then it will be interesting to see several new devices unlocked by the universal toolbox with the generation of new energy.

Qiao Jia once suspected that this thing was a tool used by aliens to colonize the planet, but because the function of the tool box was relatively simple, he never found strong evidence.

But things are different now. The universal toolbox unlocks new gadgets besides electromagnetic weapons...

The first one is the 'Oxygen Synthesizer', a suitcase-sized machine that can extract various atoms from the surrounding environment for efficient synthesis, producing the oxygen needed for the survival of 150 to 200 people.

The second one is the ‘water purifier’, or ‘water synthesizer’.

A machine the size of a solar water heater can directly produce clean water by collecting hydrogen and oxygen atoms, or directly filter water resources to produce clean drinking water.

The former can produce 2,000 liters of clean water every day, while the latter depends on the amount of filtered water resources.

This thing is simply a magical tool in places where water resources are scarce or water resources are polluted.

Qiao Jia is not a technical person, so he doesn't know much about the technical content, but he knows the value of this thing.

The third one is a ‘Plant Petri Dish’, or a ‘Plant Gene Modifier’.

According to Boss Qiao's understanding, this thing is an AI version of Mr. Yuan, and it is also the smart version of the seed generator that his younger brother Qiao Liang dreams of.

People can use it to modify the genes of plants so that they can be absorbed by the human stomach.

The fourth one is the ‘exploration vehicle’, or the ‘multifunctional armed exploration 8-wheel off-road vehicle’.

The shape of this vehicle is a bit like a child's big toy car, with four wheels on each side.

If this kind of car rolls over, the cab inside will also flip over, and it has an amphibious function.

Not only is it equipped with weapons, but it also inherits a series of functions such as detection and rescue.

Combined with the earliest 'electromagnetic weapon system', if this kind of universal toolbox was not used for alien colonization, Boss Qiao felt that his brain would be unnecessary.

‘Weapons’ first appeared to ensure survival, and then these things appeared for the needs of colonial construction.

Qiao Jia didn't know whether there would be more advanced tools in the toolbox in the future, but taking out these things now and placing them anywhere, as long as spiritual enjoyment was not considered and basic survival was maintained, it would be appropriate.

The only bad thing is that there are two versions of all this stuff...

One is a low-profile castrated version of the conventional energy model, which is a low-profile version that can be used with electricity generated by solar, wind, and thermal energy.

Many of its functions have been cancelled, and work efficiency is not very high.

The other is a high-end version using ‘clean nuclear energy’.

The most obvious one is the 'probe vehicle'. The high-end version only needs 4 laptop-sized 'nuclear batteries' and can happily run to work until the vehicle is scrapped.

If the low-end version is changed to fuel energy or battery energy, not only will the power drop drastically, but also because the energy system takes up a lot of space, it will squeeze out many of its original functions.

Even if this thing is built, it will only be a concept car that looks very advanced.

Are these things really more advanced than what we already have on Earth?

Extremely advanced!

But the advanced core of this thing lies in 'energy'. In the eyes of a layman like Qiao Jia, the low-end version of the thing is a replaceable item.

Only by upgrading energy will the role of these things be amplified and even change the current industrial structure of the entire earth.

Humankind's use of nuclear energy has entered a bottleneck period, but nuclear power plants, nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, nuclear-powered submarines, radioactive batteries for satellites, such advanced energy structures, are no longer unattainable technologies.

It’s just that this technology has not yet been made safe and miniaturized!

If humans find the 'answer' and can create a 'nuclear battery' the size of a cigarette box, then energy will no longer be an obstacle. What people need to find are resources that can make nuclear energy safe...

For example, meteorites, or 'resources' that are suitable for humans, but are safer than radioactive ores.

‘Energy’ is the upstream source of all industries, industries and daily necessities in modern industrial society.

A series of brand new products will be derived based on new energy!

If you put aside the magical universal toolbox and rely solely on these basic survival machines, Qiao Jia even feels that those who use them may not be able to defeat today's humans.

Electromagnetic weapons are very powerful. A lighter-sized battery and a certain specification of metal ammunition can provide soldiers with extremely strong continuous combat capabilities and firepower.

But real battlefield experience tells Boss Qiao that ‘big bombing’ is the essence of the battlefield.

As long as the opponent is mortal, cannons will always be more effective than rifles.

Of course, this is only a big aspect. Boss Qiao is still willing to treat himself...

After checking the update of the universal toolbox, Boss Qiao built himself a brand new sniper rifle based on electromagnetic weapon technology.

Having experience in making super SVD, Boss Qiao ruthlessly extracted some reserve energy materials from the universal tool box and synthesized a battery about the same size as a lighter.

Then based on the appearance of HK417, a real 'electromagnetic weapon' was created.

It has a range of 2,000 meters and uses two types of 10mm caliber ammunition: lead-core armor-piercing bullets and armor-piercing bullets.

At this time, the bullet no longer requires a primer, so the magazine capacity will increase to a certain extent. The same volume has increased from 30 rounds to 50 rounds in the past. Moreover, because the projectile body is lengthened, it can generate energy when it hits the target and ruptures and rolls. Greater lethality.

The power of this thing to hit people is absolutely excessive, but the caliber and projectile body of the vehicle are too small.

But Boss Qiao doesn't care about this. This is a real private gun. It cannot be copied until more energy meteorites are found.

Any man who loves guns wants to have a special weapon that is unique to him. It doesn’t matter what the effect is, the most important thing is that he likes it!

By the time Qiao Jia finished her toy in excitement, it was almost dawn.

Boss Qiao looked at his new toy with great joy. He disassembled and assembled it several times to get familiar with the structure of the new toy. Then he realized that the search for meteorites should be moved up the list.

This thing is really easy to use. If nothing else, it is necessary to get yourself an ecological house.

Sangha Town is destined to become a polluted area. If there are not enough meteorites, Boss Qiao himself cannot save it. He has to find a way to provide fresh air and safe water where he lives.

Kaman has nothing to do recently and is helping Boss Qiao find good islands in the Gulf of Guinea.

Once the island is obtained, building your own base on it will also require these basic guarantees.

With sky-high construction costs and free advanced technology, it’s simply not a good choice!

Qiao Jia did not confine himself to the apartment. He found a coffee shop in the small building at dawn and ordered a cup of coffee and breakfast.

I spent a long time writing and drawing in a notebook while eating.

By the time Qiao Jia thought it through, it was already 10 o'clock in the morning.

Qiao Jia came back from his thoughts, looked at the dense items he had recorded, nodded with great achievement, and then stretched his arms...

He picked up the coffee that he had refilled several times and took a sip. The warm coffee made Qiao Jia stunned for a moment. Then in a blink of an eye, he discovered that He Lisa was standing not far away wearing a waiter's uniform, and she had been quietly talking. Look at yourself.

Qiao Jia put away his notebook and hooked his fingers at He Lisa, then touched the mustache on his lips and said, "Why haven't you left yet?"

He Lisa stood in front of Qiao Jia a little awkwardly, lowered her head and said: "I can get my salary in two days, I think..."

Qiao Jia nodded suddenly and said: "You really can't give up your salary..."

As Qiao Jia thought about the Mexican guy who was still tied to the bed and the importance of Lisa, he hesitated, sent a message to Monica, and then wrote Monica's name on the napkin. The number was handed to Lisa He...

"If you call this number after get off work, someone will arrange a new place for you.

A lawyer will help you settle your salary here tomorrow. All you have to do now is contact your uncle and let me see a little bit of the progress..."

At this time, He Lisa realized that Boss Qiao really cared about those meteorites. She hesitated and looked at Qiao Jia and said, "Sir, are those meteorites important to you?"

Qiao Jia shook his head and said: "Compared to those meteorites, my time is more precious.

If you can gain anything, the time you save may be more valuable than the meteorite itself. "

Qiao Jia looked at the stunned He Lisa and said with a smile: "Those meteorites are more important to you, because as long as you find them, you and even your family's destiny will change."

He Lisa nodded solemnly after hearing this. Just when she was about to speak, she saw Boss Qiao pick up the vibrating mobile phone and take a look at it. Then he stood up and dropped a 20 yuan bill, turned around and left the coffee shop. A very low-key black Chevrolet sedan...

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