From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 401 Media Army

George, who was slapped and insulted by Qiao Jia, suddenly chased after them like crazy when they were about to reach the edge of the hall...

The female agent who had been 'bullied' covered her mouth and let out a sad cry, struggled away from the 'support' of a bodyguard, and followed George's footsteps towards the hall.

Stuart followed them and kept chasing them with the camera of his mobile phone, and then when George rushed to the corner, he captured the most spectacular scene in the whole scene.

George, whose feet seemed to be slipping, stumbled when he turned, and then his upper body was pressed on a table under the surprised eyes of several ladies around him. Then he grabbed the red velvet lining when he fell, and then...


Two huge champagne towers collapsed, causing people around to scream.

Then everyone didn't know what was going on. Maybe God couldn't stand George's crazy performance anymore, and the lights in the hall suddenly flashed a few times...

The switch between light and dark made the eyes of those present slightly uncomfortable. By the time they recovered, George had already arranged his clothes, hugged the brown-haired female agent, and was loudly asking the housekeeper who came over why he Will female companions be humiliated here?

At this time, Qiao Jia and Princess Emina passed by a group of bodyguards who rushed over and walked out of the door smoothly.

Monica held Qiao Jia's left arm and glanced at Princess Emina on Qiao Jia's right as she walked. She found that the princess had a blank figure. She subconsciously puffed up her chest and looked at Qiao Jia. Said: "How did I behave just now?"

While walking, Qiao Jia saw another group of bodyguards rushing toward the hall in the shadows at the far end of the lawn. He reached out and pulled Monica between him and Princess Emina, and said: "Arm by arm." she."

Monica understood that Qiao Jia was trying to attract the attention of others...

People's attention is biased. When there is a beautiful flower in front of you, who will care about the green leaves next to it.

This was a high compliment for Monica, especially when that green leaf was a princess.

Monica, who was in the middle, took two steps. When several bodyguards passed by, she suddenly sprained her foot. Then she screamed in pain and motioned to the two men to help her.

Princess Emina took the opportunity to bend down and avoid the bodyguard's glance.

Seeing Monica put her arm on Emina's shoulders, causing her to lower her head, Qiao Jia couldn't help but smile and said: "It's not that exaggerated, don't be too nervous, our car has arrived."

While Qiao Jia was speaking, the bodyguards who had discovered that Emina was missing began to search around inside the manor. When they found nothing, Qiao Jia and the others were already standing at the door of the manor.

It was the young waiter who sent them in. The moment he received the notice from the bodyguard, he realized something about Qiao Jia and the others.

Because Princess Emina is so nervous, the waiter one meter away from her can see her shaking...

Qiao Jia looked at the young waiter holding the doorknob hesitantly. He smiled and took out a stack of hundred-dollar bills and stuffed it into the young man's hand. Then he patted him on the arm naturally and whispered. : "I will notify them in two minutes..."

The young waiter was a temporary worker. He lowered his head and glanced at at least 2,000 US dollars in banknotes in his hand. He decisively opened the car door and naturally invited Monica to get on the bus first, and then sent Princess Emina as well. car.

He did not recognize Princess Emina, but the banknotes handed over by Qiao Jia showed that they must be related to Princess Emina's disappearance.

This is a very smart guy. When he waved goodbye to Qiao Jia and watched the vehicle pass a corner in front...

This little brother who dreamed of working in Hollywood seemed to suddenly realize something. After covering his mouth and wandering around for a moment, he jogged back to the security booth and said to an Arab bodyguard inside: "Sir, I I just saw a guest leaving with two ladies, one of whom seemed not to be the female companion when he came..."

The Arab bodyguard immediately took out a photo and said, "Is it her?"

The little waiter looked over for a while as if he was a little short-sighted, shook his head, nodded again, and said, "I'm not sure. The lady in the model is wearing a suit and has oily hair, but her face shape is somewhat similar..."

The Arab bodyguard's eyes lit up when he heard this. After asking for the license plate, he immediately pressed the communicator, and soon four cars rushed out of the manor.

At this time, the Swedish diplomatic vehicle that Qiao Jia and the others were traveling in was about to leave Beverly Hills.

Looking at the large group of reporters directly ahead with guns and cannons guarding both sides of the road, Qiao Jia deliberately put on large sunglasses, turned around and motioned to the princess to press down her side of the car window, and then stretched out her right hand to make gestures one time……

Qiao Jia's movements seemed to turn on some kind of switch. The cameraman on the right side of the road pressed the shutter like crazy, capturing Princess Emina's panic expression.

After the vehicle passed through the media team, Princess Emina recalled the horrific scene just now and said in panic: "What's going on?"

Qiao Jia saw several cars parked on the roadside in front of him, and he motioned to the driver.

The moment the vehicle stopped, he got out of the car, opened the door, and transferred Princess Emina to the car where the kitten and the hemostats were.

Seeing Princess Emina's panic-stricken look, Qiao Jia smiled and said: "Don't worry, those people have no ill intentions towards you. They are all 'volunteers'..."

Closing the car door forcefully to signal them to leave first, Joga returned to the Swedish diplomatic car, leaned against the car window and faced the driver with a strange expression on his face, and said with a smile: "Man, it's okay to go around Los Angeles a few more times, right? "

The driver nodded and said, "Sir, I am honored to be able to help the princess get out of trouble.

Diplomatic vehicles are moving territory, and no one can do anything to me. "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia stuffed two stacks of hundred-dollar bills into the driver's pocket, patted him on the arm and said, "If the car crashes, it's mine..."

After speaking, Qiao Jia patted the roof of the car to signal the driver to leave first, and then he pulled Monica into the off-road vehicle where Nice and Ayo were.

After closing the car door to isolate the noise from the outside, Qiao Jia looked at Nice, who had deliberately put on a suit of the same style as the princess and was sitting in the passenger seat. He smiled and said: "Things are going well, you don't need to attract attention anymore.

Let's stay and watch the excitement for a while. We'll wait for Sister Jami and take her to the airport with us! "


Prince Shah held a cocktail party in the United States. Although it was not an official diplomatic visit, the Los Angeles police still set up a guard outside Beverly Hills.

Everything was fine at first, but when a vehicle carrying diplomatic photos passed through the media waiting area, the situation began to change.

A group of reporters excitedly blocked two broadcast trucks in the middle of the road, just blocking the Prince's Guards who came to pursue them.

These Arab bodyguards were also confused. When they got out of the car and wanted to drive the reporters away, they were slapped in the face, and then a series of questions made their faces turn pale...

"Sir, are you following the prince's request to hunt down Princess Emina?"

"Sir, do you think a woman doesn't even have basic human rights?"

"Sir, it is said that Prince Naif has a violent personality and the deaths of several of his wives are questionable. As his bodyguard, can you say something?"



How could a group of bodyguards cope with such a scene? In such a race against time, they were caught asking questions about the prince. If they said the wrong thing and went back, they would suffer serious consequences.

These rough guys didn't know what to do, so they chose to treat them roughly.

A bearded bodyguard forcefully pushed away a female reporter who was trying to get close to him, spat at the side in disgust, and then began to wave his companions back to the car.

They drove the car onto the lawn angrily, smashed the objects left by a group of reporters on the lawn, scattered them in all directions, and then rushed onto the road arrogantly.

But when they traveled less than 200 meters, they were surrounded by several police cars.

Several camera reporters used cameras to scold the police officers to watch them enforce the law, forcing the Los Angeles police officers to follow the prescribed procedures and meticulously stop the vehicles and ask them to get out of the cars one by one for inspection.

The police were also confused. They didn't know what was going on, but looking at the excited expressions of the media reporters who seemed to have taken drugs, the sophisticated police officers knew that they could not do anything outside the regulations at this time, otherwise they might become someone. A buffoon in breaking news.

After a few minutes of delay, the police leading the team learned shocking news from the only security chief who could speak English...

Prince Naif’s wife was kidnapped from a reception!

Although the media reporters nearby loudly refuted the 'lies' of the bodyguard leader, the police did not dare to neglect, and they immediately informed the headquarters of the news here.

Then the entire Los Angeles police force was mobilized and began to pursue the Swedish diplomatic vehicle.

Of course they didn't dare to do anything to that car, but they had to stop it, otherwise this matter might develop into a serious diplomatic incident.

In fact, there was no need for the police to be dispatched. The two TV station helicopters locked the location of the Swedish diplomatic vehicle earlier than the police.

These media groups are not usually friends, but this dream collaboration allowed them to find a sense of cooperation.

The two TV station helicopters seemed to be escorting the vehicle, arrogantly squeezing the police helicopter outside, and then the live broadcast reporter sitting on the helicopter shouted excitedly at the camera...

"Princess Emina is in the car below, and our Fox TV broadcast truck is at the intersection in front. They will cover the princess to break through the police blockade.

Let's work together to help the princess get rid of that bastard prince!

God bless America! ! "

As the live reporters yelled, a video of Princess Emina recording a call for help in the toilet began to spread wildly on the Internet...

Immediately after the American leftist base camp, Hollywood superstars began to exert their strength...

Those big stars don't care if you are a prince or a prince, when the first person comes forward, they will be kidnapped.

If you don’t move, you are an outlier. Even if you move a little slower, someone will say you are slippery.

When women's rights from all walks of life jumped out and the 'magic' was cast, things began to get a little out of control.

How long does it take to organize a march?

Los Angeles has the answer…

While the Swedish diplomatic vehicle was still running on the road, several women rushed to the door of the police station and held up makeshift signs to protest against the police for aiding the police. Then more and more people began to respond...

This is not the end...

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