From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 688 A world where only two families are injured

Although more than half of the aid to the safe zone was withheld by the United Nations, Joga still asked Monica to attend the meeting on behalf of P.B. and signed a contract in public with only a start date but no end date.

This was a deal secretly mediated by Eric. The price was that the 'safe zone' would forget the intercepted funds. P·B took 60 million to not only protect the safety there, but also ensure the safety of the people in the safe zone. Basic survival.

The United Nations will only arrange for one official to conduct remote supervision, and may conduct regular inspections in the future, and PB will become the actual talker in the safe zone.

And as long as the United Nations does not meet to vote to close the safe zone, P.B.'s legal status will continue.

Boss Qiao’s planning for the past six months has finally come to fruition...

The humanitarian channel has been completely formed, and the Iraqi market has opened its arms to him. As long as the situation stabilizes a little, the Syrian market will also be opened.

Think about the Syrian opposition and Kurdish armed forces fighting to death, but in the end they were not recognized by the international community.

Even with the support of the United States, they are still militiamen in name only!

However, Boss Qiao used charity and a humanitarian channel that did not make enough money to seek the status of a "regular army" for himself.

This is really a regular army, a legal private military armed group recognized by the United Nations!

During the voting, the three big brothers from the United States, France and China all voted in favor. England and Russia only abstained, and were sprayed with saliva by the media the next day.

Syria, the most aggrieved among them, unexpectedly received praise from Princess Emina.

Princess Emina expressed her gratitude to the Syrian government in many media appearances, and at the same time declared that the "safe zone" is not a safe zone for the Kurds, but a safe zone for all innocent Iraqi and Syrian civilians.

Anyone displaced by war can seek temporary asylum in safe zones.

Then a big plan to restart the railway from Iraq to Syria was placed on the desk of the Syrian government, with the signature of American Ambassador Steven.

Everyone is fighting a war, and you still have to make money when it’s time to make money!

This man said that as long as the Syrian side nods, he will mediate among the United States, Turkey, and Iraq to try to restart the road from Basra in southern Iraq to the north through Mosul, and then 800 kilometers westward along the border between Syria and Turkey. Then it goes south through opposition-controlled areas of Syria to the railway to Damascus.

At the same time, people from China National Infrastructure Group approached the Syrian government and said that as long as they had this idea, China could provide low-interest loans and necessary technical support.

Of course, it is very difficult to accomplish this because neither the United States nor Russia is satisfied with the current situation in Syria.

But Boss Qiao and Steven don't care. They don't have to pay a penny for this matter. As long as there is an opportunity to develop a market and let Hua Guo advance funds to repair the railway, they will be happy to do it.

For Qiao Jia and Steven, when they meet important occasions and suitable people, they bring it up and discuss it with everyone.

It doesn't matter whether things are done successfully or not. First, show your sincerity to soothe the injured hearts of Syria.

If one day the two big brothers, the United States and Russia, feel that peace can be restored in Syria, wouldn't this be done?

Boss Qiao has achieved great success. When encountering problems, he will hit three shots first.

Steven has been having an enlightenment recently, taking advantage of the declining control of the White House during the election transition period to engage in various political maneuvers.

Now he has become the mediator of the situation in Iraq, and his influence is gradually expanding.

This guy doesn't think about anything else. He just wants to finalize all the business in Iraq before the election is over, and then go back to talk to someone to win the position of Secretary of State.

There is a saying that you should get up wherever you fall. Steven was almost killed after being tricked several times by his former boss in foreign affairs.

This time he will carry the aura of the peace envoy of the Middle East, sit in the position of his former boss, cut off her escape routes, and then conduct a major reckoning with those who participated in the plot against him.

For Choga everything is going in a good direction, but for Turkey the situation is getting worse.

Isis and the Kurdish Eagles seem to be at odds. For nearly half a month, large and small terrorist attacks have kept the Turkish military and police exhausted.

Finally, when the Iraqi Kurdish armed forces announced that they would execute the captured Turkish special forces, the Turks could no longer sit still.

The Turkish foreign minister who was once like a mad dog flew to Baghdad and found the high-spirited Steven. The two talked secretly for an afternoon...

The next day, Steven personally found the Kurdish representatives in Baghdad and asked them to hand over the Turkish special forces captured by the mercenary group to P.B.

The Kurds have very complicated feelings about PB. It just happened not long ago that Boss Qiao led a team to kill more than 200 Kurdish armed men.

However, with the toughness shown by P·B in the confrontation with Turkey and the establishment of the safe zone, the Kurdish armed people now had to be convinced.

At this time, the more than 200 dead Kurds are being dragged out to talk things out, just to make themselves uncomfortable.

And the American dads represented by Steven spoke, and they had to obey.

Three Turkish C-130 transport planes landed at Baghdad Air Base…

Facing questions from the media, the Turkish Foreign Minister solemnly apologized to the SEAL members and hostages who were "accidentally bombed".

He also expressed his understanding and respect for P·B's behavior. The two parties will cooperate in more aspects in the future to avoid similar things from happening again.

Then the Turkish Foreign Minister picked up all the hostages and returned to the motherland on a C-130.

The other two 'forgotten' C-130s and four F-16s that were damaged and needed to be repaired became ownerless, and were reluctantly acquired by Boss Qiao.

Beginning on the fourth day, the mercenary coalition in Mosul began military operations against a series of Isis targets...

As the fighting around Mosul escalates, Turkey strengthens border control and security measures, plus dispatches the air force to spray-paint lion head markings, and launches multiple air strikes on ground targets under the leadership of the P.B Air Force. Their counter-terrorism The pressure was greatly relieved.

Many people did not expect that a military service company that contracted logistics to provide meals for soldiers would slowly expand into a giant company within a few months and actually dominate the process of the Iraq War.

When the two real aces of 'Cobra' and 'Archerfish' fired a cloud-piercing arrow, several genuine low-priced elderly jet fighter pilots came to report, and several F-16s began to frequently fly through southern Iraq. .

The locals didn't know it, but it was a few Soviet pilots getting familiar with American fighter jets.

When the F-16 flew across the sky arrogantly, some tribes that were ready to take action because they did not receive enough benefits fell silent.

Most of these tribes are near the oil fields controlled by the British, Malays and Russians.

Seeing that the neighbors next door have become rich, although these families have begun to organize resumption of work, they have never mentioned anything like "aid", which makes the tribal militias very dissatisfied.

If the Russians are just stubborn, then the British are just watching with gloating, hoping that P·B will overturn as soon as possible in this mixed situation.

But what they didn't expect was that Isis' revenge was not directed at P.B. It was actually directed at them.

With the existence of Aaron's second and fifth son, the armored group's plan to reap profits was in vain. Isis set the target of revenge on the British...

Terrorist attacks occurred in two oil fields that were trying to resume operations. More than 40 people were killed in the explosions, and six British engineers were kidnapped. Within eight hours, videos of their beheadings were posted online.

At this time, Britain is holding a "Brexit vote" that sounds very fucked up.

Cameron, who hadn't contacted Boss Joe for a long time, had no time to pay attention to the energy group's problems.

He tried to integrate domestic public opinion through a 'vote', unify his thinking and then give up some interests, and then fully integrate Britain into it through negotiations with the EU.

This man wasted too much energy in negotiations with the EU, and it seemed that no matter what they did, they couldn't satisfy the majority of people, so this was a huge political adventure.

But if it succeeds, it could unify the minds of the British Houses of Lords and Commons.

But what he didn't expect was that just when those unlucky guys were beheaded, Britain announced that it would leave the European Union...

When the British people were immersed in the great sorrow caused by black humor, a bomb exploded in a London Underground station.

The explosion of 30 kilograms of high explosives completely destroyed a subway platform, killing 142 people and injuring more than 300 people.

While the London police whistled helplessly for support, a group of terrorists attacked the London headquarters of the Armored Group...

The armored group's security guards resisted tenaciously for three minutes before being rushed into the building by a group of young terrorists. The building was then sealed off and the terrorists took a large number of hostages...

At this time, the British Prime Minister was in the office, grabbing a pen and preparing to write a resignation letter.

Faced with this terrible situation, Cameron decisively ordered the special forces to launch a strong attack, and then sat in a not particularly comfortable chair with a letter of resignation in his arms, waiting for the results depressingly.

He was so absorbed in the damn Brexit vote that he didn't even know what was going on?

He only knows that he is finished, so it would be good to end his career as prime minister with a vigorous battle. Maybe he can gain a reputation as a 'decisive' in the future, and maybe there will be a chance to make a comeback.

As Cameron waited, representatives from several energy groups approached his office.

When Cameron saw the information on Iraq's energy companies and the intelligence files on P.B. on his desk.

He suddenly felt that although he could not become Prime Minister, his political career might still be saved...

Choosing a Conservative colleague to succeed him and then becoming the leader of the Conservative Party himself seems to be a good choice.

Without him, what would Britain, a country full of fools, do?

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