From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 497 If you are good at double acting, you can also get it in the oil field.

Qiao Jia glanced at Eric, who looked "heavy" in embarrassment, and then said to the ambassador: "Sir, you may not understand my current situation.

I have now taken over the commission of evacuation of Chinese nationals. I need to go to a gas field to pick up more than 20 workers, and then go east through the war zone between Al Qaeda and the National Army, and pick up more than 80 Chinese workers.

I don't want to emphasize the danger, because the job of a mercenary is to face danger.

But I personally suggest that you act with me, because I can guarantee your safety. But you are the ambassador of the United States. You are free to go wherever you want and do whatever you want.

I will never give up the task worth tens of millions in my hand, and I will escort you out first. "

Qiao Jia pointed at Eric and said: "I have a good personal relationship with Eric, so I took over the CIA's business, but my business is limited to Libya.

I promised Eric that I would send him and his men to the Egyptian border...

Sir, if you feel that the risk of coming with me is too great, I suggest you seek help from within the United States. I can arrange for a few people to take you to a safer airport in Libya. "

How could Ambassador Steven be in contact with China now?

Before he figured out who wanted him dead, any phone call he made could kill him.

Now the ambassador accepted Eric's suggestion and not only turned off his cell phone, he even asked several of the 'Triple Canopy' mercenaries who escorted him to turn off their communication tools.

Now Boss Qiao is his life-saving straw, someone he can absolutely trust!

The current situation is particularly interesting. Eric's boss doesn't know that he has guessed the key to the problem.

Ambassador Steven also didn't know Eric's position. In fact, the ambassador didn't even know who the enemy was and only had a rough guess.

Now he only trusts Eric and Boss Joe because combat experience doesn't lie.

It's too easy for two knowledgeable people to keep one person in the dark...

Boss Qiao has actually made his words quite clear. He has made up such words as "China's tens of millions of evacuation commissions", and Ambassador Steven is not a fool...

After pondering for a few minutes, Ambassador Steven said in a deep voice: "Jackal, what do I need to pay for you to escort me to Central Africa and assist me in completing my media work?"

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia spread his hands and said: "Sir, maybe I haven't said it clearly enough...

I will not give up my current commission and escort you away alone.

But for Eric's sake, I can ensure your safety and escort you to the Egyptian border.

No money required, it’s just a matter of friendship! "

Qiaojia waved his hand to stop the ambassador who wanted to speak, and said: "I don't know why you have to go to Central Africa? Why do you want to complete your media work there?

I don't care, but I want to emphasize again that nothing can interfere with my current work.

If you want to go to Central Africa, OK, come with me. After completing the commission, I will turn south and enter Chad.

Although there are certain risks, I think I can generally guarantee your safety. "

After speaking, Qiao Jia pressed the communicator to signal the convoy to stop, then patted Eric, who was sitting in the passenger seat, on the shoulder. After opening the door and getting out of the car, he said to Ambassador Steven, who had a stiff expression: "Sir, don't worry. , as long as you're not trying to interfere with my mission, you'll be safe, and it's all free!

For Eric's sake! ! "

Ambassador Steven watched Qiao Jia jog all the way to the Iveco LMV armored vehicle ahead, opened the door and got in, and then the convoy started to set off again...

Faced with such a dilemma, Steven looked at Eric in the passenger seat and said, "Is the Jackal really reliable?"

Eric said with a bitter expression: "Mr. Ambassador, if I were to rank people who can be trusted now, Jackal must be the first!

I don't know exactly who was behind the campaign against us, but I do know that what I've been investigating over the past few months touches someone's interests.

There is a guy named Harold, whom I believe you should be familiar with. I suspect that what happened to me is related to him, and the jackal happens to be his life-and-death enemy.

Sir, you should know that my boss is actually the Secretary of State. You are considered as members of the same system, and we should also be considered as our own now.

I can responsibly say that there is no one more trustworthy than Jackal...

In fact, after going through this incident, I found that my current job is very dangerous, so I have been thinking about changing my job. "

Eric's words were cryptic, but the direction of his words was absolutely cunning.

Now he has cleared the relationship between his former boss and this matter in front of the ambassador. When he goes back, his boss cannot even find any room for anger in the face of the ambassador's grateful attitude.

Once Eric took the opportunity to raise the idea of ​​​​resigning, his boss also had to compensate him doubly because he pulled her out of the vortex.

Even if the ambassador discovers the problem with Eric's boss in the end, it has nothing to do with Eric himself, because he is also a victim.

You see, once a person's attitude changes, the way of doing things will also change.

As a wage earner, Eric considers the problem from the perspective of his boss Joe. The first thing he thinks about is not 'revenge', but to unite all the forces that can be united. While clearing obstacles for his boss, he can also impose greater pressure on his mortal enemy. A lot of pressure.

Only by leveraging the resources of the former boss can the new boss get enough benefits.

'Hate' before everything takes shape? that's not important!

I hold your Achilles' heel in my hand, and you will always be unlucky. Who wouldn't add insult to injury?

Qiao Jia said that he could take the ambassador to Central Africa for free, and Eric endorsed Boss Qiao’s credit, but how could the ambassador believe in ‘free’ at a time of life and death?

Sometimes the “free” ones are the most expensive. Rather than borrowing P·B’s channels and resources for “free”, the Ambassador would rather have a clear “price tag”.

Without an accurate answer, he simply couldn't feel at ease.

Eric understood the thinking logic of this group of people very well. With a few words, he guided the ambassador to start self-reflection, and then quickly gave the ‘answer’…

“Eric, I need unreserved help, not hope on the jackal’s conscience!

Afica's existing media resources are concentrated in Central Africa. Without his assistance, I would have to make many detours to return to the United States.

What can impress him? "

Eric wanted to say 'money', but in fact he understood that when you reach the status of ambassador, there is really not much 'liquidity', because the cash goes to places where it can increase in value.

Having a family fortune of hundreds of millions does not mean that he can really spend hundreds of millions, and a few million dollars is meaningless to Boss Qiao.

And how can such a person with resources and influence spend his own money?

Even if it's to save a life, you can't spend your own money, it will be embarrassing if word spreads! !

Eric thought about Boss Joe's resources and future plans in his mind. He hesitated and said, "Based on what I know about Jackal, he needs mainstream society to recognize what he is doing in Central Africa!

Sir, now Central Africa regards Jackal as its savior, Congo and even the African Union regard P.B. as a treasure.

Because they say they are a mercenary company, but they almost never use war as a profit point, they are always building!

I spent several months in Afika, focusing on Jackal and P·B.

This guy has friends everywhere, and his enemies are concentrated among drug dealers and terrorists. Harlot may be the only exception.

Oh, no, Harlot is no exception. This guy has deep connections with drug dealers and terrorists.

If you spend time with him, you will know that Jackal is the kind of person who is best at sharing interests. In everything he does, I have never seen him eat alone.

In fact, everything he does not only benefits his collaborators, but also the ordinary people below. "

The ambassador was stunned after hearing this, and finally shook his head and said: "This is not even a condition.

The first thing I did when I went to Central Africa was to express my approval of P·B, so as to ensure the rationality of my actions.

As long as I can obtain safety, I can mobilize my friends in the State Department to express their appreciation for P.B. This will also be beneficial to me.

P·B is an American company, it represents our image..."

The ambassador may have felt that talking to Eric was a bit boring, so he changed his perspective and said, "Eric, tell me something useful, what can impress the jackal and make him go all out to protect me and cooperate with me? "

Eric pretended to think hard for a long time, shook his head and said: "I don't know, Jackal has invested almost all his money in Central Africa, but there are only some basic steel businesses there.

He needs money, but he needs huge amounts of money. "

As Eric saw the ambassador being a little disappointed, he smiled and said: "In order to obtain development funds, this guy is lobbying the Pentagon to get a contract to go to Iraq.

He consulted me on this and shared some of his ideas...

Sir, you have an energy background..."

When the ambassador heard this, he straightened his body and said: "The Jackal is going to Iraq? Mosul?

But I heard that the contract is not too big. The Jackal wants to take a risk in Iraq for US$300 million? "

Eric shrugged his shoulders and said: "To be precise, it's 20 million, but maybe it's not a risk, because this guy has his own logic for doing things."

As he spoke, Eric told Ambassador Steven what Joga planned to do in Iraq, and finally added: "What I admire most about this guy is that he can always find an impeccable entry point.

Princess Emina’s humanitarian channel will open a resource channel with huge traffic for him, but there are still some difficulties in making quick profits there..."

After hearing this, the ambassador held his chin and said, "Is that why Jackal is so worried about those Chinese people?

Doesn't this guy know that if you want to ensure profits, you must have the ability to stabilize the situation? "

As he spoke, the ambassador suddenly smiled and said: "The Middle East is our basic base!

Jackal wants the oil fields, and then subcontracts them to the Chinese in exchange for supplies to open up a "humanitarian channel". This is a good thing!

Maybe I can convince the Iraqi government and oil groups to lease the West Guna oil field to Jackal and let him handle it.

At this stage, the West Guna Oilfield has no conditions to start construction at all. If Jackal can convince the Chinese to take on the project, our oil group can achieve profitability ahead of schedule.

Moreover, opening up humanitarian channels can effectively promote the acceleration of democratization in Iraq. If our oil company can start operations earlier, it will be able to achieve profitability earlier..."

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