From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 621 Difficult Advance

The members of Team Rabbit still have clear minds...

When the Colombians tried to leave the road and were beaten back by mortars, resulting in multiple time penalties, they knew they had to follow the rules.

You didn't choose to walk in the desert when you started. Now after running more than 20 kilometers, you are thinking about changing the track. Sorry, that's impossible!

This new generation of young special forces is not only flexible in mind, but also has no lack of communication skills.

The road ahead will be difficult, so let’s cooperate!

There are a lot of roadside bombs in Iraq. I have a professional EOD expert, and you probably have one too.

I also have electronic experts who can release drones for reconnaissance. As long as we have enough manpower, we will have the ability to fight back if we encounter an attack similar to the one just now.

The 'Chameleon' was fluent in six languages ​​and was eloquent, and he quickly reached an agreement with Colombia and Bolivia.

Colombians and Bolivians have already taken hints from Big Brother ‘Oxhorn’ and Big Brother ‘Ronaldinho’.

Knowing that Team Rabbit is the default candidate for the special operations team, as long as he follows them and reaches the finish line with them, P·B has no reason to not want them.

Otherwise, if they weren't crazy, why would they compete with Team Rabbit?

The team composed of mercenary veterans was already nearly ten kilometers behind. It was not that they were incompetent, but they were saving their energy to build up stamina.

How can we do an 85-kilometer long march without saving some energy?

‘Chameleon’ successfully became the commander of the temporary team, and then led the team to move forward.

Frankly speaking, the overall strength of the Rabbit Team is much stronger than those who participated in the level 10 selection, but in terms of actual combat, it is really not that interesting...

Colombians and Bolivians grew up fighting drug traffickers.

The Colombian Lancers were trained by the Americans themselves, but they are not as famous as the Jaguars.

The Bolivians are similar, they are more unrestrained, and their physical strength may be due to their high altitude, and they are also better.

The training that the members of the Rabbit Team have experienced is more arduous, more professional, and more meticulous. The most powerful thing is that the academic qualifications and IQs of these young people are not low.

The youngest "White Bear" in the team also graduated from a bachelor's degree. He can speak Chinese, Russian and English, and can read various foreign materials without any problems.

This is much better than the average Colombian and Bolivian who dropped out of high school.

The only thing they lack is actual combat experience, but if you lose once, you will lose forever, and even the error tolerance is extremely small.

Now Boss Qiao has created a ‘road to war in Iraq’ for them, tempering it under high pressure, and soon they have found a sense...

The team opened up and took turns sending people forward to explore the road. What the two leading soldiers had to do was to pay attention to suspicious objects on both sides of the road. When an abnormality was discovered, they reported quickly, and then the EOD team followed up and was responsible for dismantling the bombs.

The first time went well, but the second time they relaxed their vigilance slightly because the bomb was not real after all, and then the Colombian EOD man was injured while dismantling the bomb.

This time, I was really injured. The power of the bomb designed by 'Pliers' is not fatal, but if you squat next to it and take a hit, it will still be no problem to make the skin and flesh go to pieces.

This time, not only was the Colombian EOD hand injured in the thigh, but the people who were close to him were once again given time penalties because their bodies were contaminated with white dust.

At this time, Team Rabbit, who had already been 'dead' twice, was completely on edge.

IEDs are not time bombs. They need to be monitored nearby and detonated as needed.

When they encountered an IED for the third time, the Rabbit Team chose to fight back.

Dandelion released drones for counter-reconnaissance, and then the Colombians stayed in place to attract attention, while the Rabbit Squad and the Bolivians rushed into the desert from two directions.

The two bombers Dorian and Nipper were unfortunately captured. As a reward for the victory, the team received a stretcher, as well as a partial supply of water and ammunition.

At this time, the battle really begins...

The battle between ambush and counter-ambush began to feel a bit evenly matched because P.B. could not really kill anyone and the mortars had preset landing points.

The members of the Rabbit Team became more and more excited as they played. They had forgotten about things like fatigue. Even the selection time was subconsciously ignored. They were immersed in the pleasure of becoming more and more skilled in the use of tactics...

Until the impulsive "White Bear" accidentally hit the armored vehicle where the artillery was hiding when he used a machine gun to intimidate him, angering Dorian and Nipper as observers.

They are not professional instructors, and P·B is not a professional army. If you can't control your temper, then I will teach you a lesson.

Due to the impulse of the "White Bear", the three mixed teams were chased for several kilometers by mortars and driven by Dorian, who used howitzers. They died an average of three times before they escaped from the bombing zone.

At this time, the members of Team Rabbit finally woke up and remembered their mission...

Thirteen hours have passed, and the morning sun shines on the desert...

The first echelon, which has traveled 68 kilometers, is exhausted!

As the sun rises and the desert temperature rises, dehydration begins to appear among the team.

Following Lao Niu's suggestion, the Rabbit Team brought enough drinking water and energy bars, but now their number has increased...

Even if they win several counter-ambushes and obtain some supplies, they are almost all consumed before.

The 'Chameleon' shook his kettle and listened to the sound of sloshing inside. He unscrewed the cap and drank a little carefully, holding the water in his mouth to relieve the stickiness in his mouth...

Looking at the tired comrades around him who didn't even want to say anything, he really wanted to fight now and win some prizes while everyone still had some physical strength.

It's a pity that there are so many bad guys in P·B, so they were never given a chance.

There are still more than ten kilometers to go, and they have less than three hours left after deducting penalties.

This is the final test of will. If you fail to reach it, you will be eliminated!

While marching, 'Radar' heard movement from behind. When he looked back, he found that it was actually a team of 15 people.

They were equally well-armed, equally covered in white dust, and equally exhausted, but they began to speed up in the final stage.

'Radar' glanced at the annoyed 'Chameleon', he hesitated and said: "What should we do? Do we still want to earn the first place?"

Everyone in Team Rabbit understood what ‘Radar’ meant. It was the vice-captain’s responsibility to remind everyone...

It's not really a war now, this is a competitive selection. As long as they speed up, they can quickly leave the others behind.

Because of their previous excitement, the intensity of the counter-ambush battle was very high, and it also disrupted the rhythm of the Colombians and Bolivians. They had reached their limit.

However, the training experienced by the Rabbit Team was more scientific and rigorous, and they were reminded by the old squad leaders like Lao Niu and Sauron, so their physical reserves and material reserves were better than those of the two collaborators.

'Chameleon' glanced at his comrades, then at the Colombians and Bolivians who had been fighting alongside him, as well as a few wounded who were holding back. He was silent for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "Let's work together , everyone together!”

When 'Radar' heard the answer given by 'Chameleon', he breathed a sigh of relief, then grinned and said: "That's fine, don't abandon, don't give up!"

As he spoke, 'Radar' glanced at 'Mandrill', who had remained silent, and said, "Mandrill, do you have any objection?"

‘Mandrill’ is the person with the strongest sense of competition in the Rabbit Team. He heard the vice-captain’s question. After being silent for a few seconds, he said: “I want to be first, but I don’t step on my own people’s shoulders...

There is still a long road ahead..."

Saying 'mandrill', the only Han guy looked at the seemingly endless highway in front of him. He grinned his dry lips and said with a smile: "85 kilometers is just the beginning. There will be other situations later. I believe it is all about selection." When the time comes to decide on the top spot, don’t blame me..."

'Dandelion' grabbed 'Mandrill''s backpack strap in disgust and said, "Hero, if you still have the strength, can you help the little girl carry something, and give me a sip of your water by the way..."

'Mandrill', as a good man who was not close to women, glanced at 'Dandelion' with disgust and said: "I saw you wipe your face with water before. It's a waste, don't give it..."

'Dandelion''s right hand changed into several shapes, and he fantasized about beating the mandrill into a pig's head, then hung a traction rope on the mandrill's backpack, and continued on the road with a sigh...

‘Dandelion’’s actions gave others a hint. ‘White Bear’, who made the most mistakes at night, took the initiative to stop and signaled a slightly injured Colombian to hang the leash on his back.

Seeing the moved "You're welcome" look on the Colombian guy's face, the 'White Bear' started to walk on his way.

People who have gone through special training are still different from ordinary people. For the last dozen kilometers, they completed the final stage at a pace of 6 kilometers per hour.

When they saw the P·B camp, even if the penalty time was deducted, they still had about 20 minutes before the end of time.

At this time, everyone was exhausted. When they crossed the white line representing the end point, most of them seemed to have been drained of their bones. Ignoring the heat of the ground, they collapsed on the ground and began to gasp for breath. .

The 'Chameleon' couldn't hold it anymore. He took a bottle of water and sat in the shadow of a tent. Just when he was about to take a quick sip, an explosion in the distance made him jump.

Thick smoke rose from a Gobi mountain ridge about two kilometers away, and then there were continuous gunshots echoing in the Gobi...

The 'Chameleon' subconsciously jumped up and wanted to lead people to check. Then he saw the boss of P·B walking over with two people, distributing drinking water and greeting those who met the standard.

Inexplicably, he took the mineral water handed over by Boss Qiao and took a sip subconsciously. Before they could ask what happened, Boss Qiao said loudly: "Did you see that smoking place?

A group of about 25 terrorists have been trapped by us. Now I need some volunteers to go behind them to launch a surprise attack and cooperate with our people to capture them. "

As Qiao Jia looked at a group of stunned guys, he smiled and said: "This time it's true, people will die!

However, not participating will not affect your subsequent assessments, so you can choose on your own! "

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