From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 490 Fierce Battle

The moment Qiao Jia rushed upstairs, he heard a huge gunshot...

Ness stood behind a wall of two layers of sandbags, holding the big gun Barrett.

Mao Mao was in another bunker 5 meters away. When Qiao Jia rushed between them, Mao Mao also pulled the trigger.

Compared to Barrett's muffled sound, SVD is much crisper.

With a "bang" gunshot, Qiao Jia saw a guy carrying an RPG on his shoulders in the village outside the far wall whose head was blown off, and two tattered corpses lying in the same position.

Qiao Jia didn't know whether to call these people stupid or praise their will to fight. In terms of not being afraid of death, they defeated many people!

As Ayu rushed to the fighting position she was responsible for, Qiao Jia heard Antal's feedback...

"Boss, the enemies on the road to the south have not taken action, but the people in the woods to the east have taken action. There are still a few enemies with RPGs in the village. I will share their locations with you."

As soon as Antar finished speaking, Qiao Jia felt the tactical computer on his wrist shake. After opening it, he saw a real-time picture. The drone's dynamic capture function directly gave a few terrorists hiding behind the house Made a red triangle mark.

There are three people left in total, and the enemy to the east has no heavy weapons.

Seeing this situation, Qiao Jia shouted to Nice: "The devil bird keeps an eye on them. The people on the wall keep an eye on the other side of the woods. Put them within 300 meters and then fight."

As he spoke, Joga turned around and walked to the mortar position. Two of the three mortars had been adjusted to the shooting angle. Two Serbian veterans and two Xiaohei were ready to shoot at any time.

Qiao Jia watched as a veteran pointed the muzzle of the last gun in the direction of the woods. He waved his hand and said, "Don't expose the mortars yet. We can withstand the attack from the east..."

After speaking, Qiao Jia watched the Spurs and the Orange Cat carry two javelins each and went upstairs. He nodded and said: "You are responsible for keeping an eye on the southern road and follow Antal's order to fire."

After Qiao Jia finished explaining, he ran to a fighting position in front of Nice and set up the HK416, closed the 4x lens and took a look...

The last rays of the setting sun were about to set, and the people in the distant woods cautiously approached the village. Strangely enough, the people in the village didn't seem particularly afraid.

An old man held a TV and waved a white flag to signal both sides not to shoot. He then loudly greeted the people in the village and followed him to evacuate the fighting area.

Qiao Jia was surprised by the calmness of this group of people. A few children holding sheep even stood on the road and curiously looked at a few terrorists carrying RPGs, but they did not attract any scolding or attacks.

When several young men armed with AKs finally withdrew from the house, Qiao Jia understood...

Villagers who can get along well with terrorists must have some ability.

A young man wearing a small hat complained loudly to a few terrorists huddled behind the house before leaving, warning them not to damage his house...

This kind of scene makes Qiao Jia feel particularly strange. It seems that everyone knows the other party, and only he is the alien.

Qiao Jia can be sure that if the other party is mixed together, he will not be able to tell the difference between them.

Qiao Jia followed the people in the village until they entered a forest in the south for temporary settlement. He smiled bitterly and said: "These villagers must think that we can't hold on for long. I saw a guy bringing dinner. They I must be planning to eat and watch the fun at the same time.”

As he spoke, Joga turned to the Serbian veteran and shouted: "Mark the location of the villagers, don't attack them, shit, what the hell is this place?"

While Qiao Jia was talking, Nice fired again...

There was a loud "bang", and the 12.7mm fired by Barrett shattered the corner of a house, breaking half of the shoulder of a guy who was leaning his head.

Nice, who had already killed three terrorists, turned his gun and stared at another corner as if he had no emotion...

Seeing that Ness didn't seem to want to talk, Qiao Jia smacked his lips and pointed his gun at the enemy in the distance.

More than eighty people ran out of the woods, expanded their formations and levels with great experience, and cautiously used any possible cover to approach the manor.

As the sun set and the light became darker, Qiao Jia put on his tactical glasses, pressed the communicator and said: "Everyone put on their night vision goggles and use laser pointers to mark their shooting areas.

Wow, some of them have bottles in their hands, what is that? "

"It's a petrol bomb. Don't let them get close to the throwing range, otherwise the wall will fall."

Nice finally said: "Four of them died, but they still continued to move forward. The goal of these people is us, and they will not retreat until they achieve their goals.

Let Kaman lay booby traps around the road, I'm afraid they have reinforcements. "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia frowned and said, "Did you deliberately kill those Rockets in advance?"

Nice nodded seriously and said: "We need to know the other party's attitude and whether they are firm, and now we know it.

These people are fanatics of jihadist organizations. There must be something they want here, and they will not stop until they get it. They must be mentally prepared..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia probably understood that Nice fired a warning shot in advance to test the opponent's will to fight.

Ordinary blind flow should retreat after a few people died, but this group of people behaved particularly resolutely, which verified their identity from the side.

Only people who often fight in wars can naturally summarize this kind of details!

Qiao Jia glanced at Nice, who was in a state of concentration again. Just when he was about to say something, the kitten next to him shouted: "They are speeding up. These people must want to cover the remaining two rocketeers. They are About to shoot...

Devil Bird, let’s keep an eye on those two guys one by one! "

As soon as Mao Mao finished speaking, a series of gunshots came from the distance...

This time Qiaojia finally saw how the terrorists in Libya fought.

More than 80 people raised their guns and shot towards the manor to suppress them while rushing forward.

The light at this time was not enough for them to clearly see where Qiao Jia and the others were. They could only use the faint skylight to see the general outline of the manor.

This group of people were very experienced. Without cover, they put their guns at their waists and used the natural droop of their arms to press the muzzles of the guns, thus controlling the impact point of the bullets within the confines of the manor.

It was quite terrifying for more than 80 people to shoot at the same time. The outer walls of the manor and even the outer walls of the buildings in the manor were attacked.

A black guy on the wall has been insisting on Qiao Jia's order, trying to get those guys closer before beating them.

Facing a large number of bullets, Xiao Hei crouched behind the machine gun cover, but a bullet hit the wall and ricocheted. The sharp gravel left a big hole in Xiao Hei's face, causing him to scream. A muffled groan...

The enemies hiding in the village seemed to hear this muffled grunt. They bravely rushed out and aimed the RPG at the fire points that had been observed on the wall. Before they could fire, they were hit by two bullets in the body.

At this time, Qiao Jia decisively pulled the trigger, killing the fastest guy, then pressed the communicator and shouted loudly: "The machine gun fires, others are free to choose."

Medical Officer Bird, go check on the man on the east wall, he seems to be injured..."

Qiao Jia's words seemed to stimulate the injured Xiao Hei. He bravely straightened up and pulled the trigger at the enemy in the distance.

The power of the PKM machine gun is enough to extend to about 500 meters. Only the special tracer bullets visible with night vision devices constantly assist Xiao Hei in adjusting his trajectory.

Seeing Medical Officer Bird rushing to the fighting position on the east wall with a medical bag to check, and then turning around and making a no problem gesture, Qiao Jia raised his gun and began to search the entire field. Any enemy that entered 400 meters would belong to him. Target.

From time to time, stray bullets hit the sandbag in front of Qiao Jia, but Qiao Jia didn't even think about hiding.

It's impossible to dodge the opponent's complete shooting cover, and a panic response may result in a "good catch".

"Bang" A guy running sideways with an AK was hit in the neck and fell to the ground.

Because the distance was relatively far, the bullet began to roll unsteadily due to the angle when it hit. The rolling bullet smashed the guy's Adam's apple and opened a large gash in his neck as if it had been torn open by a blunt instrument.

Under night vision, I saw a large cloud of silver-white blood spurting out from directly in front of the guy. Then the guy covered his Adam's apple and fell to the ground like a stone statue. After twitching for a few times, he slowly lost consciousness. life.

Just when Qiao Jia turned his gun and killed another guy with a Molotov cocktail in his hand, the other side finally made an adjustment...

More than a dozen of them died, but no one flinched, and they couldn't see clearly who gave the order. The terrorists who were lying on the ground behind the bunker suddenly threw several Molotov cocktails.

The distance between the two sides is still nearly 300 meters. Those people have not even entered the village. At this time, they throw Molotov cocktails and they don’t know who they want to burn to death?

But just when Qiao Jia had enough time to kill a terrorist who poked his head out of a shallow ditch, the incendiary bottles exploded collectively, and the huge fire made the people in the manor close their eyes involuntarily...

But this was not the end. At the moment when the fire ceased on the manor side, 8 illuminating grenades were fired from the opposite side.

The 40mm illumination grenade flew into the air, a small parachute emerged from the tail, and then a dazzling orange flame began to emit from the front.

It wasn't the instant blinding effect of a flash bomb, but the fire of incendiary bombs and the dazzling flash of illumination bombs greatly reduced the effect of the night vision devices equipped by P.B.

This group of people was very experienced. They stood up and started sprinting the moment P.B ceased fire. When P.B.'s men took off their night vision goggles and started shooting again, they were already approaching the village...


Barrett's gunfire rang out, and a bullet hit a sprinting terrorist. The huge kinetic energy broke his neck, and then turned to a large-caliber bullet and hit an unlucky guy's thigh, sparing the guy. The muscles on your thighs…


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