From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 467 Extralegal Camp

The extrajudicial camp is in the open space next to the church in Sangha Town. From the moment Qiao Jia received the extrajudicial logistics contract, Lao Zhu from the 'giant infrastructure company' brought people over and it only took 2 days. The extrajudicial military camp was set up.

It’s not a hassle. It’s just a container house that Lao Zhu built for his migrant workers. He dragged it here and used a crane to move the house to the appropriate location according to the drawings. Then he hung it up and it was done.

These container houses are custom-made in large quantities by Lao Zhu himself in China.

I don’t know how much it costs, but a container house can accommodate six people. There are solar panels and a water tank on the roof. Basic electricity and washing water can be provided. It is just a little troublesome to dump the sewage bucket every day.

This thing was very popular in the Central African villages as soon as it came out, because the lowest-end Central African assembly version only costs 300 US dollars each, which is much better than the adobe houses of the indigenous people.

Nowadays, construction sites near Sangha Town are full of houses like this, basically for migrant workers to live in.

Lao Zhu is also very good at being a good person. He doesn't take away the house after using it. He directly rewards the house to the best-performing worker and even sends the house to the worker home with freight.

This approach has given the ‘giant infrastructure companies’ an excellent reputation in Central Africa.

For the same salary, workers under Lao Zhu work harder than workers elsewhere.

It is said that Lao Zhu is trying to develop fiberglass houses and wants to promote them to various parts of central Afika. He is currently introducing equipment and technology.

Qiao Jia doesn't care about this, smart people can make a lot of money in Sangha Town.

With Lao Zhu taking the lead, sooner or later some local people with flexible minds will jump out and benefit from the industry chain, even if they just make a few screws and nuts.

A group of outlaw soldiers were eating when Qiao Jia arrived...

Receiving them was Comet and an outlaw Major Commander.

‘Comet’ had an unlucky look on his face, but Major Conde, who had just arrived not long ago, seemed very enthusiastic, especially towards Princess Emina.

Several young black apprentices of Lao Niu set up a large stove under a simple shed.

Although the modified 'rocket stove' burns wood, it still emits strong flames.

A tall and strong Xiao Hei manipulated an engineering shovel, and was sweating profusely as he turned over the food in the large pot. Because of the heavy oil and ingredients, Qiao Jia didn't know the taste of the food, but it smelled really good.

Sometimes Qiao Jia would joke with people that these cooking soldiers may be P.B.'s most successful product, because they are welcomed wherever they go.

The U.S. Army in Niger is such a hypocritical group of people and has now surrendered. The only requirement is to change a group of cooking soldiers or change the recipes every month, and the rangers are willing to pay extra.

This is because the qualifications of the little black cooks are limited. Lao Niu teaches with absolute dedication, but the apprentice is too stupid and there is nothing he can do.

The poor living environment in Afika limits the imagination of the little blacks about food.

This thing is just a matter of talent. If Lao Niu can teach them four dishes and one soup step by step, it will be good.

In order to show P.B.'s business capabilities in front of the camera and spread Chinese culture by the way, Qiao Jia led Princess Emina to the open-air canteen, and each received a rice bowl, preparing to share the joys and sorrows with a group of outlaw soldiers. one time.

Two meats, two vegetarians, four dishes and one soup, a large portion and a filling meal!

There is no sci-fi phenomenon like everyone fantasizes about, but because they are willing to use oil and use the ingredients in place, a group of outlaw soldiers really eat delicious food, and the calories are definitely high.

Especially when the dishes are just out of the pot, the steaming aroma can make people eat half a bowl more.

When it was Qiao Jia's turn, he got himself half a basin of rice, poured the thick braised pork broth on it himself, and then added a spoonful of meat with some vegetables.

Qiao Jia's method of eating stubble made several soldiers who had eaten rice in the past stunned for a moment. Then they looked at the dough in their hands and felt that it was a bit unsavoury.

Rice is a luxury product in Afika. Qiao Jia originally thought that by providing rice to these outlaws, he was taking care of them, but it turned out that they were not used to it.

Watching Qiao Jia and Jino carrying the rice bowl together, winking at a group of lawless men to show that they don't know their stuff...

Princess Emina smiled and made some rice, then skipped the greasy-looking braised pork and made some special scrambled eggs with tomatoes. Major Conde led her to the officer area.

There were cameras all around, so everyone actually had nothing to talk about. Qiao Jia ate the food with a slurp, and then skillfully took out a few boxes of Sangha Town's homemade 'gold leaves' and threw them to a group of lawless men. There was a lot of praise.

This is the secret that Lao Niu taught Qiao Jia. According to Lao Niu, cigarettes are a hard currency for making friends in any army. They are especially effective for foreigners because their salaries are really low. European cigarettes are Really expensive.

After Qiao Jia experimented with it, he found that the effect was really great. The outlaw man who was a little uncomfortable with the media suddenly became cheerful and even praised P·B.

We are all mercenaries, and we only have the benefit of having a French passport. Boss Joe, a guy with high emotional intelligence, waved his 'injured' arm, and easily got involved with these guys with low morale. , the effect is better than their own boss holding a meeting to encourage them.

Before the meal was finished, a group of men clapped their chests and loudly expressed that they were responsible for the princess's safety, and anyone who caused trouble for the princess would step over her body and so on...

Jino stared at the boss scolding Fang Qiu, and his eyes were filled with envy.

This kid grew up in a gang station and has a dream of becoming a boss. Now Boss Qiao is his number one idol.

Seeing his idol talking to a group of people without even having a drink of water, Jino rolled his eyes and quietly ran to a few gangsters in the cafeteria. In a few words, he got them to donate the hidden cooking wine Erguotou...

Qiao Jia saw Jino holding two large plastic bottles and wandering in front of several Eastern European men to attract their attention. He did not stop the buck-toothed boy from messing around.

The condolences were just for fun. Drinking in the military camp did not require him to stay in confinement.

Until 'Comet' couldn't stand it anymore, he took Major Conde, who couldn't walk when he saw the princess, and whispered a few words in his ear.

Major Conde reluctantly ended the dinner with the princess, dispersed a group of soldiers who were having fun, pretended not to notice them and ordered the 'cooking wine' provided by Jino, and invited Qiao Jia and the others to his office.

The office was located inside the church, and since there was no media following, 'Comet' rudely interrupted Major Conde's thoughts of continuing to be attentive to the princess. After everyone sat down, he said immediately: "The situation in the jungle is not very good. We have to Let’s work out a solution.”

Qiao Jia looked at the 'Comet' with a smile and said: "Discuss with me? No, P·B will fully cooperate with the extrajudicial encirclement and suppression of those mercenaries.

Is there anything we did not do well before? "

‘Comet’ looked at Qiao Jia with a sincere expression, he lamented and said: “Jackal, we have fought together, can you please stop saying these clichés.

The first group of outlaws suffered heavy casualties in the jungle. Although the second group came with two hundred people, we all know that these two hundred people scattered into the jungle will not have much effect at all.

Those who want to encircle and suppress the 'ghosts' need more soldiers to cooperate. "

Qiao Jia looked at the unlucky look on Comet's face and said with a smile: "You mean to ask P·B to send troops to cooperate!

No problem. Basically everyone in our special operations team is injured, and the main force is still stationed in the north. But if you need us, we will come. I will send people into the jungle to cooperate with you.

But you should know my character well. Once we dispatch ground troops, the command authority..."

"we do not need……"

Major Kongde glared at the 'Comet' with an ugly expression, and then said decisively: "There are only more than 40 ghosts at the moment, and we can eat them ourselves with P·B's aerial assistance.

This is what we are here for! "

'Comet' wanted to punch this idiot to death after hearing this!

The Outlaw Legion is not an alien legion. They are not familiar with the jungles of Central Africa, and their training level and tactical skills are not as good as those of the ghost mercenaries.

Even with the assistance of the Air Force, even if P.B.'s Air Force responds more promptly than the old American Air Force, in the jungle terrain, the Outlaws cannot have an absolute advantage.

He knows Qiao Jia and the character of Boss Qiao very well.

In Niger, Boss Joe cooperated with the special forces of the United States and France, and they both took command power forcefully and convinced the people on the scene.

‘Comet’ has sent away several outlaw soldiers in the past week. According to his current thinking, he doesn’t want to get involved with the ghost mercenary group at all.

The best way is to use air superiority and then use large groups to encircle and suppress them.

No elites are needed, as long as there are a thousand people, the ghosts can be annihilated safely.

At this time, only Choga in Central Africa has the ability to mobilize so many people!

In Comet's mind, what does it matter if command power is given to P·B?

They have a lot of people, planes, and cannons, why do they want to save face?

'Comet' is the kind of person with a sense of honor. If the French Marines' 1st Parachute Infantry Regiment stationed here are his comrades, then 'Comet' will not hesitate to enter the jungle and follow 'Ghost' fights to death.

But his current identity is a liaison officer, he cannot go into battle, and he knows very well that this 200-man outlaw army is not the most elite part, so with the natural change of roles, his thoughts have also changed.

The most important thing is that he knows very well that what Major Conde and those behind him care about is not the sense of honor of the soldiers, but face, face in front of the media.

It was also the first time for 'Comet' to experience fighting in front of the media, and he felt as if he was eating shit every day.

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