Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 978 960 Your Savings

Chapter 978 960. Your savings

After listening to the description of the lady in the lake with a funny expression as if watching a play, Lan En also knew that the goddess did not care about the people coming and going on Lake Vizima.

As long as she doesn't want to, then even if the Temerians turn over Black Tern Island, or even drain Lake Vizima, they will not be able to see the true form of the goddess.

"Then I won't do anything."

Lann spread his hands and shrugged.

The goddess nodded indifferently.

"Of course, I also want to see how much more creativity they can show."

The witcher shook his head at the goddess' amusement.

Based on the performance on Lake Vizima, Lan knew that they had basically figured out the belief in the Lady in the Lake on Black Tern Island.

An image of a god who upholds the spirit of chivalry.

Therefore, drama-like plots are staged around Lake Vizima.

But if ordinary acting actions are enough to win the goddess's favor, then this favor seems too cheap.

The favor of the Lady of the Lake is simple enough, showing chivalry is enough.

But where are there so many knights in this world, whether they claim to be or have legitimate status?

Even if there are a bunch of civil servants in Vizima City Hall, which secretary-general doesn't have a knighthood?

Regardless of title, it's not that simple just in terms of spirit and actions.

Just like during the previous wars, even within the Nilfgaardian Legion, there were no tragic sacrifices among tens of thousands of people?

No warriors who died in the spirit of knightly glory?

But these people will not be blessed and favored, because this is a war between humans.

There are people in one legion who uphold a noble spirit, but not the other?

So which one should the goddess support?

Whoever has a noble spirit will receive more blessings if there are more people, or less blessings if there are fewer people?

But if a legion already has a large number of warriors with noble character and perseverance, then they can't win without the intervention of gods?

The complexity of the operation of human society is no less than the code of conduct of a certain god.

Therefore, gods like the Lady of the Lake will not interfere in the internal wars of humans.

The only one left who can still show the spirit of chivalry is the Lone Walker.

The value and persistence of a certain spirit cannot be expressed by words or preached everywhere. It needs to be tested.

A harsh, even desperate test.

It is in the test that the ‘real gold’ is revealed.

Lan En's test has been completed. At the end of the test, he expelled the evil gods that invaded the world.

In a series of actions before that, the five virtues of knighthood were demonstrated in him.

Honor, wisdom, generosity, valor and mercy.

So the Lady of the Lake distorted Triss's original teleportation spell, and turned her back on the mirror master, Gaunt O'Dem, and brought Lan to her.

If you want to compare it to someone other than yourself.

Lan En scratched his cheek.

I feel that I need to have at least a life journey like Geralt and Vesemir to be qualified to be recognized by a lady.


After saying hello to the lady in the lake, Lan En came to the Dark Water.

As usual, in order to take care of the villagers' ability to accept, Qilin and Rongbuqiu had to stay outside.

The kitten and Gulong were so happy, they were digging into the big package.

Qilin arched his head and wanted to taste the green flowers and moss balls, but the flannel ball was on guard, saying he wanted to see if they could be grown in this world.

This 'confrontation' has gone on all the way.

The two guys were at odds with each other, and no one paid attention to Lan En.

Apparently El Cat and the New World Ancient Dragon also felt a sense of relief after coming out of the World of Fire.

After entering the village, the witcher found that this originally dirty little fishing village had become much richer.

At least the tavern in the village has not only been fully renovated, but also the wooden exterior walls have been painted.

It was painted with bright paint to resemble the statue of the Lady in the Lake painted on the village's outer beach.

After entering, the candlelight illuminated the less-than-ideal interior with warm tones.

Onions, potatoes, and garlic were tied into garlands and hung on the load-bearing wooden pillars of the tavern.

The tavern owner, who had changed into a brand-new silk puff-sleeved tight top, had sharp eyes and immediately spotted his big patron.


He threw the towel he was wiping the wine glass over his shoulder and cheered.

"Master! Master Lan En!"

Lan En, who was lowering his head to enter the door frame, also raised his hand to say hello.

"Hello to you, Gatiss."

The tavern owner looked even happier.

"You actually remember my name?!"

"Otherwise? I still remember that day you put on a dejected face as if you were about to die, and said your last words to make me remember your name. That kind of self-introduction is really rare."

The tavern owner Gatis quickly asked Lan En to sit down and looked around at the same time.

Now Lan En's stature has completely widened the gap with ordinary people. Perhaps in the eyes of the tavern owner, he can hide it a little by sitting down.

However, according to Lan En's observation, there are five scattered people sitting in this tavern, but none of them are sitting here to get themselves drunk with alcohol.

They may be excellent intelligence agents, but there is no doubt that their senses are not as sharp as those of ordinary witchers.

Gatis brought over a large cup. There was a layer of water mist on the cup, and it had obviously been iced.

"What to drink this time, Master? The Redanian Herb from last time?"

"No." Lan En shook his head, remembering the bitter taste of herbs that he couldn't get used to. "Sweet, a little stronger, thank you."

"Then Nilfgaardian limoncello, with an extra spoonful of syrup!"

Holding his own extra-large cup, Lan En didn't mean to hide it too much.

He walked directly to a table in the corner of the tavern.

Sitting on the table was a bald man wearing a monocle.

"Long time no see, Taller."

Lan En sat opposite him, smiled and raised his cup.

The intelligence chief, who was sitting in the corner and eating a plate of roasted garlic, wiped his oily hands on his body and picked up his own glass of beer.

"Yes, long time no see, Master." He looked natural and not surprised. "Kindly, long time no see."

Lann took a sip of Nilfgaardian lemon with syrup, and the sweetness in his mouth made him feel very comfortable.

Taller exhaled a breath of cold air after finishing the drink.

"Pfft~ What a fucking piece of shit. The cooling amulet provided here is so effective. The beer is so cold that it gives me a headache."

He opened his mouth and spouted a lot of dirty words as always.

But after he finished cursing, Taller raised a finger from the hand holding the wine glass and pointed it at the tavern owner.

"You didn't blame him, did you? We are a group of people who work for intelligence, but Gatis is quite a decent person."

"It's already the last time to blame. I said that I don't object to honest contact. Besides, Gatiss can't refuse you. What's the point of blaming him?"

"Okay. I forgot about you son of a bitch, but you are also a decent person."

Taller habitually poured cold beer into his mouth again, and then his head was throbbing from the ice.

"If that doesn't work, why don't you let it go before drinking?"

Lan En glanced at him sideways and made a suggestion.

But Thaler refused.

"I've only had beer that was so cold in the summer in the fucking Vizima Palace. Just a few times! Now it's free!"

Taller said bitterly while pressing his head to endure the pain.

Lan immediately stopped trying to persuade the intelligence chief working for Foltest.

The resentment of social animals seems to be very strong.

The demon hunter pressed his palm down: "Okay, whatever you want, whatever you want."

"By the way, how are the post-war negotiations going?"

Lan En's original intention was to change the topic and divert this social beast's attention.

But the follow-up to this topic is really surprising.

"Oh, everything is going according to the process." Taller said casually as he squeezed out another soft garlic clove from the oily roasted garlic and ate it.

"War, no matter how alarmist it sounds, is just that. Everyone is familiar with it. After all, which country has never fought a war? Win or lose."

"Only this time, Vilgefortz of Logoeven. This talented, handsome and promising member of the coven shines in this negotiation."

"But I think, Ser Lane, your first fucking concern right now shouldn't be the finalized war negotiations."

After saying that, Taller looked at Lan En and grinned.

That smile must have left a terrifying impression in the eyes of many intelligence officers.

After all, if an intelligence chief with a bald head and a monocle smiles at you, this is probably a bad sign.

But Lan En felt that Taller's smile towards him now was more like having fun?

But this is wrong!

There are no sorceresses around here!

Lan En calmly pressed the roaring bear head pendant around his neck to confirm that he was not wrong.

"Then what should I care about?"

The witcher asked curiously as he took a sip from the wine glass in his hand.

"Your savings, Ser Lann." Taller spat out a word that made Lann feel nothing.

However, the smile on the corner of the intelligence leader's mouth, which looked like a show of excitement, still made Lan En pay attention.

"My savings?"

With a "squeak" sound, a door opened in a row of guest rooms behind the tavern.

Although Margarita has not been here for a long time, the huge rent she paid is still in effect.

But this room was not the one Margarita had booked.

The person who opened the door looked very hesitant, and this emotion could almost be heard in the sound of hesitantly opening the door.

Immediately afterwards, Lan En's eyes moved down from the middle height of the door that was pushed open, and he finally saw the appearance of the person coming.

That strong and fiery red beard is very representative.


The witcher raised his eyebrows, feeling a little confused.

Siloton Giancardi.

He was originally a member of the Giancardi Bank in the city of Gos Velen, but later because he wanted to make a career, he joined the Valyrian Steel Company where Lan En and Aretuza cooperated without hesitation.

The dwarf, who was originally enthusiastic and straightforward, now moved closer to the table where Lan En was sitting, like a little brat caught by his parents.

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