Doomsday Rise

Chapter 793, Xu Xiazi is optimistic

The three families in Blue City are the Zhao family, the Li family and the Wang family. Other families, such as the Liu family, the Sun family, the Zhang family, and the He family, cannot compare with the Zhao, Wang, and Li families in terms of power in the Blue City, and their presence is very low.

All affairs in the Blue City are basically controlled by three families.

The empty conference room seemed a bit dark because there were no candles lit. The person who designed the conference room didn't know what he was thinking about. The window for lighting was extremely small, as if this could keep the secret secret.

The conference room was not full. There were only three major families, three major chambers of commerce, and the Liu, Zhang, Sun, and He families. The other small families were too lazy to come. You don't have the right to speak when you come. Instead of listening to the announcement on the spot, you might as well sit at home, eat, and enjoy the service of the beautiful woman. The result is the same anyway.

News of the aboriginal siege came one after another, each one worse than the last. In less than an hour, a section of the city wall collapsed and the city gate was shattered. This was the fastest attack since the aboriginal siege.

A tense atmosphere enveloped the conference room, but the theme of the conference room was not the aborigines attacking the city, but Liu Wei'an.

"...The origin of this person is unknown, so we should not underestimate him." Zhao Jingtian looked at Li Yinyang, "Yinyang has dealt with this person before. Can you tell us about this person? Can he be used by us?"

"No!" Li Yinyang's face was expressionless, not only because he had just suffered a defeat in front of Liu Wei'an, but also because when he returned, he found that the Li family had been attacked by someone and suffered heavy losses. This group of masked men were not here for financial reasons, but purely for murder. They seemed to have some deep grudge against the Li family. On the way to the conference room, he kept thinking about who they could be.

The Li family has walked all the way to where they are today, and there are countless stumbling blocks under their feet. There are as many enemies as the Qing across the river. He really can't imagine who the opponent is.

Fortunately, he came back quickly, otherwise he would have been responsible for his death if he had alerted the eldest brother's retreat place. The opponent's opponent slapped him in the face, and his strength was so high that it made him uneasy. He had a vague feeling of familiarity with the enemy's aura, but he still couldn't remember who it was. He checked all the masters in the Blue City, but still couldn't find anyone who matched him, but the familiar feeling always lingered in his mind. This kind of discomfort felt like a thorn in his throat, making him very uncomfortable.

Wang Buyi and Zhao Jingtian, the heads of the Wang family, both looked at him. The others' eyes flickered. Li Yinyang acted domineeringly, and the word 'can't' came out of his mouth, which was particularly surprising.

In the Blue City, does anyone dare to reject him?

"If it's just about strength, it doesn't matter. Although he is powerful, he is still not as good as Blue City, but he has a strong character and a sharp eyebrow. He is not willing to be inferior to others. Moreover, Xu Xiazi seems to be very optimistic about him." Li Yinyang's first words were nothing, but the second half shocked everyone present.

Xu Xiazi is known as a half-immortal. Naturally, he does not have half-immortal abilities, but he does have real skills in pointing out the country and finding the dragon's acupoints. And his most powerful skill is face reading, which is extremely accurate in reading people. Counting along the way, he had seen about five or six people. In the end, these people all rose to high positions and became people above others. The person he saw recently was Li Jiutian.

Li Jiutian only revealed this matter after studying under Mr. Long Ju. It is said that Li Jiutian has an unclear relationship with the Li family. Li Jiutian has never considered himself a member of the Li family, but the Li family has always used to regard Li Jiutian as the Li family. Putting aside the grievances with the Li family, Li Jiutian is already one of the most outstanding people of the next generation at a young age. The future is bright, that much is acknowledged. As long as he doesn't die young, reaching the highest circle is almost a certainty.

Blind Xu’s ability to see people,

It can be seen.

Blind Xu is optimistic about Liu Wei'an, which is not a good thing. At least for the major families, it is not a good thing. The cake in Blue City is so big, they don’t want anyone to come in.

"I asked Mr. Lu, if one-on-one, none of us is Liu Wei'an's opponent, so I would like to advise you not to have any ideas." Li Yinyang said again, glancing at Zhao Jingtian.

As for the grievances with Liu Wei'an, the Zhao family is a little deeper than the Li family. After all, Zhao Qirui died at the hands of Liu Wei'an. Zhao Qirui is a direct lineage that the Zhao family focuses on cultivating. In addition to his extremely high talent, in the eyes of the older generation of the Zhao family, they prefer Zhao Qirui. Although Zhao Jingtian is the person in charge of Blue City, there are not many such people in the Zhao family. On the contrary, the degree of attention he received was not as good as that of Zhao Qirui.

"Can Black Dragon City really cultivate such talents?" Zhao Jingtian didn't believe it.

"Of course we believe Mr. Lu's words." Wang Buyi smiled with a smile on his face, always looking like a good old man. "However, this kid suddenly appeared in the Blue City. We have to find out why. He won't be Are you here for some sightseeing?"

"We all underestimated Black Dragon City, and even more so Liu Wei'an." Li Yinyang said something irrelevant.

"Mr. Wang, I guess you will have to step in to figure out Liu Wei'an's purpose." Zhao Jingtian flattered him.

"In that case, I'll just go away shamelessly." Wang Buyi looked like he would die for everyone.

The meeting has adjourned. The three major chambers of commerce and other families barely spoke. During the half-hour meeting, the three major families were basically talking while others listened.

After walking out of the conference room, everyone quickly returned to their families, and a few minutes later, they hurried to the city gate. The situation at the city gate has become extremely bad. Level 4 monsters are constantly appearing, causing heavy casualties to players.

South of the city.

The area is not small, and Liu Wei'an cannot manage it with just a few people. The first thing to do is to recruit people.

7,000 coppers per month, including accommodation for players who join the Ping An team. Doing business in the south of the city only requires half the tax. Shi Niu posted the recruitment notice, and the applicants almost burst through the door.

It’s not that this condition is very generous, the point is the previous rules of dragon mourning. There is no basic salary for working with Sanglong. All income depends on daily extortion. The more diligent you are, the more income you will earn. If you are unlucky and provoke the wrong people, it is common for someone to rob you of your monthly income. thing.

Food and accommodation are included, but property management fees are required. That's right, it's the legendary protection fee. His subordinates collect protection fees from others, and Sanglong collects protection fees from his subordinates. Each level gets the same, and he is so aboveboard and justified.

Doing business in the south of the city requires paying two taxes. One is paid to the direct rulers of the Blue City, that is, the three major families. One share was given to Sanglong. As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison. Liu Wei'an's conditions were really good.

However, although there are many people coming, not many people can enter the Stone Niu Hair Eye, less than one tenth. But because of the large population base, it took only half an hour to recruit 300 people. Heiniu dismissed the recruitment notice and stopped recruiting.

"Why don't you recruit?"

"What do you mean? We worked so hard to come here from the west of the city, but you stopped recruiting us just after we arrived. Isn't this a joke?"

"If you want to recruit someone, you can't. If it's that easy, what kind of place do you think we are in the Blue City?"

"Do you have any opinions? Come and talk to my sword." The black-faced god came out. He had a ferocious face and a fierce appearance. He could stop a child from crying without speaking. When he spoke, everyone felt a chill.

"Why don't you just take action if you can't make sense? You are gold level, and we are only silver level. We can't beat you, but most things in the world cannot be bigger than a reason. We people in Blue City all have backbone, and we will never do it. I succumbed to your force and power. Even if we risk our lives, we will not let you bully us."

The voice was ethereal, flickering from east to west, making it difficult to tell where it came from, but the words were like burning oil poured on sparks, igniting everyone's anger.

Don't worry about scarcity but inequality. When everyone is in the same harsh conditions, it's okay to suffer a loss. But if someone escapes from such conditions and enters a better place, some people will feel unbalanced.

This is the mentality of these players.

"Who is it? Get out of here." The black-faced god was angry, and his fierce eyes swept towards the crowd, but there were so many people that he couldn't be found at all for a while.

"Why did I come out? Did I come out so that you could beat me to death? Will you become angry and angry after I tell you what's in your heart? Even if you kill one of me, there will still be thousands more."

Silver light shot out from the window on the second floor, shooting through the void like a meteor and sinking into the crowd. Just when it was about to hit a big man, the arrow suddenly turned and hit a middle-aged man with a sinister face next to him.

The middle-aged man's eyes widened, and unparalleled fear appeared on his face. He tried his best to retreat, but the arrow was too sudden. The moment he moved, the arrow had already pierced his heart.

"You" fell to the ground and died after saying one word.

"Kill" the player next to him said one word, but he couldn't continue. Huge murderous aura surged out as Nie Pohu walked out, like a hill pressing on everyone's head.

"Get out!" Nie Pohu's arrows were drawn, pointing at everyone. The terrifying penetrating power caused no action, but every player who was swept by Nie Pohu's gaze had a feeling that if they dared to be naughty, they would be shot to pieces by arrows in an instant.

The Black-faced God also released his aura, and the auras of two gold-level masters enveloped the space. The fire in the hearts of hundreds of players was immediately extinguished by a basin of cold water, and they walked away in despair.

The 300 people recruited by Black Bull are naturally not recruited randomly, but these people themselves are members of the Ping An Team. They were arranged to enter the Blue City a long time ago, and now it is time to return.

Only when your own people are doing things can you rest assured.

The first thing is to ransack the house. Shanglong had been entrenched in the south of the city for a long time, and all the people's wealth and anointment he had taken away had benefited Liu Wei'an. Half of the warehouse is filled with meat sacs, power seeds, various equipment, and props. It's a pity that there is no World of Warcraft meat. Liu Wei'an's biggest challenge at present is not wealth, but World of Warcraft meat.

A team of more than fifty people quietly left the south of the city, took all the gold coins to buy Warcraft meat throughout the city, and then couriered it to Tianfeng Province.

The second step is to drastically rectify the rules in the south of the city. There is no need to make any innovations. Just copy the modified parts of the rules in Black Dragon City.

The third step is to visit the forces in the Blue City that are worth winning over, but before it starts, the people below come to report that the Wang family Wang Buyi is here.

"It came very quickly." Liu Wei'an smiled slightly.

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