From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 1588 Leverage the future

Cleverly finally saw that Boss Qiao’s so-called decisive battle between Beixi Security and Baltic Sea was not important at all...

In other words, what is important is not the thing itself, but the cascading effects of the thing.

Cleverley believed that if the British royal family could support him to hang Jacob Rothschild now, then the so-called decisive battle in the Baltic Sea would not exist.

All of this guy's actions have a clear purpose, to avoid taking the blame and at the same time complete the action of establishing his power, planting a flag in the world's top circles!

Seeing Qiao Jia's relaxed look, Cleverly said with admiration: "Jackal, you are different from any Chinese I know..."

Qiao Jia frowned and said, "What do you think Chinese people look like?"

Cleverly spread his hands and said: "Humble, low-key..."

Qiao Jia sneered and said: "Does that mean we also need to add 'easy to bully'?"

Cleverley did not take up what Qiao Jia said, he smiled and said: "I went to Hong Kong more than 20 years ago and dealt with some high-level officials.

The two characteristics of humility and low-key do not hinder the tough performance of those guys at all!

They didn't even have the patience to wait a second longer!

Charles was very angry back then..."

Cleverly looked at Qiao Jia and said seriously: "Jackal, you are the most politically savvy young man I have ever seen, but you must admit that sometimes you are too rough!

This is related to your profession, but it is not easy to firmly establish a foothold in the upper class in this kind of profession.

Because people there generally don’t like excessive violence!

Have you ever thought that those people could actually easily raise a huge army, even larger than the current PB, but why did they not do so? "

Qiao Jia sneered and said: "Are the 'executors' trained by the Lake Baikal Foundation using the shells of international intermediary companies to be Boy Scouts?"

Cleverly smiled and shook his head and said: "That's not the case, the 'Enforcers' are teams outside the rules targeting third world countries.

You should know that sometimes ‘rules’ don’t apply everywhere, and there are many ignorant and arrogant people in this world...”

After hearing this, Qiao Jia pointed to his nose and said, "Then am I one of the ignorant and arrogant people?"

As he spoke, he suddenly said in a funny tone: "But you are right. Those people have already obtained the majority of the benefits, so naturally they don't want to lead things in a barbaric direction. After all, that will incur a lot of additional costs."

Based on my experience in dealing with top politicians in the United States, perhaps using the power of the system to do things is consistent with my status as a rule-maker. "

Cleverly shook his head slightly and said: "Jackal, sometimes your views on some things are very radical, which is actually not good.

You never wanted to subvert the existing rules, right?

Have you ever thought about what you will face when you show strength enough to intimidate those people and even subvert the rules? "

Qiao Jia said without hesitation: "Control!

I know very well that this is why I am getting closer and closer to the United Nations!

I have long wanted to turn P·B's attributes into a borderless military organization and be willing to accept control from the United Nations.

Whether it is a UN General Assembly resolution or a Security Council resolution, I am willing to participate in the implementation.

My intelligence services are filled with spies from all over the world, and I have United Nations volunteers involved at every step of my humanitarian pipeline.

I don't mind being controlled by the United Nations at all!

Because everyone has to admit that maybe the Security Council is not absolutely impartial sometimes, but the resolutions produced by the United Nations General Assembly represent the will of the majority! "

Cleverly shook his head with a smile and said: "You didn't mention that you have a vote to veto the bodyguard. The little brother from France and the support from China can allow you to guarantee your independence."

Cleverly said in admiration and said: "Jackal, this is a great achievement, but if you don't join, even if you defeat the Rothschild family, you will still have a lot of troubles in the future.

Don’t take ‘one-vote veto’ as your trump card. When you get to that point, you may find that everything is different from what you imagined..."

Qiao Jia waved his hand in disgust to stop Cleverley's "shit-making remarks" and said very seriously: "Brother, have you ever thought that this step of mine may not be the end...

No matter what those people are like now, I have to admit that there was once a group of great politicians who constructed the current world structure and formulated the existing rules.

But you also have to admit that those people now have deviated from the track they once set!

The world is sick because people may not be prepared to deal with the impact of explosive productivity...

On the one hand, you need the goods from your old mother’s house to fight inflation, but on the other hand, you are worried that your old mother’s strong productivity will destroy the industrial capital you own.

You are a person who has been here. If the current situation were placed 100 years ago, war would have broken out!

The reason why there is no war is that people have learned lessons from history. Those in the East are desperately looking for new exits, and you will only hold on to the existing rules and not let go, hoping to rebuild your ideal world by defeating the East. pyramid'……

Now the East has opened up commodity trading links and has even built a new 'Silk Road'...

You cannot completely block the productivity of the East from the source through sanctions and commodity transactions...

According to your logic, you either choose to close yourself off and let yourself die from inflation, or you have to watch your own industrial capital collapse or move eastward across the board.

In this case, according to your logic, you can either choose to go back a few decades and let your people live a miserable life...

Or choose war and give it a try!

Why didn't the war break out? "

Cleverley said with a wry smile: "Because no one can afford the consequences!"

After hearing this, Qiao Jia laughed and said: "So you see, the United Nations is still useful...

As long as the old mother can maintain enough restraint and deterrence, one day when you find there is no way out, you will sit down there and find a new way out for the current world.

The 'free trade' that you were once proud of has changed from an invincible sword to a noose around your neck...

Man, before those people slap themselves in the face and change their ways, I will firmly uphold the existing international order!

am I wrong? "

Cleverley was stunned for a moment, then said with a wry smile: "You are not wrong..."

Qiao Jia laughed and said: "Of course I am right, I have always insisted on doing the right thing, and I am executing justice in accordance with the order and civilization established by those people.

Who can say I'm wrong?

But we are friends, and I thought I should give you a heads up...

The decline of Britain is inevitable. You can't even maintain a giant like Rolls-Royce, let alone other things.

Finance is meaningless without a physical backing!

The China-Europe freight train will soon open, and German industrial capital is showing signs of heading east. Once the Russo-W war continues, France will not be able to withstand it for long.

Because only by transferring capital eastward can they have room to mediate with Russia, so that they can seek new growth points while maintaining European stability.

And what about you?

You can't even come up with anything that interests the East!

Man, you need to look for emerging markets, and the royal family has a lot of money...

Come to Afica, it's the best soft landing buffer zone.

Think about when those politicians led Britain to ruin, and the royal family stood up again to lead Britain on a new path..."

Cleverley looked at Qiao Jia as if he were a ghost...

He is so familiar with this set of words!

First, exaggerate the facts and exaggerate the facts to make the other party's pride go away. Then use the local reality to cause the other party's anxiety, and finally propose a seemingly beautiful solution...

If Qiao Jia's statement were placed in Afica, and combined with his influence and credibility, it would certainly be a fool, but facing an old fox like Cleverly, there is still a breath left...

Because Qiao Jia didn’t mention the United States in the entire article!

Britain and the United States are highly consistent on political issues. America's hegemony is only showing signs of decline and is still far from collapse. Jorga's alarmist words cannot yet destroy Cleverley's confidence.

But seeing through Qiao Jia's words doesn't mean that Cleverly is not tempted...

The royal family and the government are not one and the same. If there is an alternative path, why not?

It is indeed a way for the royal family to come forward and show sincerity to promote the development of the Commonwealth of Afika!

As long as it can tie up Qiao Jia, the royal family can maintain sufficient control over those Commonwealth countries...

As long as the United States continues to target China, Europe and the United States will not be able to use China's high production capacity to curb inflation.

Choosing to raise interest rates to curb inflation is just drinking poison to quench thirst. Although it may be able to destabilize the economies of some countries and make them recover, it will not have a decisive impact on the overall situation.

Under such circumstances, investing the royal family's assets in Afika is not only a seemingly responsible political act, but also an effective hedging strategy.

After thinking through the pros and cons, Cleverly put on a helpless expression and said, "Jackal, what do you owe Afika for you to worry so much about them?"

As he spoke, Cleverley seemed to have made up his mind and said solemnly: "I can try to persuade Charles to invest royal assets in Afika, but I need some guarantees..."

Qiao Jia knew that he did not fool Cleverly, an old fox, but he was still satisfied with the result...

After picking up whiskey and pouring a glass for himself and the old guy respectively, Qiao Jia raised his glass and clinked it with him, and said with a smile: "How about 30% of the shares of P·B Investment Bank?

The scale of the investment bank is not large, but it has achieved very good results in Congo and Qatar in the past few years.

For 1.5 billion pounds, you can get 30% of the shares..."

Cleverly listened and said tentatively: "How about 15 billion pounds and 30% of P·B Bank's shares?"

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia waved his hands decisively and said: "You are dreaming..."

Not to mention the size and profitability of P·B Bank, 15 billion pounds is far from enough. Even if I agree, the French will not agree.

When P·B Bank was founded, some of its shares were in the hands of a few French people. Now these people are regaining important positions because they hold shares in P·B Bank.

Do you think they would be happy to let you come in and interfere?

Brother, it's not that I'm unwilling to transfer shares, but in my plan, the functions of P·B Bank and P·B Investment Bank are different.

Your destination should be East Africa and South Africa, with the main purpose being investment.

The French's purpose is in West and North Africa, and what they pursue is to maintain the financial status quo..."

Cleverly knew that P.B. Bank's shares were probably gone. He let out a long sigh and said: "The size of the investment bank is too small, and the price of 1.5 billion pounds is too high..."

The old guy said 'the price is high', but did not propose a new price, which shows that what he wants is not money, but more security.

Because if the British investment succeeds, it is certainly a good thing to increase their influence, but the corresponding decrease will be a decrease in control...

This sounds like a paradox, but the reality is that once the development of those Commonwealth countries accelerates, they will definitely seek more space and opportunities.

And with the actual control the British royal family has over Afika, they simply cannot stop it.

Without Boss Qiao's guarantee, they might really be alive by then!

Qiao Jia spread his hands and said bachelorly: "I've asked you to become partners, what else do you want?"

Cleverly glanced around, lowered his voice and said, "What do you think of Beatrice?"

After hearing this, Qiao Jia subconsciously took a step back, waved his hands decisively and said, "This is impossible..."

Cleverly looked at Qiao Jia's determined expression and said disappointedly: "Why not?

Beatrice has been in Sangha Town for nearly four years. She has accompanied you through the two most difficult years since the new century and has done a lot of good things.

I know Beatrice is average-looking, but I don't think you should be such a superficial person? "

Qiao Jia squinted at Cleverley, who had secretly changed his mind...

Beatrice did provide a lot of help to Sangha Town, but that help was the icing on the cake, not a help in times of need.

And compared to P·B, the British royal family gets more traffic from it...

Really speaking, Princess Emina has made much greater contributions than Beatrice, and her influence is much greater.

Qiao Jia is not even interested in Princess Emina, let alone the ordinary-looking Beatrice?

It’s not that Qiao Jia dislikes the princess girl who has dyslexia and is having a difficult love life...

If you don’t like it, you don’t like it!

Cleverly looked at Qiao Jia shaking his head in resistance. He lamented and said: "William's daughter Charlotte is 6 years old this year, and she happens to be with Igor..."

Qiao Jia looked at Cleverly, who had transformed into an old pimp, with an expression of disbelief. He waved his hand firmly to interrupt the old guy's words and said, "You are so thoughtful, does my son still need a princess?

Any constructive suggestions must be acceptable to me, otherwise the cooperation with the investment bank will fail.

You should understand that this is not me begging you..."

Cleverley rubbed his temples with a headache, and after thinking for a while, he said helplessly: "1.5 billion pounds, 30% of the investment bank's shares!

We jointly established an Afika asset management company, with each party investing 50%. All the royal family's industrial investments in Afika will be included in this company for management..."

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment, looked at Cleverley, an old traitor, hesitated for more than ten seconds, nodded and said: "I agree in principle, but the details still need to be negotiated by professionals."

As Qiao Jia looked at the relieved Cleverley, he suddenly reacted and said, "The asset management company is your target, right?"

Cleverley said noncommittally: "Marriage is the first choice, but since you refused, of course I have to be responsible for the royal family's property.

Jackal, don't underestimate the influence of the royal family in Afika. Although this influence is not decisive, our presence can save you a lot of trouble. "

As he spoke, Cleverly looked at Qiao Jia who nodded in approval. He reached out and patted Qiao Jia on the arm, and suddenly said with a waning interest: "Actually, I know that your target is not those Commonwealth countries...

You use PB banks and investment banks to stabilize France and England respectively. Who are you trying to buy time for?

China? "

Qiao Jia shook his head and said: "It's not just for anyone...

By cooperating with you and Brother Xiaoma, I will not suffer any loss no matter what the final result is.

Brother, haven't you understood by now that P·B makes money through construction, not just war and destruction?

It will not do me any good if the world is broken into pieces. Leaving some room for you and finding two strong reinforcements for myself will allow me to have ample room for mediation no matter what situation I face in the future. "

Cleverly was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said: "Binglan has suffered setbacks in Ukraine recently. Is it you who did it?"

Qiao Jia did not deny it immediately. He touched his nose and said, "Did I say that wrong?"

Cleverley realized that he had guessed correctly. He looked at Qiao Jia who looked curious and wanted to review. He sighed and said: "You didn't say anything wrong, you just wanted to leave room for England and France. Let me understand that you are not optimistic about Ukraine at all, or even NATO. "

Cleverly shook his head in frustration as he spoke. Only then did he realize that the young man in front of him was using his own methods to prepare for the world in a few years...

He is not optimistic about the current British government at all!

Once his prediction comes true, the bound British royal family will have no choice but to side with him.

I originally thought that I was tying up P·B using the shares of the asset management company, but in the end I realized that I might be tied up...

How could Cleverly not be frustrated?

He sighed to express his admiration, waved his hands with some enthusiasm and said: "That's it for today!

I will arrange a guided vehicle for you tomorrow and put your family on the same line as the Rothschild family.

Jackal, tomorrow is a very important day, don’t make it too embarrassing..."

Qiao Jia grinned and said: "What do I care about with an old man who is almost a hundred years old?

Don't worry, I'm just giving them a challenge and promise not to kill them! "

After hearing this, Cleverly walked out, shaking his head and saying, "I hope so...

Remember what you promised me, and when the time comes, kill the target I pushed over..."

Qiao Jia was stunned and said unhappily: "When did I agree?"

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at Cleverley's tired expression when he stopped and turned around. He spread his hands and said, "OK, as long as your target goes to the Baltic Sea, I will help you kill them.

I heard that the royal family has many unused castles. Is it not too much for me to buy a castle for my daughter?

As long as it's a real historical castle, it doesn't matter if it's in Ireland or Scotland..."

Cleverly was stunned for a moment, waved angrily and said as he walked away: "Should I let you go to the British Museum to pick out some gifts?"

Qiao Jia’s eyes lit up, he nodded and said, “That’s best!

The old lady passed away, and I traveled thousands of miles to attend the funeral, but you are always embarrassed to let me go back empty-handed..."

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