There were only 23 terrorists in Isis's temporary camp. Qiao Jia thought for a while and said: "Let's pull away. Team A is responsible for containing them on the open right wing. Team A is responsible for finding a position to rush in and try to capture two alive..."

When Qiao Jia gave the order, the guide Adler suddenly said: "Sir, Isis people generally do not camp near the road. I suspect these people are waiting for someone."

"Who are you waiting for?"

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment and said, "You mean they are waiting for the person searching for 'Professor'?"

Adler nodded slightly and said: "There are Kurdish Democratic Army guerrillas operating here, and it is actually very dangerous for them to stay on the road.

My impression is that there is a small town controlled by Isis about 50 kilometers away from here. They have enough vehicles and there is no reason to stay here.

Moreover, they also brought a large amount of arms. If they were not waiting for someone, I can't think of a reason why they stayed here. "

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia raised his binoculars to check again. There were 6 pickup trucks parked around the camp.

According to the general configuration of terrorists with 8 people in a vehicle, there should be 48 people in six vehicles, but now there are only about 20 people in the camp...

Qiao Jia thought for a while and said: "It should be fine to get on the grassland in a pickup truck. If someone gets out of the car on foot to search for the 'Professor' and them, then that is the direction they should go..."

When Qiao Jia spoke, he pointed to a small river in the south. The car would definitely not be able to cross it, so the terrorists could only wade through it...

After speaking, Qiao Jia turned off the insurance on HK416 and said in a deep voice: "No matter, let's go, kill them and just ask.

Let's make the noise louder. If those people are really chasing the 'professor', we can help the 'professor' relieve the pressure. "

'Crow' nodded and said: "Then go..."

Qiao Jia is very accustomed to the style of the Jazz Team. He doesn't say a word of nonsense and just does it anyway.

He made a gesture to pull the two sides apart, followed Kaman to the right while pressing the communicator, and said: "Team B, when you hear the gunfire, drive towards us."

After speaking, Qiao Jia followed Kaman's footsteps and quickly detoured to the right for nearly 300 meters. After stopping, he looked at Nice and said: "You and the kitten find your own place..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia turned up the quick-flip scope on HK416, and while looking at the scene in the camp through the scope and grass blades, he whispered: "Let's keep a distance and cover the entry of the Jazz team.

Elephant prepares a grenade gun, and King Kong is responsible for suppressing their firepower and being careful not to hit the arms transport truck.

Medical officer bird, pay attention to the movements in the south..."

The distance between the two sides was now only 200 meters. The darkness and the half-human-high grass gave Qiao Jia and the others excellent cover.

The terrorists didn't know that someone was targeting them. Their vehicles were scattered on one side of the road, making it easier for them to get on the road and leave, or to use the vehicles as cover when they were attacked.

Qiao Jia and the others faced the most open side of the camp. As long as they stood up, they could shoot at any corner of the camp.

Qiao Jia searched the camp with a gun...

A terrorist, who was obviously overdosing on drugs, laughed maniacally and joined the dancing team of prisoners with a knife. Then he chopped off a prisoner's arm with a knife like crazy, and then grabbed the prisoner's arm as if playing with a water gun. Sprinkling blood on his companions...

The terrorists pointed at the prisoners who were crying in pain and laughed loudly at the prisoners' weakness.

Then the guy who had over-sucked kicked the prisoner on the knee, raised his knife and chopped it into the prisoner's neck.

Most of the prisoner's neck was cut open, and the spray of blood caused several other prisoners to scream in terror and huddle on the ground.

Their actions seemed to stimulate the terrorists' nerves. Just when a guy raised his AK and wanted to kill them, the sound of 'crow' sounded in Qiao Jia's earphones...


Qiao Jia pulled the trigger without hesitation...

"Bang bang"

"Bang bang"

Two bullets hit the knee of the terrorist holding the knife, and then the second two rounds hit the chest and head of the terrorist holding the gun...

The sound of Qiao Jia's gunfire was not very loud, but the death woke up the terrorists. When they were about to get their guns, the grenade gun in Dorian's hand and Ayu's machine gun fired at the same time...

"Tong, Tong, Tong..."

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Green tracer bullets, visible only with night vision goggles, hit the waists of several terrorists like whips, causing several big holes to appear in their bodies...

Ayu's control over the machine gun is far beyond that of ordinary people. With the blessing of tracer bullets, she can better control the direction of the bullets, ensuring that they will not hurt the hostages while driving the terrorists around...

Before Nice and Kitty's sniper rifles had time to fire, six grenades landed on the outside of the camp, killing several terrorists who had escaped from the range of the Ayu machine gun, and at the same time telling the remaining people that the direction was blocked.

Qiao Jia entered the state and pulled the trigger continuously...

"Bang bang, bang, bang bang, bang..."

A terrorist who tried to fight back with a gun was hit in the chest by two consecutive bullets. The moment he gritted his teeth and desperately pulled the trigger, a bullet penetrated his head.

A fleeing terrorist was shot in the knee while running. When he fell, a bullet hit his temple and opened a bloody hole. He fell forward stiffly as if he had been electrocuted.

While Qiao Jia was firing rapidly, the Jazz team rushed into the camp from the other direction.

They had no intention of hiding it, and the distance between them was never more than 30 meters when they showed up.

Six signal flags opened the distance, flanking the terrorists with the heaviest fire, leaving them with the last vestige of hope.

While the attack was underway, a pickup truck outside the camp suddenly turned on its lights.

A terrorist who was resting in the car wanted to start the car and escape...

After a "bang" gunshot, a bullet penetrated the passenger window and hit the terrorist's neck, causing him to hit his head against the car door and let out a whistling breath.

The driver's death was not the end, the door of the back seat of the pickup truck was suddenly opened...

A terrorist who didn't even have time to put on his pants jumped out from the body of a woman he had killed and wanted to rush across the road into the grassland over there, using the cover of darkness to escape.

The moment he ran onto the road...


A bullet hit the crook of his leg. The Super Magnum bullet fired by Nice hit the terrorist's knee. After hitting the bones, it began to roll and break. The huge kinetic energy of the bullet completely tore open the terrorist's knee...

The unlucky terrorist only felt his legs soften as he ran forward, and then his injured knee hit the ground heavily. When he felt the pain and hugged his leg to check, he was horrified to find that his kneecap had actually been damaged by the collision just now. The middle fragment broke away...

The horrific injuries caused the terrorist to scream in horror. He wanted to escape, but huge pain swept through his body, so he could only instinctively pinch the upper part of his knees with both hands to prevent himself from losing too much blood.

More than 20 terrorists did not organize any effective counterattack. From the first shot fired by Qiao Jia to the end, the whole process did not exceed three minutes...

Jazz squad rarely fights such easy battles...

They had agreed with Team A to form a crossfire involving both near and far, but by the time they showed up, one-third of the people in the camp had already fallen, and most of the others had not had time to get their guns.

Boss Qiao's precise marksmanship and Ayu's machine gun control reduced the difficulty of the entire battle by more than half.

The ‘crow’ walked in the camp where corpses were everywhere, neatly refiring the fallen terrorists.

The sound of the AK105 with a silencer is very crisp, and every gunshot will make several huddled prisoners tremble.

'Crow' didn't pay attention to these prisoners. When he passed by the terrorist who was lying on the ground after being hit by Qiao Jia, he shot him several times in the thigh and shoulder, causing the over-sucked terrorist to feel the pain. There is also the fear of rapid loss of life...

Qiao Jia slowly walked into the camp from the darkness. He motioned for everyone to disperse and check all places. Then he walked to the road, grabbed the collar of the terrorist who was trying to escape, and dragged him back to the camp...

When passing the pickup truck, Qiao Jia saw that the driver was still alive.

The guy had a strong desire to live. His neck was shot through and it was difficult to breathe. He actually blocked the blood hole on one side with his fingers to let himself breathe as much air as possible.

Qiao Jia looked at the dead woman in the back seat. He pointed his gun at the driver's seat and fired.

The bullet penetrated the backrest and hit the driver's back, piercing his lung...

Seeing that the driver's breathing began to become rapid and the body began to shake violently, Qiao Jia grabbed the prisoner's neck with satisfaction, dragged him to the burning fire, picked up a burning stick and pressed it on his knees. On the rotten flesh...

The blood and flames made a 'sizzle' sound when they came into contact, and then the burning smell and extremely painful screams swept through the entire camp.

This guy didn't hold it for five seconds before he fainted...

The medical officer who rushed over saw that the 'living man' was too faint. He reluctantly went up to check him, then took out an epinephrine and injected it into him...

"Boss, take it easy. This guy lost a lot of blood. If he does it again, he will die."

Qiao Jia was not sorry for being rude, but he was not very good at interrogating people in such situations.

When he surrendered his eyes to Kaman, the 'crow' on the side said: "Let the 'executioner' come..."

Qiao Jia glanced at the fierce-looking 'executioner', nodded and said: "This guy should have some identity. Ask where the others have gone and whether they have seen the 'professor'..."

The 'executioner' nodded and sat next to the terrorist. He took out a sniffer to wake up the unfortunate ghost. Then he grabbed his right hand and used a knife in his left hand to peel the skin of his right hand like an apple. Cut it off.

Amazingly, even though one layer of skin was missing, there was not much blood loss.

The terrorist looked at the terrifying big man and smiled ferociously at him, then actually took out a bottle of salt and sprinkled it on his hand, as if he wanted to taste himself...

The severe irritating pain and fear penetrated the terrorist's psychological defense. He struggled hard and shouted: "Kill me, kill me..."

Medical Officer Bird, the black-hearted Delta, seemed to be particularly interested in the 'executioner's' skills. He squatted on the other side of the prisoner, grabbed his left hand and gave it a try...

When the prisoner's throat screamed, Medical Officer Bird shook his head regretfully and said: "I can't do it without a scalpel. Your knife skills are very good, and the knife is even better..."

The 'executioner' said nonchalantly: "I've been using this knife to eat since I was a child, so I know a little bit..."

As he said this, the 'executioner' looked at the terrorist whose eyes were about to lose focus, slapped him to bring him back to his senses, and then asked: "Where are you and the others..."

The terrorists yelled twice wildly, then pointed to the south and said: "They went over there, and we were notified to arrest a few Serbs..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia took out his satellite phone and called Antar...

“Owl, when will the predators arrive?

We need help from heaven..."


After hearing Antar's reply, Qiao Jia arranged his rifle and said to the 'executioner': "Ask clearly, the drone will arrive in half an hour. As soon as we find the target, we will set off..."

When the 'executioner' heard this, he grabbed the terrorist's skinned hand and leaned against the fire. When the terrorist's palm tendons shrank slightly in the flames, he lowered his head and smelled it, and then licked his lips. Looking at the terrorist, he said: "We still have a little time, I'm not in a hurry, please speak slowly..."

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