From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 648 Crazy ‘Pliers’

Baghdad is only more than 500 kilometers away from Qayyara base...

Qiao Jia rode a long-headed warrior, escorted by twenty long-headed warriors at the front and rear, leading a huge convoy of supplies on the highway.

Qiao Jia's face, who was sitting in the car, didn't look very good because the team called the 'Arctic Fox Mercenary Group' was not found.

The other party is very experienced and knows very well the capabilities of the US military's most advanced 'Stinger'.

According to Richie Patton, these people should have hidden the Stinger in a certain underground fortification.

He even suspected that the ‘Arctic Fox Mercenary Group’ had entered Mosul…

The identified members of the 'Armored Group' are hiding in a mountainous area outside Mosul. CACI is sending people to confirm their specific situation.

What's even more troublesome is that the Armenian mercenaries were not with the Isis ambush.

They became a reserve force, lurking around the highway north of Tikrit, maintaining a straight line distance of about 3 kilometers from Isis ambushing on the edge of Tikrit city.

It was obvious that they planned to use the 'Stinger' on P.B aircraft that might go to support them, to cover the MiG-21's bombing of the convoy.

Those Isis people were disgustingly hiding in civilian buildings on the edge of Tikrit, and the highway ran right through the edge of the city, with complex residential buildings on one side and factories built along the Tigris River on the other.

Everyone else was fine, but there was a problem with the mental state of 'Pliers' from the beginning. He was not crazy, but entered a weird state...

He took the initiative to invite the newcomer ‘Trigger’ to lead a team of six people, drove a Milosh and ran ahead. From the beginning of the convoy, this guy was humming a song repeatedly...

i overcame some difficulties

Sometimes I feel like I've taken drugs

I don't know how to explain what's going on in my head

I'm fighting desperately to free myself from the shackles of life

Life doesn't work the way I want it to

Success always closes the door suddenly

I'm trying, I'm gonna break it



Others didn't know what it felt like, but 'Trigger', who was in the same car with him, instantly regretted it.

They are all veterans, and they know very well what it is like for guys suffering from PTSD symptoms.

The condition of 'Pliers' is very serious because he seems to enjoy it very much and tries to break something to get relief.

If a person who uses a gun to eat wants to be free, isn't the only way left is death?

The 'Trigger' who was driving looked at the 'Pliers' on the passenger seat who was humming and playing time, and he said seriously: "Brother, you have to calm down!

If you dare to take unnecessary risks with my guys, I promise to kill you without hesitation! "

'Pliers' was stunned for a moment, then looked at 'Trigger' and said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, Iraq is a paradise for the brave. Look at the road ahead. No matter what happens, I can lead you through it."

'Trigger' looked at the obviously abnormal 'Pliers'. He pressed the communicator without any confidence and said, "Boss, there seems to be something wrong with 'Pliers'' brain. Can we apply for other bomb disposal experts?"

"All the bomb disposal guys on shift, watch out for 'Tongs,' this guy likes to roam the streets ever since he came to Iraq.

He is the best bomb disposal man, but... you should keep an eye on him and don't let him mess around..."

Just as Qiao Jia was comforting ‘Trigger’, the ‘Goat Team’ who was driving an Arctic Cat off-road vehicle to explore the road lightly issued a warning...

"Attention, we found an IED on the road. We will search for warnings on both sides and request bomb disposal experts to come..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia glanced at the time and found that less than 2 hours after the convoy set off, it had only run about 70 kilometers when it encountered a roadside bomb...

This situation indicates that Qiao Jia's journey will not be stable. It originally only took about 8 hours to drive, but now it is good to be able to get there in two days.

Many people will be surprised that if a bomb is detonated remotely during a war, why should bomb disposal personnel take risks?

The reality is that if the size of the bomb cannot be confirmed in advance, whether it is detonated hastily in a city or on a wild road, it will cause serious collateral damage.

Every explosion in the city destroys order and civilians' confidence in the government, not to mention the damage to street buildings.

However, Boss Qiao can tolerate it. After all, the things that are blown up are not his property, but the highway in the wild...

Once the bomb is too large and collapses a section of the road, it will cause serious obstacles to his "humanitarian access".

It's not easy to find people to build roads at this time. Once the logistics are blocked, people on the front line will definitely die!

There is only one highway from Baghdad to Mosul, but its specifications are very high.

In the past, even Isis was reluctant to completely destroy it, and the bombs generally used were of low power, but now the situation is different...

According to the intelligence provided by CACI, Isis people have prepared many self-destruction trucks in Mosul, which are the kind of terrorist killers loaded with liquefied gas tanks that are ready to rush towards Boss Joe at any time.

In this case, who knows what kind of bomb they will arrange?

As the target that Isis wants to kill most, Joga must be cautious!

The moment the convoy stopped, everyone began to get out of the car to be on guard. A group of Colombians consciously pushed the cordon down the hillside on the left to prevent terrorists from raiding.

This is standard procedure, as IEDs are often accompanied by ambushes!

Discovering in advance, parking at a distance, and letting special forces and bomb disposal experts deal with the problem will greatly improve the safety of the fleet.

Qiao Jia sat in the car without getting out of the car. He stared at the screen in Antar's hand, trying to find possible enemies around him.

Drones are not omnipotent. Unless the information is known in advance to focus on investigation, it is not easy to quickly detect experienced ambushers at high altitude.

Everyone knows their intentions, but if they want to crack the opponent's attack, they have to let the special team go up and confirm it at close range.

Before Qiao Jia saw anything, Antar pressed the communicator and said: "Call the goat team, your 2 o'clock direction is 400 meters away..."

"I saw them...

This is G1. We found a concealed mortar position with three machine gun points on the side. I will mark them with lasers and request artillery support..."

"Oh fuck! They found us, we will mark our position with smoke bombs, God forbid they blow us up..."

Qiao Jia picked up the car radio and said decisively: "Get ready for mortars..."

The 15 self-propelled mortars sponsored by Old Rabbit mixed in the queue of trucks slowly drove out of the queue. The artillerymen composed of Serb sergeants and Xiao Hei quickly used the sighting radar and fire control system to lock the target...

"The mortar is ready..."

Qiao Jia heard the confirmation message sent on the radio. He looked at the colorful smoke floating in the distance and said with a smile: "Fire!!"

The 'Duke' of the Goat Team and his teammates huddled behind a pile of rocks, avoiding the enemy's machine gun fire.

The opponent's mortar crews were adjusting their muzzles, preparing to fire one round and then evacuate, because they knew there was no point in ambush.

But obviously P·B moves faster...

The 'Duke' heard a series of muffled sounds from behind, and then a howling sound appeared in the sky. He decisively added another colored smoke bomb around him, and then involuntarily made a cross on his chest...

"Don't fall on my head, don't fall on my head..."

As the 'Duke' prayed, 15 rounds of 120mm mortars exploded on their hillside at 2 o'clock.

The accuracy of China's self-propelled mortars exceeded the 'Duke's' imagination, and the shells accurately hit the target...

The huge explosion instantly destroyed the enemy's mortar position. The flying rubble shot up in the smoke, tearing apart the human body within the explosion range like a blade.

Leaning against the big rock behind him, listening to the crackling sound of the explosion fragments hitting the bunker behind him, the 'Duke' admitted that he was extremely scared...

The SAS has been operating in Northern Ireland, the Middle East, North Africa, and Southeast Asia all year round. They have not enjoyed the cover of such large-caliber non-precision guided weapons for many years...

It's really scary!

This thing is not something you can survive through many battles and you will be scared every time!

If the P·B gunners made a mistake in their calculations, their lives would be lost.

What about special forces?

The result is the same no matter what!

After the explosion passed, the 'Duke' carefully took a look...

There were no traces of human activity on the messy hillside. He patted his helmet, kicked the guy next to him, and then started searching upwards while saying: "The goat team came forward to confirm the results, 5 Bomb disposal experts will arrive in a few minutes."

The 'Duke' hesitated for a moment and added, "Next time, please use the mortar detachment. Three rounds are enough for an enemy of this size. If there are enemies that slip through the net, we will apply to continue the bombardment."

The 'Duke' who spoke led the team forward dozens of meters in the smoke, and then saw an extremely miserable corpse...

This unlucky guy's upper body and lower body were separated. Before he died, this guy wanted to get his lower body back. He dragged his messy intestines for a while on the ground, and finally died holding his butt.

The hillside covered by 15 rounds of 120mm mortars basically has no dead ends...

'Duke' led the team to search, gathered the threatening weapons and placed them on C4. After running away and detonating them, he pressed the radio again and said: "This is G1. The danger on the hillside has been eliminated."

"The Goat Team will retire later, and the Rabbit Team will take over their work..."

When the 'Duke' heard this, he let out a sigh of relief...

This is what the special operations team does. Although not a single shot is fired, in terms of pressure, this kind of work is higher than street fighting, because the people who decide your life or death are at the rear...

'Duke' led the team down the hillside and saw 'Pliers' using a big wrench to tap the connection between the fuse and the projectile body of an artillery shell. A team of new special forces huddled behind a Mirosh armored vehicle. From behind, they kept yelling and cursing at the 'pliers'.

'Pliers' seemed to be completely immersed in his own world. When the fuse became slightly loose, he used a wrench to unscrew the fuse and put it into his backpack.

After completing the task, the 'pliers' looked at the goat team more than ten meters away as if they had seen a ghost. He smiled and waved his hand and said: "Let's continue, I like this job..."

'Duke' didn't pay any attention to 'Pliers'. When he led people passing by 'Trigger' and his team, he patted 'Trigger' on the shoulder sympathetically, hesitated for a moment, and said, "I've seen this kind of thing." Madman, they are reliable, but don’t be too polite to him, just knock him out if you need to..."

'Trigger' glared at 'Duke' and said, "How about you take care of him and we go ahead to explore the way?"

The 'Duke' heard this and said in a standard British accent: "Sir, you are Americans and we are British. We don't get along!!"

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