From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 617 The greater the ability, the higher the salary.

After sending Haftar away, the job fair in the temporary camp officially began...

Except that the location is not an office building, P·B's recruitment preliminary stage is no different from those of large companies.

Those who are interested in joining P·B bring their resumes and let the interviewer conduct preliminary screening and establish interview files to facilitate subsequent work.

Some mercenaries are very experienced and are not willing to write their true identities on their resumes.

It doesn't matter, but you can't provide a fake passport, it's fraud.

As long as you have the ability to get a 'real passport', P·B doesn't matter, but your later salary and benefits will be linked to the 'real passport'.

This first procedure screened out dozens of people...

Some of them are veterans who are deeply involved in the mercenary industry and have dirty butts, and some are wanted criminals who are in trouble...

Of course they don't want to reveal their true identity, but if they use fake passports, formalized P·B will not be able to sign contracts with them.

This provision caused considerable backlash, but was quickly suppressed.

The number of mercenaries who have come to apply has exceeded 700, and Boss Qiao only wants to incorporate some of them into P.B.'s formal labor system.

If the eliminated people are willing, they can find Gunfire to join his temporary workforce.

For outsourcing, the conditions can be a little more relaxed, just don't think the salary is low.

Qiao Jia didn't expect that the scene would be so big, but since it had begun, he took this opportunity to establish the rules for P.B.'s recruitment, and he would handle it in accordance with this standard in the future.

Qiao Jia stood under the awning, watching a large group of men and women queuing up with resumes in hand and whispering to each other. He touched Dorian next to him and said with a smile: "You said a few former comrades came over. Where are they?

You have to tell me in advance, otherwise there will be no favors left when the selection begins. "

When Dorian heard this, he glanced at Kaman next to him, then took Qiao Jia's arm and took two steps to the side, and said helplessly: "Boss, this is my instructor when I was in Leather Hood.

He listened to my introduction and brought a team of people here. As a result, our standards have been raised now, and he is worried that his people will not pass.

I was just about to tell you this..."

As he spoke, Dorian glanced at Kaman again, and then whispered a little depressed: "Boss, my instructor is a loyal person. It is impossible for him to give up his companions after finding a job.

So he asked me to ask you, if they set up a mercenary group, is it possible to receive a commission from P·B?

He had been in Iraq and insisted on returning home until the U.S. troops withdrew. Now a group of his poor brothers found him, so he wanted to give it a try. "

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment, then looked at the mercenaries lining up...

Once upon a time, how eager was Qiao Jia to join a good player?

But now...

Those mercenaries are like workers in the labor market. No matter what army they come from, most of them now have a bitter look on their faces.

The Colombians introduced by the "horns" even seemed a bit too honest and honest.

At this time, Qiao Jia realized that mercenaries were not much different from ordinary job seekers.

Perhaps the only difference is that 'fighting' is what they are good at, while ordinary people are mostly pushed by society, and they do whatever they want.

Mercenaries are really not what they appear in novels and movies. This is a job that is both dangerous and unrecognized.

Most people who have no way of entering this industry just make a living.

Dorian’s former instructor was a ‘leather hood’, but so what if he was Italy’s top player?

Facing big companies, they have no qualifications to negotiate at all!

Resources are always in the hands of a few people...

People who can be recognized by Dorian must have good abilities, but now they need to take on tasks and make money through P·B.

Dorian looked at the strange look on Qiao Jia's face and said depressedly: "Boss, if you feel embarrassed, forget it.

I’ll introduce ‘Gunhuo’ to my old instructor. It should be no problem to get some business to support my family. "

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment, looked at Dorian, and said with a smile: "Your friends are your own people, but if they themselves feel that they cannot meet the requirements, it will be difficult for you to force them in.

But I believe in your vision, so let me show you the way...

You ask them to set up a military contracting company on their own. If they can't get the qualifications of an international contractor, you can call the Austrians yourself for help. They owe me a big favor, and they will definitely be happy to help. "

When Dorian heard this, he said in disbelief: "Boss, there are only a dozen of them, why do they need international contracting qualifications?

If you are willing to help, just find some work for them. There is no need to use such a big favor. "

Qiao Jia patted Dorian on the arm and said: "I am a person who believes that the more friends the better, your friends are also friends, and you should give them a helping hand if you have the opportunity.

As long as the qualifications are sorted out, I can get them into Iraq as a Tier 1 contractor.

There is a big market worth 800 million, and several giants have already entered the market and started lobbying Eric and Steven.

I will only use 20 million of this money to buy a ticket, and the rest will be used to hire soldiers to fight for Iraq and protect our humanitarian corridor plan.

This money is not given to anyone. The giant companies charge high prices. If your friend is really capable, then give it a try.

I can't guarantee anything else, but in Iraq, as long as he has the ability, I guarantee that he will make money.

Do you remember what you once told me?

You said that one of your comrades went to Iraq after retiring, earning a daily salary of 300 yuan, and finally had his leg broken by a bomb..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia patted Dorian on the arm and said: "Man, you are one of the people I trust most, and I am happy to share my success with you...

Now that you have the ability, go and help your friends. Don’t worry about whether you can get something in return. Being happy is the greatest success! "

Dorian was deeply moved by Qiao Jia's words. The guy stammered for a while without saying anything. In the end, he just nodded heavily, then turned around to make a phone call...

Qiao Jia really doesn't care, and it's not bad to act as a 'noble person' in other people's lives.

Qiao Jia is very easy to do this kind of thing, and does not need the other party to promise any reward at all. As long as P·B's status steadily improves, the rewards will come to his door one day when he needs it.

Boss Joe has no conflict with NATO on the Iraq issue, and Isis is also his enemy.

To put it bluntly, the 800 million mercenary funds generated by Iraq and the United States will ultimately produce benefits and results that serve his plan.

In this case, if you want to make money there, you are not clear-headed. Giving money to capable companies is the best way.

Uniting them and using money to guide them to protect P·B can produce greater benefits.

What about the mercenary giants?

They also have to serve money!

Steven and P.B have common interests and are on the same boat. He is the leader of the funds, so Qiao Jia will have the opportunity to become the boss of a giant.

After Dorian made a few calls, he rushed to Qiao Jia's side excitedly and said: "Boss, it's done, don't bother the Austrians, my instructor can handle it by himself.

You won’t believe it even if you tell me, do you still remember the ‘Sea Hounds’ that we played against in SD?

It went bankrupt and now its owner is selling it. My instructor knows the owner of Sea Dog and can get it for only 50,000 euros.

I agreed to lend them money to buy the Sea Hound's license, and they were overjoyed.

My instructor said he could find at least 40 guys, and if the mission in Iraq required it, he could find more, and he promised that he would never subcontract the mission. "

Qiao Jia looked at Dorian's excitement and said with a smile: "Sea Hound is my first mercenary enemy, I didn't expect that he would serve me now.

This is really good news! "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia saw that most of the mercenaries had already handed in their resumes and began to wander around in twos and threes. He patted Dorian on the arm and said, "Ask your friends to find 200 people. We need them in Iraq." There are reliable people supporting us.

Whatever equipment they lack, you can lend it to them, and they can settle with us after they get the money. "

After speaking, Qiao Jia walked to a conspicuous position, climbed on the roof of an LMV, and took the microphone handed over by a black guy. He slapped it and made a 'bang bang' sound to attract everyone's attention... …

"Everyone who has passed the interview, come here and gather around..."

As Qiao Jia looked at the scattered mercenaries in the distance, he smiled and said: "I am Jackal. I am here to talk to you about P.B.'s salary structure and let you know what you will do if you pass the screening. What to gain..."

Qiao Jia knew how to arouse people's emotions. Looking at the mercenaries who were quickly gathering because of the 'salary issue', he smiled and said: "It seems that 'money' is still the most attractive thing..."

Qiao Jia spread his hands and said with a smile: "Fortunately, I am very rich, so although P·B's salary is not the highest in the industry, I can guarantee that our salary structure must have the highest ceiling."

There is probably no one in this world who doesn't like money. Qiao Jia's words instantly aroused the enthusiasm of most people...

"Boss, what's the highest limit you said?"

Qiao Jia searched the crowd and found the guy who asked the question...

Seeing that he was grinning and seemed to particularly enjoy the feeling of being noticed, Qiao Jia pointed at this guy and said with a smile: "Let me tell you about our salary structure, and then you can judge how high it is...

There are 50 salary levels in P.B. Level 1 is an annual salary of US$500..."

As soon as Qiao Jia finished speaking, he heard boos from the audience. He laughed and said: "Listen to me, this salary level is for newcomers who need P.B. training from scratch.

I need to provide food, accommodation, training, equipment, medical support, and even provide them with subsidies when they go on missions...

P·B is a military contracting company, and we are not a fucking charity. Isn’t this price unreasonable? "

There were all veterans present. They looked at each other for a moment, and then gave sparse applause...

"Newcomers at Level 1 need to serve for 3 years before they can be transferred to Level 2..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at the mercenaries in the audience who started to boo again. He smiled and shook his head and said: "The second-level salary is an annual salary of 10,000, and then it can be upgraded to one level every year. Each level will increase by 5,000." blocks, and this increase will reach level 20.

However, when the salary of these soldiers reaches level 5, they need to take an assessment. After passing, they can be promoted to level 6.

If they fail, they can retire and go home with a retirement allowance, which is about one year's salary. "

Qiao Jia's words silenced everyone in the audience. They were very surprised when a mercenary company came up with a salary structure comparable to that of the regular army.

Combined with what he had seen and heard before, P·B’s image immediately became three-dimensional...

"Sir, what about us? We are not rookies. If we join P·B, what level of salary can we get?"

Qiao Jia saw that he was still the active guy just now. He took note of this guy's appearance, nodded and said: "There are two types of recruitment this time, one is for ordinary soldiers with a starting salary of level 6, and the other is for people with a starting salary of level 10. Special operations team.

Our salary standards are not high at the beginning, but we provide comprehensive medical security and annuity security, and we make adjustments every year based on each person's performance.

One level of promotion per year is the minimum standard. If you are below this standard, you have been expelled..."

As Qiao Jia looked at the laughing crowd in the audience, he continued: "But this good thing is only adjusted once a year until level 20.

The standards for salary increases after level 20 are listed in P·B's internal manual. At that time, the salary increase for each level was 10,000 yuan.

Each level up after level 30 is 50,000 yuan.

Each level up after level 40 is 100,000 yuan.

Anyone who has the ability to reach level 50 in P·B can get a basic annual salary of 1.7 million per year, and as long as he goes on a combat mission, he can still enjoy a combat allowance of 500 per day.

Although I myself feel that level 50 is a bit unlikely, the conditions for our salary increase have been set. I can guarantee that it is not a fantasy. You will definitely not be required to dismantle nuclear bombs and blow up aircraft carriers...

Just tell me whether this upper limit is enough? "

To be honest, for some people present, P·B's level 6 salary, even if it is paired with a combat allowance of 500 a day, is not high for that place in Iraq.

But the guarantee provided by P·B and the room for growth are great!

If it's too high, don't worry about it. As long as you get to level 20, you'll be fine for the rest of your life.

Those veterans were still a little reserved, while the rookies and the Colombians were already excited.

P·B's salary system and employment system will definitely not be as simple as Boss Qiao said, but it is enough for mercenaries who exchange their lives for money, and it is even better for mercenaries from poor places. Salary conditions.

When Qiao Jia saw that most people started to nod, he clapped the microphone in his hand and said, "Did you see the truck on the left?

You can go there to collect equipment now. The equipment of those who participate in the level 6 assessment is a bit different from that of those who participate in the level 10 assessment...

I can tell you in advance that the first round of the assessment is a difficult march...

We will set up a camp and wait for you in the city of Beida, 85 kilometers away!

The highest marching speed currently recorded was created by the Chinese, covering 72.8 kilometers in 14 hours.

Let me relax the standards a little for you. Those who take the level 10 assessment need to arrive within 16 hours, and those who take the level 6 assessment need to arrive within 36 hours.

Others take the small road, you take the highway. If you don't complete it, then I can only unfortunately eliminate you.

But even if you are unfortunately eliminated, the equipment you received besides the firearms is a little bit of P·B's care, which at least ensures that everyone's efforts are not in vain. "

As Qiao Jia watched the people in the audience begin to whisper to each other, he smiled and said: "Oh, I forgot to remind you that there are al-Qaeda terrorists operating around Al-Baida, and they don't like P·B very much.

So remember to bring ammunition when picking up equipment, and it’s best not to leave alone...

Guys, being a mercenary is not a child's play. You have to prove your will and reliability to me and your future comrades.

I will wait for you at the finish line! "

After Qiao Jia raised his hands in salute, Dorian below him hit the outer shell of the armored vehicle hard, then stepped forward and stomped heavily...

"Strong blow..."


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