Jack didn’t know what Joga’s disclosure of everything meant to the other mercenaries, but it would definitely be devastating to the families of ‘Bong’ and ‘Needle’…

Just like those 'debts', even worse than the consequences of the 'debt' being exposed!

Seeing the serious expression on Qiao Jia's face, Jack said in a deep voice: "I will help you kill Harold, and you put the 'bong' and 'syringe'."

Qiao Jia looked at the serious look on Jack's face, and he sneered and said, "Do you have a sense of right and wrong?

It doesn't matter if you think of me as an enemy, but when did punishing a villain become a bargaining chip?

Harold is a collaborator of the 'Ndrangheta, and the 'Ndrangheta hired your dead dad to cause a terrorist attack in Manhattan, and then confronted the DEA in Yonkers.

If Bill Heinz is not your father, and based on the bad things he did, if you compare him with the people you killed, should he die? "

A contradictory and painful expression appeared on Jack's face. He held his head and growled in pain, saying, "What do you want?"

Qiao Jia said simply: “I said, I want Harold’s head, and you have to find a way to escape on your own.

After all, I am a law-abiding citizen and never do anything illegal. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at Jack's expression as if he was eating shit. He smiled and spread his hands and said, "But I am a trustworthy person. As long as Harold dies, I will give 'Smoking Gun' and 'Needle' VIP treatment in prison. Years later, I will sign their application for commutation of sentence.

This is the best offer I can give, you can refuse me...

You have three days to think about it. After this time, you can go to the mine to work in a down-to-earth manner with your guys. "

After hearing this, Jack shook his head bitterly and said, "The result is not any different, why should I agree to your request?"

Qiao Jia looked at Jack with disdain and said, "You don't love your wife, and you don't have children. You definitely don't understand the idea of ​​a 'syringe'.

You can ask them, 'not exposing' them is already the best reward for them.

Man, a few days ago they had to die for you because of their debt, now they owe Central Africa a debt, and it's a blood debt. "

Jack shouted loudly, as if he was stimulated: "We didn't do anything..."

Qiao Jia laughed in anger, shook his head and said: "But you want to do it!

What do you think the outcome would be if the same situation were handed over to an American judge? "

As Qiao Jia looked at Jack's ashen face, he smiled and said: "I can provide you with external communication tools, and you can consult a lawyer.

If you know a judge, ask him, how will your behavior be punished in the United States?

The judges in Central Africa are very easy-going. Go and find out how the American judges would rule in the same situation, and I will convince the Central African judges how to rule!

Even if you can get an American judge to convict me, I will go to America to serve my sentence.

How about it? Fair, right? "

After hearing this, Jack felt as if all his energy had been drained out of his body. He lowered his head and said, "This is not fair. We..."

Qiao Jia said angrily: "You are also committing a crime if you want to attack my gold mine.

The miners and security guards there are all innocent. They don't even know which direction the United States is.

Don't excuse yourself...

If you want revenge, you should come directly to me! "

As he spoke, Qiaojia shook his head in displeasure and said, "I'll give you three days to think about it. In three days, Sangha Town will hold a grand press conference, and the Supreme Court of Central Africa will pronounce the verdict against you people.

It doesn't matter how you choose me, I won't kill you again after I save you, you just have to pay the price for your actions. "

After speaking, Qiao Jia waved his hands to the black people in the interrogation room, turned around and walked out of the interrogation room.

Thompson outside the door saw his boss's displeasure, and he smiled and said, "Boss, what's there to be unhappy about?

Jack Heinz will compromise..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia frowned and said, "You also think he was wronged?"

Thompson was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said: "The life of a mercenary is like this, if you are caught, you will pay the price, if you are not caught, you will get away with it.

He can live because he has value..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia shook his head and said with a smile: "That's right, then I'll leave the rest to you.

Dig out the Heinz family's 'accountant' for me..."

Thompson looked at his boss who was not in a good mood. He hesitated and said, "Sir, I will do my best!

Jack is the last 'Heinz'. If he agrees to your request, he will ask the 'accountant' for help as soon as he hears that he wants to assassinate Harold..."

Qiao Jia didn’t have time to go to America at this time, so he waved his hand and said, “I don’t need to hear the details, just give me the results.

Man, what P·B’s American branch needs to strive for is a reasonable and legal status, which requires a lot of money and a lot of connections.

The Heinz family's debt will save us a lot of time! "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia patted Thompson on the arm and motioned for him to walk with him...

When he walked to the playground of the base, he saw Potato Tony running around with a bunch of gangsters. He smiled and said: "Sooner or later, the operation to suppress the ghost mercenary group outside the French border will end, and that's when we march into North Base." It’s time to go to Wu Province.

The situation in North Kivu is very chaotic. I need an external environment without constraints to fully release the firepower of P·B.

I never thought about the tug-of-war with those warlords. It is in our interests to catch a monkey and kill it, and let a bunch of chickens become honest. "

Of course Thompson understood what his boss meant. He nodded and said: "We have moved the northern unmanned airship to the skies over North Kivu Province. Detailed intelligence analysis will take a while, but it is not too difficult to find a suitable 'monkey' .

Boss, if you want to be legally impeccable, the Supreme Court of Central Africa is not enough. You still need the results of the Outlaw Corps.

I suggest you go talk to that 'Comet'. He's been a little anxious recently. I'm worried that they won't be able to catch him alive in the end. "

When Qiao Jia heard this, he smiled and patted his hanging arm, and said: "It's easy for me to see a problem when I go to chat with him as a fake wounded soldier.

I'm not in a hurry to end the war. Let our air force take a break occasionally, suppress the lawlessness, and don't let them charge too hard.

After the press conference in two days, I will quietly go to Niger. There is a business there that has entered the final stage. I have to pay the final payment and take a look at my results.

If the French trade representatives come to Sangha Town, ask Lenore to lead the tribal elders to receive them.

Without letting them see the faces of the French, it would be impossible to highlight P·B's generosity. "

Thompson nodded slightly and said: "The French have arrived in Bangui, and it is said that they have intervened in the bidding for the diamond mines around Nova City.

The food of this group of people is not very good-looking and has caused dissatisfaction among diamond mining companies and the Central African government.

Boss, this is a kind of temptation..."

Qiao Jia laughed after hearing this and said nonchalantly: "Investment, what right does China and Africa have to dislike Big Daddy Afika?

They are not guests, we have to treat them as one of our own.

Notify them first if there are good projects, and of course they should be the first to notify them if there are difficulties.

As long as they are not prepared to stop the steel industry chain and are not prepared to take advantage of our iron mines, I don't care what they want to do. "

Thompson was amused by Qiao Jia's appearance. The current situation was like a gangster who stopped a little girl...

What the eldest brother didn't expect was that he didn't feel any forced pleasure at all. The little girl hugged his neck and spread her legs, which made the eldest brother unable to restrain him. Now she was afraid that she would be the one to suffer in the end.

Thompson admires Boss Joe’s strategic vision...

Killing many birds with one stone is no longer enough to describe what Boss Qiao does...

The benefits of Sangha Town need not be mentioned, but the biggest benefit is Congo...

The little girl and the eldest brother first cooked rice in Central Africa, and then went to the Congo to have some trouble. The eldest brother can't be ruthless.

Just when Thompson wanted to say a few words to express his admiration and test the possibility of a salary increase, a baby elephant shook its head and squeezed away from him, shouting "Ang, Aang" and wrapped its arms around Boss Qiao. Just walk in the direction of the cafeteria.

Danbao has now become the crown prince of P.B. Whether at the base or in Sangha Town, he always behaves like a normal person. Basically, he eats wherever he goes, and everyone has to give him a smile.

As soon as Qiao Jia saw Danbao's posture, he knew that this guy was ruined by the old cow in the cafeteria.

He stuffed a mango from the mango tree on the roadside into Danbao's mouth. Qiao Jia turned Danbao in one direction and said with a smile: "Let's go find the mother. A qualified baby must learn to make trouble for the mother." , otherwise how can we show dad’s kindness?”

Danbao didn't know whether he understood or not. He spat out the mango in disgust, and then led his father in the direction of the base lounge.

Qiao Jia followed Dan Bao, watching the little guy push Jino into a somersault, then shook his head and squeezed away the little girl Adele, plunged into Nice's arms, opened his big mouth and left a mark on her chest. Drooled a lot.

After comparing the kitten and Monica next to him, Danbao hesitated for a moment. When he was about to go up and taste it, Nice grabbed his nose and beat him on the head several times...

Seeing Danbao screaming miserably, Monica smiled and held a few bananas, hoping to coax the silly little elephant and win the favor of the little elephant's father.

As a result, the banana was taken away by Dan Bao, and Qiao Jia hadn't seen it yet...

Seeing Qiao Jia pulling on the collar of Nice's T-shirt and inspecting it obscenely, Monica subconsciously lowered her head and glanced at her magnificent breasts, then reached out and touched her sister Xiaomao's real breasts and said: "Your boss I asked you to go find him, have you gone?"

Monica spoke loudly, and when Qiao Jia was about to say something, his phone rang.

Taking out the phone and looking at Aaron's name on it, Qiao Jia answered the call and said, "Brother, what's the matter?"

Aaron on the other end of the phone said in a serious tone: "It's not convenient to talk on the phone..."

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