Of course, Qiao Jia couldn't do this to acquire a bank.

But Gami Copco can!

From last night to now, Boss Qiao has been thinking about what he should do?

For a moment, Samuel was almost killed, leaving him to adjust his direction.

In fact, it is very difficult to take over North Kivu!

How can we make the plate bigger, benefit most people, and make enough wealth at the same time?

Jogar thought about it and finally thought of a bank!

Only by allowing the Butembo government to have sufficient funds can they operate smoothly, ensure the stability of North Kivu, and prevent P·B from being trapped in the quagmire of warlord wars.

If 49% of the profits of the company Lu Jun plans to establish are given to the Butembo government, and all mineral transaction payments are collected in banks, a large amount of funds can be generated.

Then use that money to invest in the mining industry in North Kivu and let the small warlords use the minerals as collateral. Loans to them are basically risk-free.

The most profitable industry in the world is actually the financial industry. Qiaojia doesn't know much, but he knows very well that as long as he can control North Kivu, the benefits brought by a bank will be extremely huge.

It is not news that an extremely powerful bank can force a government to go bankrupt.

Local governments in the United States were forced into bankruptcy by banks. Not only did they lose government buildings, they even had to use residents' pensions to repay loans.

Qiao Jia is a simple man. He does not understand the complicated twists and turns in the financial industry, but he knows what role a bank can play.

Qiao Jia is not sure whether the term leverage can be used here.

But he knew that if the bank acquisition was successful, he could use customers' deposits to leverage a huge industry in North Kivu.

And by mastering finance, you actually control the lifeblood of North Kivu. As long as you operate carefully, Boss Qiao's authority will last for a long time.

The situation in each place is different. Choga chose to develop the industrial chain in Sangha Town, and took over the leadership of the trade union in Diamond Town. In North Kivu, taking over the bank was the best way he could think of.

And it must be the Bank of France!

Big Daddy Afika is still the de facto suzerain of the fifteen countries of Afika. The Central African CFA franc and the West African CFA franc were actually issued by France for the fifteen countries of Central and West Africa.

Although the fifteen countries are nominally independent, they still have to hand over 50% of their foreign exchange earnings to Afika every year and open up free trade, completely handing over financial and trade dominance to France.

A few Afika presidents tried to resist, and then the president died.

It is said that US dollar settlement dominates the world financial order, but in Afika, the franc is the financial leader.

Cardano was hated to the core by France because he wanted to imitate the European Union and build an Afika federation, use oil resources to issue a unified currency, and engage in Afika currency settlement.

This is the core of core interests and no one can touch it!

The French can only work more than twenty hours a week, enjoy free medical care, enjoy various benefits, and at the same time go on strike from time to time, just because they have been drawing blood from Afika.

Nothing in this world is without reason. France has been deeply involved in Afica for many years and has done countless bad things.

Free trade has destroyed the industry and agriculture of the Fifteen Countries of Afika, and financial control has left the Fifteen Countries of Afika with no room for struggle. They can only survive by selling resources, minerals, specialty products and the like.

Pushing Lu Jun, a company owned by a Chinese, into that position would cost him his life.

The large-scale use of US dollars or RMB to settle mineral resources is poaching Big Daddy Afika.

But if it's a French bank, it doesn't matter if it settles in euros or CFA francs!

The ownership of the company actually determines its position. France cannot attack its own bank that pays taxes.

Moreover, in the past, most mining companies and warlords in North Kivu settled through overseas banks or US dollars in cash.

Once Boss Qiao succeeds in acquiring the French bank, he will not only be able to avoid capital outflows, but also actually hit the dollar settlement.

The United States does not care about this benefit, but it is a huge favor to France.

If things are really done successfully, Boss Qiao's worries about Big Daddy Afika can be completely put aside.

Maybe there will still be blind individuals or organizations looking for trouble, but compared to facing a system, the situation will be much different.

Faced with Minam's incredible questioning, Joga did not immediately give a definite answer.

He came to North Kivu because he wanted money. He would definitely make a lot of money by starting a bank, but the distribution of equity required careful weighing.

How much effort the Kinshasa government of Congo can contribute will determine how much share they can get.

Qiao Jia threw out the concept of a bank, which was equivalent to hanging a carrot in front of the president and his gang...

If you want to eat, then work hard!

While Minam was scratching his heart, Qiao Jia folded his arms, closed his eyes, and leaned on his seat without talking.

The car soon entered the urban area of ​​Butembo. The periphery of the city was relatively quiet, but the closer it got to the city center, the more restless the overall atmosphere became.

The wandering black guys are already a little frustrated. In fact, they don’t know the deeper meaning of this march. They are simply opposing for the sake of opposition, trying to put pressure on the acting mayor Ngonga to make him spit out something. Benefits to them.

The gangsters in the mining company system don't understand at all that the final beneficiaries of their troubles are those mining companies.

They gave three melons and two dates to the mining company, forcing their own government to transfer their interests.

This can't even be called a 'comprador', it's just pure selfishness and stupidity.

Ngonga had called Qiaoga several times to ask for instructions. After Boss Qiao had a thorough discussion with the 'big shot' Comey, he gave a clear solution.

The black guys who are making trouble just want to get some benefits, so I will give you benefits...

As Choga entered the city center, Ngonga held a speech in front of the city hall.

The general content is that the life of the local people is too hard. As the acting mayor, he is very sympathetic to the hard work of the local people, so he decided to negotiate with the mining company and ask them to increase the wages of the workers. I hope everyone can support him!

When the black guys in the parade heard this, hey? This is a good thing!

When the people from the mining company heard this, they said, Oh, damn, do you want to open my wallet to make you fall in love? Have you discussed this with me?

When Ngonga announced in front of thousands of people that he would give the final answer within a week and open the negotiation process to the public, hoping that they could choose trusted representatives to come and observe the contents of the negotiation...

The pressure was instantly thrown to the side of the mining company. As the crowd slowly dispersed with a strange mood, the city government entered the highest alert state.

Ngonga's speech made it clear that he wanted to coerce public opinion and force the mining companies to compromise, which involved conflicts of interest. It was possible for those mining companies who were accustomed to being barbaric to use any means.

While Qiaojia arrived at the Butembo Government Building, he saw several suspicious teams.

This is also a kind of pressure, a tentative attack to put pressure on Ngonga.

It would be best if you are lucky and win, but it doesn't matter if you don't win. You can also make your position clear and force you to lean towards them during negotiations.

According to Carman's logic, white people need to see the coffin to regain their sanity and grace.

But now Qiao Jia is impatient and it is not appropriate to kill them, but it is too cheap for them to see the coffin. It may be better to let them have close contact with the corpse.

Yesterday's battle happened so fast, Afika's information dissemination could not keep up with Boss Qiao's speed of action.

Those in the mining company thought that Butembo was still the same Butembo as before. It didn't matter if one mayor died, the other one would come back to them.

But when a group of Milosh armored vehicles entered the city, everyone felt something was wrong.

The police and militiamen who were responsible for daily security in Butembo disappeared and were replaced by a well-equipped armed force.

The 500-strong Congolese special operations force entered Butembo from the south overnight. Although they had not slept for 36 hours, these soldiers were still full of energy. Under the command of P.B. soldiers, they attacked the suspicious teams. Arrests were made.

Guided by unmanned airships in the sky, the team of 500 people was divided into many small teams.

If you are facing each other, shout first, and if the other party resists, decisively attack them with a heavy machine gun.

After the enemy surrendered, they interrogated the prisoners alive and found out who was behind them. Then they hung a sign on the prisoners and began to parade through the streets to shout.

The adaptability of human beings is really incredible. After the initial chaos, when the locals discovered that the soldiers were targeting a group of mercenaries hired to cause trouble, they no longer felt fear and instead chased the team. Butt began to watch the excitement.

Then the content of the great lama’s shouting began to change…

Mining companies are plotting to overthrow the Butembo government. They don't want to negotiate with the government and give workers a raise. Now we need to unite.

People in poor areas are not afraid of dead people at all, and sometimes bloodshed can make them fanatical.

Those black guys who could get high by eating, drinking, and sitting around a fire were quickly incited.

When crowds gathered and surrounded the mining company, the situation began to reverse.

The gangsters were incited by mining companies to besiege government buildings for profit, and now they are being incited again to besiege mining companies for profit.

In less than 48 hours, things took a turn for the worse, which even amazed Qiao Jia, who was sitting in the city hall.

Things went smoothly beyond his expectations. He just wanted to use violent arrests to shock the streets and get some leverage on some mining companies. He really didn't expect such an effect.

The fight for a raise in wages will naturally create sympathy among a group of workers. When it got dark again, most of Butengbo was mobilized, and the atmosphere began to become extremely tense.

Then the people in the mining company began to be afraid, because the special operations forces blocked the main channel of Butembo, and they had no chance to escape.

While those from the mining company were shivering in their houses, Ngonga received a call from a representative of the mining company.

Then the acting mayor looked at Qiao Jia excitedly and said, "Boss, they want to negotiate!"

Qiaojia glanced at Ngonga, smiled and shook his head and said: "Where can it be so easy?

The matter of finding mercenaries to attack the government building is not over yet!

Attempt is also a crime. Tell them that we now have conclusive evidence. Let the mining companies involved take the initiative to plead guilty and pay compensation, and then we can safely deport them.

Otherwise, let them face the angry crowd!

We have limited manpower, and safety cannot be guaranteed in some places. Everything is reasonable, don’t you think? "

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