Doomsday Rise

Chapter 453, the turning arrow



The sound was like thunder, and the impact hurt his ears. The black-faced god screamed and fell to the ground. There was a bloody hole in his left thigh, and blood was gurgling. It was a kind of magical beast called a dead wood insect, which came and went like the wind, specializing in Drilling holes in the human body makes it difficult to guard against them. The black-faced god stared at the Triangular Yak that was approaching quickly, his face pale. The Triangular Yak charged, not even willing to face the monster, let alone the players. They all avoided it and waited for it to stop before launching an attack.

But by the time the Triangle Yak stopped, he must have become a puddle of minced meat. The knife in his hand did not provide the Black-faced God with any sense of security. There were all players nearby, but at this moment, the Black-faced God felt extremely lonely.


When the sharp sound of breaking through the air reached the ears, a ray of cold light flashed away. The running triangle yak felt as if it was struck by lightning, its head suddenly exploded, and the pieces of meat flew everywhere, like a rain of blood.


The huge body of the triangular yak hit the black-faced god, causing the ground to shake. The body shook twice and then stopped moving. The black-faced god still held the knife, and was stunned for a moment before he got up. Looking back, Liu Wei'an was no longer looking in this direction. The flame talisman arrow was shot out, burning the two swamp leeches and rolling them.

"Thank you, Mr. Liu." The black-faced god shouted, his eyes filled with gratitude.

A faint smile overflowed from the corner of Liu Wei'an's mouth, the bow string vibrated, and a wisp of cold light shot out of the air, hitting the dead wood knot insect that wanted to sneak attack the warrior. With a bang, the arrow exploded, and the dead wood knot insect was exploded. of falling apart.

The corpse curse!

The black-faced god took out the medicinal powder and sprinkled it randomly on the wound. The medicinal powder was extremely effective, and the blood stopped immediately. The wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. The black-faced god tore off a piece of clothing and wrapped it, then rushed forward and wrapped it up. The huge hyena-toothed pig that rushed towards Liu Wei'an blocked him.




Streams of cold light shot out, piercing the void, hitting each of the monsters with incomparable accuracy. Some exploded directly, blowing the monsters into pieces, and some paintings filled the sky with flames, burning the monsters until they were charred on the outside and tender on the inside.


The unusually dull vibration of the bowstring resounded throughout the audience, and a ray of silver light shot through the air.


He shot a three-tailed fox to death.

"Serial arrows!"

There was a sound of a bow, and two arrows, one bright and one dark, were fired without fail. The three-cornered yaks fell to the ground and died one after another. Yan'er was sweating profusely and could not dig out the meat sac.

A wolf roar rang out, the sound shook the surrounding areas, and the huge figure of the black-armored demon wolf appeared in front of everyone's eyes. The expressions of everyone present changed.


There is no need to discuss, the players made surprisingly similar actions, abandoning the target of the fight, turning around and running away. Rushing towards Mogu Mountain, at this moment, no one was thinking about killing many monsters, they just wanted to save their lives.


The black-armored demon wolf was like a bolt of black lightning, unimaginably fast. No one could see clearly if it was attacking. One player had already disappeared. After landing, he jumped up and caught up with other players. With a slap of his claws, a sea of ​​players Screams were flying everywhere, and he was bleeding profusely after falling to the ground. He saw that he could not survive.

The tail swept across, with great power. A series of scalp-numbing clicking sounds sounded like a torrential rain, and the player sprayed blood and landed dozens of meters away. Then he stopped moving and his body was severely deformed.

The black-armored demon wolf bit, tore with its claws, and swept with its tail. It was like entering an uninhabited land. It killed players with corpse marks all over the field. They screamed in agony. Thousands of people ran for their lives. In just a few dozen seconds, it killed more than two hundred people. people.

"Don't run, otherwise you will die faster. Let's fight against the black-armored demon wolf together." Someone shouted anxiously.

The voice sounded familiar to Liu Wei'an. Looking around, he saw a young man wearing tiger skin, and he immediately remembered who he was. This man made a deal with him and exchanged a secret book with him for flame talisman arrows. On that piece of animal skin, Liu Wei'an learned the secret method of spiritual consciousness and saved his life several times. Speaking of which, this tiger skin The young man was still his savior.

"You must be sick,"

Do you want others to block the black-armored demon wolf so that you can escape with your life? "A thief said sarcastically without looking back.

The tiger-skinned young man had good intentions, but was treated like a donkey. His face turned red with anger, and he gritted his teeth. Seeing that several more people were killed by the black-armored demon wolf, he did not run away, but took off the bow on his back. , aiming at the black-armored demon wolf with an arrow.


The arrow shot through the air as fast as lightning. Liu Wei'an suddenly frowned. With his eyesight, he could see at a glance that following the trajectory of the arrow, it would hit the player's neck. Did the shot miss? It's not impossible. No one can guarantee that he will hit the target without fail. Moreover, in such a tense environment, it is normal to miss.

However, Liu Wei'an always felt something was wrong, because the tiger-skinned young man's expression was very calm, and he didn't look like he missed the shot. He stared at the arrow, and suddenly his pupils dilated instantly, flashing a hint of shock.

The arrow is a triangular iron arrow. The tip of the arrow is sharpened to increase the penetration. When it breaks through the air, the friction sound is slightly harsher than ordinary arrows. It is like a stream of light, appearing dozens of meters away, about to be shot. When it hit the player's neck, there was a strange angle deviation.

In layman's terms, it means turning a corner.

The arrow drew a beautiful arc, bypassed the player's neck by a hair's breadth, and hit the black-armored demon wolf's eye.


Fire shot out, arrows were bounced away, the black-armored demon wolf roared, Lightning turned to stare at the tiger-skinned youth, and the player who was about to fall into the wolf's mouth took the opportunity to escape, rushing out more than a hundred meters in one breath.




The bowstring vibrated, and bolts of lightning shot out. The tiger-skinned young man's bow-opening gestures were unique, which greatly increased the efficiency of archery. He was the fastest archer Liu Wei'an had ever seen. If this technique is used in combination with continuous archery, , it is possible to shoot out the legendary rainstorm pear blossom arrow.

The tiger-skinned young man has a body like a mountain. His hand holding the bow is motionless, but sweat breaks out from his forehead and drips down in large drops. His archery skills are outstanding, and his bow and arrows are both top-grade. However, the black-armored demon wolf is too terrifying. It was too high, and he could only break through the defense. It was almost impossible to kill him. The black-armored demon wolf was getting closer and closer, and his breathing became more and more rapid. It seemed that it was too late to escape now.


A long silver light passed through the tiger-skinned young man's field of vision. When the tiger-skinned young man moved his ears, he heard the roar of the black-armored demon wolf, his voice full of anger.

The silver light was composed of eleven arrows, which were fired at the same position of the black-armored demon wolf. The terrifying sustained power broke through its defense, and the last arrow shot deeply into the black-armored demon wolf's body. inside the body, and then exploded.

Blood light burst out, and a hole the size of a fist appeared in the belly of the black-armored demon wolf.

call out--

The cold light flashed and shot into the opened hole. Surprise flashed in the eyes of the tiger-skinned young man. As an archer, he instantly heard the difference in the sound. Sure enough, after the arrow exploded, another arrow appeared out of thin air from behind and shot into the black armor at an indescribable speed. The demon wolf's body turned into blazing flames with a bang.

The black-armored demon wolf roared to the sky, and he suddenly forgot everything else.

The tiger-skinned young man quickly retreated a distance, opened his bow and fired an arrow, and a hail of arrows roared out, not much slower than Liu Wei'an. And the accuracy is excellent, basically shooting on the wound.


"Serial arrows!"

The bowstring vibrated, and arrows were shot out one after another, so fast that it was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. Wisps of light could be seen, fleeting, and then the roar of the black-armored demon wolf was heard.


A sharp arrow shot on the ground, exploded, and turned into flames all over the sky. The black-armored demon wolf stagnated, changed direction and continued to rush towards Liu Wei'an. It could see that among so many people, he was the only one who could deal with it. There is a threat. With a wave of his paw, a strong wind blew up, and all the sharp arrows shot were crooked and flew to the side.

Liu Wei'an's eyes flashed sharply, and the broken tiger bow vibrated again.


When the black-armored demon wolf's front foot landed, the arrow just happened to appear, more on time than he had practiced. With a bang, the arrow hit the joint and exploded.

The corpse curse!

If it were an ordinary monster, it would be blown to pieces, but the black-armored demon wolf only had a tiny crack, which was easy to miss if you weren't paying attention. Judging from the huge body of the black-armored demon wolf, such a wound is like a bee sting. It hurts a little, but has no effect. However, is Liu Wei'an's attack that simple?

After the arrow exploded, an arrow appeared out of thin air from behind, drilling into the gap with faster and fiercer momentum.

"Serial arrows!"


The arrow exploded, and a fist-sized wound appeared.

"Mr. Liu, let me help you!" The black-faced god rushed over and slashed at the wound just caused with the force of the thick-backed knife that cracked mountains and rocks.


When the knife collided with the wound, there was a sound of metal and stone. The blade was instantly rolled back, and the black-faced god's mouth * exploded, and he was blown away. He fell unconscious after landing.


The black-armored demon wolf landed on the ground, and its own strength plus the power of inertia all acted on its two forelimbs. The continuously expanding wounds finally couldn't hold on, the joints were staggered, and the claws were bent at 90 degrees. The black-armored demon wolf's body collapsed. Crooked, almost fell.

In an instant, Liu Wei'an and the tiger-skinned young man broke out at the same time.



One is a chain of arrows plus a chain of arrows, a long piercing the void, instantly piercing through the black-armored demon wolf's wound, and a fierce explosion occurred.

The other one is a curved arrow. I don’t know what principle it is formed by. After drawing a beautiful arc, the arrow’s power doubled. After it entered the wound, it did not stop. It continued to penetrate the black armor in a curve. The demon wolf wreaks havoc on its internal organs.


The wound on the black-armored demon wolf's abdomen expanded rapidly, and eventually became irreparably large. All the internal organs leaked out, and the steam was boiling. The black-armored demon wolf suddenly felt deflated, and its momentum was greatly reduced. Liu Wei'an and the tiger-skinned youth kept shooting arrows, and after ten minutes, they finally killed the black-armored demon wolf.

The huge body hit the ground, and the ground shook. Liu Wei'an just breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly his face changed, and he suddenly raised his head. On another battlefield hundreds of meters away, a battlefield for gold-level masters, a man fell to the ground bleeding. The cave tiger raised its head and roared with wild and arrogant momentum.

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